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SUB201900198 Plat 2020-02-20
r LEGEND EXISTING NEW 61 ,119 0 311.5 x 311.5 TC x 311.5 TW x 311.5 BW x -..... -..... X X -0- -0- (D m - CHU OHU - - ucu ucu - 0 0 (� L-1J � � v S S w w- O O 0 � AWA ir GAS c;Hs DESCRIPTION BOUNDARIES BENCHMARK SITE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK SITE TEXT PARKING COUNT TOPOGRAPHY INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR SPOT ELEVATION TOP OF CURB ELEVATION TOP OF WALL ELEVATION BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION STREAM STREAM BUFFER 100 YEAR FLOODPLAIN BUILDING BUILDING RETAINING WALL STAIRS EDGE OF PAVEMENT ROAD CENTERLINE FRONT OF CURB BACK OF CURB CG-12 TRUNCATED DOME SIDEWALK BIKE PARKING HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE HANDICAP PARKING MATERIAL CONCRETE RIPRAP ASPHALT EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING WETLAND TREELINE FENCE UTILITY UTILITY POLE GUY WIRE OVERHEAD UTILITY UNDERGROUND UTILITY STORM STORM MANHOLE DROP INLET STORM SEWER ROOF DRAIN SANITARY SANITARY MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MAIN SANITARY SEWER LATERAL WATER LINE WATER METER WATER METER VAULT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION GAS GAS LINE CONSTRUCTION GRADING ACCESS SIGHT DISTANCE UTILITY STORMWATER FACILITY MAINTENANCE STORMWATER ACCESS DRAINAGE SANITARY WATERLINE GASLINE OWN ER/DEVELOPER Tax map 91 Parcel 15: Jasper L Haynes & Mallie P Haynes P.O. Box 422 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Tax map 91 Parcel 9 David S. Witmer & Anna Marie Witmer 444 Rookwood dr. Charlottesville, VA 22903 ZONING 180A012,Galaxie Farm approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 4th, 2019 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Scottsville SOURCE OF TITLE Tax map 91 Parcel 15: DB 859-143 DB 619-368 Plat Tax map 91 Parcel 9: DB 2294-204, 207 Plat SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Boundary is provided by Roger W. Ray & Assoc., INC. Topographic contours are taken from the 2018 Albemarle County GIS BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 1988 FLOODZONE FEMA flood insurance rate map (community panel 51003C0426D), effective date February 4, 2005 shows this property is not within zone AE and no portion of the property lies within the 100-year flood plain. RESERVOIR WATERSHED This site is within the Moores Creek Watershed. This site is not within a watershed of a public water supply. WATER & SANITARY SERVICES This project lies within the ACSA jurisdictional area for both water and sewer and will be served by ACSA utilities. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transit (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontle:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be acheived. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization amt lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless othrewise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). GENERAL WATER & SEWER NOTES 1. Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper service authority officials at the start of the work. 2. The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans and where shown, are only approximately correct. The contractors shall on his own initiative locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. 3. All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the general water and sewer construction specifications as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. 4. Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. 5. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying "MISS UTILITY" (1-800-552-7001). 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3.5 feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals and water lines, etc. 7. All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. 8. Valves on deadend lines shall be rodded to provided adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 9. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. 10. The contractor shall be responsible to comply with the no -lead regulation regarding brass fittings effective January 4, 2014 (Senate Bill 3874 which amends the Safe Drinking Water Act). 11. All public water and sewer facilities shall be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. 12. Backflow prevention is required for all connections to the water main. VDOT NOTES VDOT's land development south staff (540-967-3715 or 540-967-3716 shall be notified 48 hours in advance of any anticipated road/shoulder closures", "The permittee or his or her designee shall report all work zones in the VDOT right of way on a daily basis at set up and take down to VDOT'S Smart Traffic Center (540-332-9500)", "Copies of all independent testing reports to be submitted to VDOT for verification", "A minimum 48 hours advance notification of a proof roll of both the subgrade and stone base is required by VDOT." "All areas excavated below existing pavement surface and within clear zone, at the conclusion of each workday, shall be backfilled to form an approximate 6:1 wedge, against the existing pavement surface for the safety and protection of vehicular traffic." And that "Traffic shall be maintained during construction of the tie-in and mill of the adjacent travel lanes." "water lines, sewer lines, etc. crossing future VDOT maintained roads have to be sleeved with ductile iron pipe "two (2) times diameter of the utility line)." And "A video (3 electronic copies to VDOT) of all stormwater systems carrying VDOT runoff or runoff under a future state road is required to be submitted to VDOT for review and approval prior to paving operations. ITE Trip Generation AM PM WEEKDAY se Description ITE In Out Total In Out Total In Out Total ultifamily 220 4 12 16 12 8 20 128 128 256 ingle Family Detached 210 5 17 22 19 11 30 141 142 283 Trip generation reflects AM and PM peak hour traffic as well as weekday traffic. EXISTING USE Two building SFD residences to be removed. PROPOSED US�_: Residential Uok :. 65 lots, 30 Single Family Detached, & 35 Multifamily (Townhouses). Areas of each lot are labeled on C4 Dimensions of each lot are labeled on C5, and C6 SETBACKS 1- For front loaded garages, the porch or building face shall be a minimum of 3 feet closer to the street as measured from the face of the garage door. 2- For those units that (1) do not front Roads "A.2" or "B", and (2) are located in Block 2, utilizing Private Road "E", shall have a minimum front setback off feel from the right-of-way of Private Road "E". All other units shall have a minimum front setback of 5 feet per Section 4.19 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3- All rear yards (except those adjoining Road "E") shall have a minimum setback of 20 feet. 4- Structures along Road "E" shall have a minimum rear setback of 5 feet. GENERAL PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION NOTES 1. This property does not lie in a dam break inundation zone. 2. There are no known places of burial in the property. 3. This property is not within an Albermale County and/or City of Charlottesville water supply watershed or an agricultural -forestal district. 4. Stream buffer's are shown on plan. 1 A04C '� AAw1A 5. The location, area and dimensions of a building site on each propo.lot complying with the requirements of section 18-4.2. 6. Parcel [15 & 9] and the residue of [91-15, & 91-09] each contain building site that complies with section 4.2.