HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201900010 Resubmittal 2020-03-18 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C.
Design Focused Engineering
March 11, 2020
Andy Reitelbach
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902
RE: ZMA2019-10 Resubmit 1
Dear Andy,
Please find the second submission of ZMA2019-10 included with this transmittalletter. Included in this
submission are:
1. Revised Concept Plan(8 copies)
2. Revised Narrative(8 copies)
3. Proffer Statement(8 copies)
4. Double Frontage Waiver Request(3 copies)
5. Comment Response
If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me at kelsey�a�shimp-engineerin .g com or by
phone at 434-227-5140. You can also contact Justin Shimp at Justin(�a,shimp-en in� eerin .g com.
Best regards,
Kelsey Schlein
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
912 E.High St CharloYresville,VA 22902 I 434.227.5140 I shimp engineering,com
Fee Amount $ Date �aid By w�o? Receipt � Ck� ���:
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OtivnerlApplicant Mus# Read and Si�n
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Signature of �wner, �ont�'act Purc;haser Da�e
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Brent Hall, A�bemarle Lan� aevelopment � � � �
Print Na�te Daytime phone number of Signatory
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Resubmittal fees for origina� Zoning Map Amendment fee of $2,688
�] First re�ubmsssion FREE
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Resubmitta� fees for origina� Zvning Map Amendment fee of $3,763
❑ First res�bmission FREE
C� Each addit�onal resubmiss�on (TU BE; PA1n WHE;N THE R�SUBNi1SS1UN IS 1��.�1.U� '1'U 1NT.4KE ST.�FF) $1 ,EE1 �
To be paid after �taff review for pt�blic notice:
Most applications for a Zoning Map Amendment reqUire at least one public hearing by the P�anning �ommissio� and one publ�c
hearin� by the Board of Supervisors. �irginia �tate Code requires that notice for public hearings be made by publishing a lega�
advertisement in the newspaper and by mailing letters to adjacent property owners. Therefore, at least two fees for p�blic notice
are re�uired before a Zoning Map Amendment may be heard by the Board of SUpervisors. The �ota� fee for public notice will be
provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and must be paid before the application is heard by a public body.
S' Preparin� and rnailin� ord�livcrin� up to fif�y (SO) not�c�c:� � $?1 S + actual cost of first class posta�c
$� .OE for eac� addit�onal notice + actual
� Prepa�-in� and mailin� or deliverin� each notic� after fif�y �50) cost of first-class osta e
� �
Actual cost
� Le�al advertiscrnent (published twice in the newspaper for eac� public hearin�� avera�es between � � 50 and $'S�l
County of Albemarle Department of Cocnmunitv �evelopment
d�l Mc�ntire Road Charlotte�ville, �A 229Q2 �oice: �434) 29b-5832 Fa�: (434) 972-412b
Revised 1 I r�2120�S Pa�e 1 �f 1
Design Focused Engineering
March 11, 2020
Mr. Andy Reitelbach
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902
RE: Response Letter#1 for ZMA201900010 3223 Proffit Road
Dear Mr. Reitelbach,
Thank you for your review of the amendment for the rezoning request for 3223 Proffit Road. This letter
contains responses to County comments dated August 2, 2019. County provided comments are included
in gray color text followed by our responses in black color text. Our responses are as follows:
1. Responses to Planning—General Application Comments
2. Responses to Francis MacCall,Zoning
3. Responses to Frank Pohl, Engineering
Planning—General Application Comments
RESPONSE: Noted. Sheet 2 has been revised to include the magisterial district, "Rivanna"for
this property.
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RESPONSE: Noted. The heading on Sheet 2 has been revised from"Critical Slopes"to "Steep
Slopes and Stream Buffer."
RESPONSE: Noted. This note now includes that the open space and recreational areas will
comply with sections 4.7 and 4.16,respectively.
`t. VIl J11CCt G�1llU1l;ALC L11C CX151C11GC Ul 'd UUll'dl�1LC Ull L1llS�J1U�JC1Ly� AS LiLLS S1lUAllUll 1S UllC lAI;LUl
mrntinnr�l in thr nrnirrt n�irr�itivr fnr thr r�rnr�ncrrl �h�nar in lavrnit Arr thrrr �nv nl�nc fnr thr
RESPONSE: The proffered concept plan approved with ZMA201800006 indicated"no evidence
of a burial site was found on the subject property."An April 2019 physical and topographic
survey of the subject property shows the limits of the cemetery encroach along the property
boundary of the subject parcel. The extent of the encroachment is shown on Sheet 3 of the
Concept Plan submitted with this application. The cemetery on adjacent TMP 32-30 is clearly
defined within fenced-in boundaries and there are no proposed alterations to the boundary of the
cemetery with this ZMA request.
912 E.High St CharloYresville,VA 22902 I 434.227.5140 I shimp engineering,com
The proffered concept plan, approved with ZMA201800006, shows the easternmost portion of
"Road D"extending to the property boundary of the subject parcel that is closest to the cemetery
on TMP 32-30. The alignment of this proposed roadway would inhibit Road D from being
extended through TMP 32-30 because if the roadway were to be extended it would pass through
the cemetery and therefore a possible future connection to Springfield Road could not be realized
at the time of future redevelopment in the area. The proposed road network redesigned with this
application(ZMA 2019-00010)reorients the internal road network so that a future interparcel
connection could possibly be made to Springfield Road; the road that would be extended to
Springfield Road, labeled as "Road E" in the application plan,has been moved north into Block B
to avoid the cemetery on TMP32-30 if the road were to be extended to Springfield Road in the
future in conjunction with the redevelopment of adjacent parcels.
J. lll Llll. UJI. LQUII. Vll Jlll.l.L L� Llll. JIUI. JI.LUQI.II lJ IlIl.11l,lVlll.0 QJ l V UUllUlll`�' JI.�JQIQLIVII. VV Ill.11. lJ LIIIJ
setback coming from?In 4.19, it appears that non-infill development in R-15 is a 5-ft. setback.
