HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP200500113 Review Comments Letter of Revision 2 2020-03-21Phone (434) 296-5832
Plan preparer:
Owner or rep.:
Plan received date:
(Rev. 1)
Date of comments:
(Rev. 1)
Project Coordinator:
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Fax (434) 972-4126
Site Plan review, LOR
Cale Elementary School Additions & Renovations (LOR2)
Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Project
Frank nsky, OF Timmons G-otip 1001 Boulders Dkwy, Suite 300
Richmond, rNIA z3z.z .snrrrn"i-rm-a-ivriscm J
[ Note: Frank Slinsky, Timmons Group, is not POC ]
Eugene Coleman, AMT Engineering [ ecolemanAamten ing eerin,g com ]
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc. / Consulting Engineers
100 Gateway Centre Parkway, Suite 200 / Richmond, VA 23235
County of Albemarle School Board, 401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902 [ 1 lg ass &albemarle.org ]
13 Jan 2020
3 Mar 2020
7 Feb 2020
21 Mar 2020
John Anderson — No objection
Cameron Langille
1. C1.0: Recommend list Owner information: (Rev. 1) Addressed.
a. County of Albemarle School Board
b. FES / FPC contact
i. Name individual
ii. Tel. # ; email address
2. C2.0: Provide Narrative and schematic elements to accommodate pedestrian bypass across the site (N/S)
during active construction, especially on the west side of Avon Street Ext. Plan must allow pedestrians that
rely on existing pedestrian facilities to transit the site. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant response (3/2/20
Memo): `Added a note at the existing asphalt path: path shall remain open to pedestrians or a sign /barrier
posted if sidewalk is closed.'
3. C3.0: Provide concrete flume detail. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
4. C4.0: Since new sidewalk connecting portion of Ex. walk along Avon Street Ext. to Cale Elementary
Parking Lot exceeds VDOT sidewalk standard (ref. IIM-LD-55.16, sheet 3 of 8, 5% Max. for pedestrian
access routes not contained within a street or highway right-of-way; appears to exceed 10%), Engineering
strongly recommends revise this portion of design to include stair with handrail, such that all portions of
sidewalk outside VDOT RW are < 5%. It appears seven (7) — 8" risers would allow remaining walk to
meet 5% standard. Although a portion of walk continues along Avon, and is nearly ADA-complaint, this is
a safe routes to school project, and inherent risk posed to parents, children, teachers, and community with
—10% proposed grade is somewhat difficult to understand. In winter, especially, risk of fall will persist for
those using this pedestrian facility, unless proposed grade is revised. (Rev. 2) Addressed. Applicant
response: `No change to plan: The AMT Engineer has been working with the VDOT Civil Rights Engineer
(regarding ADA requirements). The plan has VDOT approval and we believe it meets ADA by utilizing
the center access leading directly to the main entry. And the northern walk parallel to the exit drive. The
Engineering Review Comments
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southern path is too steep to meet ADA but is usable by most non-ADA pedestrians.' Engineering accepts
this response [VDOT IIM-LD-55.16, sheet 3, bullet information (graphic) removed with Rev. 1 comments].
5. C4.0: Ensure proposed 4" PVC @ 2.0% Min. has sufficient cover. (Rev. 2) Addressed. Applicant
response: `No change to plan: The contractor will install with the maximum cover but given the tight
vertical relief and the need to get under the sidewalk, there will be a short section of stormwater run-off
pipe with shallow cover.' Engineering accepts this rationale.
6. C4.0: Provide safety f� to isolate publicly accessible areas from construction. Also, item I O.o.i.4, below.
(Rev. 1) Addressed. Ref. sheet C6.0. Also, C6.2, Note: `If future sidewalk is in place during the
construction of this project the contractor shall install a sidewalk closed sign.'
7. C4.1
a. Provide SAF. Also, item 6, above. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Ref. sheet C6.0.
b. Examine sidewalk grade between proposed contours 585 and 586; this section exceeds VDOT 5%
Max. grade (-6%). Revision is essential since at least one sidewalk along the E side of Avon St.
Ext. serving Cale Elementary must meet ADA guidelines. Engineering recommends all sidewalk
sections be designed < 5%, excepting stairs recommended for section of walk shown on C4.0.
(Rev. 1) Withdrawn. Ref. Applicant response, review item 41 above.
S. C4.2
a. Provide SAF. Also, item 6, above. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Ref. sheet C6.0.
b. Item a., immediately above, may require chain -link SAF to separate vehicular /pedestrian paths
from construction. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Note, C6.1 /C6.2: `Contractor shall provide temporary
barricades across drive aisle while constructing sidewalk improvements.'
9. 3.1: Label existing concrete sidewalk as existing concrete sidewalk to be removed. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
10. Submit Aaron Plan A pplic ati (no fee required; county project): submit to reviewer's attention. While
LOR comments provide advance notice of WPO plan revisions, based on this LOR, additional review
comments are possible once the VSMP /WPO Plan Application is submitted. (Rev. 1) Withdrawn
/Review Error. All VSMP /WPO plan comments withdrawn. SDP reviewer overlooked WP0201900063
submittal. VSMP /WPO status: `No objection' [ David James, 2/25/20; CV comment: `Request hard copies
for approval.'] SDP LOR2 reviewer regrets oversight, and error.
a. Application, link:
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Community Development/for
ms/Engineering_ and _WPO _Forms/WPO _VSMP _V irginia_Stormwater_Management_Program_
b. Submit SWPPP for project; use county template (link to template:
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/E
ngineering and _WPO _Forms/Stormwater_ Pollution _Prevention _ Plan_ SWPPP_template.pdf):
i. Include PPP Exhibit in SWPPP, Sec. 6.A.
ii. Ensure named individual is listed as qualified personnel, SWPPP, Sec. 8.
