HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202000004 Correspondence 2020-03-27® COLLINS ENGINEERING
March 23, 2020
John Anderson / Paty Saternye
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Berkmar Overlook— Final Road and Utility Plans (SUB 2020-00004)
j 434.293.3719 PH 434.293.2813 FX
( www.collins-engineering.com
Thank you for your comments dated March 3rd 2020 on the above referenced project. The following is a summary of how the
comments have been addressed:
Engineering Comments:
1. The plan sheet has been updated with the revised sheet titles, as requested.
2. The public acceptance procedures for the public streets have been added to Sheet 3 of the site plan.
3. The (2) proposed onstreet parking spaces have been removed from Swede street and striped out for future use when the
street is extended in the future, as requested.
4. The PC -PT tangents and roadway CL curve data has been added to the plans, see sheet 3 and 4.
5. The wall and maintenance easements are now shown and labeled on the plans, see sheets 3 and 4.
6. The layout sheets have been renamed from road plan to site layout, as requested. This was also updated on the cover
7. The driveways have been relocated outside the curve radii of the intersections, as requested. The minimum widths of the
driveways have been maintained, with most of the driveway widths between 16' and 18' in length.
8. All the driveway entrances have been detailed out with the driveway radii added to the driveways for each entrance. The
driveways have been updated to ensure adequate room for the drop inlet structures and utility structures.
9. The proposed removable bollards have been added to the emergency access roadway and labeled on the plan. The detail
has been added to the plans on sheet 4.
10. The sight distances are shown on the plans, and the sight distance will be recorded on the subdivision plat. The Deed book
and page will be added to the final site plan, but not the road plans (this set of plans) as the road plans will need to be
approved prior to the subdivision plat being recorded. Then, the site plan is approved after these (2) approvals and the
recordation of the plat. The recordation in formation will be added to the final site plan.
11. As discussed during the engineering meeting, this comment is removed. Driveways are not required to adhere to the 5%
max slope. However, as discussed in the meeting, the driveway slopes have been adjusted, and there are no driveway
slopes steeper than 8 % or 9%.
12. This comment appears to be in error, this is a final site plan and not a VSMP plan.
13. As noted in comment #5, the wall and maintenance easements have been shown on the plan sheets, and these easements
will be put to record with the subdivision plat, prior to the approval of the final site plan.
14. The pipes have been updated to allow for some flexibility during construction.
15. This pipe has been updated to allow for some flexibility during construction.
16. This pipe has been updated to allow for some flexibility during construction.
17. This pipe has been updated to allow for some flexibility during construction.
18. Spot shots have been added to ensure that the carry-over from inlet 30 reaches inlet 28, see sheet 8.
19. The proposed cross drains have ben shown and labeled on the profiles, as requested.
20. The intersecting street names have been shown and labeled on the profile sheets.
21. The conflict with the canopy tree and the Drop inlet at Lot 33,34 has been resolved, as requested.
22. The fencing has been added around the (2) cemeteries with a gate for each one. These have been shown and labeled on
sheets 3&4 and 19&20, as requested.
23. The canopy conflicts at lots 52 and 16 have been fixed with the landscaping plan revisions.
VDOT Comments:
1. As discussed and approved earlier this month, this comment has been addressed with the stub connections to the
properties on the northern boundary and southern boundary. A vehicular connection is not required at Woodburn.
2. ITE trip generation information has been updated on the cover sheet and the notes and details sheet for the Code 220 (low
rise attached housing).
3. The CG-12's have been updated to be at each of the intersections with the proposed stop bars.
4. The sign near the intersection of Berkmar and the proposed Empire Street is now labeled on sheet 3, as requested.
5. The proposed no parking sign as moved to the other side of the parking lot entrance, as requested.
6. Bump -outs have been added to the plans for the on -street parking spaces, as requested.
7. The driveways have been updated and moved away from the intersections to a minimum at the end of the radius curves to
ensure access into the driveways and outside the intersections.
8. All the driveway radii have been shown for the CG-9d entrances and the widths of the driveways have been labeled as
9. A type III barricade has been added to the plans at the end of the (2) streets that will be continued in the future to the
adjacent properties.
10. The sight distance easements have been shown and labeled on the plan sheet. These easements will be platted with the
subdivision plat.
11. The note about the pavement design has been added to the plans on sheet 9.
12. The CD-1 and CD-2 have been shown and labeled on the profile sheets, as requested.
13. The mill and overlay has been added to the plans and extended to the adjacent travel lane. The detail WP-2 has been
added to the plans and referenced on the plan sheet.
14. A separate sheet has been created for the MOT plan for the project.
15. A note has been added to the landscaping sheet about maintaining the street trees that are located within the sight
distance line of sight.
16. This comment is acknowledged.
17. This comment is acknowledged.
Planning Comments:
1. This comment is acknowledged.
2. The comments have been addressed as followed:
a. An additional roadway section has been added to the plan sheets for Swede Street with the parking bump -outs.
The other street cross section has been updated with an added note on the location of additional parking bump -
outs along those street.
b. A road cross section has been added to sheet 9 for the emergency access road.
C. Bollards have been added to both ends of the emergency access road. The detail for the bollards has also been
added to sheet 4.
d. The dimensions of the radii at the commercial entrance to access TMP45-112F has been added to sheet 3, as
e. The existing easement is shown on sheet 2 and sheet 3 and labeled with the deed book and page. This
information on the access easement was provided by the licensed surveyor for the project. A note has also been
added to the plans noting that the access easement will be extended to the new right of way with the final
subdivision plat.
f. Swede street has been extended 3' to the south and 4' to the north, which is the maximum that the roadway can
be constructed and the grading from the roadway tied into the existing contours on the property without offsite
easements. Sheet 7 and 8 show the grading for the roadway and it can be seen that the roadway can not be
constructed any closer to the property lines.
g. Roudabush and Gale performed a complete survey of the property, right of way and all associated areas and
properties for this project. We design projects from boundaries and topography from licensed surveys and not
from GIS, as GIS information is not accurate or always correct. The right of way along Woodburn is a 40' right of
way, as noted on the plans, and this has been researched, surveyed and noted.
h. We have added the crosswalk at the intersection of Berkmar Drive and Empire Street, as requested. A note has
been added to sheet 3 indicating that this crosswalk will be maintained by the HOA.
3. A north arrow has been added to Sheet 19.
4. A note has been added to sheet 3 noting that the Public street right of wall shall be dedicated to the county for public use
with the subdivision plat. This is a road plan, and road plans can not dedicate right of way, so I modified the note from the
comment, removing "hereby dedicated".
5. Street trees have been added to Woodburn Road and Berkmar Drive as requested. The trees have been located behind
the overhead power line, as there is no room for the plantings along the street with the roadside ditch and overhead
power line.
6. The comments have been addressed as followed:
a. The calculation for Swede street has been updated to ensure it captures the entire length of the road from
property line to property line. The landscaping required has been updated with the roadway length.
b. This is acknowledged. Any landscaping easements on the lots shall be platted with the subdivision plat and shall
be accompanied with the required easement documents.
7. The is acknowledged. This will be part of the easement documents with the final subdivision plat.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Scott Collins at scott@collins-engineering.com.
Scott Collins, PE