Please also be aware of additional setback requirements for adjacency in parcels not zoned R-l0
RESPONSE: The side setback as 10' building separation refers to the total building separation
between two structures or structure groups(5' setback off of each side totaling 10'). This
language was informed directly by the approved application plan for ZMA201800006, however
the language has been revised to reflect language in 4.19 of the Albemarle County Zoning
RESPONSE: The uses table on Sheet 2 has been updated to provide information on the driveway
standards and garage setbacks.
acre under the 80-unit maximum proposed. However, the project narrative states that the site
RESPONSE: Sheet 2 has been updated to address this discrepancy and now reads 10 units per
acre. A note has been added for a gross and net density calculation. Since there are no preserved
slopes or stream buffers on the property and there is no portion of the property designated as
"Parks and Green Systems"per the Places29 Master Plan,the gross and net density is the same.
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buildin<7 hei�ht would be 4 stories_ however. the nroiect narrative states 3 stories in the
RESPONSE: The project narrative has been revised for clarity, and consistency with the concept
plan,to remove the reference to three stories. There are no proposed changes to the maximum
height allowable on the property from the previously approved ZMA2018-00006.
RESPONSE: Sheet 3 has been removed from the concept plan and retitled as "ZMA201800006
Approved Concept Exhibit."This exhibit is included for Staff's convenient reference since the
approved concept plan is referenced throughout the project narrative and comment response.
RESPONSE: Noted and thank you for this information so that this alignment can be planned for
91�E High St CharioYYesville,VA�290�j 434.2�7.S140�shimp-engineering.com
at site plan. The applicant understands the entrance to this proposed development must be
opposite from the proposed entrance to the development at 3226 Proffit Road and this design will
be incorporated into future site plans.
RESPONSE: The circulation plan included with this zoning map amendment would allow for
future interparcel connectivity with North Pointe based on the general location and geometric
design of the proposed internal road network. The applicant proposes for the ROW to extend to
the property line to allow for future connections.
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hatching on the plan that are not included in the key.
a. There is an area of cross-lines shown along the frontage of Proffit Road. It appears that
this area is the location of right-of-way dedication proffered in ZMA2018-00006 for
right-of-way improvements and the construction of a sidewalk with planting strip. Are
these improvements still proposed with this concept plan?Identify what this area of
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RESPONSE: Sheet 4's key has been revised to be inclusive of the various hatchings
present on the page. The cross-lines along the frontage of Proffit Road indicate right-of-
way dedication area and within this dedication the proposed improvements are consistent
with those provided for in ZMA201800006, as the applicant proposes a sidewalk and
planting strip as recommended by the Places29 Master Plan. The applicant has provided
sufficient ROW to construct a left turn lane if a turn lane is warranted by the final use.
Minor amendments to the proffers approved with ZMA2018-00006 are proposed and a
redline mark-up of the proposed revisions is included with this resubmittal.
u. i ucic i� aii aica�i iia��ii iiiau�� iicai uic ciuci�cucy ciivaii�c. i� uii� uica�iv�v�cu i�i uic
firP a��Pcc eacPment nr riuhl-nf-�riav tn nrnvirlP �nnnPrtinn hP1�riPPn Prnffit Rnarl anrl 1hP
RESPONSE: The hatch near the emergency entrance is a proposed emergency access
easement. Sheet 3's key has been revised to clarify and a label has been added to identify
the emergency access easement.
RESPONSE: Noted. Sheets 3 and 4 have been revised with adjustments to the presentation of
managed steep slopes.
RESPONSE: Yes,this is now labeled as a retaining wall on sheet 4 (formerly sheet 5).
�i���scu �� uc siucwauts uuu�iaii�lu� s�ii�s. lu auui�i�ii, siucwauts uiiu�iuii�lu� s�ii�s suuuiu uu
shown on those portions of Road C and Road E that are extending into Block B. They appear to
be missin�on one side. If they are not pro�osed, an exception request is required to be submitted
RESPONSE: Sheet 4 (formerly sheet 5)has been revised to include sidewalks and planting strips
912 E High St CharlotYesville,VA 22902�434.2�7.5140�shimp-engineering.com
in the key. Road C and Road E have been updated to include sidewalks and planting strips on
both sides.
RESPONSE: Sheet 4 (formerly 5)has been updated to show approximate locations for open
space areas.
RESPONSE: The right-of-way dedication for the property in the eastern portion of Block B in the
buffer areas would occur during subdivision plat recordation for lots in Block B. Subdivision
recordation would be the trigger so that the ROW is dedicated and available for future
redevelopment. Per the note on Sheet 4 of the application plan,road pavement would extend as
close to the buffer as possible during construction. The pavement would not be extended until
future redevelopment of adjacent parcels.
RESPONSE: The buffer areas will remain after the right-of-way is dedicated or extended.
However,if a future connection is desired,the buffer will be disturbed to accommodate the
extension of the pavement at the time of redevelopment of adjacent parcels.
RESPONSE: Sheets 4 and 5 have been revised to include the stream channel on the site. After
discussions with the County Engineer,it has been determined that it is not an intermittent stream.
The concept identifies the channel as"existing channel."
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were factors in the rezoning for ZMA2018-00006. These elements were discussed by members of
the public,both at the community meeting and at the Planning Commission public hearing. The
intermittent stream, trees, and vegetative buffers on this site, especially in Block B,were factors
RESPONSE: Noted. We recognize that community members are concerned about the existing
channel and vegetative buffers on site and we are appreciative of the information Staff has
provided to us about the process for ZMA2018-00006. A significant area of open space will
remain in Block B around the most sensitive environmental features, such as the stream channel,
similar to the approved ZMA2018-00006. Best practices will be upheld in order to ensure that
impact to the site will not be in excess of what is necessary for the proposed density.
schedule for Thursday,August 15, 2019. Please be advised that additional comments may arise
RESPONSE: Thank you for this information,based on conversations at the community meeting,
the buffer between this development and Springfield Lane remains an important aspect of this
proposal. This application proposes a 25' minimally disturbed buffer and a 25' undisturbed buffer
that can only be disturbed for future right of way improvements at the time of redevelopment of
912 E High St CharlotYesville,VA 22902�434.2�7.5140�shimp-engineering.com
adjacent parcels when an interconnection may be desired by the community.
RESPONSE: Yes, double-frontage lots are proposed with this rezoning and a request for double
frontage is included with this ZMA request.
