HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD202000007 Application 2020-05-07Albemarle County Planning Application Community Development Department 401 McIntire Road Chiflottesville,VA22902-459% Voice : (434) 296-5832 Fax : (434.) 972-4126 TIVIPJ 05800-00-00-091A0] Owner(s): GREENCROFT CLUB INC. THE Application #I LOD202000007] Legal Description I GREENCROFIr I Magisterial Dist. !Samuel Miller Land Use Primary Residential Single-family (incl. modular home5F__] Current AFD f Not i , n , A/F District 0— Current Zoning Primary Rural Areas APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 575 RDDES DR CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22903 Entered By I Buck Smith: Application Type ,Letter of Determination or Division Rights Project 1GREENCROFT CLUB INC Received Date Final Submittal DateFo-5/07/20 Total Fees Received Date Fo-5/04/20 Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid F=1 018 Revision Number Comments Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) T Stab Appiicatio Comment Use 05/07/20 ................... ........ . ..... ........... .......... .......... .... ........................................... ........... - ................ - ....................... ............... ............ APPLICANT / CONTACT INFORMATION !qo�ntacff pe Name Address I c6,-s-tate j zip F Ph -one I PhoneCell :'w rend T .. rs i GREENCROFI` CLUB INC. THE P 0 BOX 14 R?V VA ?;) q 4,9 ............... .......... . ............................. .. - - ... ­­ .. — . _-, _ - - .. .4 1 . 11 ' ' ' .1­.­....'­­ : ......................... 5 ry C _ nts =t BRUCE IKIRTLEY, 6084ROCKFISH GAPTNPK CHARLOTTESl�ILL 22903 4342965597 i ........... .......... I Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date FOR OFFICE, USE ONLY LOD/ #0/Grl� CUC'c (p Fee Amount $ / Date Paid �y who? Ili (> r i� �1 ? r �l2`�ccipt # l i Ck# Application for Official Letter of Determination rnVION-fial I ❑ Official Letter of Determination of Parcel of Record and/or Development Rights = $108 A separate fee is required for each parcel shown on the tax map. (1 parcel is $108, 2 parcels are $216, etc.) ❑ All other Official Letters of Determinations (including but not limited to Use, Zoning, Nonconformity, Parking, Floodplain, Vested Rights, Area & Bulk Regulations, De minimis) = $108 ❑Certification that notice of this application has been provided to the property owner if the owner is different from applicant. Project Name: Greencroft Club Inc Tax map and parcel(s): Tax Map 58 - Parcel 91A Zoning: Contact Person (Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Rn1ce Kirth, PrPsident Address 6084 Rockfish Gap Tnpk City Crozet State yam_ Zip 9909 Daytime Phone (434) A,9A_075() Fax # (� Owner of Record Greencroft Club Inc •. - (.1-��•. •11111119919111M Address 575 Rode.-, Drive City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22903 Daytime Phone 4( 34) 296-5597 Fax # () Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing?): Greencroft Club Inc Address 575 Rodes Drive City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22903 Daytime Phone (434) 296-5597 Fax # (_) E-mail bkirtley�e� mbargmail com County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 9724126 9/7/2018 Page 1 of 2 Submittal Requirements Parcel of Record and/or Development Rights ❑ Tax Map Page ❑ Provide evidence showing when the parcel/parcels was/were created. This will include the following; ❑ The last instrument of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia on or prior to December 10, 1980. ❑ Include deeds that provide a plat or metes and bounds description of the property. (Highlight or underline references to the subject property). ❑ All plats and deeds of record after December 10, 1980, UP UNTIL THE PRESENT DATE. (Highlight or underline references to the subject property). ❑ Cover letter stating the assumed number of parcels and development rights, with explanation of same. ❑ Any other pertinent information. ❑ A fee is reauired for each separate parcel shown on the tax man. All other Determinations ❑ Cover letter stating what is being requested. Provide all necessary information. for the consideration of this decision including ❑ Tax Map Page if request is regarding a specific property. ❑ If the request is regarding a nonconforming use, structure, or lot then you must provide enough probative material evidence to prove the nonconformity. ❑ Provide justification for the request and any other pertinent information. ❑ Fee as noted above. Please refer to the Albemarle County Land Use Law Handbook for more information regarding zoning determinations and nonconformities. http://www.albemarle.org/LandUseLaw Determination may take up to ninety (90) days from submittal Signature of Owner Bruce Kirtley, President Print Name April 10, 2020 Date 434 989-0750 Daytime phone number of Signatory Page 2 of 2