HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200400019 Staff Report 2005-03-16STAFF PERSON:
DECEMBER 7, 2004
JANUARY 5, 2005
The Albemarle County flood insurance study was adopted 16 December 1980. It was later updated
in 1990 to include the changes resulting from the Scottsville levee. Due to their age, our maps had
become severely outdated, especially within the "urban ring" where significant land changes and
development activity had occurred. There has also been a need for more detailed flood elevation
information along the major streams in our development areas. Since September 2002, staff have
been working with FEMA, Dewberry & Davis (FEMA mapping consultant), and the US Army Corp
of Engineers to update the Flood Insurance Rate Maps for the County and expand the "detailed
study" areas, where the 100 -year flood or base flood elevations (BFE's) are determined.
On 27 January 2004, FEMA and US Army Corps representatives met with staff to present the
preliminary study and flood maps. A number of improvements had been made to the study and the
maps. The most noticeable improvement was that the study and maps for Albemarle County, City
of Charlottesville, and Town of Scottsville had been consolidated into one set. Other significant
improvements are described below.
• Report expanded and updated the community description and flood history.
• Maps reflected the "Letters of Map Revision" FEMA had issued since 1980.
• Maps were based on the topographic mapping provided by the County, City and
ACSA and reflected the changes in topography and land development activity
since 1980.
• Map scales were improved. The earlier map scale was 1 inch to 2000 feet. The
new map scales are 1" = 500' within the urban ring, Crozet Development Area,
and Scottsville. The map scales are 1" = 1000' for the remaining maps, except
for the few maps along the edges of the outer perimeter of the County where
the scales are 1 in. to 2000 feet.
• The "detailed study" areas were expanded along the Rivanna River and North
Fork Rivanna River. New "detailed study" areas were added in the Crozet
Development Area (Lickinghole Creek, Powells Creek, Slabtown Branch), in
Urban Neighborhood 4 (Cows Branch), and in the Hollymead /Piney Mountain
Community (Herring Branch, Flat Branch and Tributary to Flat branch).
FEMA published public notifications of the proposed BFE's in the Daily Progress on 26 February
2004 and 4 March 2004. This notice initiated their 90 -day appeal process. The County received
notification from FEMA on 4 August 2004 that the 90 -day appeal period had been completed, no
appeals were received by FEMA, that the BFE's were considered final, and that the flood study and
maps would become effective on 4 February 2005.
The Flood Hazard Overlay District (FHOD) is defined in Code Section 18 -30.3 as all areas
inundated by the one hundred year flood, as delineated by the flood insurance study for the County
of Albemarle, dated 16 June 1980. Therefore the adoption of a ZTA to reference the new flood
insurance study and a ZMA to adopt the FHOD map changes is necessary. Staffs request is for the
Planning Commission to adopt a Resolution of Intent (Attachment A) to hold a public hearing and
make its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.
As mentioned above the new flood study and maps become effective on 4 February 2005. FEMA
has notified the County that prior to 4 February 2005 the County is required, as a condition of
continued eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program, to show evidence of adoption of the
FEMA floodplain regulations. This includes the adoption of the effective flood maps and study
report to which the regulations apply and the modifications made by this map revision.
At the November 16, 2004 work session, staff described the text amendments that would be
necessary to assure continued eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program and to provide the
clarity needed for implementation of these regulations. The Commission concurred with staff and
the text amendments have been included in the attached ordinance.
Staff also presented additional text modifications for consideration. The Commission expressed
their opinion that the suggested modifications should be developed through a process of "public
involvement ", such as roundtable discussions, input from the development community, or other
means used in the past amendments. However, it was noted by Mr. Wayne Cilimberg that during
the special use permit hearing for the Old Mills Trail (Rivanna River Greenway) the Board of
Supervisors had instructed staff to pursue the by -right construction of trails within the Floodway
Fringe. The Commission agreed to include the recommended amendment as
provided in Appendix C of the November 16, 2004 Staff Report.
To supplement this text amendment, the Commission requested that the County Engineer include
information on the design standards for pedestrian and multi -use trails. These documents are
included as Attachments B, C and D. Attachment B summarizes the result of staffs research of
existing sidewalk, pedestrian path, bike trail and multi -use path standards. Attachment C is a
worksheet used for developing County standards. Attachment D is the Design Manual section
providing the County pedestrian and multi -use facility criteria
Staff recommends the approval of the ordinance amendment provided as Attachment A and the
associated zoning map amendments.
Attachment A: Ordinance No. 05- Amendment to Section 30.3 Flood Hazard Overlay District
Attachment B: Research Summary Table of Existing Standards for Sidewalks, Pedestrian Paths,
Bike Trails and Multi -use Paths
Attachment C: Worksheet for County Sidewalk, Pedestrian Path, Bike Trail and Multi -use Path
Attachment D: Design Manual Section 610 -Pedestrian & Multi -use Facilities