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ZMA2018-00006. Is this application proposing to amend these proffers in any way, either to
amend individual proffers or to remove them entirely?Clarify whether the submitted concept
plan is intended to be proffered. Please be aware that, as this property is zoned as a conventional
residential zoning district(not a planned district), a concept plan has to be proffered with a
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RESPONSE: Proffers approved with ZMA2018-00006 will be revised with this concept plan to
reference the concept plan prepared in conjunction with this ZMA application ZMA2019-10.
RESPONSE: Please refer to the updated project narrative for proposed impacts.
RESPONSE: Sheet 2 has been updated to state that parking will meet the requirements of section
4.12 of the Zoning Ordinance.
RESPONSE: Amenity oriented lots may be incorporated to the design at site plan but at this
stage, it is not certain that amenity oriented lots will be proposed at this site.
RESPONSE: The proposed open space will be privately owned.
RESPONSE: Yes,the concept plan has been updated to show street sections of Proffit Road and
the internal road network.
RESPONSE: This application proposes to decrease the currently approved density from a
maximum of 109 units to a maximum of 80 units. Affordable housing was not a component of the
approved ZMA2018-6 application. The proposed townhome units will likely be more affordable
than nearby single-family detached developments.
.i�tcuau �u uie suuui was recen�iy appruveu iur a re�unin�as weii. lne
�velopment and this project would have to meet VDOT standards.
s i. ricasc ec aavisca tnat sitc plans and VSMP plans, as wcll as subdivision plats, arc rcc�uircd for
912 E.High St.Charlottesville,VA 22902�434.227.5140�shimp-engineering.com
RESPONSE: Thank you for this information.
Initial comments on how your proposal generally relates to the Comprehensive Plan are provided below.
Comments on conformity with the Comprehensive Plan are provided to the Planning Commission and
Board of Supervisors as part of the staff report.
The Comprehensive Plan identifies Tax Map Parcel (TMP) 032A0-02-00-00200 as Urban Density
Residential land use. This classification calls for primary uses to consist of residential uses at gross
densities between 6.01-34 dwelling units/acre. Secondary uses in this classification include supporting
uses such as religious institutions, schools, commercial, office and service uses. The proposed rezoning
from R-15 Residential to R-15 Residential is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan land use
The Places29 Master Plan calls for Proffit Road to be constructed to a three-lane road section with a
multi-use path on one side of the road and sidewalk on the other. These were proffered improvements
shown on the concept plans approved with ZMA20180006 and in the written proffer statement, including
installation of curbing and gutter, a 10' wide planting strip, and a 6' wide sidewalk along the full length of
the property. This design is consistent with the recommended future cross section specified in Appendix 3
of the Places29 Master Plan. Sufficient right-of-way to allow the future three-lane Proffit
Road cross-section was also proffered with ZMA201800006.
Be aware that these were highly important elements that were favorable factors for staff recommending
approval of��MA201800(106, as well as the recommendations of the Plannin�Commission and the final
RESPONSE: The proffers wi11 be amended. ROW improvements wi11 remain included in this ZMA, as
well as the area allocated for ROW dedication. The ROW dedication will remain the same to allow for the
future three-lane Proffit Road cross-section,which can be implemented if a left turn lane is warranted..
Prol'1'it Road. Please refer to page 7-12 of the Master Plan for guidance regarding this Ii�ontage treatment.
RESPONSE: Noted. Buildings along the frontage will be parallel to Proffit Road, so double-frontage lots
will be requested with this application
au�accn�s�ccp siupcs� aiun� �uc nur�n cnu ui �nc 5i�c iur pru�cc�iun as a �rccnway �ulicr. lnc prupu5cu
development shows disturbance in this area, with a new road and potential housing, whereas ZMA2018-
00006�ro�osed this area as o�en s�ace. This element was a to�ic of discussion and consideration by the
RESPONSE: Noted and thank you for this information. As previously discussed, a significant portion of
this Block B area will remain as open space with reduced overall density on the site. Significant features
of the site will be preseroed, such as the low point of the site where the existing channel collects, and the
large oak tree that neighbors have advocated for,which is at the very corner of the site within the
undisturbed buffer.
912 E.High St.Charlottesville,VA 22902�434.227.5140�shimp-engineering.com
v�i� iiv �iu����ain� ai�, �����iii�aiiy �iivwii vii��vi�ivii� vi iwau� �
ending into Block B. In addition, sidewalks are not specificallv
led on the concept plan, or included in the plan key. Cla
nprovements and cross-sections included in the proffers
.2018-00006 are intended to remain or be amended witl-
�oncept plan demonstrates that the project will be developca �n a �
at. Is there an estimate for the proposed block length of the blocks
'���clopmcnt?Thc Combrchcnsivc Plan subports pcdcstrian
RESPONSE: The proffers for ZMA2018-00006 will be revised,but will
still include road improvements and ROW dedication.
Please refer to sheet 4 for a diagram of the sidewalk network. At this time,
there is no proposed specific block length,but the block network and
pedestrian connections are depicted on this sheet.Pedestrian orientation
will be achieved within the property as block length will be mindful of the
human scale,with the Neighborhood Model citing that"blocks of 400-600
feet are appropriate in the least intensively developed and mostly residential
.di��c ivl"Tl1C K-1 J G�i�u�� UISTI i�� vJlli uc����luic vVlTllui uic
lopment,which may allow for the possibility for a small ran«�
��nt uses. In addition.the Comnrehensive Plan calls for th��
RESPONSE: This residential development will additionally connect to
North Pointe,which is proposed to provide commercial services.
ie development or intended for some other use. In addit�
fic areas of open space that could serve as a center for tl
lopment are identified in this concept plan. However,it�
l E is proposed to connect to North Pointe, which is a des�����cu �
�mm�rc�hc�ncivc� nlan �nrl crn�lrl nrnvirlc� cc�r-��irc�c anrl amc�nitic�c tr
RESPONSE: Designated open space is now indicated on sheet 4, which
will serve as a neighborhood center specific to the development.
Additionally, Road E is proposed to connect to North Pointe which has
been identified by the County as a community center in the Places29 Master
Plan and is proposed to provide commercial services.
