HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201700005 Plan - As-built Stormwater Management Plan 2020-01-30LEGEND YD YARD DRAIN SDMH STORM DRAIN MANHOLE S F __ D - - S F � --- 0 --- �� __V A 3 k--) ___ __ __ AX\ A - N I:R F- V N -F-1 S _-) A A A - _L _L 11 SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA C] a C� j p�Rk q 0 S T RS7,4 64 Q % Nyoo N �cP, �y G ¢� �u4 TIMBERLAND PARK APMTS OLD LYNCHBURG ROAD SDP2017-16 & WP02017-05 SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY SHEET: 1 of 5 DATE: JANUARY 30, 2020 FILE: TIMBERLAND PARK -STORM AB.DWG SHEET INDEX AB-100 ........ COVERSHEET AB-200 ........ SITE PLAN AB-300 ....... STORM PROFILES AB-400 ........ STORM PROFILES AB-500 ........ STORM PROFILES APPROVED by the Albemarle County Commune ge�r�l8p�rbent Department Date // File WP0201700005 CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION: "I CERTIFY THAT THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES INCLUDING DRAINAGE AREAS COMPLIES WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRCUTION PLANS AND WILL FUNCTION AS DESIGNED." LT H of --\ D. Kent O'Donohue, Jr a Lie. No. 1683 02-04-2020 o��� N t T k of/ TIM TliY RAY MILLER tic. No. P65 r STORM AS -BUILT SURVEY PERFORMED BY: MERIDIAN PLANNING GROUP, LLC 440 Premier Circle, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22901 (P) 434.882.0121 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE FOR BIORETENTION Description Method Frequency Time of Year SOIL Inspect and repair erosion Visually Monthly monthly ORGANIC LAYER. Remulch any void areas By hand Whenever Whenever needed needed Remove previous mulch B hand y Once every two s rin p g before applying new layer to three ears Any additional mulch By hand Once a year spring added (optional) PLANTS See planting Removal and replacement specifications of the Mar. 15 to of all dead and diseased Virginia Stormwater Twice a year Apr. 30 and vegetation considered Management Oct. 1 to Nov. beyond treatment Handbook, Section 30 3.11 Varies, Treat all diseased trees and depends on shrubs Mechanical or by hand NIA insect or disease infestation Watering of plant material shall take place at the end Immediately of each day for fourteen By hand after NIA consecutive days after completion of planting has been project completed Replace stakes after one Only remove By hand. Once a year stakes in year spring Replace any deficient By hand NIA Whenever stakes or wires needed Check for accumulated By hand Monthly monthly sediments 1. Inspect bi-annually and after each storm event the contributing drainage areas, Bioretention facility, inlets, outlets, underdrains, overflows and cleanouts for debris, sediment, proper drainage and damages. Clean and dispose of all debris, trash and sediment properly. Should structural damages be encountered contact design engineer for replacement information and notify the County of Augusta Engineer of the damages and proposed repair procedures. 