HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202000056 Application 2020-04-29 ;11,7 F.11.-. 'f'.7^' 4114:?;" Albemarle Coun' Community DevelopmentDepartment 401 I, -e Road Charloftesville,VA22902-4596 :::'••,:41-')Viri.4 •(434)296-5632 Fax (434)972-4126 Planning Application PARCEL / OWNER INFORMATION IMP 061W0-03-00-019A0 — Owner(s): OCT STONEFIELD PROPERTY OWNER LLC Application# ARB202000056 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description [ACREAGE PARCEL B STONEFIELD ...4 Magisterial Dist.,Jack Jouett •.- Land Use Primary Commercial [d ... _ Current AFD I Not in A/F District •-• Current Zoning Primary Neighborhood Model District _._ APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 120 2050 BOND ST CHARLOTTESVILLE,22901 Entered By ---i --.1 Buck Smith1 Application Type Architectural Review Board _J**fi i 5072-020 Project STONEFIELD D1-1 FINAL Received Date 05/04/20 Received Date Final Submittal Date 05/04/20 Total Fees 1075 Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid 1075 Revision Number Comments , Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) ' i Type 1 Sub Applicatio Comment Final Site Development Plan 05/04/20 1 [ APPLICANT /CONTACT INFORMATION ContactType Name I :-L...A,-#A o.,FES 5 C ityState I Zip I Phone PhoneCell I-- oiNttevApptc2-t OCT STONEFIELD PROPERTY OWNER LLC -240 ROYAL PALM WAY 2ND 'PALM BEACH FL 33480 i ------ znmzry Carts rt ALAN WONG; MITCHELL MATHEWS 300 TWIN SYCAMORE LANE CHARLOTTESVILL 22903 4349797550 •_. . . Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date DocuSign Envelope ID 8D0C40F6-845B-44AE-81F1-33419F779818 Architectura_ __eview Board Applica ►n *' �_ ®ir 4 Part A: Applicant,Contact and Parcel Information Project Name: Stonefield Block D1-1 Tax map and parcel(s): 061 W0-03-00-0190 Physical Street Address: 2025 Bond Street Contact Person: ALAN WONG Business Name: Mitchell Matthews Architects& Planners Address P.O. Box 5603 City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22905 Daytime Phone( ) 434-979-7550 Fax#( ) E-mail aw@mitchellmatthews.com Owner of Record: OCT Stonefield Property Owner c/o O'Connor Capital Partners Address 535 Madison Avenue, 6th Floor City New York State NY Zip 10022 Daytime Phone( ) 212-308-7700 Fax#( ) E-mail bbuehrer@oconnorcorp.com Part B: Review Type and Fee Select review type Review by the Architectural Review Board Conceptual Plan/Advisory Review(for a Special Use Permit or a No Fee Rezoning) Preliminary/Initial Review of a Site Development Plan No Fee X Final Review of a Site Development Plan $1075.00 Amendment to an approved Certificate of Appropriateness $242.00 Building Permit Review $634.00 County-wide Certificate of Appropriateness Structures 750' or more from the EC,no taller than 5 stories No Fee Structures located behind a structure that fronts the EC No Fee Personal wireless service facilities No Fee Fencing or Equipment or Lighting No Fee Additions to ARB-approved buildings No Fee Minor amendments to site or architectural plans No Fee Building permits where the change is 50%or less of the altered elevation No Fee NOTE: For SIGNS,use the combined APPLICATION AND CHEKLIST FOR SIGNS. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BP# ARB# )L Fee Amount$/01 Date Paid 5-/q2 L By who "11Receipt#�2i/ Check#/f5 2 By Z4 County of Albemarle Dept of Community Development,401 McIntire Rd,Charlottesville,VA 22902 Voice:(434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4126 10/2015 Page I oft OVER Part C: Description of Proposal Describe your proposal. Attach a separate sheet if necessary. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Part D: Applicant Agreement Applicant must read and sign x Each application package must contain (8) folded copies of all plans and documents being submitted. Only (1) set of building material samples is required. All submittal items, including building material samples, become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants are encouraged to maintain duplicate copies of all submittal items in their own files. x Only complete application packages will be scheduled for ARB review. The application package is not complete without the appropriate checklist, completed, signed, and included with the required submittal materials indicated on the checklist. I hereby certify that I own the subject property or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner in filing this application. *See submittal requirements below. I also certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the attached plans contain all information required by the appropriate checklist. _____________________________________________ ____________________________________ Signature of owner, owner’s representative Date or contract purchaser _____________________________________________ ____________________________________ Printed name, Title Daytime phone number of Signatory *Ownership Information: x If ownership of the property is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization including, but not limited to, the name of a corporation, partnership or association, or in the name of a trust, or in a fictitious name, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted certifyi ng that the person signing above has the authority to do so. x If the applicant is a contract purchaser, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted containing the owner’s written consent to the application. x If the applicant is the agent of the owner, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted that is evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. Attach the owner’s written consent. 11/2010 Page 2 of 2 OVER → Stonefield Block D1 is planned for a 220-unit multi-family, mid-rise apartment building that wraps an internal parking structure. (Refer to accompanying booklet).              4OF g2. 'Jo t : Architectural Review Board , 7. �_` Final Review of a Site Development Plan Submittal Requirements Checklist Part A: Applicant,Contact and Parcel Information 1 Project Name: l Oi V e F I,�L V V L -\ `_' , Leai ,ter Tax map and parcel(s): 6 a) ris202C 15 -42 Contact Person: A L. A 'N 6,-,01'-- - Business Name: (`►\1 Tt / ��,{ t v.), Address ZjJ ? "tr1G0 S y(, 3 t C�6�City o'i'tvir V,tu- State VA Zip �i9 o7 Daytime Phone(f { ?`1— 0 Fax#( ) E-mail Aw,J tin NTtrrteA\. CR"t'E .Cp ' Part B: Submittal Requirements Important.Submittal packages must contain 8 collated copies of all information unless otherwise indicated. A. Written description of the proposal Srovide a description of the proposal Identify changes from the preliminary submittal. Indicate specifically how each ARB comment from the preliminary review has been addressed. If there are no changes proposed, then explain why. Explain how the proposal is compatible with the surrounding area and the Entrance Corridor. B. Site plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of 1"=20', clearly legible and folded): Location(s) of proposed building(s) on the site. ❑ Location of proposed parking, travelways, walkways and other improvements. ILI/mechanical equipment, trash containers, loading and service areas, other similar features and improvements, and associated screening Existing and proposed topography drawn with contour intervals of 5-feet or less, and with sufficient off-site topography to describe prominent and pertinent off-site features and physical characteristics, ut in no case less than 50-feet outside of the site. Location and size of existing and proposed utilities and easements. Identify type of utility and extent easement. Stormwater management plan. D/o.cation of retaining walls indicating top and bottom elevations, maximum wall height, and proposed m terials, with material and color samples ME-theet number, total number of sheets, date of the drawing, date and description of the latest revision, and contact information for the firm preparing the drawings in the title block on all drawings. For revised drawings, clearly identify revisions made. 1 OVER-. C. Landscape plan showir_y a following (drawn to the scale of 1"=20'a _er,clearly legible and folded): D,. j posed landscaping that meets or exceeds the requirements outlined in the ARB guidelines. xisting landscaping to be removed. Include the location, size, and species. R. andscape key including all landscape symbols and a description of what they represent. ocation of existing and proposed tree lines and tree save areas [Vocation of existing natural features. ET%cation of individual trees of 6-inch caliper or greater and all significant groups of trees indicated by botanical name and caliper. IEVocation and height of above-ground utilities and associated easements, and location of below- ground utilities and associated easements. Iormwater facilities. --' .•tie Gt v 1 L 5-11-6- TtTC Pc rovide a signed, tree conservation checklist with all checklist items drawn on the landscape plans. Ek elude tree protection fencing and limits of work on the landscape, grading and E&S plans. D. Lighting plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of 1"=20'or larger,clearly legible and folded): [f/Cocation of all proposed building and site lighting. [I/(Ighting schedule identifying all proposed light fixtures, poles and brackets. . 