�ct will be possible within the ctevelopment, subject to other C�
� requirements.This will allow for a mixture of uses and housir
single family, multifamily, etc.). In addition,the project narr�`
that affordable housin�will be a component of this devel�
RESPONSE: Please refer to comment#29 and the project narrative for an
91�E High St ChanoYYesville,VA�290�j 434.��7.S140�shimp-engineering.com
updated discussion on affordable housing for the development.
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cpt plan. If this were to occur, it is likely that double frontage 1�
d be needed,which require a waiver request to be submitte�
RESPONSE: A waiver for double frontage lots will be submitted and on-
street parking will be provided on Road A and C. Please refer to the street
section on sheet 7.
�,ong Term Transit Network map(Figure 4.9 of the Places29 Mast�
I does not designate any future transit service being provided dowr
t Road adjacent to the subject parcel. However, the plan does call i
c local collector transit service to be provided along Worth Crossir
�eake Square,which are located approximately two-hundred and f
250') to the west of the subject parceL The plan also calls for�
apid transit(BRT)route along Route 29 to the west of the subj�
�L Therefore,nearby access to public transit will be possibl� �
e. It does not appear that bike lanes will be installed with�-
��nment ac thev are neither shrnun in the r�nrentiial »1-
RESPONSE: Bike lanes are not specifically proposed with this concept
plan amendment,however,the proposed Proffit Road follows the Places29
Roadway Cross Sections for Proffit Road from Worth Crossing to
Development Area Boundary(Places29 Master Plan A3-12). The approved
rezoning for 3226 Proffit Road(ZMA2018-00019)proposes a multi-use
path on the south side of Proffit Road,which supports the Comprehensive
Plan section.This multi-use path is wide enough to accommodate
multimodal traffic in both directions. Additionally, ZMA2019-00010
upholds the Comprehensive Plan section with a sidewalk on one side, or the
north side of Proffit Road,which is included in the concept plan.
zver,no open space is depicted on the plan. In addition,the
RESPONSE: Sheet 4 has been updated to include designated open space.
Though Block B is proposed to be partially developed, a large area of open
s ace will remain in this area.
�ternal sheet and vehicular travelway network. The buildings a
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RESPONSE: Please refer to sheet 4.
91�E High St ChanoYYesville,VA�290�j 434.��7.S140 j shimp-engineering.com
�11L1Q1 JL1Ul,LUlll. llll. 11.LV11111`�' 1l,liUl.JL �h'lll QLLVW 1V1 1l.Ul.\'1.1V�.
-,-��� �r�hi�l�cr dcnsitv tha�� thc clarrcnt lasc_ in accordancc w=�
.:aretui tlra, ��, �u��� as managca stccp siopcs. rtowcvcr, tn�s arca may
�^ �Y���r� loped. In addition, land identified as open space in ZMA201��-���
�rnnnca�fnr rlavalnr�rpapt. ApV �TY'aC1111�?t11at WOLl1Cl OCCLIY YllllSt YY�"
2E.'ll LIIE.' .,Q WlLlllll LRC i l'a��;SGy UCVC10p1Y1CI1T HI'Cil. lv0 llll�JCOVCII]CI1LS �
'rn»viont ��e in nc� nr�ar anv hrnin�arir�c cx�it�� t��r� Rnra� 4 r�a ar� ��rn��nr
Francis MacCall—Senior Planner
proposed with this amendment. Specifically, reference to a new plan and proffer#1 and#4
RESPONSE: Comment received. We will be revising the proffers with this ZMA.
Engineering&Water Resources Division, Community Development Department
Frank Pohl—County Engineer
RESPONSE: Thank you for this information,we are waiting on Vinny Peirot(USACE)to send a
Nationwide 18 permit compliance acknowledgement.
If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions,please feel free to contact me at
Kelsey�a�shimp-en in� eerin .g com or by phone at 434-227-5140.
Kelsey Schlein
Land Planner
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
91�E High St CharloYYesville,VA�2902�434.2�7.5140�shimp-engineering.com
Design Focused Engineering
Project Narrative: ZMA2019-00010 3223 Proffit Road
Parcel Description: Tax Map 32A Parcel Number 02-00-00200
Initial Submittal Date: June 17,2019
Revision Date: March 11, 2020
Property Acreage Existing Zoning Comp Plan Proposed
Desi nation Zonin
TMP 32A-02-2 7.29 R-15 Urban Density R-15
Additional Zoning Considerations: Airport Impact Area(AIA), Steep Slopes Overlay District
Location: 3223 Proffit Road, Charlottesville VA 22911
Project Proposal:
Albemarle Land Development LLC is the Owner (the "Owner") of tax map parcel
32A-02-2, a 7.29 acre parcel fronting on Proffit Road located approximately 1,000' east of Route 29 and
375' east of the intersection of Proffit Road and Worth Crossing (the "property"). The owner requests a
zoning map amendment to the previously approved ZMA application for TMP 32A-02-2. The main
changes to the approved ZMA201800006 requested with this application, ZMA2019-00010, are to revise
the internal road network and proposed lot/buildable areas and to revise the overall maximum density
from 109 units to 80 units. The approved ZMA201800006 plan proposed no development in the northern,
2.1 acre Block B portion of the property, which was designated for open space, recreation, stormwater
management facilities, and public utilities only. ZMA201800006 did not allow for a road network that
may uiltimiately connect with North Pointe, a designated community center. This proposal (ZMA2019-
10) puts forth a concept plan whereby an interparcel connection that was first proposed with
ZMA200000009 "North Pointe"may be achieved at some point in the future.
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912 E High St ChanoYresville,VH z�9u�j 43a.227.5140 I shimp engineering,com
The concept design of this application would allow future residents on this property and nearby
redeveloping properties south of the North Pointe development to have increased opportunities for
pedestrian and vehicular access to the designated community center.
The concept plan for previously approved ZMA201800006 shows an interparcel connection to the eastern
portion of the parcel, in direct alignment with an existing cemetery on neighboring parcel, TMP 32-30.
The existence of this cemetery would prohibit any future interparcel connection between the subject
property and parcels to the east. This ZMA request proposes a road alignment that would allow for future
interparcel connections to both the east and west, allowing for a future parallel road network to Proffit
Road to begin to take shape. Although the plan proposes for right-of-way dedication to the property
boundary with parcels to the east there are no roadway improvements proposed to connect this property
with points east at this time. This application proposes a 50' buffer between this property and
neighboring parcels that front on Springfield Road in recognition of the existing conditions of this area
and the fact that this area is at a point of transition in the development areas where more dense
development is being infilled amongst areas that have historically been built as single family. This buffer
may be disturbed at a point in the future if/when redevelopment occurs on neighboring parcels.