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. GENERAL NOTES 1. The information and data shown or indicated with respect to the existing underground utilities at or contiguous to the site are based on information and data furnished to the owner and engineer by the owners of such underground facilities or others. The owner or engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. The contractor shall have full responsibility for confirming the accuracy of the data, for locating all underground utilities, for coordination of the work with owners of such underground utilities during construction, for the safety and protection thereof and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the work. All of these conditions shall be met at no additional cost to the owner. The contractor shall contact "Miss Utilities" of Virginia at 1-800-552-7001 prior to the start of work. 2. When working adjacent to existing structures, poles, etc., the contractor shall use whatever methods that are necessary to protect structures from damage. Replacement of damaged structures shall be at the contractor's expense. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing site structures from damage and coordinating work so that the owner can make necessary arrangements to modify/protect existing structures from damages. 4. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying all utility owners, adjacent land owners whose property may be impacted and the Virginia Department of Transportation prior to completing any off -site work. 5. Contractor shall notify and coordinate all work involving existing utilities with utility owners, at least 72 hours prior to the start Of construction. 6. Contractor shall immediately report any discrepancies between existing conditions and contract documents to the owner and engineer. 7. Contractor shall submit for the approval of the owner submittals of all specified materials listed in the plans, to include shop drawings, manufacturer's specifications and laboratory reports. the owner's approval of submittals will be general and will not relieve the the contractor from the responsibility of adherence to the contract and for any error that may exist. 8. All bare areas shall be scarified, limed, fertilized, seeded and mulched. 9. All trees, saplings, brush, etc. shall be removed from within the right of way and the drainage easements. 10. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 11. Retaining walls require separate building permits. 12. All water service lines, sanitary laterals, and sprinkler lines must be visually inspected by the Albemarle County Building Department from the main to the structure. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT L�7 E Fi% R 1 TAX MAP 91, PARCFL 15 &TAX MAP 91, PARCEL 9 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SWA OlIiIIII" VIC Map provided by Google.com 4,p y� paj hair � - 10 EC ?_4S7 EJP4�41, SHEET INDEX &vy" C1 COVER SHEET C2 EXISTING CONDITIONS C3 DEMOLITION PLAN C4 SUBDIVISION OVERVIEW H;M C5 SUBDIVISION PLAN � Itil G I N E E R I N G 2- C 6 SUBDIVISION PLAN LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT C7 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN 912E.HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 C8 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMR-ENGINEERING.COM C9 ROAD SECTIONS DETAILS Y�Z oC_ -9- <,- el- Sub nittal Type Reviewed and ,4pproved by the Ccmmuni Dev open nt Department Date 0 in2�j _1 Signature 1-9 .4417 LeHe_r APPROVALS Current Development Planner Date Current Development Engineer Date Architectural Review Board Date Fire Official Date Building Official Date Albemarle County Service Authority Date Virginia Department of Transportation Date ��y�pt1�TH OF O �tJS � U JUST i. HIMP 45183 1-6 O SICNAL "�� PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT GAI.AXIE FARM ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2019.12.30 REVISION: FILE NO. 18.025 COVER SHEET SHEET C1 of C9 t I+t ...' I t t J t / { �' V' ; r f� /t i 7 � j' /� ! /,/ ,� ,1 � t,J �'" Y/I J // /`I(• t Ile - IRON `, +I ; I /` i )I .IP`l I , ' �� �' 1_ LL__I`t%�, iRI_� �If, Ii'.I I,/-t IJ' F D i ! 1 i I J 1 / r. - --•I-" i - -- (2,002 ) ' - \ 4 ! + qq l 1 4, `� �_ �x r, AA ` rt r ,/ • , ^ V - It•`( [rr j; r i J / lJi ,I'11t�1-1 1 .RI E l 1 �{J r / _.r,J _ :✓ D .,B , "19 79 4" � , �'� 4 7 Prrl A T - -- - 36 MARKE ' i ` " LOCUST N ?r' ` ' "4 (2002) \ i PRO \E S•:�HELHORSE9;�E?. I � J �oc�OA N / / /J ,.