HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202000024 Staff Report 2020-05-18 (2)Project #/Name
ARB-2020-24: Spring Hill Village
Review Type
Final Site Plan
Parcel Identification
1776 Scottsville Road
Neighborhood Model District (NMD)/Entrance Corridor (EC)
Stanley Martin Companies, LLC/Collins Engineering (Scott Collins)
Magisterial District
To construct 100 single-family attached residential units with associated site improvements.
Gropen Signs is located to the northeast of the site. Single-family residences are located along this stretch of the Rt. 20 Entrance Corridor. The east side of Rt. 20 is
designated Rural Areas. (Figure 2)
The development will be readily visible from the Rt. 20 Entrance Corridor. The site rises westward from an approximate elevation of 530' near Block A at the
northeast corner of the property on Rt. 20 to 630' near Block E at the northwest corner on Avon Street. This steady increase in site elevation will make the tops of
each successive block of residences visible above the block below it.
All Meeting Date
May 18, 2020
Staff Contact
Paty Saternye
ARB provided comments on the initial site plan for Spring Hill Village.
ARB provided comments on the final site plan for Spring Hill Village.
ARB provided comments on the initial site plan for Spring Hill Village Blocks B through G.
1 ARB-2020-24
ARB will review the final site plan for Spring Hill Village Blocks B through G.
The ARB reviewed initial and final site plans for a Spring Hill Village mixed -use development including attached and detached residential units in 2015 and 2016. That review addressed impacts
to both Avon Street Extended and Rt. 20. The ARB approved the final plan, pending staff administrative approval of conditions. A revised plan was not submitted to address those conditions. The
Entrance Corridor regulations are not currently being applied to Avon Street Extended., the development was redesigned and the initial site plan in 2018 was reviewed solely for impacts on the Rt.
20 Entrance Corridor. Residential units in the current plan are all attached units.
Compatibility with significant historic sites: Compatibility with the character of the Entrance Corridor
The goal of the regulation of the design of development within
Submit architectural designs
This development is located at the southern
Provide the product line, and
the designated Entrance Corridors is to insure that new
for review.
edge of the County's development area, and the
specific color name, for the
development within the corridors reflects the traditional
zoning, uses, and building types in the
proposed asphalt shingles. A
architecture of the area. Therefore, it is the purpose of ARB
Note for future submittals that
immediate vicinity vary greatly (Figure 2). The
material sample may be
review and of these Guidelines, that proposed development
the Block A building will need
Gropen industrial building (Figure 3) is adjacent
within the designated Entrance Corridors reflect elements of
to address EC Guidelines
to the north, single family detached residences
design characteristic of the significant historical landmarks,
requirements for scale,
are located along Rt. 20 (Figure 4), and there is
Note for future submittals that
buildings, and structures of the Charlottesville and Albemarle
proportion, massing, detailing,
a landscape of rolling hills along the corridor.
the Block A building will need
area, and to promote orderly and attractive development within
lack of blankness, etc.
Consequently, harmonizing proposed
to address EC Guidelines
these corridors. Applicants should note that replication of historic
development with the existing character of the
requirements for scale,
structures is neither required nor desired.
Remove the footprints of
future phase buildings from
corridor can be a challenge. A loose connection
to the historic architecture of the area is seen in
proportion, massing, detailing,
lack of blankness, etc.
Visitors to the significant historical sites in the Charlottesville
and Albemarle area experience these sites as ensembles of
the plan.
the use of standard residential building forms,
buildings, land, and vegetation. In order to accomplish the
like pitched roofs, grouped windows,
integration of buildings, land, and vegetation characteristic of
A "back of building"
architectural elements emphasizing entrances
these sites, the Guidelines require attention to four primary
appearance will not be
and windows, and masonry materials forming a
factors: compatibility with significant historic sites in the area;
appropriate for Block A or
base with vertical and/or horizontal siding
the character of the Entrance Corridor; site development and
Block B elevations facing Rt.
above. Facades of the units are shifted
layout; and landscaping.
forward/back 2', avoiding a continuous building
facade. These elements and the distribution of
New structures and substantial additions to existing structures
should respect the traditions of the architecture of historically
Incorporate sufficient
materials, together with the unit heights and
significant buildings in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area.
fenestration and detailing to
widths, help establish human scale, but there is
Photographs of historic buildings in the area, as well as drawings
eliminate blankness in the side
no strong connection to the historic architecture
of architectural features, which provide important examples of
elevations visible from Rt. 20.
of the area. The predominant character is that of
this tradition are contained in Appendix A.
a contemporary residential development.