As aforementioned, in addition to a revised road network, that ultimately will establish greater
connectivity between this property and surrounding areas at some point in the future, this application
proposes a reduction in the number of approved units on the property from 109, that were approved with
ZMA2018-00006, to 80 units.
Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan:
The property is within the Places29 North region of Albemarle County and is designated as Urban
Density Residential, which calls for residential uses at a densiry of 6-34 dwelling units per acre and
complimentary non-residential retail, commercial, and office uses. This application proposes a maximum
of 80 dwelling units for the entire property which equates to 11 dwelling units per acre, consistent with
the density recommendation for Urban Density Residential as stated in the Comprehensive Plan
The Places29 Parks & Green Systems Northern Map indicates that a recommended greenway buffer
exists at the northern "Block B" portion of the property, although this greenway buffer has not yet been
adopted. The applicant proposes a site design with open space, an undisturbed buffer, and a minimally
disturbed buffer that achieve the intent of the proposed greenway area as shown on the Places29 Parks &
Green Systems Map. The intent of the County's Greenway Plan is to "provide extensive access to County
Parks, Rural Areas, and other open spaces, as well as the two Forks of the Rivanna" (4-26). This proposal
designates central areas of the property as recreational areas, providing central access to these amenities
for future residents of the development.
The approved ZMA201800006 dedicated open space to the back portion of the parcel and cited that
recreational area would comply with minimum requirements. This rezoning application proposes a
programmed recreational area and a natural recreational area in areas central to the site. The natural
recreational area encompasses any potentially ecologically sensitive areas in the rear of the parcel. Both
recreational areas will comply with Section 4.16 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance and some facilities
substitutions may be pursued at site plan. The natural recreational area will include low-impact, softscape
facilities, while the programmed recreational area will follow more `traditional' amenities and facilities,
as outlined in Section 4.16. Though the entirety of Block B is no longer dedicated to open space, the
designated recreational areas will provide robust central amenity space for residents to enj oy.
Consistency with Neighborhood Model:
Pedestrian Orientation:
The conceptual plan lays the framework for a well-connected, multi-modal, and active neighborhood. The
proposed development will have sidewalk connections within the subject property, and will have
connections into the larger pedestrian system that are slated to be located in the area in the future as
neighboring parcels redevelop. A waiver request to allow for double frontage lots is being requested in
conjunction with this ZMA request and if approved, this request will further contribute to pedestrian
oriented design as the proposed units at the front of the site adjacent to Proffit Road would directly face
the sidewalk and landscape improvements,proffered with this ZMA request.
Mixture of Uses:
Although a mixture of uses is not proposed on this subject property, this property is in close proximity to
nearby commercial uses and the proposed pedestrian and vehicular connections will allow for residents to
more easily access nearby retailers and service providers.
Neiehborhood Center:
The alignment of the proposed street network will allow for a future connection to North Pointe, a
designated Neighborhood Center. The Places29 Master Plan states, "The basic structure of a
Neighborhood is simple: the Neighborhood is a combination of two Place Types, a Center and a walkable
area around the Center." The proposed sidewalk connections, that are integral to the framework of this
site, contribute to the walkable area around the Center.
Mixture of Housing Ty�es and Affordabilit�
The R-15 zoning designation allows for a variety of housing types including single family detached,
townhome, and multi-family units. A variety of unit types typically contributes to more varied price
points within a development which would create the opportunity for varied levels of affordability.
Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks:
Street sections will be consistent with current County standards to provide accessible routes for residents
and emergency services, while providing sidewalks along their lengths. The Conceptual Plan allows for
the possible future inter-parcel connections to the properties to the east, west, and north of the subject
property. These proposed connections will allow for a future parallel road network to Proffit Road to take
shape which allows for road users, be they cyclists or drivers, options in their daily travels and alleviates
concentrated traffic on singular routes.
Multi-Modal Transportation Networks:
This proposed development is anticipated to develop along a similar timeline as the proposed
development directly across the street. Once both of these developments take shape, the Proffit Road
street section as outlined in the Places29 Master Plan, will be realized, establishing a multi-use path on
the south side of Proffit Road and a sidewalk on the north side, with both sides proposed to have ample
landscape strips.
Parks, Recreational Amenities, and Open Space:
Green spaces within the development blocks will serve as amenities for the residents. As aforemtioned,
this rezoning application proposes a programmed recreational area and a natural recreational area in areas
central to the site. The natural recreational area encompasses any potentially ecologically sensitive areas
in the rear of the parcel. Both recreational areas will comply with Section 4.16 of the Albemarle Zoning
Ordinance and some facilities substitutions may be pursued at site plan. The natural recreational area will
include low-impact, softscape facilities, while the programmed recreational area will follow more
`traditional' amenities and facilities, as outlined in Section 4.16. Though the entirety of Block B is no
longer dedicated to open space, the designated recreational areas will provide robust central amenity
space for residents to enjoy.
Buildin�s and Spaces of Human Scale:
The maximum building height will be 45', the same maximum height as was approved with ZMA2018-
06. This building height is consistent with the maximum set forth in the Zoning Ordinance and is found
within many developments in Albemarle County. The development will also provide for the fronting of
units and relegated parking along Proffit Road.
Rele�ated Parkin�
If approved, the request for double frontage would ensure that parking is relegated from Proffit Road.
The property was formerly used as a single family dwelling and is currently vacant. This redevelopment
project creates the opportunity to house more people in our community on a development areas property
that formerly seroed one dwelling.
Respectin�Terrain and Careful Gradin�and Re�radin�of Terrain
There are managed slopes on the property and any grading in managed slopes will comply with Sec. 18-
30.7.5 of the Albemarle County Code.
Impacts on Public Facilities &Public Infrastructure:
The intersection west of the property,Proffit Road, Leake Square and Worth Crossing, has been identified
by VDOT as a problematic intersection. As part of the solution to this situation, this intersection will be
developed as a roundabout. The roundabout is a proffered Phase 1 Improvement for the North Pointe
community. However, the exact timeline of the design and construction for this improvement is unknown.