7Manufacturer's cut sheets illustrating proposed lighting fixtures and information on illumination type, intensity, style, shielding, color, finish, and installation height. Photometric plan addressing all fixtures and indicating that lighting does meet the requirements of ction 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Coordination of lighting with landscaping and other site elements. E. Appearance of the building(s) (architectural elevations, color perspective sketches,site sections): [ f5imensioned architectural elevations of the proposed building(s). Elevations must be drawn to the scale of 1/8"=1'-0". Include a building materials schedule and key on the elevation drawings. Submittal of elevations that are not visible from the Entrance Corridor may be required to clarify the overall building design. ite sections that clarify proposed changes in topography and illustrate the visibility of the proposed development from the Entrance Corridor Site sections shall indicate the finish floor elevation(s) and r of height(s) relative to the natural elevations along the Entrance Corridor. set of all building materials/colors. A floor plan adequate to show exterior walls, windows and doors. F. Additional material ❑ Provide labeled, color, 8-Y2" x 11" photographs of the site as seen from both directions on the En nce Corridor. Color perspective images (for example: sketches, renderings, photosimulations, etc.) that show the proposed development as seen from the Entrance Corridor are often useful for gaining a clear understanding of the proposal The ARB may require such images in certain cases when other submitted documents do not answer all questions of building form, building details, materials, context, topography, and/or visibility ❑ Any additional material that is necessary to address comments made by the ARB at the preliminary review with a memo itemizing how each of the preliminary comments have been addressed ❑ The applicant is welcome to submit any additional material that will make the final site development review more productive. Drawings or other submittal items that clarify topography, visibility, utilities, landscaping, or other unique or unusual conditions are welcome 2 OVER • Part C: Applicant Agreement Applicant must read and sign • Each application package must contain (8) folded copies of all plans and documents being submitted. Only (1) set of building material samples is required. All submittal items, including building material samples, become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants are encouraged to maintain duplicate copies of all submittal items in their own files • All information in this checklist is required, unless specifically waived by the ARB, prior to processing a final site development plan review by the ARB. Additional submittal materials may be required, depending on the proposal. • Only complete application packages will be scheduled for ARB review. The application package is not complete without this checklist, completed, signed, and included with the required submittal materials indicated on the checklist. In representing the above referenced firm submitting this application for review, I hereby state that the information provided in this application, and all accompanying information, is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge, an. that the attached plans contain all information required by this checklist. 1 / Sigature operson completing checklist Date P 9 J eh,J C - S,ukt)it- k &-ufar 4 %-1 eu' 1°5 Printed Name/Title ( Daytime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 Tel www albemarle org revised 10/24/2014 3 OVER 1 OVER → Architectural Review Board Final Review of a Site Development Plan Submittal Requirements Checklist Part A: Applicant, Contact and Parcel Information Project Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Tax map and parcel(s): __________________________ Physical street address: __________________________________ Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Business Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ City ________________________ State ______ Zip _______ Daytime Phone (____) ___________________ Fax # (____) ___________________ E-mail _______________________ Important:Submittal packages must contain 8 collated copies of all information unless otherwise indicated. A. Written description of the proposal Provide a description of the proposal. Identify changes from the preliminary submittal. Indicate specifically how each ARB comment from the preliminary review has been addressed. If there are no changes proposed, then explain why. Explain how the proposal is compatible with the surrounding area and the Entrance Corridor. B. Site plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of 1”=20’, clearly legible and folded): Location(s) of proposed building(s) on the site. Location of proposed parking, travelways, walkways and other improvements. Mechanical equipment, trash containers, loading and service areas, other similar features and improvements, and associated screening. Existing and proposed topography drawn with contour intervals of 5-feet or