HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201800005 Correspondence 2017-09-12 gt1G11,'
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
To: Mr. Michael Sweeney(michael@shaminhotels.com)
Mr. Daniel Hines (dhines@bohlereng.com)
Mr. Douglas O. Tice (dtice@glcva.com)
From: Tim Padalino
Date: September 12, 2017
Subject: Pre-Application Meeting#2017-114 (August 28, 2017)—
Tax Map Parcels# 78-64 and 78-65 on State Farm Boulevard
The following are County staff comments regarding the above noted pre-application meeting. This meeting
satisfies the requirement to participate in a pre-application meeting prior to submittal of a Zoning Map
Amendment (ZMA) application. The purposes for a pre-application meeting are to:
(i) provide the applicant and the county a common understanding of the proposed project;
(ii) inform the applicant about the proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive
plan, other relevant policies, and county regulations;
(iii) broadly identify the planning, zoning, and other issues raised by the application that need
to be addressed by the applicant;
(iv) inform the applicant about the applicable procedure; and
(v) allow the director to identify the information the applicant must submit with the
application, including the supplemental information delineated in subsection (c).
Receiving the relevant supplemental information will allow the application to be
comprehensively and efficiently reviewed.
(i)provide the applicant and the county a common understanding of the proposed project:
Obtain ZMA approval for a concept plan to allow construction of a 126-room hotel by Hampton Inn&
Suites. The two parcels under consideration (subject properties) are identified as TMP 07800-00-00-06400
and TMP 07800-00-00-06500, which are located in the Rivanna Magisterial District and the Planned
District—Mixed Commercial (PDMC) Zoning District. The parcels have frontage on State Farm Boulevard
and are approximately 4.4 total acres in size. At this time, the subject properties are currently undeveloped.
(ii) consistency with the Comprehensive Plan:
The future land use designations, as contained in the Pantops Master Plan, are primarily "Urban Mixed
Use" along State Farm Boulevard with some other areas designated as "Parks" in the rear portions of these
parcels. The Pantops Master Plan is available online at:
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/community development/forms/Panto
Staff have not identified any apparent inconsistencies with the Comprehensive Plan goals or objectives at
this time with this proposed u; -iowever, the proposed site layout (as wn on a conceptual "site
exhibit" dated August 22) is inconsistent with several Neighborhood Model Principles contained in the
Comprehensive Plan. Please see the attached Neighborhood Model Principles document for more
information about the County's preferred planning and design principles within the Development Area.
Please also review the following initial staff comments (below) regarding Neighborhood Model principles:
Pedestrian Sidewalks are not shown across the front of the site along State Farm Blvd.Sidewalks
Orientation should be shown extending to both the northern and southern property lines.Street
trees should be planted between the back of the curb and the sidewalk.
As you may know,the County has been implementing a sidewalk project along the
northwest side of State Farm Blvd.;the concept plan should show sidewalks that
include,or connect to,the County sidewalk project.If this sidewalk is not constructed
before your project is built,you will need to build a sidewalk,preferably in the
location shown on the attached plan sheets,along the frontage with State Farm Blvd.
(Please see the attached excerpts from the plan sheets for the sidewalk project.)
Additionally,a sidewalk should be provided from the street to the building and to the
rear parking lot.
Mixture of Uses The land use designation of Urban Mixed Use anticipates a mixture of residential and
commercial uses in this area including retail, office,and service.A hotel would
contribute to a mixture of uses in this area.
Neighborhood The development relates to the Employment Centers of State Farm Insurance and
Centers Martha Jefferson Hospital.Please ensure the proposed project improves pedestrian
connectivity between the proposed hotel and nearby neighborhood centers.
Mixture of Housing This principle is not immediately applicable-the proposed project is a hotel.
Types and
Interconnected A new connecting road at the rear of this parcel is shown on the Pantops Master Plan
Streets and to provide for a block configuration supporting the Urban Mixed Use area. Due to the
Transportation presence of steep slopes and existing development along Hickman Road,it appears
Networks that this road would be very difficult to build.As a result,staff believes that providing
the road is not essential to your development.
