HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900170 Correspondence Road Plan and Comps. 2020-04-17ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC.
April 17, 2020
Mr. David James
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Belvedere Phase 5 — Road Plan - SUB-2019-00170
Dear David,
Please find attached the revised plans. The plans have been revised to address the comments
in accordance with the following:
County Planning — Brent Nelson
1. Revise Sheet 11 Landscape Plan to include a street tree linear foot street frontage
calculation. One large street tree is required for every 50 feet of street frontage.
Response: Street tree calculations have been provided for all streets that are part of this project.
2. Ensure that the street trees shown will be allowed in the proposed location and if not that
alternative locations are provided either within or outside of the right-of-way. If the trees
will be outside of the right-of-way landscaping easements will be required with ownership
and perpetual maintenance of the easements and landscaping put in place prior to the
final site plan approval.
Response: Landscaping easements have been added to all locations where street trees are not
within the right-of-way.
3. Proposed temporary fire road is blocked by proposed on -street parking located on the
proposed section of Fowler Street. Revise accordingly.
Response: Revisions have been made accordingly.
4. See staff comments for Initial Site Plan (SDP201900060, Belvedere Ph. 5):
Response: Acknowledged. The Initial Site Plan comments are addressed on the Road Plan and
the Initial/Final site plan.
a. Preserve all existing trees that are to remain. There are "Tree Save Areas" within
the site. If they are to remain include the following: Areas and other features
shown on landscape plan. The landscape plan shall show the trees to be
preserved, the limits of clearing, the location and type of protective fencing, grade
changes requiring tree wells or walls, and trenching or tunneling proposed
beyond the limits of clearing.
Response: The limits of clearing and grading have been added to plans to highlight the tree
save area.
914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 172 South Pantops Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901
b. Conservation checklist. The applicant shall sign a conservation checklist
approved by the agent to ensure that the specified trees will be protected during
construction. Except as otherwise expressly approved by the agent in a particular
case, the checklist shall conform to the specifications in the Virginia Erosion and
Sediment Control Handbook, pages III-393 through III-413.
Response: The Conservation Checklist has been added to the plan.
c. On the grading plan sheet label, the area of existing trees with the type of trees
(evergreen, deciduous, or a mix of both) and show areas where existing
vegetation will be removed.
Response: A label has been to indicate the tree save area. The limits of disturbance,
corresponding with the limits of disturbance shown on the VSMP, indicates the area to be
cleared. No disturbance is proposed in the critical slopes and protective fencing will be
proposed on the VSMP to delineate the critical slopes.
d. Ensure that all "Tree Save Areas" have trees in them and ensure areas which do
not have woods are not included in the areas or in the calculation for the areas.
Response: Acknowledged. The Tree Save Area is comprised of a mature deciduous forest.
e. Revise Sheet 11 Landscape Plan to include a street tree linear foot street
frontage calculation. One large street tree is required for every 50 feet of street
Response: Street tree calculations have been provided for all streets that are part of this project.
f. [32.5.2(e), 32.5.2(p) & 32.7.91 Provide a full landscape plan that provides all
required landscaping, calculations and meets the landscaping requirements for
32.7.9. Ensure all calculations and graphics correctly represent the existing and
proposed plantings and planting areas.
Response: A full planting plan has been provided in this plan set. It includes the proposed
location of the trees and the calculations for street trees and canopy coverage.
County Engineering — David James
1. Sheet 1:
a. Accurate current existing topography and conditions should be field verified
within the last year.
Response: Note has been added to the cover sheet per Frank Pohl's recommendation.
b. Topography may need to be resurveyed (2016 - Last aerial survey).
Response: Note has been added to the cover sheet per Frank Pohl's recommendation.
2. Include County's `General Construction Notes for Public Streets'.
914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 172 South Pantops Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901
Response: County General construction notes added to the detail sheets.
3. Sheet 13:
a. Check that the inlet design is correct (LD-204 worksheet). Inlet 23 shows no DA;
Inlet 3 Cross SI (Sx). Show correct ID downstream. What is Q
intercepted/bypassed, C values (LD-204, Show similar form data)? [Refer to
Table 9.1 of VDOT DM]
Response: The storm network has been revised. The drainage area and cross SI have been
corrected. The correct ID is shown downstream. Please be aware that the "downstream STRM
Ln No" refers to the left -most column. Q captured and Q bypassed for each inlet can be seen in
the appropriate column in the table. The c-values for each inlet can been seen on sheet 20 and
sheet 21.
b. Correct pipes with velocity under 3 fps (LD-229 worksheet). Show similar form
data. [9.3.5, VDOT DM]
Response: The pipe velocity has been corrected where possible. The remaining pipes with
velocity under 3 fps are the pipes that join into the system from the other side of the road.
c. Reduce pipe outlet velocity to 10 fps or less (LD-229 worksheet).