2. The observation well shall be checked quarterly and after each large storm, event. A log book shall be maintained showing the depth of water in the well during each inspection in order to determine the rate at which the facility dewaters after runoff producing storm events. Once the performance characteristics of the structure have been verified, the monitoring schedule can be reduced to an annual basis, unless the performance data suggests that a more frequent schedule is required. At the end of the first year the Landowner shall provide a copy of the log book and the revised monitoring schedule to the county engineering department to be reviewed by the Erosion and Sediment control inspector. The inspector will approve the revised monitoring schedule or require further inspections that shall be carried out by the Landowner. 3. Inspect plant material bi-annually. Address any problems found due to disease or insect infestations. Diseased plants must be treated by a qualified professional. Replace any dead plant material and prune as necessary. Consult a landscape architect or horticulturist for specific pruning measures. All replacement plants shall meet original design specifications. New plants shall be watered everyday for the first 14 days after planting. 4. Conduct organic layer and soil tests twice a year to maintain proper pH. An application of alkaline, such as limestone, shall be applied as needed per test results. 5. The soil mix shall be tested annually to check for the presence of toxins and heavy metals. If levels are high and the plant biologic functions are impaired (dwarfed growth and mortality) the contaminated soil and any dead plants shall be removed and replaced. All removed material shall be disposed of properly. In some cases, the removal and disposal of the entire soil base as well as the plant material may be required. Replacement soil mix and plants shall meet original design specifications. 6. Inspect mulch layer for voids and to ensure specified thickness. Replacement of mulch layer is required every two to three years. Mulch shall be replaced in spring. The previous layer shall be removed first. 7. When sand or other street abrasives are used on areas draining to Bioretention basin during snow and icing conditions the pavement shall be power/vacuum swept as soon as freezing weather abates to prevent damage to the basins. 8. Inspect bi-annually all inlets structures, manholes, storm pipes, cleanouts and roof drains for proper drainage and structural integrity. Should damages be encountered contact design engineer for replacement information and notify County Engineering department of damages and repair procedures. 9. Inspect bi-annually all inlets structures, manholes, storm pipes, cleanouts and roof drains for debris and sediment. Clean and dispose of all debris, trash and sediment properly. STR # 17 18" N-12 HDPE 144.68 LF 0 0.48% SLOPE STR #16, 60" MH-1 *INV= 410.06 409.94' DAYLIGHT AT EXISTING GRADE (SEE PLAN) BIORETENTION MEDIA REQUIREMENTS GENERAL FILTER MEDIA COMPOSITION (SPECIFICATION NO. 9, SECTION 6.6): THE RECOMMENDED BIORETENTION SOIL MIXTURE IS GENERALLY CLASSIFIED AS LOAMY SAND ON THE USDA TEXTURE TRIANGLE, WITH THE FOLLOWING COMPOSITION: 85% TO 88% SAND; 8% TO 12% SOIL FINES; AND • 3% TO 5% ORGANIC MATTER IT MAY BE ADVISABLE TO START WITH AN OPEN -GRADED COARSE SAND MATERIAL AND PROPORTIONATELY MIX IN TOPSOIL THAT WILL LIKELY CONTAIN ANYWHERE