Conceptual site planning for this project should provide parking lot connections to
TMP 78-63 (to the northeast) and TMP 78-20F1 (to the southwest) to create
opportunities for interparcel vehicular access and connectivity.
Multi-modal Bicycle racks on the site could enhance the use of alternative transportation modes,
Transportation primarily in support of hotel employees.
Parks,Recreational Portions of the rear areas of these two parcels are designated as "Parks"in the
Amenities,and Open Pantops Master Plan.Due to existing topography and their location away from public
Space right of ways,these areas may be more suitable for"Greenspace"uses, as compared
to the current"Parks"designation (which typically includes recreational uses which
are more public,active, and formal).Managing the steep slopes and the existing land
cover in these areas for"Greenspace"uses may be more preferable.
Buildings and Space Cou_,,__,staff recognize that some of these imp it details are not finalized until a
of Human Scale later point in the process.However,the proposed building massing,setbacks,and
parking space locations appear to be inconsistent with these principles.When
applied to this proposed project on the subject properties,this principle should be
embodied by: a building situated closer to,and having a stronger relationship with,
the street; a building with an articulated façade and non-monumental massing; and
parking spaces relegated to the sides and rear of the building.
Relegated Parking The proposed site layout is inconsistent with these principles.A double-loaded
parking lot with 24'drive aisles should not be located between the building and the
road frontage.No pedestrian connection is provided between the building and the
State Farm Blvd.right of way and/or sidewalk.These elements are necessary.
Redevelopment This principle is not applicable-the subject properties are currently undeveloped.
Respecting Terrain The rear portions of the parcels contain Steep Slopes (Managed) as well as a small
and Careful Grading portion of Steep Slopes (Preserved) overlay districts.Grading and/or development
and Re-grading of may occur within the managed steep slopes area,provided that design standards in
Terrain Zoning Ordinance Section are satisfied to mitigate the impacts caused by
the disturbance of the slopes.For such grading,a 3:1 or 4:1 slope is strongly
preferred;terraced retaining walls no greater than 6 feet in height are also
acceptable.Please refer to the Zoning Ordinance for all applicable design standards.
Clear Boundaries This principle is not applicable-the subject properties are not adjacent to a Rural
with the Rural Area Area boundary.
(iii) broadly identify the planning, zoning, and other issues raised by the application that need to be
addressed by the applicant:
• Viewshed Protection: This property is likely in the Monticello viewshed. Please coordinate with the
Thomas Jefferson Foundation regarding the proposed project and its potential impacts on the viewshed
from Monticello. Specifically,please contact Ms. Liz Russell at lrussell@monticello.org.
• Level of specificity: You may wish to submit a ZMA concept plan which would allow for possible
future uses other than just "hotel." For example, you may consider preparing a ZMA concept plan
which shows a specific area for "primary structure" or "primary use" and which provides basic
information for that structure/use, such as maximum height, maximum floor area, etc. Please also note
that this comment form is intended to provide advance notice about (future) site plan issues; the ZMA
concept plan does not need to demonstrate total conformity or compliance with all County Code.
• Albemarle County—Engineering Services:
o An approved Water Protection Ordinance (WPO) /Virginia Stormwater Management
Program(VSMP) Plan is required prior to land disturbance.
o Site plan, including grading and improvements, must be designed in accordance with the
requirements established by the Preserved/Managed Slopes overlay(Zoning Ordinance
Section 30.7 —"Steep Slopes Overlay District").
• Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA):
o Future connection fees are estimated to be approximately$850,000.
o A sewer replacement may be necessary across the rear of the subject properties, if more
fill is to be added on top of the existing underground pipe.
o Construction plan submittal/review/approval may be necessary for proposed water utilities
and infrastructure during fmal site plan review, if fire hydrants are necessary.
o A grease interceptor will be necessary in conjunction with any food preparation in the
proposed hotel.
