HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201900135 Plan - Submittal (First) 2019-11-21 42,,
36.2" IF A Associa`
O O Client
5401 N.Central Expressway
Suite 360
Dallas,TX 75205
Location Address:
1524 Insurance Lane
o; Suite C
Charlottesville,VA 22911
Community Grou ,Description Exterior Alum.Panel
(4.1 sq ft)
Provide 1/8"(thk)aluminu m panel
painted white w/surface applied
computer cut vinyl graphics;
MS" mounted flush to facade per detail.
SS Pan head screw wl white
screw caps Color Key;
1/8"(thk)Alum. PMS289 C
panel painted white PMS137C
Existing Wall
Layout Date:
Exterior Alum. Panel Scale.NTS 11/05/2019-AR
EGAN 1100 Berkshire Blvd.Suite 200,Wyomissing,PA I(Toll Free):844.460.6631 j(Fax):610.478.1332 I www.egansign.com
This design/engineering proposal Will remain the exclusive property rt Egan Sign until File Name:
S IGN approvsedand accepted thrc ugh pmthseuhyelisntnamrddirsvtlyon drawing and Sign Management Made Simple 24846_Charlottesville.pdf
may not be duplicated by other parties or design fee will epply 4 595 per hour Project Number:24846
( 10 i A Ji,-i C A .'1
PRE-PERMIT SIGN INFO Property ID: Associa 24846 PRE-PERMIT SIGN INFO•Additional Notes Property ID: Associa 24846 ■I
A.)Protect Name Mamie Date Competed 1049H9 VARIANCE A Associa.
B.I Street Add's.e: 1524 Msurerwe Ln,Me C(Parcel ID 004411241.00402D0) 1 Varian Needing: 1st Tess of the math App.Deadline:let Monday 2 months pia•3pm
C.)Clty/Stele/Zip: Cherlotesvllle,VA 22911 2 Pmcasing Tin.: Allow 00.120 days Est.Few: 1030 a min 9400 mil II ngllegared.rlieing1..
D.)Municipal Contact Jsh P.Baker•Building Permit Planner 3.Attorney or expeditor moulted? D Yes ■No Waling Period alter appro.a how Lang? 30 day ippesl period
E.)Contest Phone: 4342904N2e3276 Email: IJt+� fl:�-:r'di 4.Prob.N4y ofotMning wrier.? Contact would not Sl date
>Documents Required 9folded Oaf Sere Other: Assaf;
F.)AtlNese/Cltyy/ST/Zip: 401 McIntire Road,Charlottesville,VA 2290 Associa
■Sign Details 0 Engineering Seal D UL(lumber
S.)Jurl.dk06n: County of: Alwnrn. F. 4344724126 •Building Elevations B Goner Authonx.tion ur. U Property II. 5401 N.Central Expressway
H.)ZgnUgiCMapay: PUD l Planned Unit Development-Entrance Corridor Overlay Yes/No B Side Plan 0 Legal Description B Add Prof Seals Suite 360
L)Permit appfw: See attached Sign Permit Application Master Sign Plan: No NOTES Dallas,TX 75205
J.)Permit Process 0me: Allow 7-10 boa days for review,allowed 30 days per County Cane If yes..copy maiiaba? Notes al: INFORMATION FOR SIGNS
KJ Permit required I orb ra4cing7 yes
L)Property Owner approver needed? _.___, ___� _—— Yee Associa
M.)Temporary/canng•soon Banners allowed? _ __�-- Yee 1524 Insurance Lane
Temporary!rent riding Signs allowed? __Pen.nterbb.0.•nnn.ro..nwmrsuslmiarn.oll devices anD tslo_d__ Yes a )'Npertics located within an Entrance Corridor overlay district rq)ulre a Certificate of Suite C
Temporary Signe require Perm.?Time allowed'. Mac 15 cone days ex per calendar year-mu 60 days per csleM.r year ye. Appmpriateness(approval from the Architectural Review Board)prior to sign permit Charlottesville,VA 22911
Cen.pp.be maiVed or must I W subnited in person? Mey A.mailed,see attached Sign Penult Application approval.Entrance Corridors are identified on the Entrance Corridor Map,
Note. a.•Rotes 01 a edached S'•n P.rmll•o.Ena.nce Corridor Guideline.a ABS Si.n Guidelines • Signs for buildings in the Entrance Corridors that house multiple businesses must
ATTACHED SIGNS folk.the Comprehensive Sign Criteria that have been established for those QQKriDtiOn;
