HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201600009 Bond Reduction 2018-09-19 ALkt ��ill1 st V�RGIIy1P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 September 19, 2018 Lilian E. Yavi United Bank 14048 Parkeast Circle, Suite 100 Chantilly, VA 20151 Re: Old Trail Village Blocks 10, 16, 17, 18 & 30 Erosion Control Plan, Pollution Prevention Plan, Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan / Plan #WPO-2016-00009 Water Protection Performance Bond - $885,020 Erosion& Sediment Control $365,500; Stormwater Management& Water Quality $519,520 United Bank Letter of Credit Number Dear Ms. Yavi: Based upon the most recent inspection of the referenced project, United Bank Letter of Credit Number may be reduced to a new amount of$563,000 (Erosion & Sediment Control $145,600; Stormwater Management & Water Quality $417,400). By copy of this letter, I am notifying East Village, LLC of this reduction. Please contact Ana D. Kilmer(434-296-5832, ext. 3246) if you should have any questions concerning this bond reduction. Sincerely, Lisa L. Breeden Chief of Financial Management Department of Finance ADK/ Copy: East Village, LLC I\DEPTIComnwn:ty Development\Admemaualion DlvisiontShiRlett\BONDS\REDUCElWp0.2016-00009 Old Trail Village Blocks 10-1647-30.doc •Project Name:Old Trail Village Blocks 10, 16,17,18,&30 Erosion Control Plan THE FOLLOWING BOND ESTIMATE IS BASED ON WPO File Number:WP02016-00009 ESC PLAN DATED MAY 23. 2016 PROVIDED BY RGA Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Estimate ROUDABUSH GALE A: ASSOCIATES.INC. REFER BELOW FOR ADDITIONAL Item rem Unit Cost C06tCOMMENTs(BLUEION Number tigsla l THE PROCESS OF CALCULATIONS. E atablizaaan(PS,TS) 26.4 acre S1,50000 S39.645.00 SE 1 silt fence(SF) 5380.0 ft S9.50 S51,110.00 C safety fence(SAF) 2100.0 ft S9.50 S19,950.00 diversion(DD,FD,RWD) 3150 ft S10.00 S31,500.00 temporary slog pipe length 0 ft pipe diameter 0 in S0 00 $0.00 Hood an Earthwork $ earthwork for ago., E height olds,at oft cut at high side 0 ft D height o(fU at 1 uft curd face Oft I length adorn 0 ft length of cut Oft EARTH VOLUME CALCULATIONS T tap width 0 ft width oleo[ 0 ft OBTAINED VIA CARLSON CIVIL SUITE R (area above era 0 a( (area below teal 0 s( 2016 A (total width ofd Dft (total width of lift P (heght below tr 0 ft (depth balmy to 0 ft PRICE OBTAINED FROM CONSTRUCTION (area bduw vac 0 of (area above too 0 d ESTIMATE PROVIDED BY A.G.DILLARD N (coca(FILL vol ILO ey (heal CVr rob 877.0 cy 3 kvgtb ofmpllwt 18 ft (TOTAL CYa 565 ey 13.50 S3.027.30 width ofspiIww 4 ft (spillway moat 4.11as S30.00 5205.00 S3.232.50 Bond en Simmons for Mao rims height U ft riser dimmer 0 in (rims unit ptce) 10.00 sum 1 barrel length 0 0 bow pa Ids 0 Oar« 3300 no to barrel diammar a in (barrel link pea SU 00 So.m banel collars 0 $20u.00 10 bank length 0 R 550.00 Srh 50.00 Goad so Earthwork S earthworl:[or uap/ban E height admit m Oft cut at high side 0 ft