At over 500' from the proposed roundabout improvement, the proposed entrance to the property will not
conflict with the functional operation of the proposed roundabout.
According to 2018 VDOT AADT, there are 7,800 daily trips on the segment of Proffit Road between
Route 785, Pritchett Lane and Route 29. The traffic impact evaluated with ZMA201800006 accounted for
109 multi-family apartments which would contribute to approximately 783 new daily trips, with 52 of
those trips occurring in the AM peak hour and 64 of those trips occurring in the PM peak hour. This
proposal anticipates a maximum of 564 daily trips with 46 of those trips occurring in the AM peak hour
and 54 of those trips occurring in the PM peak hour(ITE LU Code 220). This proposal decreases the trips
generated from this properry by 219 trips, contributing to a nearly 30% decrease in trips from the property
when compared to the trip generation that was previously evaluated and approved on the property.
The Comprehensive Plan and the accompanying Places29 Master Plan have taken into account the higher
traffic volumes along the Proffit Road from Worth Crossing to eastern boundary of Development Area.
The ultimate condition of Proffit Road in this section will be a two-lane road with a two-way left turn lane
in the center. The Conceptual Plan shows the Right-of-Way Dedication area along Proffit Road so that
these planned transportation improvements can be constructed along with a multi-use path or sidewalk.
The property is located within the ACSA jurisdictional area for both water and sewer and will be served
by public water and sewer.
The following data has been provided by Albemarle County Public Schools and has been extrapolated to
estimate the approximate number of children who may live in this development and may be enrolled in
Albemarle County Public Schools:
Type of Dwelling Unit Elementary Middle High Total
Single Family Attached 0.13 0.05 0.08 0.26
Multifamily 0.12 0.03 0.05 0.21
The following numbers were calculated as if the property were constructed to full build-out with one unit
type. The "total" calculation shows the totals for the development if it were built out at 109 single family
attached units or 109 multi-family units. Calculations for single family detached dwellings have been
omitted as it would not be feasible to meet minimum lot regulations for single family dwellings and
construct an exlusively single family development at the maximum density allowable.
ZMA201800006 ro osed 109 units which ma have ielded the followin enrollment numbers:
Type of Dwelling Unit Elementary Middle High Total
Single Family Attached 14.17 5.45 8.72 28.34
Multifamily 13.08 3.27 5.45 22.89
ZMA201900010 proposes 80 units which may yield the following enrollment numbers:
Type of Dwelling Unit Elementary Middle High Total
Single Family Attached 10.4 4 6.4 20.8
Multifamily 9.6 2.4 4 16.8
This proposal would decrease the estimated number of children enrolled in ACPS when compared to the
previously approved development on this property.
Impacts on Environmental Features:
The proposed developmet and road network has been designed to be conscious of any potentially
environmentally sensitive features by siting the proposed natural recreational area in the location of any
potentially sensitive area. There are managed slopes on the property, and if these slopes are disturbed, any
disturbance will be in accordance with Sec. 18-30.7.5 of the Albemarle County Code.
Stormwater management on site will be controlled by Best Management Practices (BMP) that meet the
Virginia Stormwater Management Program(VSMP)requirements.
Proposed Proffers to Address Impacts:
The concept plan provided in conjunction with this ZMA application is a proffered commitment.
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Sheet 2 of 7
Albemarle Land Development LLC EXISTING: Single-Family Residential usE TnsLE
1949 Northside Dr COMPREHENSIVE PLAN:Urban Density Residential sLocx sLocx a sLocx s To'raL
Charlottesville,vf�22911 PROPOSED: R15 - Residential ALLOWED USES All uses listed under section 18.2.1 of the Albemarle All uses listed under Section 18.2.1 of the Albemarle
County Zoning Ordinance will be permitted by right County Zoning Ordinance will be permitted by right
within Block A.All uses listed under Section 18.2.2 within Block B.All uses listed under Section 18.2.2 of the
P RO P E RTY A D D R E S S ZO N I N G of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance will be Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance will be permitted
permitted through approval of a special use permit through approval of a special use permit within Block B.
3223 Proffit Rd EXISTING: R15 - Residential,Airpart Impact Area (AIA) W�ch�n s1o�k a.
Charlottesville,VA 22911 Overlay, Steep Slopes -Managed Overlay M�IMUM suir.niNG xEisxT 45'�4-scor�es Wn��he�er�s iess 45'�4-scor�es Wn��ne�er�S less
M AG I ST E R I A L D I ST R I CT SETBACKS FRONT MINIMUM:S'from Right-of-way FRONT MINIMUM:5'from Right-of-way
R1Variri3 S�G N S FRONT MAXIMUM:25'from Right-of-way FRONT MAXIMUM:25'from Right-of-way
1�11 S1griS 3riCl paVCril2rit ri11Yk1rigS SI7311 COrifOYYri Wlt�l tI1C SIDE:S'feet,unless the building shares a common wall; SIDE:S'feet,unless the building shares a common wall;
�T E�P �L�P E S' � �T R EAM B U F F E R Iat2St eClltlOri Of tI1C MUZ'C� Gu1C1211ri2S. provided that(a)in the R-10 and R-15 districts if the provided that(a)in the R-10 and R-15 districts if the
abutting lot is zoned residential other than R-10 and abutting lot is zoned residential other than R-10 and
�12 pYO�eCt aYea COritalriS aYeaS Of Y113riagCCl SIOp2S.n12Y2 aY2 R-15,Rural Areas,or the Monticello Historic district, R-15,Rural Areas,or the Monticello Historic district,
no stream buffers within the project area. AC R EAG E/LAN D U S E any dwelling unit that exceeds 35 feet in height shall be any dwelling unit that exceeds 35 feet in height shall be
Z'�Z'1�I,: 7.29 l�C set back five feet plus one foot for each foot the dwelling set back five feet plus one foot for each foot the dwelling
unit exceeds 35 feet in height;and(b)any minimum unit exceeds 35 feet in height;and(b)any minimum
SO U RC E O F B O U N DA RY AN D PROPOSED: Single-family attached, single-family detached, side setback otherwise required by this section may be side setback otherwise required by this section may be
TO PO G RA P H Y 1T1Ultlf3rillly YeS1C1Crit131 reduced in accordance with section 4.11.3 reduced in accordance with section 4.11.3
REAR:20' REAR:20'
Boundary and topographic survey for property provided by: P R�P�$E� U N�T$
FRONT STEPBACKS For each story that begins above 40 feet in height or for For each story that begins above 40 feet in height or for
Ro er W. Ra &Associates Inc.A ril 15 2019
g }� � p � each story above the third story,whichever is less,the each story above the third stor};whichever is less,the
Boundary and topographic information for adjacent parcels Maximum 80 units.Maximum gross and net density of 10 m;n;,T,um scepba�k snail be is feec m�n�mum stepba�k snail be is feet
compiled from the Albemarle County Office of Geographic dWelllrig Uri1tS peY aCY2. DRIVEWAY STANDARDS AND Single-family attached and single-family detached units Single-family attached and single-family detached units
Dat1 SeYV1CeS GIS Data. GARAGE SETBACKS in Block A,Area 1 on Sheet 4 shall be subject to the located outside of Block A,Area 1,on Sheet 4 shall be
O P E N S PAC E + R E C R EAT I O N following: driveways shall be rear-loaded and only enter subject to the following: front-loading garages shall be
onto internal"Road B." setback a minimum of 3 feet from the building facade of
F LOO DZO N E R EQ U I R E M E N TS which the garage is located or porch/deck on the facade
Single-family attached and single-family detached units of which the garage is located.