The examples contained in Appendix A should be used as a
guide for building design: the standard of compatibility with the
The material and color for the shingles have
area's historic structures is not intended to impose a rigid design
been specified as Owen Coming's black asphalt
solution for new development. Replication of the design of the
shingles. However, the product line and
important historic sites in the area is neither intended nor
specific color name have not been provided, so
desired. The Guideline's standard of compatibility can be met
the exact appearance is unclear.
through building scale, materials, and forms which may be
embodied in architecture which is contemporary as well as
A building footprint is no longer shown in
traditional. The Guidelines allow individuality in design to
Block A, since it is a future phase.
accommodate varying tastes as well as special functional
It is also an important objective of the Guidelines to establish a
pattern of compatible architectural characteristics throughout the
Entrance Corridor in order to achieve unity and coherence.
Building designs should demonstrate sensitivity to other nearby
structures within the Entrance Corridor. Where a designated
corridor is substantially developed, these Guidelines require
striking a careful balance between harmonizing new
development with the existing character of the corridor and
achieving compatibility with the significant historic sites in the
Buildings should relate to their site and the surrounding context
of buildings.
Building forms and features, including roofs, windows, doors,
Homeowners can choose from two options —
materials, colors and textures should be compatible with the
one with a front roof terrace, and one without.
forms and features of the significant historic buildings in the
The primary building material is Hardiplank
area, exemplified by (but not limited to) the buildings described
siding in a range of colors (cobblestone, aged
in Appendix A [of the design guidelines]. The standard of
pewter, pearl gray, gray slate, arctic white, light
compatibility can be met through scale, materials, and forms
mist) that have been approved for other projects
which may be embodied in architecture which is contemporary
in the ECs. Note that colors are not specified for
as well as traditional. The replication of important historic sites
units, but the applicant has clarified that when
in Albemarle County is not the objective of these guidelines.
both horizontal and vertical siding are used in a
single unit, a single color will be used. Masonry
is shown as a possible secondary base material.
The architect has clarified that the masonry is
limited to stone (ProVia Piedmont Limestone) —
no brick is proposed. The stone is a mix of tan
and brown and has an appropriate appearance.
The overall design of buildings should have human scale. Scale
Maximum building height is noted on the site
Revise the building elevations
should be integral to the building and site design.
plan cover sheet as 50' for blocks A, B and E,
and 40' for the remaining blocks. The "Building
to clearly identify overall
height of all unit types.
Architecture proposed within the Entrance Corridor should use
forms, shapes, scale, and materials to create a cohesive whole.
and Residential Heights (MAX.)" note on the
Revise all labels and
same sheet specifies that villa and townhouse
dimensions on the elevations
unit heights shall not exceed 30'. However,
and building sections to have
actual heights for units adjacent to Rt. 20 (84-
text that is forward facing.
100) are just under 35' and 37' (measured to the
midpoint of the roof). Overall heights are not
Revise the maximum proposed
provided and, generally, the elevations have few
building height on the site plan
dimensions and some of the text in the few
cover sheet to match the actual
labels that are provided is backwards and not
proposed building heights.
Clearly indicate an elevation
Drawings have been provided for some
type for each unit. Submit
elevations of some units. The submitted
elevations, if not already
elevations may also correspond to other units in
provided, for the following:
the development, but this isn't clear from the
• Front elevations of 29-38,
submittal. Front and rear elevations were not
provided for townhouse units 1-22. At 195'
• Front and rear elevations 1-
away from Rt. 20, these units are expected to be
visible across the open Block A, along Dauphin
• Rear elevations 43-49
Drive, and across the Gropen parcel where some
• Side elevations 6, 11, 16, 23
landscaping exists but does not screen the
Alternatively, provide site
development. Figure 5 illustrates the view from
sections showing units/blocks
the Gropen entrance, with grading of the subject
that will have no visibility
parcel visible just beyond the trees.
from Rt. 20.
With the 100' grade change across the site, from
Ensure that the rear elevations
Rt. 20 to Avon Street Extended, other portions
for units 1 through 22 show
of the site (Blocks E, F, G and the western
fenestration and architectural
portions of Blocks C and D) are expected to be
details sufficient to establish
visible from the EC. In particular, the upper
an appropriate appearance for
portions of the elevations of each successive
the EC.
block of residences will be visible above the
block below it. A clear understanding of the
appearance of each block is needed.