D height of fill at l Oft cut at Lee Oft 1 length cfdam Oft lengthofew Oft EARTH VOLUME CALCULATIONS B ramp width U ft width of cot 0 ft OBTAINED VIA CARLSON CIVIL SUITE A (ma abw a era 0 al (area below uer 0 d 2016 S (teal a OM of lift (foul oath ofc 00 1 (hagir below a D ft Idephh below in 0 ft PRICE OBTAINED FROM CONSTRUCTION N (area blow tear U if (area above trap 0 of ESTIMATE PROVIDED BY A.G.DILLARD (total FILL nil 9342.0 ey (fatal CUT cab 24560.0 ey N Iengdt avant,t 0 ft (TOTAL CY a 15415 cy $3.50 S53,963.00 I width of*Don 0 ft (spillway stare i 0 tors S50 00 Sii.m pL963.110 structures f«basin Band is Structures riser height 8.5 ft riser diameter 48 in Ora mitpncel S150.00 S1,235.00 1 barn{le mph 93 ft base plate or fdt l 5200.00 $200 bane)dimmer 30 in (bael and tarn S63.00 56,045.00 barrel collars 2 W00.00 S400 bat&length 50 ft S50.00 52.500 516,426.60 • S earthwork for waplbala Bawd en Earthwork k E height of darn 0 Oft cut n high side Oft D height of rill at I O ft es,at race nft l length of dam u It length of ea 0 fl EARTH VOLUME CALCULATIONS B top width 0 0 width of cut n 0 OBTAINED VIA CARLSON CIVIL SUITE A (arcs dose wan 0 sf (area below teat 0 sf 2016 S modal uidtb of O ft (total width of O ft I (height below it 0 fl (depth below In 0 II PRICE OBTAINED FROM CONSTRUCTION N (area below war 0 sf (area above tan 0 sf ESTIMATE PROVIDED BY A.G.DILLARD (total FILL rol 1427.0 ey (total CUT rob 2075.0 4 * length of spills,i 0 R (TOTAL CY a 1440 cy 53.30 S5,063.00 2 width of sprlwa 0 ft (spillway stone I 0 tons 5511.1g1 50.00 S5.068310 Junctures for basin Bond as Structure rimer height 4.75 ft riser diameter 44 in (riser unit pace) S150.00 3712.50 4 barrel length 56 ft base plate or fda I S_x10.o0 S200 barrel diameter 36 is (barrel unit aria S70.00 13.920.00 barrel collars 2 S200.00 S400 baf9e length 0 ft S500(l S0 r#5.232.50 S cartmoek for trap/basin Bond on Earthwork E height adorn ai 0 it cot at high aide O ft D height of fill at I aft cut at face Oft 1 length of dam 0 ft length of cut 0 ft EARTH VOLUME CALCULATIONS B top width 0 R width dem 0 ft OBTAINED VIA CARLSON CIVIL SUITE A (area above Iran 0 sf (arca below war 0 sf 2016 S (total width ofd O ft (total width of c O ft I (height below w 0 ft (depth below Ir 0 0 PRICE OBTAINED FROM CONSTRUCTION N (area below war 0 sir (area above teal 0 sf ESTIMATE PROVIDED BY A.G.DILLARD (total FILL rat 1633414 cy (teal CLrT sill 11000 q gt length of spillwi 0 ft (TOTAL CY a 15726 cy S3.50 155,041.00 3 width of apillwa n n (aplllway atone I 0 Inns Ss0.00 woo S55.041310 anictrrcs for basis Bead an Ssrectu s riser height 7.2 ft riser diameter 43 in (riser unit price) $150.0) S1.030.00 1 barrel length 100 ft base plate or fill I $200.00 S200 bard diameter 24 C (bared unit prig S50.00 15,000.00 barrel collars 2 S200.00 $400 baRle length 0 0 550.00 SO 561ff0.00 E (9)INLET PROTECTIONS HAVE BEEN S ark face nlet paoimberl(IP) BONDED VIA