FROM 30% TO 50% SOIL FINES (SANDY LOAM, LOAMY SAND) TO ACHIEVE THE DESIRED RATION OF SAND AND FINES, AN ADDITIONAL 3% TO 5% ORGANIC MATTER CAN THEN BE ADDED. (THE EXACT COMPOSITION OF ORGANIC MATTER AND TOPSOIL MATERIAL WILL VARY, MAKING PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION AND RECIPE FOR THE TOTAL SOIL MEDIA MIXTURE DIFFICULT TO DEFINE IN ADVANCE OF EVALUATING THE AVAILABLE MATERIAL.) FILTER MEDIA TESTING f P-INDEX RANGE OF 10-30 OR BETWEEN 7 AND 21 MG/KG • CECs EXCEEDING 10 *MEDIA MUST BE PROCURED FROM APPROVED FILTER MEDIA VENDOR. *CERTIFICATION FROM MEDIA VENDOR MUST BE PROVIDED TO DESIGN PE/LA FOR SWM CERTIFICATION PURPOSES. IF CERTIFICATION IS NOT PROVIDED THEN CONTR. WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING THE MEDIA TESTED AND CONFIRMED THAT IT MEETS THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS. THE RESULTS OF THIS TESTING TOP= 416.39 417.29' HT= 6.33' MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE DESIGN PE/LA. MANIFOLD FOR SECOND 36" DET. PIPE 9 n._VO Cl CVATInkl Irl BIORETENTION DETAIL N.T.S. 1310-RETENTION SCHEDULE Landscape Plants Drainage Impenvous Required Depth of Stone Bottom Under BMP High Flow High Flow 1-YR 10-Yr Top of Top of Forebay Area Area Media Depth*. *. of Stone Drain Inv. Surface Weir Inv: Weir Elev. Elev. Berm Berm Weir Large Trees Area Elev. Elevation Length Width Elevation Elevation KEY ACS ACS SF A B C D E F G H I J BMP #1 1.85 0.86 1,784 36" 40" 427.67 428.67 434.00 434.50 8' 434.24 435.30 4' 436.00 435.00 7 BMP #2 2.32 1.30 2,992 36" 28" 419 421.00 424.33 424.83 16, 424.84 425.79 4' 426.33 425.33 12 Including 3 Top Mulch Layer or SOD Layer #57 Stone including 4" #8 Choker Layer AS- BUILT 131O-RETENTION SCHEDULE Required Bottom BMP High High Flow Top of Top of Forebay Drainage Impervious Depth of Stone Under 10-YR Large Media of Stone Surface Flow Weir 1-YR Elev Berm Berm Weir Area Area Media Depth Drain Inv. Elev Trees Area Elev Elevation Weirinv. Length Width Elevation Elevation Key ACS ACS SF A B C D E F G H I J BMP #1 433.69 434.79 8 4 435.92 BMP #2 424.09 424.92 16 4.35 426.49 1 i f 1 j t I I l I 128.53' @ 0.06% l STR # 15 i 1 36" N-12 HDPE (2) 1 1 128.54 LF @ 0.20% SLOPE DETENTION PIPE & WEIR PLATE DETAIL N.T.S. I U- i rC 7I UFIVI 412.14' @ 3 7 tFS 2-YR STORM 41 1 .58' @ 1,06 JS STR #14, 60" MH-1 I i I 1 ! I I I 6"X6" NOTCH MANIFOLD FOR SECOND -' 36" DET. PIPE 409.86' *INV= 409.81 5" ORIFICE INV= 409.81 414.65' TOP= 414.68 HT� 4.87' Y2" STEEL PLATE 48" WIDE WITH 2" ANGLE IRON WELDED TO SIDES AND FASTENED TO MANHOLE WALL WITH EPDXIED %" 0 STAINLESS STEEL ANCHORS EVERY 6". TOP OF WEIR= 411.81 100-YR= 412.45 ff STIR 7 # 13� 1.57% l 18" N-12 HDPE 6.96 LF @ 0.867. SLOPE INV= 409.81 409.76' TO STR. # 13C UT INV= 409.75 409.65' *MOTE: CONTR. TO ENSURE WATER TIGHT CONNECTION WITHIN DETENTION FACILITY. WEIR KEY Weir Notch Notch Length I Depth I Length KEY A B C BMP #1 8' 0.8' 3" BMP #2 16' 1.0' 5" AS-BUI LT WEIR KEY Weir Length Notch Depth Notch Length KEY A B C BMP #1 8' 0.65" 3.5" BMP #2 16' 1.08' 6" 6» 6" GROUND LEVEL FLOW I,�(C) J s >>'. >l >�00 too > TIMBERLAND PARK APMTS OLD LYNCHBURG ROAD SDP2017-16 & WP02017-05 SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY SHEET: 3 of 5 DATE: JANUARY 30, 2020 FILE: TIMBERLAND PARK -STORM AB.DWG E RIP -RAP '--ATION IS kS BEEN URING NEW RIP --RAP OT SUFFICE) STORM AS -BUILT SURVEY PERFORMED BY: CLASS A3 CONCRETE W/ 6X6, W2.9XW2.9 WWF OR FIBER REINFORCEMENT (4" MIN. THICKNESS) HIGH FLOW CONC. WEIR DETAIL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE FOR SWM DETENTION I,la inten an ceshall �e the respDnsibilityofthe a wnerupo n corn pletion of construction. Otiwnershall keep record of all inspections and repair reports, forth e countyto review, onlyif req uested. DESCRIPTION METHOD FREQUENCY T NE OF TH E YEAR SDIL Inspect and Repair Erosion V isua1; topsoiling and Bi-annuall'j B i-annu3IIt, seeding I, existing grade level Must he m3, 1nttain) Check for accumulated ''visual! sediment to be Bi-annually Bi-3nnuaII.- sediments disposed of properly GENERAL Inspect and remove debns Visuall trashy and [J onth1,, or as debris to be disposed needed of properly PLANTS Removal and replacement Re -seed distressed Twice a Year 115 to 1130 and 10.i1 to 111,30 of all dead and diseased 31'e3S vegetation considered beyond treatment For arTy' further guidance or assistance please contact B aJ7 er & associates-54-248-3220 N.T.S.. 1. Caution needs to be taken while inspecting the Stormwater Management (SWM) facility; there is a hazard of soft saturated sediment and soil. 2. The SWM facility shall be checked for sediment build-up. If sediment build up reaches the cleanout level, the sediment shall be removed and disposed of properly. 3. The SWM embankment shall be checked to ensure it is structurally sound, has not been damaged by erosion, and has no trees or other deep rooting plants growing on it. If damage appears to be evident contact an engineer to inspect. 4. The emergency weir shall be checked to ensure its lining is well established and erosion -resistant. If the emergency weir is no longer established the weir shall be relined. If it is no longer erosion -resistant the weir shall be relined. 5. The riser structure shall be checked to ensure it is structurally sound, has not endured any damage and does not have excess sediment build up. If the structure is found to be structurally unsound the entire structure shall be replaced. If the structure is damaged repairs shall be made immediately. If there is an excess of sediment in the riser structure the sediment shall be removed and disposed of properly. 6. The culvert, leading from the riser structure and running underneath the SWM embankment, shall be checked regularly to ensure it has not endured any damage, is not being undermined, and does not have excess sediment build up. If the structure has any damage the damage shall be repaired immediately. If the structure is being undermined by water an engineering investigation will need to be preformed on the embankment. If an excess of sediment is present, the sediment shall be removed and disposed of properly. MERIDIAN PLANNING GROUP, LLC 440 Premier Circle, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22901 (P) 434.882.0121 o NLTH ON i Z 6 Illy THY RAY hlltl.ER a. Lic. NO. {D65 SUF"E SHEET AB-300 STORM 2 PRO T FILE ■ 1 1 470 ■�} 1 1 450 1 1 440 1 1 430 1 1 420 1 1 410 1 1 450 1 1 440 1 1 430 1 1 420 1 1 410 ■ A ! ■ 0 0 Me;K 1I 380 9 STORM 13-20 PROFILE UTILITY NOTES: 3.0' MIN. COVER FOR SANITARY. 