Any appearance of "blankness" resulting from building design
Some of the elevations that will be visible from
Revise the side elevations of
should be relieved using design detail or vegetation, or both.
the corridor are significantly lacking in detail.
townhouse units 1, 84, and 100
This includes the side elevations for unit 1 in
and villa unit 71 to incorporate
Block C, side elevations in Block B, and the
sufficient detail to eliminate
side and rear elevations of the Block D villa
units. The topography of the site and the view
across the project entrance, Block A, and the
Revise the rear elevations of
Block D community park will allow visibility of
units 64 through 71, and 76
the rear of the Block D units. Other Block D
through 83 to incorporate
units will be visible along the southern property
sufficient detail to eliminate
line. Additional architectural detail should be
added to sides of townhouse units 1, 84 & 100
and villas 71 since they will be most visible
from the EC.
Arcades, colonnades, or other architectural connecting devices
Blocks are not joined by connecting devices.
should be used to unify groups of buildings within a
Trademark buildings and related features should be modified to
The townhouses and villas do not have the
meet the requirements of the Guidelines.
appearance of typical trademark structures, but
it is likely that these designs have been and/or
will also be built outside the Spring Hill Village
Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should not be highly
The standard window glass note is not included
Provide the standard window
tinted or highly reflective. Window glass in the Entrance
in the architectural drawings.
glass note in the architectural
Corridors should meet the following criteria: Visible light
transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light
reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%. Specifications on the
proposed window glass should be submitted with the application
or flnal review.
Accessory structures and equipment
Accessory structures and equipment should be integrated into
Indicate on the plan the
The locations of the HVAC units are not
Indicate on the plan the
the overall plan of development and shall, to the extent possible,
locations of proposed HVAC
identified on the plans so the need for screening
locations of proposed HVAC
be compatible with the building designs used on the site.
equipment. Show on the plan
how visibility of this
cannot be determined at this time. Of particular
concern is the potential for equipment in the
equipment. Show on the plan
how visibility of this
The following should be located to eliminate visibility from the
Entrance Corridor street. If, after appropriate siting, these features
equipment will be eliminated
side yards of Block B, and the side or rear yards
equipment will be eliminated
will still have a negative visual impact on the Entrance Corridor
from the Rt. 20 EC.
of Blocks C and D. Although the residential
from the Rt. 20 EC.
street, screening should be provided to eliminate visibility. a.
units in Block B (Lots 84 through 100) face Rt.
Loading areas, b. Service areas, c. Refuse areas, d. Storage
Provide a fence detail in the
20, which is not usually the location of HVAC
Revise the site plan to show
areas, e. Mechanical equipment,
plan. Indicate size, materials,
units, any mechanical equipment in their side
the wooden privacy fence on
f. Above -ground utilities, and g. Chain link fence, barbed wire,
and colors.
yards could be visible. Also, mechanical
the south property line on all
razor wire, and similar security fencing devices.
equipment in the side or rear yards of Blocks C
(Lots 1 through 15) and D (64 through 71 and
sheets. Provide a fence detail
in the plan. Indicate size,
Screening devices should be compatible with the design of the
buildings and surrounding natural vegetation and may consist of:
76 through 83), could be visible from the EC.
materials, and colors.
a. Walls, b. Plantings, and c. Fencing.
A 6' wooden privacy fence is proposed along
If a fence is proposed along
the southern property line. A 10' landscaping
the EC show it and label it on
and maintenance easement is provided on the
all site plan sheets, include a
development side of the fence. No fence detail
fence detail, specify the
is included in the plan. The privacy fence is not
material, color and
shown consistently throughout the site plan.
manufacturer. Samples may be
A fence is shown along the full length of the
EC, with what appears to be columns on either
Revise the landscape plan to
side of the entrance, in the landscape plan sheet.
fully coordinate with all
However, it is not shown on any other site plan
aspects of the site plan.
sheet. No label or detail is provided for the
Ensure that the unit types, unit
fence and it is not shown in the renderings.
locations, driveways,
walkways and trails, utilities
The fence along the EC is only one of many
and utility easements are
inconsistencies between the landscape plan and
shown in the same location as
the other pages of the ARB site plan
on the other site plan sheets.
submission. The trail system in Block E, F &
G, the unit types and groupings in Blocks F & G
and the unit groupings in Block B are
inconsistent. These changes also impact the
utility locations, which directly impact available
locations for landscaping, especially the street
Surface runoff structures and detention ponds should be designed
Revise the plan to provide
The above ground stormwater facility in Block
Reduce the size of the above
to fit into the natural topography to avoid the need for screening.
