HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP198000053 Application Letter of Revision 1 2020-04-20Application for Letter of Revision � Letter of Revision = $108 This application may require additional review by the Fire Marshal. Fees in addition to those shown on this application maybe required as required by the Fire Prevention Code Fee Schedule. A copy of the schedule is available from the Fire Marshal. Final Site Plan Name and Number:' S 1�1 i q`d(7 — Cj� COnitiCi (who should we contact about this project) Charles Luck, PE Street Address 9030 Stony Point Parkway, Suite 220 city Richmond State VA Zip Code 23235 Phone Number 804-272-8700 Email cluck@wrallp.com Owner of Recordlvy Properties LLc street Address Parcel Address: 500 Faulconer Drive; Pump Station Address: 2497 OId Ivy Road C;ty.Charlottesville StateVA zip Code22903 Phone Number �...an Applicant Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) Street Address 168 Spotnap Road C;ty Charlottesvil le StateV'A Zip Coae 22911 Phone Number 434-977-4511 Email Jlynn@serviceauthority.org SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: ® The appropriate fee, ❑ The site plan number that the change applies to, ® A request letter describing the proposed changes from the owner or authorized agent, ® 4 copies of the plan that shows [he proposed changes, Changes must be shown on the sheet or sheets from the apprOYe(1 fmal Slte plan, or on an I1"Xl7" copy of that portion of the apprOVed fiIIal Slte plop. Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is acctuate, true and correct to the best ofm,�py��Icnowled>ze and belief. G/1!�!�/��f/l� 4/10/2020 Signattue of Owner, Agent Charles Luck Date 804-272-8700 Print Name Da ime hone number of Si ato FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LOR # /I/1�p Fee Amouu[ $� Date Paid '��who? %/Wtr Receip[ #���Ck#_5g� By� t.,�ounty of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5ti32 Fax: (434) 972-4126 REVISED 4/23/2018 Page I of 1 r��1/�A� Whitman, Requardt 8 Associates, LLP 1 ����'��//��"" Engineers Architects Environmental Planners Est. 19t5 April 10, 2020 Ms. Megan Nedostup Principal Planner Albemarle County Community Development Planning services 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) -Madison Office Park Pump Station Replacement Dear Ms. Nedostup: On behalf of the ACSA, WRA is please to submit a Letter of Revision (LOR) application for the subject project. The design of this. pump station was included in the "Site Plan -Phase Three Office Condominium Complex" construction drawings dated September 12, 1983. There is no site plan number referenced within the construction drawings by Gloeckner, Lincoln, &Osborne, Inc. Despite the absence of the site plan number, WRA was advised to submit a LOR for the replacement work on this pump station via email on June 4, 2019. The following is a tirief summary of the changes to the pump station building and site modifications. The existing Madison Office Park Pump Station has reached its useful life and requires replacement. The pump station building will be replaced with a larger building approximately 12' W x16' L x 13' 4" H. This building will be larger than the present 8' W x 8' L structure and will be constructed of precast concrete. It will be situated over top of the existing underground wet well. The existing wet well will be rehabilitated, and a new pre -fabricated suction lift pump skid will be placed over top of the rehabilitated wet well. Anew concrete building slab will be constructed for the new precast building. The building will conceal the prefabricated pump skid antl all control panels. The proposed precast building will have a stained faux brick exterior that will resemble the surrounding brick buildings. A custom asphalt shingled hip -roof will be constructed onsite. The building will have two sets of double access doors on opposite walls for access and maintenance of the pump skid inside. Other site items that will be constructed are a new manhole for insertion of a mechanical grinder, replacement of the gravity sewer under the stream, a new sanitary lateral for the adjacent building, a new water service line, a paved access drive, a new entrance with culvert onto Old Ivy Road, and onsite. landscaping. In addition, a new power pole for an electrical service upgrade will also be installed. The electrical service upgrade will be coordinated with Dominion Energy. No changes in drainage patterns are proposed for the site and the total limits of disturbance is 5,987 square feet (-0.14 Acres). Please refer to the Revised 60%design plans submitted for the improvements noted above. Please let us know of any additional information you may need as pan of you review of this LOR. We look forward to working with you on this important ACSA project. Thank you. Very truly yours, Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP �� ���1� Charles E. L ck, PE Vice President Enclosures cc: Mr. Jeremy Lynn -ACSA File 46480.023 9030 Stony Point Parkway, Suite 220 Richmond, Virginia 23235 www.wraltp.com � Phone: 804.272.8700 � Fax: 804.272.8897 \\atl.wrallp.com\nvraproj\46480-023\Engineering\Design\Permits\Community Development\Site Plan LOR\LOR RequesLdocx To briefly summary our call, I understand that this project may be considered a Minor Site Plan Amendment. If confirmed that the amendment is "minor," the plans will just be routed to key departments that would need to review and approve the plans. This option makes the review and approval process quicker than if the project was considered a Major Amendment. For your reference, the Limits of Disturbed area shown on the attached PDF file is 4,460 sf. Please confirm whether this project would be considered a Maior or Minor Site Plan Amendment. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Yara McLean, P.E. � Senior Project Engineer Whitman., Requardt &Associates, LLP 9030 Stony Point Parkway, Suite 220 Richmond, VA 23235 (Direct) 804.327.5242 (Main) 804.272.8700 (Main Fax) B04.272.8897 vmcl can C wra Ilo.com www. wra I I o.com The information supplied in this message may be privileged, confidential andior exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message.. the sender does not intend delivery to you to waive any privilege or right pertaining to this message. You have no right to retain, disseminate, copy or disclose the material contained herein. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail, and delete the errant message. Thank you. WRA_Disclaimer v20070222a