BLOCK 15 APPROVED 2 S100.00 120000 C sit des protectiontlP) PLANS a i 57 $2191.10) S11.4011.00 at natkl prom length 65 0 width 4325 ft I S14,113.13 S 14,113.13 M channel(SCC,a length Oft width Oft UMW E check dam depth in ehanee: 0 ft chance(width 0 ft 0 50.00 50.00 A conswueOnn camas(CC) OUTLET PROTECTION OBTAINED FROM 0 52.011(1.00 111.0o S wadi rack TOTAL COMBINED LENGTH&WIDTH I S2.000.00 52000.00 U pamed construction emrea= FOR(OPIA/OP2A/OP3A)OUTFACES 2 53300.00 17,00000 R riptap,placed depth 0 n length 0.0 ft E width 0.0 (tom) 0 tom S60.00 WOO . S * .-. :., • 2 ,;: •,: 0) 10iitilq io 0. tObt, t ..--rIA- \fr. rp -Rivi * .1.:.:,;..,g-E . + • ,(-; clicvtkig ,:r.. --- .7.. • ( I—)h ,I ii— - 1 1 - 1--. — -) . .7) .,•• --ye* 0 1-..• 1, ) Y ( (-- + .c,...:Lif..-::.,7.• , , , , ti - . . .. • • .., ..:1 ....... + ,•L: ,. -2 -4--cpi. „Iv. •r_LK a•-•:-.--r-e- k A--44) ‘,..i.y.s4e---, It•--9-- / I 71, i 1---- , .. ( i--, (e'::' , / ..-• ‘• ( ! . : ( , Li t„,.., ,...- : 1,- vs r- . I__ . „.. . • ,...-... 1 I r oi 7 ). ..,, , ,,,. t. ..... ..... , 1 f \\ L.., i ti ._ , ,4 ao c7, 0y- iv . .... F- 00VS9VS isloi I o'LzrEcs klua'aupum £I'OLZ7££$ ums Iso3 pelts (4now4ociap.F•mawom IMMO WI= I 0019KS ..92,9119oul OOSIVSIS t %meg pm'den ft 9Z gazorlouq pire..itlfli I t ... • ,TH OWING BOND • Project Name:Old Trail Village Blocks 10,16, 17, 18,&30 Stormwater Management Plan STIMiVI IS BASED ON WPO File Number:WP02016-00009 SWM PLAN DATED JUNE 23.2016 PROVIDED BY RCA Stormwater Management Bond Estimate STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES.INC REFER BELOW FOR ADDITIONAL Item ittru b¢knit unit Cost ctCOMMENTS(BLUE)ON Number itallUdI THE PROCESS OF CALCULATIONS. S permanent diversion or ditch 0 ft S5.00 S000 W' standard maohok frame top Inca klet) 0 ea S500.110 S0.00 M drop ink(or grata 0 u S3.500.00 SO.W manhole structure(per R rise) 0 ft SI50.00 70.00 pipe.rep,cmp 1 110 in d R ES-1.2 0 EC-1 0.0 ft S000 WOO • aggregate base i 24.0 in d 700.0 III. 6.0 R W 581,0,at S35.18) f20.520.110 AGGREGATEIDRAINAGE STONE CALCULATED AS TOTAL LENGTH OVER ENTIRE PROJECT WITH AVERGE WIDTH AND A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 24" S earthwork for uspbaan tend ea Earthwork W height of dam at O ft tut r high side O ft M height of fill at I Oft cut at face 0 ft 1 length ordain Oft enge of cut Oft u ft width of cut �)R EARTH VOLUME CALCULATIONS B top width OBTAINED CIA CARLSON CIVIL SUITE A Imes above van 0 sf (area below ink 0 sf 2016 S (total widthofd OR (total width ofc Ofl TOTAL CUBIC YARDS OBTAINED FROM I (height below u 0 II (depth below to 0 ft DIFFERENCE IN DIRT VOLUME N tares below tray 0 sf (arca above Iran 0 sf (CUT/FILL) (total FILL vat 232.0 ey Its tat CUT vole 751.0 e. I.3 Iaogth of spill.: 0 ft (TOTAL Cif et Sat cy 55.