sufficient planting area
B has been moved to the southern border of the
ground stormwater facility in
When visible from the Entrance Corridor street, these features
between the property line
parcel and greatly expanded in size from what
Block B and coordinate the
must be fully integrated into the landscape. They should not have
along Rt. 20 and the Block A
was shown in the initial site plan. The facility,
landscaping to further mitigate
the appearance of engineered features.
water detention facility, the
Block B water detention
as currently shown, is not an integrated
landscape feature in the site and is expected to
its impacts on the EC.
Natural drainage patterns (or to the extent required, new
drainage patterns) should be incorporated into the finished site
facility, and the low point
have an adverse visual impact on the EC.
See Recommendation #7
to the extent possible.
adjacent to the Block B
facility, all free of utility
The easements for the underground stormwater
facilities are not shown on the landscape plan
sheets. Therefore, it cannot be determined if
there is sufficient landscaping area to meet the
landscaping requirements.
The following note should be added to the site plan and the
Add the standard mechanical
The standard mechanical equipment note has
Add the standard mechanical
architectural plan: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from
equipment note to both the site
been included in the site plan but is not included
equipment note to the
the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
and architectural plans.
in the plans.
architectural plans.
No street lighting is proposed in the
The requirements of the Guidelines regarding landscaping are
Provide on -site planting area
Utilities and utility and drainage easements are
Revise all sheets of the
intended to reflect the landscaping characteristic of many of the
along the EC free of utilities
not all shown on the landscape plan sheets.
landscape plan to show all
area's significant historic sites which is characterized by large
and easements.
existing utilities and utility
shade trees and lawns. Landscaping should promote visual order
Although two shade trees species and two
drainage easements. Ensure
within the Entrance Corridor and help to integrate buildings into
Provide frontage planting in a
ornamental tree species have been proposed
all landscaping does not
the existing environment of the corridor.
naturalistic pattern rather than
in a strictly linear form.
along Rt. 20, the pattern is primarily linear. The
quantity of large shade trees must meet the
conflict with the utilities or
their easements.
Continuity within the Entrance Corridor should be obtained by
planting different types of plant materials that share similar
requirement (1 tree for every 35' = xx large
characteristics. Such common elements allow for more
Clarify the extent of tree
shade trees), but the spacing can be altered (and
Provide frontage planting in a
flexibility in the design of structures because common landscape
removal and tree replacement
shade and ornamental trees added) to achieve
naturalistic pattern rather than
features will help to harmonize the appearance of development
planned with off -site work
the naturalistic pattern.
in a strictly linear form.
as seen from the street upon which the Corridor is centered.
along the ECs. Show how an
appropriate appearance for the
Medium and small deciduous shade trees, which
Revise the street trees along
Landscaping along the frontage of Entrance Corridor streets
should include the following:
EC will be maintained.
are 2 '/2" caliper in size, have been proposed
the EC to be large deciduous
a. Large shade trees should be planted parallel to the Entrance
along the EC and do not meet the minimum
trees of 3 '/2" caliper and
Corridor Street. Such trees should be at least 3'/2 inches caliper
requirements. Although the overhead utility
provide sufficient landscaping
(measured 6 inches above the ground) and should be of a plant
lines are not shown on the landscape plan, it
area, outside of the utility
species common to the area. Such trees should be located at least
appears that the street trees are proposed
easements, to ensure they do
every 35 feet on center.
directly under the utility lines.
not conflict with the existing
b. Flowering ornamental trees of a species common to the area
or proposed easements.
should be interspersed among the trees required by the preceding
See current issue 17. The fence shown along
paragraph. The ornamental trees need not alternate one for one
the EC in the landscape plan appears to be in
See recommendation 17.
with the large shade trees. They may be planted among the large
very close proximity to the street trees.
shade trees in a less regular spacing pattern.
Ensure that any fence along
c. In situations where appropriate, a three or four board fence or
Large shade trees are provided along interior
the EC does not conflict with
low stone wall, typical of the area, should align the frontage of
roads, but 40' spacing is not consistent, as
the location of the street trees.
the Entrance Corridor street.
d. An area of sufficient width to accommodate the foregoing
- 2 trees missing from east side and 1 from west
Revise spacing of the large
plantings and fencing should be reserved parallel to the Entrance
side of Berwyn Lane
shade trees along the interior
Corridor street, and exclusive of road right-of-way and utility
- 2 trees missing form south and west side of
roads to meet the 40' on center
Loyola Way
minimum spacing. Add one
Landscaping along interior roads:
Possible locations for the missing trees are:
additional tree to the west side
a. Large trees should be planted parallel to all interior roads.