� S/1NI ARY , / �0 . CLA U D , \ .-� L. — /"'. — / / I I i r' IRON �, \ EX.lAt.C1IW - 9 I` GALAXIE FAR�1� LAND ' , / ,t•"�il�� ,r , ANT / , , - - / r FOUN J / F, ROKEN MET�t V4R�INIA THOE��AS _�HEI_H , I r (200g /�"� POST FOUND,X ' '! ��_ vE 5.03 ACRES--_-�0' ROAk�WAYIVD ' ' � / \ �Q D . B .10 4 9 8 6 /` I zJ+ f. 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HIGH ST. 434.227,5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM 0C L 0 *�'1 v JUSTIHIMP a 45183 O SIONAL $�1 PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT GALAXIE FARM ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2019.12.30 REVISION: FILE NO. EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET C2 of C9 C� i I f `� l + \♦ f ' ( l / J f 1 4 4 i 1 — ! ! ! r r / ! r / t if f 1 1 It ! r 1 ! !` f / f t � 1 i ROAD If 3 - / FEN�'i Gif RAM DRIVEW TE // ti +----------- , t - / t OUNDATIOW f f / ACC TA ; ' f' / (( �jIA�MRE��/� UILDING i3V I f (TBR) — — — — — — — — — — — — — TBR -- 1 4} fi rf f � // r' `fJ \, 400 l - --F-, : TBRR�- /FEN (TBR - - _ tXL t / ... IN _--------------------- / j . „—•—` ` < _-'�---- it (` r -►.. — ------------------------ t— ----- tN — — — -- -- I It it t ----------------- \\ , It r _ , , l \ li _ 1 ( It it i 1 t 1 1;rt if fj' �f Fflit J /i 1� i J ' J' / �•r % i O If PRO) MATE / i'j //SAN ! ! LOCA OF . LE ENT J �/ a' '% •/ /' / / / f f POLEF / / Air Xe / // ♦ / / f' / /rj� /;' r •-t: -.— ,' ,' :..� ,! /,/ � rr , it I ! J POLE l j / op ! (71 720'/ PERMANENT A• SA l / �./ i \ it '` \ SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT (D.131.3179-90,'R8 PLATS IF t\ \ t I ` r ! C t \ \ t �I POLE e t —---- i , 5- IV I ENGINEERING9. LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM JUSTIHIMP 45183 0 4 10NAL ' �AA1 PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT GALAXIE FARM ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2019.12.30 REVISION: FILE NO. DEMOLITION PLAN 18.025 II .• 0 .0 120 180 Scale: 1.• SHEET C3 of C9 C3 4AAle�( mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mm = mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm --------------------------- mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm w- ■ ■ ■ LOT 56 ■ ■ A = 10,420 ■ i .� ...— / ■ SF LOT 5 ■ I A = 5,905 SF LOT 7 LOT ■ LOT 21 A = 5,251 SF LOT 9 A = 4,926 LOT 11 LOT 13 LOT 15 LOT 17 A = 6,313 ,3 7,664 SF SF A = 4,808 A = 4,942 A = 5.094 A = 5,637 SF ■ SF SF SF SF ■ 5 t � � I � ■ t opEN sP' , ) s� r LOT A = 3, 5 A= 32,209 SF - ALOT 599 y SF i I LOT56 a. SF 1 A 69 1 SF LOT 25 A 1 Ly = 1.201 ` «` r LOT I 1 SF ■ 1 i LOT 63 ,LOT 23 l ■ i i A= 5,0 3 ' A = 2.336 r 1 1 SF S LOT 29 LOT �I A— 2,314 S A— 4,�20 1 i LOT 62SF mom —. r- ■ ■ EETIC5, C7 ■ Cw S�v ��x2�C3 � y sk o J F I LOT 5 A = 12, 4 SF 0 Sp A.77. /j y� SHEF7 C6, C8 . ce SS m (GKCf 57, Y7, 60 0 60 120 180 Scale: 1 "= 60' oz� dx `Io Cl C3 HIMP ENGINEERINGg LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912 E. HIGH ST, 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM O L J v JUSTIHIMP a 45183 S'01N L Ati PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT GALAXI E FARM ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2019.12.30 REVISION: FILE NO. 18.025 SUBDIVISION OVERVIEW SHEET C4 of C9 C4 \ / / | / � | / / | ' / ^ / / / ( ` / / | / / \ \ , ' ~ '~ ' _ ~ ) | | } / ' . \ \ \ , \ ` Ln en� / / / / / | / | / | / - 76 83.1 /^ ^f -- ( -- ------ - ` { / / -~ -----�--- ------------------------------ ` � ~ ` � \ / / V // '' .,~ ___-------^ -------------------------- .`.\ � ��-/� , ^�/ � /, HIM LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT 912EHIGH aT. 434.227.5140 oxAnLoT em/LLEw\x2902 JUST/m@o*wpswowssnwsuuw PRELIMINARY �U�R|���|�lN PLAT ' '�-�"."'""°~' =^^�='°'`�=` ��� �� N��� ������� �.���k ��N�~~ ����k������� ��� ���� ��,`����� FARM ������� ���� �����U�T�����|�b& ^"�^^^-.,"".~�^_ COUNTY, ""~^�""~^ ��������' ___________ ��������� ��� U��. 