less, and with sufficient off-site topography to describe prominent and pertinent off-site features and physical characteristics, but in no case less than 50-feet outside of the site. Location and size of existing and proposed utilities and easements. Identify type of utility and extent of easement. Stormwater management plan. Location of retaining walls indicating top and bottom elevations, maximum wall height, and proposed materials, with material and color samples. Sheet number, total number of sheets, date of the drawing, date and description of the latest revision, and contact information for the firm preparing the drawings in the title block on all drawings. For revised drawings, clearly identify revisions made. Part B: Submittal Requirements 2 OVER → C. Landscape plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of 1”=20’ or larger, clearly legible and folded): Proposed landscaping that meets or exceeds the requirements outlined in the ARB guidelines. Existing landscaping to be removed. Include the location, size, and species. Landscape key including all landscape symbols and a description of what they represent. Location of existing and proposed tree lines and tree save areas. Location of existing natural features. Location of individual trees of 6-inch caliper or greater and all significant groups of trees indicated by botanical name and caliper. Location and height of above-ground utilities and associated easements, and location of below- ground utilities and associated easements. Stormwater facilities. Provide a signed, tree conservation checklist with all checklist items drawn on the landscape plans. Include tree protection fencing and limits of work on the landscape, grading and E&S plans. D. Lighting plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of 1”=20’ or larger, clearly legible and folded): Location of all proposed building and site lighting. Lighting schedule identifying all proposed light fixtures , poles and brackets. Manufacturer’s cut sheets illustrating proposed lighting fixtures and information on illumination type, intensity, style, shielding, color, finish, and installation height. Photometric plan addressing all fixtures and indicating that lighting does meet the requirements of Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Coordination of lighting with landscaping and other site elements. E. Appearance of the building(s) (architectural elevations, color perspective sketches, site sections): Dimensioned architectural elevations of the proposed building(s). Elevations must be drawn to the scale of 1/8”=1’-0”. Include a building materials schedule and key on the elevation drawings . Submittal of elevations that are not visible from the Entrance Corridor may be required to clarify the overall building design. Site sections that clarify proposed changes in topography and illustrate the visibility of the proposed development from the Entrance Corridor. Site sections shall indicate the finish floor elevation(s) and roof height(s) relative to the natural elevations along the Entrance Corridor. One set of all building materials / colors. A floor plan adequate to show exterior walls, windows and doors. F. Additional material Provide labeled, color, 8-½” x 11” photographs of the site as seen from both directions on the Entrance Corridor. Color perspective images (for example: sketches, renderings, photosim ulations, etc.) that show the proposed development as seen from the Entrance Corridor are often useful for gaining a clear understanding of the proposal. The ARB may require such images in certain cases when other submitted documents do not answer all questions of building form, building details, materials, context, topography, and/or visibility. Any additional material that is necessary to address comments made by the ARB at the preliminary review with a memo itemizing how each of the preliminary comments have been addressed. The applicant is welcome to submit any additional material that will make the final site development review more productive. Drawings or other submittal items that clarify topography, visibility, utilities, landscaping, or other unique or unusual conditions are welcome. 