• on east side of unit 71,
of Berwyn Lane, two trees to
Such trees should be at least 2'/2 inches caliper (measured six
• on south of the unit 84 driveway,
the east side of Berwyn Lane
inches above the ground) and should be of a plant species
• on north of unit 94 driveway,
and two trees to the south and
common to the area. Such trees should be located at least every
• on south of unit 95 driveway,
west side of Loyola Way.
40 feet on center.
• in front of unit 67 (with corresponding shift of
tree in front of lot 68),
See recommendations for #17-
Landscaping along interior pedestrian ways:
a. Medium trees should be planted parallel to all interior
Note that there is a lack of coordination between
19 above.
pedestrian ways. Such trees should be at least 2'/2 inches caliper
the landscape plan and the rest of the site plan in
(measured six inches above the ground) and should be of a
reference to units 43 through 60. The unit type,
Revise the trees along
species common to the area. Such trees should be located at least
and building grouping is different. Also,
pedestrian ways to be medium
every 25 feet on center.
throughout the landscape plan, the water lines
and water meters are not shown. Both factors
shade trees of 2 '/2" caliper and
ensure that all portions of the
Landscaping of parking areas:
a. Large trees should align the perimeter of parking areas,
make it difficult to determine if landscape
pedestrian ways have trees
located 40 feet on center. Trees should be planted in the interior
guidelines are being met, but locations may be
proposed along them.
of parking areas at the rate of one tree for every 10 parking
spaces provided and should be evenly distributed throughout the
• between the intersection with Dauphin Drive
Coordinate the trail system
interior of the parking area.
and unit 50,
throughout the site plan and
b. Trees required by the preceding paragraph should measure 2'/Z
• in front of units 51, 52, 54, 56, 57 and 58.
show medium shade trees, of 2
inches caliper (measured six inches above the ground); should
1/2' caliper, every 25'.
be evenly spaced; and should be of a species common to the
The pedestrian pathways between Blocks F & G
area. Such trees should be planted in planters or medians
in the landscape plan do not match the
Revise the landscape plan to
sufficiently large to maintain the health of the tree and shall be
pedestrian ways shown on the rest of the site
show the standard plant health
protected by curbing.
plan sheets.
c. Shrubs should be provided as necessary to minimize the
parking area's impact on Entrance Corridor streets. Shrubs
There are trees, with an average spacing of 25'
should measure 24 inches in height.
on center, proposed along most of the pedestrian
ways shown on the landscape plan but many of
Landscaping of buildings and other structures:
a. Trees or other vegetation should be planted along the front of
them are not medium shade trees and do not
long buildings as necessary to soften the appearance of exterior
have a minimum caliper of 2 'h". However,
walls. The spacing, size, and type of such trees or vegetation
some of the shorter trails do not have trees
should be determined by the length, height, and blankness of
proposed along them and the trail system shown
such walls.
in the landscape plan does not match the trails
b. Shrubs should be used to integrate the site, buildings, and
shown on the rest of the site plan sheets.
other structures; dumpsters, accessory buildings and structures;
"drive thru" windows; service areas; and signs. Shrubs should
There are multiple small parking areas dispersed
measure at least 24 inches in height.
throughout the development. All have large
shade trees of 2 '/2" caliper spaced 40' along
Plant species:
a. Plant species required should be as approved by the Staff
their perimeter.
based upon but not limited to the Generic Landscape Plan
Recommended Species List and Native Plants for Virginia
The standard plant health note is not included in
Landscapes (Appendix D .
the site plan.
Plant health:
The following note should be added to the landscape plan: "All
site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and
be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is
prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only
to support the overall health of theplant."
Site Development and layout, Development paftern
Site development should be sensitive to the existing natural
See recommendations at 1-16.
The Block B townhouses (units 83 through 100)
landscape and should contribute to the creation of an organized
are oriented parallel to the EC and front
development plan. This may be accomplished, to the extent
elevations face the street.
practical, by preserving the trees and rolling terrain typical of the
area; planting new trees along streets and pedestrian ways and
choosing species that reflect native forest elements; insuring that
any grading will blend into the surrounding topography thereby
creating a continuous landscape; preserving, to the extent
practical, existing significant river and stream valleys which
may be located on the site and integrating these features into the
design of surrounding development; and limiting the building
mass and height to a scale that does not overpower the natural
settings of the site, or the Entrance Corridor.
