HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA202000006 Reference Zoning Map Amendment 2020-04-20AGIN�A LANbE�ORD COVER SHEET FoRM A — COVER SHEET CONTENT Instrument Date: ,_.....__8/6/2019 Instrument Type-------------DBS ------- - Number of Parcels: -----I.___. Number of Pages: _•__3__- j ] City X County ........................... ALBEMARLE TAX EXEMPT? VIRGINIA/FEDERAL LAW [ ] Grantor: [ ]Grantee; _ $ Consideration:1,975;000:00 Existing Debt: $0.00 ............................ Actual Value/Assumed: $1,045 800.00 .............. •--'-............................... PRIOR INSTRUMENT UNDER §58.1-803(D). Original Principal: _________• $0.00 ..........•---••-....... Fair Market Value Increase: $0.00 Original Book Number: __________ Original Page Number: • _.___-•- Prior Recording At: [ ] City [ ] County RECORDED IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA JON R. ZUG FILED Aug 16, 2019 AT 03:03 PM BOOK 05207 START PAGE 0571 END PAGE 0574 i N ST # 201900008936 TOTAL NUM PAGES 0004 F-w (Area Above Reserved For Deed Stamp Only) Original Instrument Number_ ............ -•-•---•----------------••---•••..........---•-•----....._....... Percentage In This Jurisdiction: ......100% ------------------- BUsiNEss / NAME Da Grantor: SPRING HILL LAND DEVELOPMENT LLC -------- [ ] Grantor- ------------------•-- -------- Da Grantee: STANLEY MARTIN COMPANIES, LLC •----•------•-•-•-•--•-•••-••----••-•-•--•-•-•-......---•--••----------•-----------••...................... ........ [ ] Grantee: GRANTEE ADDRESS Name: STANLEY MARTIN COMPANIES, LLC ----------------- -------------------------------- SUITE 1100 city:.RESTON-------------- .. - .--------•---•--•--------•--••---•----••-----------------•-- ...--- State: VA_.. Zi Code: 20190 Book Number: __________ Page Number. .......... Instrument Number: •„______________„_ Parcel Identification Number (PIN): 09000-00-00-02800 _ Tax Map Number: P9000-00-00-02800 Short Property Description- ------------------------------ - -•-•--•--•--------------------•------•----•-----....-._...-.------.-----•--•-------.-.........---••-.-------•--•-••---•------- Current Property Address: . City:. CHARLO:TTESVILLE _ __ State: ---VA-.. Zip Code: ----------- 22902 Instrument Prepared By: _ SCOTT M. RANEY Recording Paid By: ROYER CARAMANIS PLC •------------------------------------ Recording Returned To: ROYER CARAMANIS PLC ------•• -•--•---•-•-••-----••-•-----•-•-------••--•----•-•-----------•-- Address: 200-C GARRETT STREET city...CHARLOTTESVILLf VA -- 22902 .....---•----------------------- State: Z� Code .P FORM CC-1570 Rev: 7/15 Page 1 of 1 Cover Sheet A §§ 17.1-223,17.1-227.1,17.1-249 Copyright® 2014 Office of the Executive Secretary, Supreme Court of Virginia. All rights reserved. 201900008936.002 PREPARED BY: FLORA PETTIT PC 530 East Main Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 Scott M. Raney (VSB # 910.04) Tax Map No. 09000-00-00-02800 Title Insurance Underwriter: Stewart Title Guaranty Company Consideration. $1,975,000.00 Assessment: $1,045,800.00 Note: The preparer of this instrument has prepared this instrument solely from information given and has not been requested to provide, nor has the preparer provided, an examination of the legal description, an opinion on title, or advice on the tax, legal or non -legal consequences that may arise as A result of this conveyance. DEED THIS DEED. dated this 6th day of August, 2019, by and between SPRING HILL LAND DEVELOPMENT LLC, a Virginia limited liability company ("Grantor'),- to be indexed as grantor, and STANLEY MARTIN COMPANIES. LLC, a Maryland limited liability company (°`Grantee"), 'to be indexed as grantee, whose address is 11710 Plaza America Drive, Suite 1100, Reston, Virginia, 20190. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum of ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND 0/100 DOLLARS ($1,975,000.00), cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Grantor does hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY with SPECIAL WARRANTY unto Grantee the property described in Schedule A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. This conveyance is made expressly subject to all easements, reservations, restrictions and conditions contained in duly recorded deeds, plats or other instruments constituting constructive notice in the chain. of title to the above property which have not expired by a time limitation contained therein or have not otherwise become ineffective. [signature on following page] Page 1 of 3 2019000.08936.003 WITNESS the following -duly authorized signature and seal: SPRING HILL LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC. a Virginia limited liability company, By: SEAL) Vito•G. Cetta, Member COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, to -wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged ' before me this i� day of Lr uSfi 2019 by 'Vito G. Cetta as . Member' of SPRING HILL LAND DE LOPMENT, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, on behalf of the company. __'A�l eollll�� Notary Public Reg # 17g2— 13 3 My commission expires: MoR61 3 2-02-I 3COTT MATTHEW RANEV Notary Pubik - Rey. t 7742133 Commonwealth -of Virginia wCawnhdonWaMat.31,20211 Page 2 of 3 201900008936.004 SCHEDULE A All that certain lot or parcel of land, containing 13.6 acres, more or less, situated in Albemarle County, Virginia, near the City of Charlottesville, fronting on Routes 742 and 20, and being designated as Lot 6 on a plat. of Carnahan property, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, in Deed Book 205, page 22, LESS AND EXCEPT that certain strip or parcel of land containing 0.59 acre, conveyed to the Commonwealth of Virginia by deed recorded in Deed Book 288, page 354. FURTHER LESS AND EXCEPT that certain strip or parcel of land containing 0.38 acre conveyed to the Commonwealth of Virginia by deed recorded in Deed Book 427, page 529. BEING the same property conveyed to the Grantor herein by deed from Spring Hill Village Holdings, LLC dated December 29, 2014, recorded December 31, 2014, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 4571, page 421. INSTRUMENT #2019000OMS RECORDED ALSEMARLE CO CIRCUIT COURT CLERICS OFFICE Aug 16, 2019 AT 03:03 Pm JON R. ZUG, CLERK by EMJ $1.975.00 GRANTOR TAX WAS PAID AS RCQUIRED BY SEC 59.102 OF THE VA. CODE STATE: SM-50 LOCAL: M7.50 Page 3 of 3 ba.jr< 427, i.Lt s. 4;* Mode this 9th day o f All P 19 A6— aY mud yetra,,een ]Martha B. ?Mgt vidw hereinafter designated as Cmeor l eeen ehongh more, rkaa am A mad the COMMOWZALTll OF PIRCINI.I. Grantee: Eftefint4; la sooaid.rarion of tke aroma of 11-00 paid by the grantee to the Arnow. reedpt of which is hereby achnoudedged, de said grantor hereby Fasts and eonosya unto said grmaMe in fee simple. with sonard Warranty. Site land located in Charlattasville Magiatedd Disarim, in County, and desedw as follows: Being as shwa on Sheet 4 of the plans for Into 742, State liighwv Project 071t2-M-115, C-501, and Lying on the east (right) side of and adjacent to the aentair of existing Rants 742 from the lands of George L. Duarbam and Annie Be Darham at approximate Station 27+77 to the Leda at Leroy W. an and viola Snow opposite appra irate Station 34.50 (revised centerline) and containing 0.38 acre, more or Las, land, of which 0.18 sore is included in the existing right of way and 0.20 acre, mare or less, is additional lands and being a part of the same. land acquired bry the grantor fr= by Deed dated and recorded in Dead Book , Pap—, is the Office of the Clark of the Circuit Court of said County. For a more particular description oUthe laud hersin aonveyed, retareme is made to photo copy of said Sheet Humber 4, showing outlined is M Us land eonagyed in tea . simple which photo cogr is hereto attached as a part of thin convoyance, and recorded sLenitanwasly herewith in the State R40nW Plat Hook Number a AapeZIL. a ha ti.Payne to BB&D of Va. ae $5.00 15.50 The "W Peale, eon MIW tbW.he i:-.Mild of the rand in fff leap% Amin asne.yad; lhat he Am the K& to convey ehr aardle ad.to the grmdee: do ha has done no act to amc mb" eha add laid; that the Brans? aholl hose Valet possession of the land, free from are eaeambrenees. and