(10 52.595 00 width of spill a 0 ft (apillwav stow I n tom Ssn.o0 saw 52,59500 nruetures for basin I BOND BEING HELD FOR STRUCTURES ON ESC SWM BOND AMT REQUIRED Sand as Structures user height 6.8 R rises her 8 5 It f 10.420.00 516.120.00 f5.760.00 rise diameter 41 in riser din 48n {riser unit price) ft50.0o ADDITIONAL BOND REQUIRED- S2.295.00 1 ADDITIONAL MEASURES HAVE BEEN barrel inig h , 40 ft barrel k 93 ft base plate or fall 1 ADDED SINCE ESC PLAN FOR SWM S200.00 $200 . bane]diameter 12n barrel di 30 in (barrel unit pno T35.0) $63.00 PURPOSES S10,325.0045• 'd barrel length 80 ft(Eateodcd Barrel) baud collars4 /20001) f100 total mderdrso(LE) 565 R barrel diameter 36 in(E.sterded Ba $7n.00 baftb length 50 fl S50.00 f2.500 total biofther soil mot ICY) 4746 at S earthwork for traptb sat Bond on Earthwork W height of dam a 0 t ad at high side 0 R • M height of fill a I 0 ft nil at face 0 fl 1 length of dam OR knish of cut Ohl EARTH VOLUME CALCULATIONS B top width 0 R width of cut Oft OBTAINED VIA CARLSON CIVIL SUITE A larva above trap 0 of (area Wow tram 0 sf 21116 S (total width ofd Oft (total width ofc Oft TOTAL CUBIC YARDS OBTAINED FROM I (height below Ir O R (depth below in 0 R DIFFERENCE IN DIRT VOLUME N (aces below tea 0 of (area above tra, 0 sf (CUT/FILL) ((sal FILL vol 2197.0 cy (total CUT seh 37.0 cy S3 length of spilwl 20 11 (TOTAL CV a 2160 cy S5.00 $10.800.W width ofspiloe 30 ft (sp1Mq stone{ 34.3 tons f511.(0 f1.725.00 3/252506 , , .ONa,for basin ' BOND BEING HELD FOR STRUCTURES ON ESC SWM BOND AMT REQUIRED - Bond a Structures riser height I 5.25 ft riarhei 6.43 fl f5.232.011 S111.71200 f5,460.00 riser diameter 48n roar din 40 a, (riser unit pia) 512000 ADDITIONAL BOND REQUIRED. S1,752.00 1 ADDITIONAL MEASURES HAVE BEEN bard krlgdi . 40 ft barrel le 84111 base plate or tali 2 ADDED SINCE ESC PLAN FOR SWM S2200.00 S400 bard diameter 18 in barrel di 36 in Marra unit pria S40.00 570.00 PURPOSES f7.760.00 10,40000 barrel collars 4 1200.00 f800 total uaderdran(LEI 295 ft bailie length O ft S511.01) SO total biolher soil mix KY) 3905 a1 0oflutist utrOOVSS ea I SNISV9 WMS TN (mrp nd)lontat o°a'°dm°o I aoi031ONVHOHI3113W c;E110A1010iO ,!p,n sad)Sm w aspu w OU Ot)<YTS 00'OIMI ZS 30Y383V 1V1013H1 Kola O3NIV180 00'ul0 5 u0'000'Z1 Ni I 3OV3113V.1110AV1ONVA3AIRS ampeJ'adlsPonoPg10. IMi1010$ uommirgow u)no;9S r IOMO £R 1210e10:y pus 1.9uns S 00 US 110119S 0 (TKO 0'0 'I '1 3 4 0'o Owl U 0 glop meld'derdu b 00 OS 00193 u 0 (il)Pew aeoat aawaonunrm pm n 00 00'9S uYUOS IS U r L33HSaY3UJS 34..41101J0.1111 g001wan pm S t1109I'0£ZS (OHM Is RUSH SIH1 JO d013H11.V 3NO1S 3OVNIVIO (s)slum F.O,sag11o!q poi V Kum a3lyifDWVJ N339 SVH dYU'df1 ( )uuJpaapttt F101 00 0S£SS oo'ss u 1 L01 00 of (10'SS ea 0 !Snip0ar10)01 IA1 00 lJOP 6S nO ES ■a Ill igii p R101 0i 0011,15 OU OSIS ■a 1.6 533.0 p101 TAT M S P 0 (A.))