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HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUST I N@SHI MP-ENG1 NEERI NG.COM � JTH U JUSTI HIMP .45183 -1-1114 srow'L PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT GALAXIE FARM ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2019.12.30 REVISION: FILE NO. SUBDIVISION PLAN SHEET C6 of C9 awl Scale: i f / t � I r r I ! ! 4 1 1 HIM ENGINEERING9- LAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT / / / 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 / CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUST IN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COM I --------------------- t r "A 40 0 40 80 120 Scale: 1 "=40' � �,NLTH 0 ,off v JUSTHIMP 1q0'. 45183 PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT GALAXIE FARM ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SUBMISSION: 2019.12.30 REVISION: FILE NO. 18.025 GRADING & UTILITY PLAN SHEET C7 of C9 r� e'CA SlveA4- C�� J� Ajw'11� C 6, /cvv+� ` Cc4k� iw% /7 �'3 16 li )7- ........... zt 0`0 .............. HIM A • J ENGINEERING2 LAND PLANNING PROJECT MANAGEMENT �p io 912 E. HIGH ST. 434.227.5140 / ASEMEN or CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902 JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.CDM 4 al I t / tas Er 0 WA N R kASEMENT Sol 20 FT WATER g, EASEMENT N EASEMENT 200 6" DI FHA t it 'NLTlf �' t Jk' u JUST HIMP VIEW 1 45183 Ah— at 1L - U. 0. 1 1 / zi — ziu, Zjt) r- L-tA I / Lis CS Al "ol 00or A. Xg —5 -m-- 20 ACCESS 6 s —2 —s —s —5 —2 —8 —2 —2 —9 EASEMENT PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT 8' SDR-26 - 8 SDR-- GALAXIE FARM ak 0 FT 2( F%• -4a4- - — - - - - Sk ITARY W) TER EASEMENT AS11 MENT 488- ALBEMARLE COUNTY VIRGINIA Zlf SUBMISSION: ---- ------- w -4492- 2019.12-30 -------------- ----- ---- ---------- --- REVISION: per}— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - I jjjj� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — v ----------- ---------- — I v; POLE L ---------- 777�— ---------- ------- FILE NO. 18.025 -504-- ----------- ----- ---- GRADING & UTILITY PLAN SHEET C8 of C9 > 40 0 40 80 120 Scale: 1"=40' Mod I C8_j lo-ol NOT TO SCALE - For front loaded garages, the porch or building face shall be a minimum of 3 feet closer to the street as measured from the face of the garage door. For those units that (1) do not front Roads "A. 2" or "B", and (2) are located in Block 2, utilizing Private Road "E", shall have a minimum front setback of 3 feet from the right-of-way of Private Road "E". All other units shall have a minimum front setback of 5 feet, per Section 4.19 of the Zoning Ordinance. All rear yards (except those adjoining Road "E") shall have a minimum setback of 20 feet. G- Structures along Road "E" shall have a minimum rear setback of 5 feet. ROAD C 54 FT RIGHT—OF—WAY W y €L W L Li W -J 6 < Z p Of U LIr ci J J < Z J < � H H ROAD D 54 FT RIGHT—OF—WAY ef 7' 2' 6" 6' 5' 1- CD D of m ( J U F Z ��� (7 InW < C J Y J J QILI Q 1' 5 6' 6" 2' 10 W EL CY W < Z in t} U F J M J EL i li i 3 t 1 I , I I ROAD r DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE 10' 2' 6" 6' 5' 1' Z I - V) LU LJ CD ® F > Z Q � Z z � 1 ROAD D.1 49 FT RIGHT—OF—WAY I 1' 5' 6' 6" 2' 10' J v Z W Z V)LU � U i7 z J J �s Dndn A 1 } kyf�� 10' 2' 6„ 6' 5' 1 w 0� m ci off y W —J < Z 3::b J CD ZW J a_ 0 JJ �( cave nn l 1' 5' 6' 6" 2' 6' 1 o' 7' 2' 6" 6' 5' 1' 1' S' 6' 6" 2' 4' 10' 10' 4' 2' 6" 6' a 1' 2�5' 6�"2' w' 10' 10' 4W �" %5' W Y Q ca C2' W W C.9 Of M EL 9C W bi `S CL M [� LEI W LJ L1 C� ® CL y W L% M !� Ld z Ld Z M CJ U J Lv �(r.s�I Z Z Z W CY J U 0 J Q� {L-7 Z Z Z Z C.+' -! U Z �� Z Z Z Z � m Z � < r < < Y F "C Z a U F-- � J J J U < CJ J J J J CJ < PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAT i� I- J J �. CJ U} Ll W W 0 LU -1 J W 6.� Ld -J J + 'S C') U p Z W n Ca Ld W J J W C`3 U p_ W Im Mn GALAXIE FARM I, < M 0. F- G� Of 11111pol _ l AD�ROA.2 SECTION ROAD F 3' 3' Ld W Li c� 6a z z <C � Li Z z ROAD E 10' 10' 10' 10' W W W W Z FILE NO. 11111 111 SHEET C9 of C9