According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map,effective Open space area shall be provided in accordance with Sec.4.7 located outside of Block A,area i,on sheec 4 shall be
date February 4,2005 (Community Panel 51003CO286D), of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance.1he proposed subject to the following: front-loading garages shall be
this property does not lie within a Zone A 100-year flood open space area shall be privately owned. Recreational areas Setba�k a m�n�mum of 3 feec Erom che bu�ld�ng fa�ade of
which the garage is located or porch/deck on the facade
plain. and facilities shall be provided in accordance with Sec.4.16 of which the garage is located.
Of tlle f�IberilaYle COUrity ZOrilrig�YCI1ri3riCe. GARAGE MAXIMUM:None GARAGE MAXIMUM:None
WAT E R S U P P LY WAT E RS H E D rxorosEn nxEa oF sLocx s.z ac z.o9.sc �.z9.sc
Non-Watershed Supply Watershed MINIMUM NUMBER OF 44 0 44
WAT E R A N D SAN I TA RY S E RV I C E S AREA uM vENsiTY sasEv uroN s Dua o DUA 6 DUA
Provided by Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA) mtnxiMUNt NUMBEx oF so 3o so*
All parking shall comply with Sec.4.12 of the Albemarle
*Total number of dwelling units in the development not to exceed 80
County Zoning Ordinance
TM P 32-A-02-2
Submitted 17 June 2019
project: 19.029 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C.
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80 0 80 160 240 project: 19.029
Graphic Scale: 1"=so' S H I M P E N G I N E E R I N G� P.C.
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Submitted 17 June 2019
,�`" � d ��----- REVISED 11 MARCH 2O20
1. Upon future redevelopment of TMP 32A-03-OB-2 and 32A-03-OB-4,the 25'minimally disturbed
80 0 80 160 240 buffer and 25'undisturbed buffer may be disturbed for roadway improvements for the purposes of project: 19.029
interparcel connectivity.
Graphic Scale: 1"=so' S H I M P E N G I N E E R I N G� P.C.
Sheet 5 of 7
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Submitted 17 June 2019
Turn lane to be provided if warranted by final use
5 0 5 10 15 project: 19.029
Graphic Scale: 1"=s' S H I M P E N G I N E E R I N G� P.C.
Sheet 6 of 7
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Submitted 17 June 2019
5 0 5 10 15 project: 19.029
Graphic Scale: 1"=s' S H I M P E N G I N E E R I N G� P.C.
Sheet 7 of 7
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INTERNAL ROAD "B", "D", "E" TMP 32-A-02-2
Submitted 17 June 2019
5 0 5 10 15 project: 19.029
Graphic Scale: 1"=s' S H I M P E N G I N E E R I N G� P.C.
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Original Proffers
Amendment X
ZMA No. 201900010—3223 Prof�t Road
Tax Map and Parcel Number(s): 032A0-02-00-00200
Date of Proffer Signature:
7.29 acres to be rezoned from R-15 to R-15
ALBEMARLE LAND DEVELOPMENT LLC , is the owner (the "Owner") of Tax Map and Parcel
Number 032A0-02-00-00200 (the"Property") which is the subject of rezoning application ZMA No.
201900010, a project known as "3223 PROFFIT ROAD" (the "Project").
Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the Owner hereby voluntarily
proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the Property if it is rezoned to the zoning
district identified above. These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and the
Owner acknowledges that the conditions are reasonable. This proffer statement amends the proffers
applicable to the Property that were accepted in conjunction with ZMA2018-00006.
The Property shall be developed in general accord with the Zoning Map Amendment Concept
Plan prepared by Shimp Engineering, dated June 17, 2019 revised March 11, 2020and shall
reflect the following major elements as shown and noted on the plans:
1. The internal street network grid and interparcel connections between the subject parcel
and TMPs 03200-00-00-02000 and 032A0-02-00-OO1B0;
2. Right-of-way reservation and associated improvements along Proffit Road;
3. A minimum of 44 total dwelling units shall be developed on the property.
4. A 25' Undisturbed Buffer and an additiona125' Minimally Disturbed Buffer in Block B
adjacent to TMP 32A-03-OB-2 and TMP 32A-03-OB-4 as shown on the Conceptual Site
a. Undisturbed Buffer allows for the removal of brush and/or dead vegetation.
b. Minimally Disturbed Buffer allows for minimal grading and/or the removal of
brush and/or dead vegetation.
c. Upon future redevelopment of TMP 32A-03-OB-2 and 32A-03-OB-4, the 25'
minimally disturbed buffer and 25' undisturbed buffer may be disturbed for
roadway improvements for the purposes of interparcel connectivity
5. Garage Setbacks - Single-family attached and single-family detached units located
outside of Block A, Area 1 as shown on Sheet 3 shall be subject to the following: front-
loading garages shall be setback a minimum of 3 feet from the front building fa�ade or
front porch.
