HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA200400006 Work SessionStaff Person: Rebecca Ragsdale
Planning Commission Work Session: January 18, 2004
The Planning Commission passed a resolution of intent in June and held a work session
in September 2004 to discuss proposed ordinance amendments to change the definition
of community center and to add historical center as a use allowed by special use permit
in the RA Zoning District with supplemental regulations. Since the initial work session
was held, this ZTA has been thoroughly considered by the Historic Preservation
Committee and their final comments are provided to you. (Attachment B) The comments
made by both the Planning Commission and the Historic Preservation Committee have
been incorporated into the revised ZTA. Changes since the last work session on this
ZTA are indicated in blue. As requested by the Planning Commission, staff sought
direction from the Board of Supervisors regarding this ZTA and confirmed that the Board
is supportive of allowing additional land uses (including historical centers and special
events) in the Rural Areas, as long as they are of appropriate size and scale and are
within the parameters set forth in Alternative Uses section of the draft Rural Areas Plan.
(Attachment C)
The primary change regarding the definition of community center is to clarify the extent
of the geographic area which is served. The definition was also revised so that
community centers are not limited to buildings only. The phrase "and not operated for
profit ", which was proposed by staff but stricken by the Planning Commission at their last
work session on this ZTA, has also been deleted
Current definition:
Community center: A building, group of buildings or other place designed
and /or used for the cultural, educational and /or recreational activities of the
inhabitants of a definable geographic area and not operated for profit.
Proposed definition:
Community Center: A building, gfettp „Fbuildings of othef place, structure, area or
other facility used for cultural, educational and/or recreational activities, of th
n' abitatAs of a definable geogfaphie a ° which is open to the public and designed to
serve the local community,
Community Center: A place, structure, area or other facility used for cultural,
educational and /or recreational activities, which is open to the public and
designed to serve the local community.
The proposed historical center is intended to define land uses such as the proposed
Lewis and Clark Exploratory Center, historic homes that want to open for interpretation
such as Pine Knot, and natural resource interpretation centers and to allow for them, by
special use permit in the RA Zoning District. Since the last work session, the proposed
definition for historical center has been revised to delete "not operated for profit" and
ZTA 2004 -06 Historical Center and Community Center
"located at a historic resource" has been added. The supplemental regulations have
also been revised since the last work session to reflect both the Planning Commission
and Historic Preservation Committee comments. These revisions include revising the
accessory uses section, specifying the role of the Historic Preservation
Planner /Committee in the review process for historical centers and adding further
language in the site plan, parking, special events, and festivals sections.
Proposed definition:
Historical Center: Historical Center: One or more buildings, structures or
facilities designed and /or used for educational and /or interpretative activities
related to natural, cultural, or agricultural history ROt OpOlFat0d feF pFefit aP4 open
to the public and located at a historic resource.
(Please see attached Definition of "Historic Resource" provided in HP Committee Comments -
Attachment B)
Proposed Supplemental Regulations:
All special use permits for historical centers shall be reviewed by the Historic
Preservation Planner who may seek comments from the Historic Preservation
Committee regarding the proposed historical center. This review will address whether or
not the historical center is interpreting a historic resource, as defined by the Historic
Preservation Committee, and will include comments regarding whether or not the
supplemental regulations below for historical centers have been adequately addressed:
Items for display: Items for display shall be directly related to the significance of
the historic resource to be interpreted and may relate to past or present people,
places, things, or events in Albemarle County.
Activities may include: passive display; active demonstration including tours;
public participation in activities; educational classes; and research.
Accessory Uses: No more than 20% of the total floor area of any historical
center may be devoted to uses other than interpretative space open to the public.
A floor plan shall be submitted at the time of the special use permit application to
ensure that this requirement is met. Accessory uses may include:
Administrative Offices
Research /library /educational facilities
Shops and facilities such as gift shops, book stores, and snack
ZTA 2004 -06 Historical Center and Community Center 2
Historical Centers in the Rural Areas of the Comprehensive Plan: Newly
constructed buildings or facilities for historical centers in the Rural Areas shall be
limited to 2,000 square feet in size, including interpretative space and accessory
Setbacks: The minimum Commercial Setbacks and buffering for side and rear
property lines shall be required (50 feet). Greater setbacks may be imposed if
deemed necessary during review based on site conditions. (Attachment B)
Lesser setbacks may be approved in a particular case to facilitate the
rehabilitation or reuse of historic structures or sites.
Daily tours: Daily tours of a historical center shall be permitted.
Hours of Operation: Normal operating hours shall be limited to daylight hours
only, dawn until dusk.