iv. Ensure SWPPP, Sec. 1 is complete: 2019 VAR10 CGP Registration Statement.(Link:
httD://www.albemarle.oriz/uDload/imaees/forms center/departments/Community Develo
muent/forms/Enelneerin2 and WPO Forms/CGP Registration Statement 2019 FINA
L 201904.pdf
c. Review design criteria at https://www.swbMp.vwrrc.vt.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/BMP-
Spec-No-9 BIORETENTION_v1-9 03012011.pdf, VA DEQ Stormwater Design Specification
No. 9 to ensure bioretention design criteria are met.
d. Remove sheets C5.0, C5.1, C5.2, C6.0 — 6.4 from the LOR. These sheets (w/ VSMP/WPO plan
title sheet) will constitute a VSMP /WPO plan, and cannot be approved with the LOR. (Rev. 2)
Comment persists. Applicant response: `...will delete these sheets from the final LOR
e. SWM
i. Provide Drainage Area maps (pre- /post -development identical, but need to show
drainage divide/s).
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ii. Provide POA analysis. SW quantity evaluation is required at each point of post -
developed site discharge.
iii. Provide stormwater quantity evaluation. If site discharges to manmade facilities (pipe
conveyance system) evaluate channel protection against criteria at 9VAC25-870-66.B.1.
If site discharges to a natural stormwater conveyance system (defined natural feature),
evaluate against criteria at 9VAC25-870-66.B.3. Evaluate to Limits of Analysis; see
guidance at 9VAC25-870-66.B.4. Evaluate flood protection against criteria at 9VAC25-
870-66.C. Evaluate to Limits of Analysis; guidance listed at 9VAC25-870-66.C.3.
f. Revise VaRRM.xls re -development worksheet, once LOD revised. Revisit biofilter design, if
g. C5.1: In calculations packet, include /account for Ex. 15" RCP fraction of runoff that bypasses
h. C4.2: Label Ex. storm line 1, Ex. storm line 2.
i. C5.2: Revise VaRRM.xls, once LOD revised.
j. C5.2: Label bioretention facility floor dimensions in plan view.
k. Copy Construction Record Drawings (As -built) for VSMP as .PDF image to the plan (link:
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community_ Development/forms/E
ngineering_and _WPO_Forms/WPO_VSMP_ Construction Record_ Drawings Policy 23May2014.pdf)
1. Include (attached) bio-retention periodic inspection guidelines on the plan.
in. Include relevant information from VA DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 9, Sec. 9.2 and
9.3 on the plan.
n. Include VA DEQ Spec. No. 9 Bioretention Installation steps, Sec. 8.2, on the plan.
o. ESC
i. C6.0
1. Provide construction access to stockpile /laydown area. Provide paved
construction entrance with spray wash (paved wash rack detail at p. 8 /ACDSM
ht!p://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/community
_development/forms/design_ standards_ manual/Albemarle _County _Design Sta
ndards_Manual _2015-04-25_draft.pdf .
2. Resolve 20" cedar /silt fence conflict.
3. Label Area of LOD (ftz).
4. Provide /label safety fence (SAF) needed to isolate paths routinely taken by
school children or residents, from areas of construction. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
Ref. item 6, above.
ii. C6.1
1. LOD width for 5' sidewalk construction is shown to be approx. 4.4' w. Revise
/increase LOD width. Compare with equipment used to construct; revise LOD
width to a reasonable minimum.
2. Silt fence (SF) along this portion of the project is hard to evaluate; revise to
ensure SF limits off -site sediment transport on this portion of project.
iii. C6.2
1. Increase LOD for bioretention pipe outfall installation to 10' w, min.
2. Label proposed bioretention pipe outfall.
3. Provide profile for proposed bioretention outfall.
4. Provide SF between graded slope and newly constructed sidewalk.
5. Provide SF between graded slope and newly constructed sidewalk, match line
6. Show construction entrance (CE).
iv. C6.3
1. Provide CE, PCE (paved /ACDSM), SAF typical details.
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2. Note: Albemarle County ESC Inspector may require a paved construction
entrance, but given scope of work may accept a VESCH stone construction
entrance. Both construction entrance details should be included on the plan.
11. C7.0, C7.1: Albemarle defers to VDOT review comments on the Traffic Management Plan for measures
required to ensure vehicular and pedestrian safety along Avon Street Ext. for the duration of construction.
(Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant response: `No change to plans; [plans] revised to meet VDOT
12. C7.2 /Notes:
a. General Notes (Rev. 1) Addressed.
i. Note 5: replace `by the county engineer,' with `by the County (Owner), and VDOT.
ii. Note 6: replace `approval from the county,' with `approval from the County (Owner), and
iii. Note 6: replace `permission of the county,' with `permission of the County (Owner), and
iv. Note 8: replace `as approved by the county,' with `as approved by the County (Owner).'
v. Note 11: replace `directed by the county,' with `directed by VDOT.'
b. Transportation Operation Plan
i. Note 1: replace `the county when,' with `the County (Owner), and VDOT when.'
c. Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Plan
i. Note 4: replace `by the city engineer,' with `by VDOT.'
13. C8.0: Provide:
a. Concrete flume detail, (Rev. 1) Addressed. Concrete flume detail is on sheet C8.0.
b. VDOT handrail detail, (Rev. 1) Comment withdrawn. Applicant response: `No VDOT handrail
detail is needed.' Accurate, since design does not include steps.
c. Stair detail; also, item 4, above. (Rev. 1) Comment withdrawn. Applicant response: `No need for
stairs anywhere, plan approved by VDOT for access without stairs.'
Please feel free to call if any questions: 434.296-5832 -x3069
Thank you
SDP2005-00113 Cale Elem safe routes sidewalk LOR2 032120revl