6. Parking Standards—The following standards shall apply to uses located within Block A,
Area 1 as shown on Sheet 3 of the plans:
a. For single-family attached and single-family detached units—Front building
facades shall face Proffit Road. No individual lot driveways shall enter directly
onto Proffit Road; driveways shall be rear-loaded and only enter onto "Road B".
Front building facades shall face Proffit Road.
For multi-family- off-street parking shall be relegated to the side or rear of
buildings adjacent to Proffit Road and shall be accessed from the internalroad
network. If a drop-off/pick-up area is proposed between multifamily buildings and
Proffit Road, a limited off-street parking area can be included to accommodate
ADA accessible and guest spaces. This limited off-street parking shall be screened
by landscaping, permanent structures or other acceptable methods per Section
32.7.9 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance.
Original Proffers �
Amendment X
ZMA No.�81�A8AAFr201900010—3223 Proffit Road
Tax Map and Parcel Number(s): 032A0-02-00-00200
Owner(s)of Record: . , , _
Date of Proffer Signature:
�3 7.29 acres to be rezoned from R-15�to R-15 . Formatted:Normal,Indent:Left: 0.08^, No
bullets or numbering
ALBEMARLE LAND DEVELOPMENT LLC dA"T�'�'�--n-��,r �c �iTc�rc,� rru� i��r�-r u i ��
Formatted:Font: 12 pt
Formatted:Font: 12 pt
,is the owner(the_
"Owner")of Tax Map and Parcel Number 032A0-02-00-00200(the"Property")which is the subject of �� Formatced:Rignt: o��
rezoning application ZMA No.�81�A8AAH2O1900010,a project lrnown as"3223 PROFFIT ROAD"
Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance,the Owner hereby voluntarily
proffers the condirions listed below which shall be applied to the Property if it is rezoned to the zoning
district identified above.These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and the
Owner acknowledges that the conditions are reasonable. This proffer statement amends the proffers
applicable to the Propertv that were accepted in conjunction with ZMA2018-00006.
The Pproperty shall be developed in general accord with the Zoning Map Amendment
Concept Plan prepared by�^^a^'�^�'�,r'^,^ �- "��^^;^'^�Shimp Engineering,dated June 178,
2019�revised March 11,2020 �'^��..^�� ,�,'n,o and shall reflect the following major elements
as shown and noted on the plans:
1. The internal street network grid and interparcel connections between the subject parcel
I and TMPs 03200-00-00-023000 and 032A0-02-00-OO1B0;
2. Right-of-way reservation and associated improvements along Proffit Road;
3. A minimum of 44 total dwelling units shall be developed on the property.
4. A 25'Undisturbed Buffer and an additiona125'Minimally Disturbed Buffer in Block B
adjacent to TMP 32A-03-OB-2 and TMP 32A-03-OB-4 as shown on the Conceptual Site
a. Undisturbed Buffer allows for the removal of brush and/or dead vegetation.
b_Minimally Disturbed Buffer allows for minimal grading and/or the removal of
brush and/or dead vegetation.
'�c.Upon future redevelopment of TMP 32A-03-OB-2 and 32A-03-OB-4,the 25'
minimally disturbed buffer and 25' undisturbed buffer may be disturbed for
roadwav improvements for the purposes of interparcel connectivitv
5. Garage Setbacks-Single-family attached and single-family detached units located
outside of Block A,Area 1 as shown on Sheet 3 shall be subject to the following:front-
loading garages shall be setback a minimum of 3 feet from the front building fagade or
6. Parlcing Standards—The following standards shall apply to uses located within Block A,
Area 1 as shown on Sheet 3 of the plans:
a. For single-family attached and single-family detached units—Front building
facades shall face Proffit Road.No individual lot driveways shall enter directly
onto Prof�t Road;driveways shall be rear-loaded and only enter onto"Road B".
Front building facades shall face Proffit Road.
�'or multi-family-off-street parking shall be relegated to the side or rear of � Formatted:Font:aold
buildings adjacent to Proffit Road and shall be accessed from the internal road
network.If a drop-off/pick-up area is proposed between multifamily buildings and
Proffit Road,a limited off-street parlang area can be included to accommodate
ADA accessible and guest spaces.This limited off-street parking shall be screened
by landscaping,permanent structures or other acceptable methods per Section
32.7.9 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance.
� �
� �
June 17, 2019
Revised: March 11, 2020
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 Mclntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Regarding: Amendment to ZMA2018-06 (3223 Proffit Road)
Request for pouble Frontage Lots (Section 14-401)
To Whom It May Concern,
Section 14.401 in the County Subdivision Ordinance prohibits the development of double frontage lots for
single family detached and attached residential uses. Section 14.203.1 (B) allows the agent or the
commission to vary or except this prohibition. We are requesting this exception from the prohibition of double
frontage lots for the development at 3223 Proffit Road to construct the property frontage along Proffit Road
consistent with the rezoning concept plan.
In your consideration of this request, please consider the following:
1) Section 14-203.1 (B)-3:
(i) The Concept Plan for 3223 Proffit Road,in accordance with neighborhood model principles,proposes
rear loaded residential units fronting on Proffit Road. This will establish a more urban streetscape on
this portion of Proffit Road located in close proximity to Route 29 in the development areas and will
allow for internal driveway connections to the lots fronting on Proffit Road. The street section for
Proffit Road from Worth Crossing to Development Area Boundary as depicted in Appendix 3:
Roadway Cross Secfions of the Places29 Master Plan shows a sidewalk and landscape strip along
fhe property frontage. Homes with front doors on Proffit Road will help to frame the public pedesfrian
space on the sidewalk and will create an inviting space where public pedestrian space is given
precedence over privatized yards.As aforementioned, the homes fronting on Proffit Road will be
accessed from an internal road network;fhis will minimize conflict points on Proffit Road by allowing
for one vehicular entrance to the property.
Please except the prohibition of double frontage lots, consistent with the concept plan, for this proposed
development. As always if you have any questions or concerns about this request please feel free to call us
at(434) 227-5140 and we are happy to discuss in further detail.
Best Regards,
j�`'��.�i�t sC'�rtir�i
Justin Shimp, P.E.
Shimp Engineering, P.C.