Noise: An outdoor amplified sound system shall be prohibited at all times.
Special events: Special events may be permitted up to twelve (12) times per
year. For purposes of this section, a special event is an event conducted at a
historical center on a single day for which attendance is allowed only by invitation
or reservation and whose participants do not exceed one hundred fifty (150)
persons; special events include, but are not limited to, meetings, conferences,
banquets, dinners, wedding receptions, private parties and other events
conducted for the purpose of promoting the historical center.
Festivals: Festivals may be permitted up to four (4) times per year. For purposes
of this section, a festival is an event conducted at an historical center for up to
three (3) consecutive days which is open to the general public and conducted for
the purpose of promoting the mission of the center. The owner shall obtain a
zoning clearance prior to conducting a festival at which. More than one hundred
fifty (150) persons will be allowed to attend. A single zoning clearance may be
obtained for one (1) or more such festivals as provided herein:
The owner shall apply for a zoning clearance at least thirty (30) days prior
to the date of the first festival to be authorized by the zoning clearance.
The application shall be submitted to the zoning administrator, who shall
forward copies of the application to the county police department, the
county fire and rescue division, and the local office of the Virginia
Department of Health;
The application shall describe the nature of each festival to be authorized
by the zoning clearance, the date or dates and hours of operation of each
such festival, the facilities, buildings and structures to be used, and the
number of participants allowed to attend each festival;
Upon a determination that all requirements of the zoning ordinance are
satisfied and upon receiving approval, and any conditions of such
ZTA 2004 -06 Historical Center and Community Center 3
approval, from the other county offices receiving copies of the application,
the zoning administrator shall issue a zoning clearance for one or more
festivals. The zoning clearance shall be conditional upon the owner's
compliance with all requirements of the zoning ordinance and all
conditions imposed by the zoning clearance;
The zoning administrator may issue a single zoning clearance for two (2)
or more festivals if: (i) the application submitted by the owner includes the
required information for each festival to be covered by the zoning
clearance: (ii) the zoning administrator determines that each such festival
is substantially similar in nature and size; and (iii) the zoning administrator
determines that a single set of conditions that would apply to each such
festival may be imposed with the zoning clearance.
Permission for special events and festivals should be requested at the time of the
special use permit for a historical center, along with justification why they should
be approved with the special use permit and how they are supportive of the
mission of the historical center.
Site Plan: A site plan is required for a historical center. Particular consideration
shall be given to provisions for safe and convenient access, parking, outdoor
lighting, signs and potential adverse impacts to adjoining property, and
reasonable standards and conditions may be imposed as conditions of approval.
Documentation of existing site conditions and Phase 1 archeological surveys will
be required as part of the site plan process.
Rehabilitation or Construction on Historic structures or sites: Rehabilitation
of historic structures and sites' to be used for historical centers shall be
completed to the satisfaction of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources
(DHR) as demonstrated by a letter to the County. The design and siting of any
proposed accessory uses and visitor amenities at a historic structure or site shall
also be approved by DHR.
This work session is an opportunity for you to review and provide comment on the
revised ZTA. Staff would suggest your discussion on this ZTA include the following:
• Have the definitions and supplemental regulations been adequately revised to
reflect the Planning Commission's comments?
• Are there any additional comments?
A. Resolution of Intent
B. Historic Preservation Committee Comments, December 22, 2004
C. Alternative Uses section of the draft Rural Areas Plan
' Historic structure or site: Any structure or site listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the
Virginia Landmarks Register. (Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, Section 3.1 Definitions)
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WHEREAS, "museums are defined in Section 3, Definitions, of the Zoning
Ordinance, to be establishments "devoted to the procurement, care, study and display of
objects of lasting value or interest," and are allowed by right in various commercial
zoning districts; and
WHEREAS, it is desired to amend the definition of "museum" to expressly
include educational, historic and interpretative centers, to allow such museums by special
use permit in certain non - commercial zoning districts, and to establish supplemental
regulations governing their use, as deemed appropriate; and
WHEREAS, it is also desired to amend the definition of "community center" in
Section 3, Definitions, of the Zoning Ordinance, to clarify the extent of the geographical
area to be served by the center.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT for purposes of public
necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices, the Albemarle County
Planning Commission hereby adopts a resolution of intent to amend Sections 3, 5, and all
other sections of the Zoning Ordinance deemed appropriate to achieve the purposes
described herein; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission will hold a public
hearing on the zoning text amendment proposed pursuant to this resolution of intent, and
make its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors at the earliest possible date.
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