The relationship of buildings and other structures to the
Entrance Corridor street and to other development within the
corridor should be as follows:
a. An organized pattern of roads, service lanes, bike paths, and
pedestrian walks should guide the layout of the site.
b. In general, buildings fronting the Entrance Corridor street
should be parallel to the street. Building groupings should be
arranged to parallel the Entrance Corridor street.
c. Provisions should be made for connections to adjacent
pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems.
d. Open spaces should be tied into surrounding areas to provide
continuity within the Entrance Corridor.
e. If significant natural features exist on the site (including creek
valleys, steep slopes, significant trees or rock outcroppings), to
the extent practical, then such natural features should be
reflected in the site layout. If the provisions of Section 32.5.2.n
of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance apply, then
improvements required by that section should be located so as to
maximize the use of existing features in screening such
improvements from Entrance Corridor streets.
£ The placement of structures on the site should respect existing
views and vistas on and around the site.
Site Grading
Site grading should maintain the basic relationship of the site to
Provide on the plan top- and
Retaining walls are proposed along a portion of
Provide information on the
surrounding conditions by limiting the use of retaining walls and
bottom -of -wall elevations for
the northern property line, along the northern
material, color and
by shaping the terrain through the use of smooth, rounded land
the retaining walls.
portion of Avon Street Extended, between
manufacturer of the retaining
forms that blend with the existing terrain. Steep cut or fill sections
Blocks F and G, between Blocks D and G, at the
walls. A sample maybe
are generally unacceptable. Proposed contours on the grading plan
Round proposed contours
northern edge of Block B and between the
shall be rounded with a ten foot minimum radius where they meet
where they meet the adjacent
Block B stormwater pond and the southern
the adjacent condition. Final grading should achieve a natural,
condition for a more natural
property line. Along the northern property line
Consider a large evergreen
rather than engineered, appearance. Retaining walls 6 feet in
there is a single retaining wall that begins
screening shrub between the
height and taller, when necessary, shall be terraced and planted to
approximately 240' from Rt. 20 and is 660'
terraced retaining walls.
blend with the landscape.
long. This portion of the wall is screened from
the northern property line by a line of evergreen
Round proposed contours for a
trees for the first 135' of its length. At 375'
more natural appearance.
from Rt. 20 a second wall is added. This wall is
closer to the property line leaving insufficient
width for the screening trees along the property
line. At this point, however, the distance from
the EC, as well as the screening trees proposed
between the terraced walls, limit their visual
impact on the EC.
"Emerald Sentinel" Eastern Redcedar are
proposed between the terraced retaining walls.
A large evergreen tree could cause significant
damage to the retaining walls.
The walls at the northern edges of Block B and
between the Block B stormwater pond and the
southern property line will be visible from the
EC. The wall at the northern edges of Block B
is 80' from Route 20 and is 56' long and 4'
high. The wall between the Block B stormwater
pond and the southern property line is 23' from
Route 20 and is 58' long and 4' high. Their
close proximity to Route 20 increases the effect
they may have on the EC. However,
insufficient information has been provided to
determine if these walls will be coordinated
with the landscaping in order to minimize any
adverse impacts.
No information has been provided on the
material, color or manufacturer of the retaining
walls, and a sample has not been provided.
The other walls in the development are not
expected to have a negative impact on the EC.
Top- and bottom- of -wall elevations have been
Proposed contours are not well rounded in some
of the front yards parallel to the EC, at the back
of some of the units in Block D near the
southern property line, and on one of the corners
of the pad site in Block A.
No grading, trenching, or tunneling should occur within the drip
The plan shows no trees to remain.
line of any trees or other existing features designated for
preservation in the final Certificate of Appropriateness. Adequate
tree protection fencing should be shown on, and coordinated
throughout, the grading, landscaping and erosion and sediment
control plans.
Areas designated for preservation in the final Certificate of
Appropriateness should be clearly delineated and protected on
the site prior to any grading activity on the site. This protection
should remain in place until completion of the development of
the site.
Preservation areas should be protected from storage or
movement of heavy equipment within this area.
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. The size and integration of the above ground stormwater facility in Block B.