• Virginia Department of .sportation(VDOT):
o Show turn lane warrants for proposed entrance(s).
(iv) applicable procedures:
• Prepare and submit a completed Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA) application, including copies of an
concept plan and written narrative, as well as the associated fee payment. (Please see attached ZMA
• Conduct a Community Meeting within thirty-one (31) days of submitting the application fee. The
applicant must coordinate this required meeting with County staff, the Rivanna Magisterial District
Planning Commissioner and County Supervisor, and the Chair of the Pantops Community Advisory
Committee. (Please see attached Community Meeting Guidelines, Notification Map, and Notification
List of Property Owners.)
• Attend public hearings conducted by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors.
(v) identify the information the applicant must submit with the application, including the supplemental
• ZMA Concept Plan
• ZMA Written Narrative
• Completed copy of the Conventional District ZMA Checklist (attached)
• Copy of this Pre-App Comment Form
• Please refer to the ZMA application for details of required information, including the required
minimum number of copies for each document.
If you have any further questions, please contact me using the information provided below.
Thank you; sincerely,
Tim Padalino, AICP
Senior Planner
(434)-296-5.832 x 3088
• Zoning Map Amendment application
• Conventional District ZMA Checklist
• Neighborhood Model Principles summary
• Excerpt Sheets from Sidewalk Plan for State Farm Boulevard
• Community Meeting Guidelines
• List of Nearby Property Owners to be included in Community Meeting Notification
• Map of Nearby Properties to be included in Community Meeting Notification
The Neighborhood Model
Taken from the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan, The Neighborhood Model Principles were originally adopted in 2001 and
reaffirmed in 2015 as the preferred form of development for Albemarle County's Development Areas. More information and
illustrated guidelines may be found in Chapter 8 and Appendix A.8 in the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan, which may be
found on-line under"Publications"at www.albemarle.org.
1. Pedestrian Orientation
A pedestrian orientation means that walking is a convenient, safe, and a
comfortable form of transportation, which occurs when these elements are
• Concrete sidewalks or other solid paths located along streets; �'r �—
• Sidewalks that are wide enough for the walking activity expected on I
the street and appropriately separated from the street; nr C".
• Short block lengths; - e0
• Landscape elements that buffer thepedestrian from the street; 4 '
• A destination to which one can walk,such as a neighborhood center; `` r
• Human-scaled buildings; and . i i i r pit
• Crosswalks.
2. Mixture of Uses
In the Development Areas, a mixture of uses is expected, rather than uses
segregated into individual areas for residences, retail and office, and industry. Just as older Old Trail Town Center-Crozet
villages and towns contain a mixture of uses, newer neighborhoods can develop the same
friendly blend of useful services, shopping, or employment and close-in housing. Many uses can be combined within a
neighborhood as long as potential nuisances, such as traffic, odors, noise, vibrations, and hazardous materials, do not
adversely affect surrounding uses. In a pedestrian-oriented neighborhood or area, it is important that buildings directly
address the street with attractive front facades and inviting entrances. Parking should be relegated. Landscaping and
screening may be needed to help give residential areas privacy and act as sound buffers.
3. Neighborhood Centers
Neighborhood centers are focal points or places in a neighborhood or area where people congregate. A center may be a
school or park, location of a major employer or a shopping area. Like the Charlottesville downtown mall, centers are
destinations.They are very important in creating the identity of an area and can be the heart of a neighborhood.
4. Mixture of Housing Types and Affordable Units f :�
A mixture of housing types means that a residential neighborhood can r
accommodate a population with varied backgrounds, circumstances, and -
need and provide a full range of housing types to create choices for �� II II I --
residents. Unless a mixture of housing types already exists in an area, new
development proposals should offer a variety of housing types for ~ - It iilt411 1
different income levels. Affordable units should blend into a neighborhood I t
so that they are not discernible from the outside as the "cheaper" units. �' 4.
5. Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks
Interconnected streets enable drivers and especially drivers of emergency
service vehicles to find alternate routes in and out of neighborhoods. This t^ ' . •
situation, in turn, helps prevent building wide, busy streets that are
unfriendly to pedestrians. Streets should be understood as part of a larger overall network. Wickham Pond-Crozet
6. Multimodal Transportation Opportunities
Multimodalism is important to help achieve livable compact urban areas by ensuring that drivers,walkers, bicyclists, and transit
users all have the ability to travel. Complete streets provide sidewalks, bike lanes, and stops for public transit. Sidewalks
make it possible for pedestrians to walk from place to place, as well as make transit stops accessible. Sidewalks are
expected on all new and improved streets in the Development Areas. Transit is a key feature of multimodalism and expansion
of transit should be anticipated as new mixed-use developments are built outside of the current routes.
October 20,2015
7. Parks, Recreational Amenities,and Open Space
Parks, natural areas, recreational amenities and other undeveloped open areas are essential to create a high quality of life in
the Development Areas. They can be "standalone" areas or part of "green" systems or corridors. Ideally, parks and
recreational amenities are centralized features that are accessible on foot or bicycle. They can be public or private and
provide for active or passive recreation. They are crucial to the quality of life of residents in the Development Areas,
especially as the County continues to achieve goals for density.
8. Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale
Places that are inviting and comfortable for pedestrians
have a human scale. A human scale is created with building ';a
heights, yards/setbacks, relegated parking and articulated t "
building fronts. Pedestrians gauge the height of buildings , t
by the number of stories. Stories are most easily :i ?s.
distinguished by windows and other facade details. In , < ��" A
mixed-use areas store fronts also help the pedestrian to r,l
assess their relationship to the nearby building and the .." ►, w
street. Excellent models can be found in downtown t' t'
9. Relegated Parking r:+■+r+r'■'"e._y`.`
Relegated parking occurs when parking lots are located to " � ...ak
the side or the rear of buildings along a street. When this Luxor-Pantops
happens, buildings are the dominant features along streets and parking lots are secondary features.
When parking is relegated pedestrians do not have to cross major parking areas when walking from a sidewalk to a building.
Walkways should connect sidewalks along a street to the front entry of buildings A building should never turn its back to the
street;the front entry to a building should face the street.
10. Redevelopment
Redevelopment promotes the reuse of buildings or areas to j l44,
improve the functionality and appearance and make use of
existing infrastructure. Redevelopment helps avoid expansion
into the Rural Area. Compatibility with nearby neighborhoods
is essential with redevelopment.
11. Respecting Terrain and Careful Grading and Re-grading 1
of TerrainAlbemarle County's hilly terrain can be advantageous to —
builders and developers. More interesting and potentially —
functional buildings can be designed when some of the Old Phillips Building near Rt.29 North-above
features of the existing landscape are retained. In addition, transformed into the Northside Library--below
grading costs can be lowered when sites are not "flattened"
for large single-story buildings. Albemarle's hilly terrain helps
to give the community its own character and separate it from
the myriad of communities with franchise buildings and large
parking lots lining primary streets. Within the Development
Areas, grading is often necessary and, when grading does
occur, it is important that finished grades be smooth rather ` ', jl
than abrupt. Important aspects to be considered are grading s
to provide interconnections, slope stability, and areas for 4111 '
12. Clear Boundaries between the Development Areas and _ ., ■
the Rural Area ■ ; DM
Being able to perceive the boundary between the designated
Rural Area and the Development Areas helps to reinforce the
County's Growth Management Policy that the Development
Area is where new development is desired and the Rural Area is for rural and agricultural uses. On the Development Area
side of the boundary, development should extend to the edge of the boundary so that the full potential of the Development
Areas can be achieved. A"blended edge"that is frequently associated with sprawl is discouraged.
October 20,2015