3.5' MIN. COVER FOR WATER. + 1.5' MIN. SEPARATION BETWEEN SANITARY AND WATER. 1.0' MIN. SEPARATION BETWEEN STORM AND WATER OR SANITARY. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. 450 440 430 19) 420 410 400 390 w 10 0 10 20 30 Now - VERTICAL SCALE: 1 " _ 10' 30 0 30 60 90 HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1 " = 30' so 470 460 450 440 430 420 410 fI r STORM SCHEDULE STR# TYPE NOSE TOP ELEV. HEIGHT (FT.) LENGTH (FT.) DIAMETER MATERIAL SLOPE INV. IN INV. OUT 1 NYLOPLAST 430.87 6.27 ST-1 1 24" DRAIN BASIN WITH SOLID TOP 1A 87.00 24" 24" TYPE S HDPE 0.49% 425.03 424.60 1 B 43,31 24" 24" TYPE S HDPE 0.62% 424.60 424.33 2 NYLOPLAST TYPE B 428.36 3.33 2.50 24" DRAIN BASIN WITH 2'x2" ROAD & HIGHWAY GRATE INLET 3 114.87 181' 18" TYPE S HDPE 0.55% 425.66 425.03 4 DI-3C TYPE B 429.83 4.17 6.00 ST-1 5 186.25 15" 15" TYPE S HDPE 1. 91 % 429.31 425.76 6 DI-38 TYPE B 433.23 3.92 6.00 7 82.89 15" 15" TYPE S HDPE 0.60% 429.91 429.41 8 MH-2 435,52 5.61 ST-1 9 59.14 15" 15" TYPE S HDPE 0.51 % 430.31 430.01 10 DI-3A TYPE B 434.24 3.93 2.50 11 9.31 12" 12" TYPE S HDPE 3.65% 430.75 430.41 12 NYLOPLAST 433.33 2.58 12" INLINE DRAIN WITH DOME GRATE 13 6.96 181" 18" TYPE S HDPE 0.86% 409.81 409.75 14 MH-2 414.68 4.87 ST-1 1 60" MH-2 15 128.54 36" 36" TYPE S HDPE 0.19% 410.06 409.81 16 MH-2 416,39 6.33 ST-1 160" MH-2 17 144.68 18" 18" TYPE S HDPE 0.48% 410.75 410.06 18 DI-3B TYPE B 414,66 3.91 10.00 IS-1 19 82.42 151' 15" TYPE S HDPE 3.08% 413.29 410,75 20 DI-3B TYPE B 417.04 3.75 4.00 21 38.78 12" 12" TYPE S HDPE 2.97% 435.15 434.00 22 NYLOPLAST 439.76 4.61 12" INLINE DRAIN WITH SOLID TOP 23 50.75 12" 12" TYPE S HDPE 1. 20 % 435.76 435.15 24 NYLOPLAST 43&99 3.23 12" DRAIN BASIN WITH SOLID TOP 25 20.62 12" 12" TYPE S HDPE 3.10 % 436.40 435.76 26 NYLOPLAST 440.83 4.43 12" INLINE DRAIN WITH DOME GRATE 27 67.60 12"' 12" TYPE S HDPE 2. 86 % 438.33 436.40 28 NYLOPLAST 440.83 2.50 12" INLINE DRAIN WITH DOME GRATE 29 32,48 12" 12" TYPE S HDPE 6.16% 440.33 438.33 30 NYLOPLAST 442.83 2.50 12" DRAIN BASIN WITH DOME GRATE 31 118.05 12" 12" TYPE S HDPE 1.08% 441.61 440.33 32 NYLOPLAST 445.11 3.50 12" DRAIN BASIN WITH SOLID TOP 33 108.55 12"' 12" TYPE S HDPE 1. 00 % 442.70 441.61 34 NYLOPLAST 447.18 4.48 12" DRAIN BASIN WITH SOLID TOP 35 37.14 12" 12" TYPE S HDPE 1. 02 % 443.08 442.70 36 NYLOPLAST 446.08 3.00 12" INLINE DRAIN WITH STANDARD GRATE 37 67.71 12" 12" TYPE S HDPE 2.57% 437.50 435.76 38 NYLOPLAST 439.50 2.00 12" INLINE DRAIN WITH STANDARD GRATE 39 135.05 15" 15" TYPE S HDPE 0.50% 410.42 409.75 40 MH-2 413.82 3.40 41 9.37 15" 15" TYPE S HDPE 1 0.53% 410.57 410.52 42 D I-3 F TYPE B 412.8E 2.29 4.00 TIMBERLAND PARK APMTS OLD LYNCHBURG ROAD SDP2017-16 & WP02017-05 SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY SHEET: 4 of 5 DATE: JANUARY 30, 2020 FILE: TIMBERLAND PARK - STORM AB.DWG STORM AS -BUILT SURVEY I PERFORMED BY: MERIDIAN PLANNING GROUP, LLC 440 Premier Circle, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22901 (P) 434.882.0121 ��'ALTN 0/- o 11 Z RAY MILLER > Lic. No, 2065 1AV,D SHEET AB-400