‘"p0'Jaggo!q(eat O6 001KS 4i0 gdlua(ow'q 4 0 {ill eniPnpun 1e101 OOPS 00-O03 Z Seib'lueq 0S•LC1'►tS 00'OIIS'OIS S350d11ld I10'SLS and gun wag) u!Zr imp pang 00ZS 00 00ZS WMS NOd NYld J53 3JN1S a300V 1 grw,o old owl 4 at I 10a1 W'sq N339 3AYH S3111SV3PI 1VNOUKIOY fq uSli Padion1e1') Iz 1r vamp nSu I OS'LE0'£S -031II1)O3U owe 1VNO111QQY 0S'Lt1'►IS OS'L£I'll S 00'OS U SZ OL IftIol soo 0310f103U 1P9V mice WMS JS3 NO 531U1LJ(1111 TRH 110d H ON139 ONOS I u!stq J05��a1114 sa10100u15 10 palm . 00'01Z'955 00 OS 00 OSS oaal u laaa-4K/01.1 40 so1!dslo glp!.n 00'0IZ'9SS 00 05 da Dili i A)1V1.O11 4 0 I ss1Pds.1010 1 Z1 d0 roan1 gM II°110e11 £3 O'CC9C Po 11I.1 Poo/ (1I11l111)) 3S 0 ma avow rme) is 0 Jtn.lopq ens) Al 3111110A 1310 NI 331(3134103 4 u '1 agaq gldap) U 0 0..°12.3 R1S1,01 1 WOOLA 03N1V19O SONYA Jt9RJ 1Y101 4 0 330111P1%term) U o pJo Np!.n(101) S 910Z Is 0 wn o01.0 pet it 0 out avow eawl V 311R51W J NOS111 VJ YIA O3NIY190 8 0 pi0l0 q1p.. U 0 gip.."dm » SNOLLVI(IJIVJ 31Y110A H11Itl3 4 0 tin Jo P10a1 4 0 awplo 1010a1 T 40 umgwas 90 11s19J0ag1!al 6Q 4n ora Vim ald 40 is mop JoAs!aq :N mssgidsn J03 Igo ugura S 1laaas411e3 re pa09 Is LSIZ SA)/OW gm 1039O19(0101 OS 110 ES 4 0 g11021 mel 4 l I Z up Ott P'aPU0 Is1DI u11S IIO OULs r s'el10a leiq OS'LSSIS OOOSL'9S 53S0111Rd !1n IKS 00 SES oud gal ping) u!9Z !P lung n CI .11aor!P)0+eq OOP 00 011Z5 WMS 1103 NV11 JS3 33N1S 0300V Z 1pj Jo avid aaq u 001 31 Pool U OS 901311J11q N339 3AVH S3II1-1SV319 1VN011I001f 0i IK If (oozed em1 wr) P 8r ' Is St JA0U1e1P MU T OS L89"IS -03NU10 li CMOS lYN0I110OY 061.1:61S OS LE9'6S 110'019'9S U 9 lag ow U St S I W11711 KIWI aaa111011S us Poll 0310I)03O 1WV 0N09 WMS )S3 NO S310rLU 111LS 1103 01314 ON139 ON09 I u!stq 1OJ snm ons 00"OLb'CS (Rf(1S 00OSS sum Swum 0 Jas.lespds) U0 "Was J0g110s 01'016'5 00 iS £3►6L 0A3TVIOJ3 UU I`4I.Ids)0 Volt ZIS (l mu f)) L'11'911 IM"111.3 101011 la 1'ZI 10a 1111 P1011 39if110A 1310 NJ 3JN31133110 l0 0 an awge taw) JS n J11n.mom sew/ N vim O3NIY190 508YA Jl9(1J 7Y101 4 E 01 9090 qidsP) U tt n.ogoq 11(1!ay) 1 910Z U 0 aJo 91R"1r1m) 4 0 PJo 940"R1m1 S 31U1S 11A1J NOSIOYJ VIA 03N1Y190 PI 11 MA"Ol34 taus) J1 0 0...11 a tugs saw) V SNOIIVIRJIVJ3W110AH110V3 aroJ0WP1J1 4U ylpa+dm uU 4 0 11310,010a1 4 0 MOP 1011,01 40 XIV II VW 40 )*Ip3 Jo Ul I W J 4 0 ap■91i9 w 1a0 V 0 v msp Jo uI1!ag ,1A arsegdr0 JOJ 110"gtwa 4a1a011N113 0o pueg .....—.--- all mOoaW for 24 O NO 36 UO (eadw■O uo[pr S2.3OO na f2 75O.IM1 S?k% 3 eaY7.75O.O0 I iedi-rock making wall(fl) (maims..a0a $23.M SRO 0110 Cost sum S427.070.00 Contingency S42,707.00 Total $469,780 Project Name: Old Trail Village Blocks 10, 16, 17 , 18 & 30 WPO file number: WPO20160009 Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan Bond Estimate Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost Number tinstalledZ stabilization 2.7 acres $5,000.00 $13,250.00 herbaceous seed mix 2.7 acres $500.00 $1,325.00 trees 0 ea $150.00 $0.00 shrubs 0 ea $50.00 $0.00 seedlings 1862 ea $5.00 $9,310.00 tree tubes/weed control 1862 ea $8.50 $15,827.00 mobilization $500.00 2-year inspection 1 ea $5,000.00 $5,000.00 cost sum $45,212.00 contingency $4,521.20 Total $49,740 7/11/2016