Formula for op n. properties.Properties for which Comprehensive Sign Criteria have been established Code
(Max.Sq.Fees Nan ID Lase per 1LF ot..tabliehment structure frontage,sot to exceed 200.7/Nan•.tebllshment hes both protecting a well W Irg e lasted.with tax ita/parcel numbers.in the table entitled"Developments with Sign Code
Secand.Nl: signs,iM allowed sign ern o/tM wail sign shall be reduced by the sign Cr..of the projecting signLI Comprehensive Sign Criteria".The sign criteria for each property can be found on-
2.)Sq Fl for trig.sides/rear: Fomrtes line at the ARB Applications Forms Center.Signs meeting all the criteria established
3.)Dos Each elevation have own ale.or Is allowance based on Main Bowdon? Earth elevation for the respective properly may Inc reviewed approved by staff without review by the
4.)Transfemble aliment.? No
0.) 0allowed: 1 prolectinga 1 wall Inumlr ,: InllM,.Nab.a rtadpd Entree.Corridor Inge Guidelines pg.67813
0.)Cedi.t:on Maillot U.e smallest geometrical shape pre Signs:
7.)Max.Overall elelpt' Nor to exceed the cornice line
8.)E1poW raawiy for Ch.nnd Led..allowed? 0.0.wrye are allowed/See.!ached&trance Corridor Sign Guidelines pg 12b —1 per sweet bongo or 2 per entrance,penal Mtn 102 or more reel of c0ntmu7us steel Montage pus I per fort(tide lot is
0.)Specie Wan sign cotenchle property: Al wall sign.in.mules..business center shell use a single sip,type _greater rrla'14 acres and has more hen 1 approved entrance on its fronoge
10.)Sp.olel stoMmm building cdo.. For raw -mounted channel letters the racewa shall match the wall color/S.•ARS Brochure sees _... .
1.)Formula for ape R. Monument sign.are preferred Per Entrance Corridor&ARS Guideline./Mu Mat pia bon.tenant panel.:if more than
S600EmirNam ID 1 sign at an entrance, shale sign shall exceed lee/
I Emir Main4.15.17 SICz 7II.LU1fINATION
Color Key:
2.)a Mowed: See P/S Sign Notes lauminadoe See Wall Sign nluMNllon _ Each sign Mane e subject to the following:
3.)Neigh!Max:12It Grads-to-sign Clea0 WA — a. /fhgnDoatnd Signs.Sums using any form of outdoor lu inaire shall comply with the requirements
4.)Set-beck: Min fin from properly Irene Calculation Math.:Count only largest sign Nee of metiers 4.17.
1.)OAllowed' larmare per esbb,nsetnorindMumps edmnaala Ilium ration. Notarlpeteted-subnll for.view _ b. STEM using rope gar lamination.Signs using cponod,bare,or uncovered rare gm dlumartson.
2.) May.SgFt 240 Mes Haight an and signs Within the enhance corridor overlay district vtrohie Prom an entrance corridor overlay
street that use rare gm dhlmiitatim covered lit,'a transparent taatenat,shalt not have a brightproa
3.) Permit Yee/Min eh.nb.ek Cumpm Logo.Not eupulsted-submit for review — that exceeds thirty(301 milltafms.Bnehtaesa shall be determined by the zonha administrator.
DOOR/WINDOW VINYL _ cute shall consider information presided by the sign 17anudcnYef.the rated size of the sigti s
transformer,and any other relevant information deemed appropriate.
4 Allcwet Not dlMIN,.l See attached Eno Ca Nen Rddelinespg 9 May Sq Ft Total area NTE W frontage
per Wein froage
2.) Logo counted in sign wee? Yes
3.1 Included in well dgn allowance? No
4c, Sgn me net required?: Yee,but no ARS review required
Layout Date:
Note Aggregate area of ell windrow signs an each ...led20 ch.endow or door does not...led NM of the total NM of the window or door
.6....y,,.,iae b..a...oa.Gam ph.'mew.con.s.n.Una.ro=r.n...e+a..n.,c.wawa,.doh ne een,erewe...n,000... 10/31/2019-AR
.,orb.anW awe M+MM..con.r0Wna py,xw nnM n,n e loon..sow..le mom par branur.eun.