2. Overhead utility easement and landscape coordination.
3. Visibility of units further from EC and at higher elevations.
4. Architectural design of the townhouse and villa units and the impact of the rear and side elevations on the EC.
5. Proposed building materials and colors (no specific locations, inconsistency).
6. The fence along the EC: design and the coordination throughout the plan
7. Coordination of the landscape and site plans.
Regarding the Final Site Plan:
Staff recommends approval with the following conditions:
1. Provide the product line, and specific color name, for the proposed asphalt shingles. A material sample may be required.
2. Note for future submittals that the Block A building will need to address EC Guidelines requirements for scale, proportion, massing, detailing, lack of blankness, etc.
3. Revise the building elevations to clearly identify overall height of all unit types.
4. Revise all labels and dimensions on the elevations and building sections to have text that is forward facing.
5. Revise the maximum proposed building height on the site plan cover sheet to match the actual proposed building heights.
6. Clearly indicate an elevation type for each unit. Submit elevations, if not already provided, for the following:
• Front elevations of 29-38, 50-63
• Front and rear elevations 1-22
• Rear elevations 43-49
• Side elevations 6, 11, 16, 23
Alternatively, provide site sections showing units/blocks that will have no visibility from Rt. 20.
7. Ensure that the rear elevations for units 1 through 22 show fenestration and architectural details sufficient to establish an appropriate appearance for the EC.
8. Revise the side elevations of townhouse units 1, 84, and 100 and villa unit 71 to incorporate sufficient detail to eliminate blankness.
9. Revise the rear elevations of units 64 through 71, and 76 through 83 to incorporate sufficient detail to eliminate blankness.
10. Provide the standard window glass note in the architectural drawings: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%.
Specifications on the proposed window glass should be submitted with the application for final review.
11. Indicate on the plan the locations of proposed HVAC equipment. Show on the plan how visibility of this equipment will be eliminated from the Rt. 20 EC.
12. Revise the site plan to show the wooden privacy fence on the south property line on all sheets. Provide a fence detail in the plan. Indicate size, materials, and colors.
13. If a fence is proposed along the EC show it and label it on all site plan sheets, include a fence detail, specify the material, color and manufacturer. Samples maybe necessary.
14. Revise the landscape plan to fully coordinate with all aspects of the site plan. Ensure that the unit types, unit locations, driveways, walkways and trails, utilities and utility easements are
shown in the same location as on the other site plan sheets.
15. Reduce the size of the above ground stormwater facility in Block B and coordinate the landscaping to further mitigate its impacts on the EC.
16. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to the architectural plans: "Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
17. Revise all sheets of the landscape plan to show all existing utilities and utility drainage easements. Ensure all landscaping does not conflict with the utilities or their easements.
18. Provide frontage planting in a naturalistic pattern rather than in a strictly linear form.
19. Revise the street trees along the EC to be large deciduous trees of 3 %2" caliper and provide sufficient landscaping area, outside of the utility easements, to ensure they do not conflict with
the existing or proposed easements.
20. Ensure that any fence along the EC does not conflict with the location of the street trees.
21. Revise spacing of the large shade trees along the interior roads to meet the 40' on center minimum spacing. Add one additional tree to the west side of Berwyn Lane, two trees to the east
side of Berwyn Lane and two trees to the south and west side of Loyola Way.
22. Revise the trees along pedestrian ways to be medium shade trees of 2 1/a" caliper and ensure that all portions of the pedestrian ways have trees proposed along them.
23. Coordinate the trail system throughout the site plan and show medium shade trees, of 2 1/2' caliper, every 25'.
24. Revise the landscape plan to show the standard plant health note: All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees
is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant.