Response: Pipe outlet velocity is under 10 fps.
d. Provide HGL computations (LD-347).
Response: HGL computations are provided with this submission.
e. Add note or callout to include IS-1, inlet shaping at flow intersections (Str 3, 14,
15, 16, 17).
Response: Note has been added to the storm sewer profile sheets.
4. Show/label angle of intersection at entrances. -80 degrees (Min)? [14-410]
Response: Angle of intersection is 82 and 84 degrees respectively.
5. Show offsite grading easement for the temporary fire access road grading proposed.
Show a temporary access easement for the road as well.
Response: The required easements have been added.
6. Record access easement prior to road plan approval.
Response: Acknowledged, the easement plat will be submitted.
7. Submit an amendment to any grading plans affected by the proposed access road
construction. They will have to be reviewed/approved prior to road plan approval.
Response: No amendments are necessary.
914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 172 South Pantops Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901
8. Sheet 7: Show width of on -street parking.
Response: Dimensions have been added to the Site Plan sheet 4
9. Sheet 9: Show any pipe/utility crossings in the profiles.
Response: Utility pipe crossings are shown on the profiles.
10. Sheet 10: Add cross -drains or underdrain at sag.
Response: The fire road is a temporary gravel road for emergency vehicles and would not
require underdrains or cross -drains. The temporary secondary access road shown on this plan
will eventually connect to Belvedere Phase 3. Please see the ultimate plan for the fire access
road proposed with Phase 3 plans.
11. Sheet 11: It appears that sight distance easements need to be shown for those outside
of the ROW.
Response: Sight distance triangles have been revised and an easement has been
12. Sheet 12: Where does the road drainage go beyond storm str 12? Show inlets.
Response: Revisions have been made.
13. Provide earthwork vol. estimates of cut & fill for the roads & access grading.
Response: The entire parcel will require 119 cubic yards of import.
Virginia Department of Transportation — Max Greene
1. CG-12 locations need to be relocated on the intersection corners for pedestrian visibility
and safety.
Response: CG-12 has been revised.
2. CD-1 shown at sta. 10+59 appears incorrectly labeled as Sta. 12+36 on proposed
Fowler Street.
Response: Label has been revised.
3. CD-1 needed at sta. 12+50, sta. 17+85, and sta. 19+00 on proposed Fowler Street.
Cross drains will also be shown in plan view tying into drainage structures.
Response: Label have been added.
4. Pavement designs need to be in accordance with the Pavement Design Guide for
Subdivisions and Secondary Roads, 2018 edition.
Response: Acknowledged, the assumed CBR and SSV has been revised to reflect 2018
914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 172 South Pantops Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901
5. Sight distance triangles do not appear to be shown per RDM appendix F, please see
table 2-5 Intersection sight distance detail.
Response: Sight distance triangles have been revised.
6. Please show "No Parking" signs in the sight distance triangles.
Response: Parking is not permitted on the western side of Fowler street. See sheet 4
for proposed location of "No Parking" signs.
7. Please show mill and overlay on plans in accordance with WP-2. Show limits of mill and
overlay to adjacent travel lane. Also, please add the WP-2 detail to the plans.
Response: Please see sheet 2 for revised labels that indicate the extend of demolition
and intended line of mill and overlay. WP-2 detail has been added to the plan set.
8. Landscaping plants and trees adjacent to the sight distance triangle will need to be
maintained in area between 2 and 7 feet above ground as a clear zone to preserve
sight lines and accommodate pedestrians.
Response: Note has been added to Landscape plan sheet.
9. Note that the final plan must show conformance with the VDOT Road Design Manual
Appendices B(I) and F, as well as any other applicable standards, regulations or other
Response: Acknowledged.
Albemarle County Service Authority — Richard Nelson
Sheet 1
1. Provide water and sewer data sheets.
Response: Water and sewer data sheets provided with the second submission.
2. Final dedication of Belvedere Phase 2B required prior to final plan approval.
Response: Acknowledged.
3. Confirm that the required fire flow can be achieved in this phase.
Response: Acknowledged, per the meeting on 13 February with Jeremy Lynn, RGA will model
the water system and fire flow test will be resolved as a function of the full model.
4. Provide overall utility master plan for water and sewer. This is required to determine if
adequate water and sewer is available for this phase of development. This will also
assist in determining how future phases will be served and ensure adequate pipe sizes
are installed.
914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 172 South Pantops Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901
Response: Overall utility master plan sent to Richard Nelson via email on 01/09/2020.
5. The ACSA will need to conduct a thorough review of the available sewer capacity once a
master plan is received to determine if capacity exists for the connection to Belvedere
Phase 2B. As discussed during the preliminary design of this Phase, the ACSA would
like to see the sewer gravity towards the southeast towards the RWSA Rivanna
Interceptor. All sewer comments contained in this letter apply to the current design,
which may need to be altered to connect to the RWSA Rivanna Interceptor.