Revision Date:
Code Check >- s,> 19 AR
EGAN 1100 Berkshire Blvd.Suite 200,Wyomissing,PA I (Toll Free):844.460.6631 I(Fax):610.478.1332 I www.egansign.com
File Name:
This Les!g n/en ineen proposal will remain the exclusive property of Egan Sign until
S I (; NI, approved and actcptilthroughpunhiscby client namcddircttlyon drawing and Sign Management Made Simple 24846_Charlottesville.pdf
may not be duplkated by other parties or design fee will apply S95 per hour Project Number:24846
• 0 e4 f,(N A-L_ S a ,�
uI '__ - Client,.
; : Associa
ti t �_ 5401 N Central Expressway
•t �....'i's _ Suite 360
\ .r ��. .4• Dallas,TX 75205
i.t- , IIII Location Address:
y_ ...... a -... r+ _ t- r Associa
• �~ ��� �rr Assoaa _ z
, \ c m w ou _ .. , 15241nsurance Lane
Suite C
ExistingIll I
ti 1 I."1 T� j r� Charlottesville,VA 22911
r 1 ,
a `
-Wiz: m- Description:
Exterior Alum.Panel
(4.1 sq ft)
++�yam� - T t Z ,-_ ' -
Square Footage Calculation: +'
Code:1.5 sfflinear feet of established , - x
structure frontage,not to exceed 200 sf ,
Calculation:1.5*138 Proposed Color Kev;
Allowed:138 sf
Used:4.1 sf
Layout Date-
10/31/2019 AR
Revision Date:
Exterior Alum. Panel 11/05/2019 AR
EGAN 1100 Berkshire Blvd.Suite 200,Wyomissing,PA I (Toll Free):844.460.6631 I(Fax):610.478.1332 I www.egansign.com
�� This designlengmeenng proposal An II rerr„.In the exclusive property cf Eg.n Sign unt, File Name:
S I G V approvid and attcpttdthquphpurtitt5uhydent ham,ddirpttlyon drawing and Sign Management Made Simple 24846_Charlottesville.pdf
may not be duplicated by other parties or design fee wlllapply $9S per hour Project Number:24846
l9/7.4l 1AJ11-7 C,J2
15LU As�o'
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, Fr. .„
IF A Associa`
/ .:' .....,
m'' �' Client
'.�'. -in
. Associa
Suite C
,`.a y '' !� . 5401 N.Central Expressway
m / t' • 'C� //� s Suite 360
c° 1ts0 - 'ri� Dallas,TX 75205
# • , A Location Address:
1 4 a.
N. - .rill Associa
1524 Insurance Lane
Suite C
follymaad Dental Arts® ` "`'^ Charlottesville,VA 22911
. .all
i' Descriotion:
\,� - Site Plan
klbemarle Montessori 0,11 �f
Children s Community J f • y
:Suite C
7001014,1,44/4 -- ... --
Pediatric::trl Associ tti ir
. /114 Ch. ....„„ .... .ar,o,„esviti. Nor, .
. ,,
i(r Color Key:
r `, ,y� x 1,„,1
Kati •
F• "#.
.t. t C
Layout Date:
10/31/2019 AR
Revision Date;
Site & Sign Location Plan
S P Scale:NTS
EGAN 1100 Berkshire Blvd.Suite 200,Wyomissing,PA I (Toll Free):844.460.6631 j(Fax):610.478.1332 I www.egansign.com
fl d sgr,engn n r n9 pp,sa1w11 entiinth <
edus,vep p.�t,of Egan Sinn until File
SIGN r ,c1 and atteptcd through pruchwbyt ntnarutddir clyondrawingand Sign Management Made Simple 24846_Charlottesville.pdf
r ay not be duplkated by other parties or design fee will apply S95 per hour Project Number:24846
C7.7 A(.,kJ(.'L S(/lr)