25. Provide information on the material, color and manufacturer of the retaining walls. A sample may be required.
26. Consider a large evergreen screening shrub between the terraced retaining walls.
27. Round proposed contours for a more natural appearance.
Applicant's submittal items:
1: Spring
Hill Village
— ARB Narrative
2: Spring
Hill Village
— ARB Plan
3: Spring
Hill Village
— ARB Renderings
4: Spring
Hill Village
— ARB Materials List
5: Spring
Hill Village
— Stone Veneer Photo
6: Spring
Hill Village
— ARB Building Elevations and Sections
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawin Date/Revision Date
Cover Sheet
1 Existing Conditions
Overall Site Plan Layout
Site Plan
Site Plan
Utility Plan
1 Utility Plan
Grading & Drainage Plan
Grading & Drainage Plan
Notes & Details
Notes & Details
Site Planting Key Plan
Site Planting Plan: Community Park and Linear Park
Site Planting Plan: Greenway Park & Greenway Entrance Park
Site Planting Plan: Entrance Park and Dog Park
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 1 side elevation
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 23-28 front elevation & siding photos
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 34-38 front elevation & siding photos
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 39-42 front elevation & siding photos
Spring Hill Village Villas: Lot 64 & 67 side elevations, Lot 64-67 rear elevations
Spring Hill Village Villas: Lot 68 & 71 side elevations, Lot 66-71 rear elevations
S ring Hill Village Villas: Lot 72 & 75 side elevations, Lot 72-75 rear elevations
Spring Hill Village Villas: Lot 76 & 79 side elevations, Lot 76-79 rear elevations
Spring Hill Village Villas: Lot 80 & 83 side elevations, Lot 80-83 rear elevations
Building Height Diagram: 326 Pe 20'
Building Height Diagram: D25 Hugo 16'
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 84-88 front elevation without optional front
rooftop terrace
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 84-88 front elevation with optional front rooftop
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 84 & 88 side elevations
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 89-94 front elevation without optional front
rooftop terrace
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 89-94 front elevation with optional front rooftop
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 89 & 94 side elevations
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 95-100 front elevation without optional front
rooftop terrace
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 95-100 front elevation with optional front rooftop
Spring Hill Village Townhomes: Lot 95 & 100 side elevations
Stone Veneer — ProVia - Piedmont Limestone Picture
Narrative for project and photos of site
Materials list
Materials: Stone Veneer — ProVia - Piedmont Limestone; Hardiplank — James Hardie -
Arctic White; Hardiplank — James Hardie -Grey Slate Hardiplank — James Hardie -Pearl
Grey; Hardiplank — James Hardie -Aged Pewter; Hardiplank — James Hardie -
Cobblestone; Hardiplank — James Hardie -Light Mist; Asphalt Shingles -Owning
Coming -Black
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Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
November 7, 2019
Scott Collins
Collins Engineering
200 Garrett St. Ste. R
Charlottesville, VA 2.2902
RE: ARB-2018-128: Spring Hill 'Village Initial Plan
JMIParcel 09000000002800)
Dear Mr. Collins,
At its meeting on Monday, November 5, 2018 the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, by a
vote of 5:0, forward the following recommendations on the above -noted Initial Site Development Plan to
the agent for the Site Review Committee:
• Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per § 18-30.6.4c(2), (3) and (5) and
recommended conditions of initial plan approval:
o Prior to Initial Plan approval, the following items shall be resolved to the satisfaction of
the ARB: None.
a Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines: None-
0 Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: None.
Regarding the final site plan submittal:
I. Submit architectural designs for review.
2. Note for future submittals that the Block A building will need to address EC Guidelines
requirements for scale, proportion, massing, detailing, lack of blankness, etc.
3. Remove the footprints of future phase buildings from the plan.
4. A "back of building" appearance will not be appropriate for Block A or Block B
elevations facing Rt_ 20.
5. Incorporate sufficient fenestration and detailing to eliminate blankness in the side
elevations visible from Rt. 20.
6. indicate on the plan the locations of proposed HVAC equipment. Show on the plan how
visibility of this equipment will be eliminated from the Rt. 24 EC.
7, Provide a fence detail in the plan. Indicate size, materials, and colors,
8. Revise the plan to provide sufficient planting area between the property line along Rt. 20
9. and the Block A water detention tacility, the Block i3 water detention facility, and the low
point adjacent to the Block B facility, all free of utility conflicts.
10. Add the standard mechanical equipment note to both the site and architectural plans.
"'Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
11. Provide on -site planting area along the EC free of utilities and easements.
12. Provide frontage planting in a naturalistic pattern rather than in a strictly linear form.
13. Clarify the extent of tree removal and tree replacement planned with off site work along the
ECs. Show how an appropriate appearance for the RC will be maintained.
14, Provide on the plan top- and bottom -of -wall elevations for the retaining walls.
15. Round proposed contours where they meet the adjacent condition for a more natural
You may submit your application for continued AR'B review at your earliest convenience. Application forms,
checklists and schedules are available on-line at www.albemarle.org/ARB. Please be certain that your AR13
submittal addresses the above -noted issues.
If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to contact me.
Margaret Maliszewski
Chief of Planning/Resource Management
434-296-5832 x3276
cc: Spring Bill Land Development LLC
2635 Bennington Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901