Response: Overall utility master plan sent to Richard Nelson via email on 01/09/2020.
6. Eliminate the following sheets from the ACSA submittal: 3 and 9-12.
Response: Acknowledged.
Sheet 2
1. Show existing RWSA Rivanna Interceptor on overall existing plan sheet.
Response: Existing RWSA Rivanna Interceptor is visible on the Utility Master Plan sent to
Richard Nelson via email on 01/09/2020.
Sheet 5
1. All water meters shall be placed between the curb and the sidewalk.
Response: Water meters have been moved.
2. Water meters must fall outside of the driveways.
Response: Water meters have been moved.
3. Add note for contractor to remove existing blow -off at the water connection point.
Response: Note has been added.
4. Fire hydrants along Fowler Street should be placed on the east side of the roadway to
avoid crossing the road.
Response: If fire hydrants are moved to the east side of the road, it would eliminate valuable
parking spots.
5. Be sure the first hydrant on the northern end of Fowler Drive is within 250 feet from Lot
Response: The fire hydrant is within 250 feet.
6. Revise sewer lateral connection angle for Lot 5. Lateral must connect at a minimum of
90' with the downstream pipe.
Response: Later connection angle has been corrected.
914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 172 South Pantops Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901
7. Shift MH K onto Lot 13 to avoid the issue with an insufficient angle for the sewer lateral.
Response: Location has been revised.
8. Provide fire hydrant towards the end of Fowler Drive which can serve as a blow -off.
Install a gate valve just past the tee for the next phase of development.
Response: Location of fire hydrant has been revised and a gate valve has been added.
9. Eliminate the blow -off at the end of Fowler Drive.
Response: Blow -off has been removed.
10. Provide private sewer lateral easement for Lot 15.
Response: Easement has been added.
11. Revise sewer lateral connection angle for Lot 24. Lateral must connect at a minimum of
900 with the downstream pipe.
Response: Location has been revised.
12. Provide one inline gate valve at the fire hydrant along Road A.
Response: Gate valve has been added.
13. Off -site sanitary sewer easement required (if connection approved by ACSA).
Response: Acknowledged.
14. Label existing manhole as BlvdrPh2-7-3.
Response: Label has been revised.
15. Shift water main along Road A to the opposite side to reduce length of hydrant line and
water services.
Response: The water main has been moved to the opposite side of Road A.
chop+ 7
1. Label Class 52 DIP for the proposed water main.
Response: Label has been revised.
2. Revise Note 1 to indicate minimum of 3.5' of cover over water main.
Response: Note has been revised.
Sheet 8
1. Label Class 52 DIP for the proposed water main.
914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 172 South Pantops Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901
Response: Label has been revised.
2. Show sanitary sewer lateral crossing along water main profile.
Response: The sanitary sewer lateral crossings have been added.
3. Revise Note 1 to indicate minimum of 3.5' of cover over water main.
Response: Note has been revised.
Sheet 13
1. Show sanitary sewer lateral crossing along storm sewer profiles.
Response: The sanitary sewer lateral crossings have been added.
Sheet 14
1. Sanitary sewer main between MH's C and A shall be ductile iron.
Response: Label has been revised.
2. Sanitary sewer main between MH's B and G shall be ductile iron.
Response: Label has been revised.
Sheet 15
1. Revise landscaping plan to ensure a minimum of 10 feet of separation between trees
and ACSA utilities. Numerous conflicts existing along Road A.
Response: Trees have been located so that the trunk is at least 10' from ACSA utilities.
Fire Rescue — Shawn Maddox
1. Road A must be marked no parking on both sides based on current width.
Response: "No parking" label has been added to the street signs along Road A. See revisions
to sheet 6.
2. Fowler street should be marked No Parking on one side.
Response: "No parking" label has been added to the street signs along Fowler Street. See
revisions to sheet 6.
3. The temporary emergency apparatus access road must be a surface that provides all-
weather driving capabilities.
Response: Please see the typical section detail provided on sheet 15 and 16. The surface of the
"Gravel Fire Road" is 8" of VDOT 21A.
4. Provide the ISO needed fire flow for the average structure to be located in this phase.
Also provide the available fire flow based on a recent test. This can be included as part
914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 172 South Pantops Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901
of the site plan process, just making a note in the road plans.
Response: Acknowledged, per the meeting on 13 February with Jeremy Lynn (ACSA), RGA will
model the water system and fire flow testing will be resolved as a function of the full model.
We thank you for taking the time to review these plans and trust the above adequately
addresses your comments. However, please let me know if you have any questions or require
additional information.
Very truly yours,
Riki Van-Niekerk
914 Monticello Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902 172 South Pantops Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901