the: he w611 eaaeata arch finder asamances of the acid load as may be ragatslte. The said rMW coseaalm and agrees for hlmsel f. his hw}a, arcesesan and aasiasy that she eoaaidarWion herel�. above mand"Ird and paid to hem &ABR be in ,on of.my sad all eleima eo eompaasatan for load,ad m, far damages. if my. to the remansing lands of the F=W ablch may malt by reason of the ass to such the grans see'atlt pos the land er be comirye4 inciadbt; such drateaae facilltles os may be necessary. WffNESS th"fod'adng Jos e,"# aid ierls: L STATE OF FIRMIA^. Calmly Of d!lfen9a�Y , Tayoisr i; M•� • -+— a �'j1� -�— „ a Notary pablie is and for A* c6sw a/oressii. in the Sate of Yftfnla. do eardfy tint Dad 0 ®Loaf aamea are fipted to the fWess►ad' Wrii^b baa46 dote an die day of - � _. l9 6 6 have each aakamaledged the saws before me in my COaay ofaresam. ley inea of afjrff eapLra dfddi! � f � / f > a / , Ghwa aadar my hand skis r/ I day Of leda"allzk/ " . I9 f i Psuia. "Vlrvirsi9: rrs tl=u Clerk's Office of Albemarle Circuit Courts �•19 f 7. inns d-'•d was �proserded to me In sal office and with certificate ap�+nrxc:i % . l' to record av'CfL—K + ,Z:- -0 ��ir taC • d% �Q 'r [ssw.) (Sam.) [sim.) L 22 f Yy oo=lssion wMiree on the 28th day of September 1929. i Given under my hand and official seal this the 14th day of MW 1929. Wailes 9an4. Notary Publto. �J 4f UsD 'I50� m «s a � r;•--;,-'�' O � I,d'� _.-'-_--, p«.,��ae 1. sw. e.q�W�.�' Oe. R ' ® A - c f 94 Iaqb- 2La 1 j 1' q 917 1lT 1 � 66 ° yc`19�X 0 354 i 4 A. A. Payne &c To Deed Com. of Va. Fee $2.00 Plat 1.QQ__ Pd. 13.00 l� �Y said, in the State of Virginia, do certify that A. J. Pureley, whose name is signed to the foregoing writing, bearing date on the 14th day of November, 1949, has acknowledged the same before me in my County aforesaid. My term of office expires March 24, 1953. Given under my hand this 20th day of December, 1949. Ida L. Andrews, Notary Public. VIRGINIA, IN THE CLEWTS OFFICE OF ALBEKARLE CIRCUIT COURT, APRIL 12, 1950. This deed was presented to me in said office and with certificate annexed admitted to record at 9:00 A. M. & Plat in Plat Book. Teste. (or67il. Aw. *-r — ,Clerk. THIS DKED, Made this 14th day of November, 1949, by and between W. A. Payne and Martha H. Payne, his wife, joint owners of Albemarle County, Virginia, hereinafter designated as grantor (even though more than one) and the Commonwe&lth of Virginia, Grantee: W I T N E 8 8 E T H: In consideration of the benefits accruing or to accrue to the said grantor, by reason of the location and construction, or other improvemen of part of State Highway Route No. 20, Project No. 1473-A between 0.227 Mi. S of SCL Charlottesville and 6.559 Mi. S. of SCL Charlottesville State Highway System, along, through, or over the lands of the grantor, and for further consideration paid by the grantee, to the grantor, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the said grantor hereby grants and conveys unto said grantee wi general warranty the land of the grantor needed for the location and construe or other improvement of said highway, the said land being as shown on a plan and survey of the said highway, on file in the office of the Department of Highways at Richmond, identified as Sheet No. 7 & 8, Project No. 1473-A, Rout No. 209 the said land being in Albemarle County, and described as follows: Being as shown on plans approved May 31, 1949, and lying on the North (right) side of and adjacent to the survey centerline between the lands of Sohn T. and Martha H. Mason at approximate Station 137+78 and the lands of Claude Pace at approximate Station 144+24 and containing 0.59 acre, more or less, of which 0.22 acre is included in the existing right of way and 0.37 acre, more or less, is additional land. For a more particular description of the land herein conveyed, reference is made to photo copy of said Sheets No. 7 and 8. showing outlined in red the land conveyed in fee simple, which photo copy is hereto attached a a part of this conveyance and recorded simultaneously herewith in the State dighway Pla t Book p. 35. K 11 0 of