3 OVER → Applicant must read and sign x Each application package must contain (8) folded copies of all plans and documents being submitted. Only (1) set of building material samples is required. All submittal items, including building material samples, become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants are encouraged to maintain duplicate copies of all submittal items in their own files. x All information in this checklist is required, unless specifically waived by the ARB, prior to processing a final site development plan review by the ARB. Additional submittal materials may be required, depending on the proposal. x Only complete application packages will be scheduled for ARB review. The application package is not complete without this checklist, completed, signed, and included with the required submittal materials indicated on the checklist. In representing the above referenced firm submitting this application for review, I hereby s tate that the information provided in this application, and all accompanying information, is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the attached plans contain all information required by this checklist. Signature of person completing checklist Date Printed Name / Title Daytime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (434) 296-5832 Tel www.albemarle.org revised 10/24/2014 Part C: Applicant Agreement ARCHITECT / APPLICANT Mitchell/Matthews Architects P.O. Box 5603 Charlottesville, VA 22905 p. 434.979.7550 f. 434.979.5220 www.mitchellmatthews.com OWNER’S AGENT O’CONNOR CAPITAL PARTNERS Mr. Brett Buehrer 535 Madison Avenue, 6th Floor New York, NY 10022 p. 212.308.7700 e. Bbuehrer@oconnorcp.com https://oconnorcp.com ARB FINAL SUBMISSION MAY 4, 2020 STONEFIELD BLOCK D 1 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS OWNER OCT STONEFIELD PROPERTY OWNER LLC 240 Royal Palm Way, 2nd Floor Palm Beach, FL 33480 p. 212.546.0899 MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERSMITCHELL M AT THE W S A R C HITECT S & PL ANNERS TABLE OF CONTENTS ADDED MEMOSREVISED DESCRIPTION RESPONSE TO COUNTY SITE PHOTOS LANDSCAPE PLANS SITE PLANS CONTEXT PERSPECTIVE ILLUSTRATIONS ELEVATIONS 1 4 5 6 8 11 12 VICINITY 3 EXTERIOR PALETTE GLASS SPECIFICATIONS PHOTOMETRIC PLAN EXTERIOR LIGHTING CUT-SHEETS 16 20 21 22 23 ● ● ●● ●● ●● ● ● ● ● ● Revised per ARB feedback. Added pages 7.1 - 7.2. Revised per ARB feedback. Added pages 8.1 - 8.4. Revised per ARB feedback. Added 17.1 & 19.1 - 19.2. Revised per ARB feedback. Added pages 15.1 - 15.2. Material palette reduced (Pergola removed). Unit count revised. See response in red. MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 1 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 RESPONSE TO COUNTY COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 Mcintire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax ( 434) 972-4126 December 17, 2019 Alan Wong Mitchell Matthews Architects P.O. Box 5603 Charlottesville, VA 22905 RE: ARB-2019-128: Stonefield Block D1 (TMP 061W0-03-00-019A0) Dear Mr. Wong, At its meeting on Monday, December 16, 2019, the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board took the following actions. Regarding the Special Exception The Board unanimously voted to forward the following recommendation to the agent for the Site Review Committee: The ARB has no objection to the request for the Special Exception. Regarding the Initial Site Plan The Board unanimously voted to forward the following recommendations on the above- noted Initial Site Development Plan to the agent for the Site Review Committee: • Regarding the Initial Site Plan: The ARB recommends approval of the Initial Site Plan with no conditions. • Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines: None. • Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: None. • Regarding the final site plan submittal: A Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval. In addition to the required items listed in the Final Site Plan checklist, the following items must be addressed: 1. Provide for review samples of the proposed materials and colors. Samples of proposed materials and colors provided with application. 2. Revise the Hydraulic Road elevation to present more of a "primary façade" appearance in line with the materials, balance and use of hierarchy displayed in the Bond Street elevation. Consider adjusting the District and Inglewood elevations to reduce perceived length, expanse and repetition. Please reference large format sheets A201 - A204. A major revision from the Preliminary Review submission is that the massing of the building adjacent to Hydraulic has changed. Rather than a continuous mass along Hydraulic, the courtyard, which had previously been internal to the building, now opens to the street. This change breaks up the previous building mass and presents two similar wing facades at the street front with majority of the building mass setback from the street. The wing facades adjacent to Hydraulic have been detailed using the design principles and material vocabulary used on the Bond Street façade. The main revision to the District and Inglewood elevations was to eliminate selected apartment unit balconies and pulling the wall behind the balconies closer to the street. This decision further breaks up the mass of the elevation, injecting a new element in the rhythm of the façade and relieves the monotony of the same repeating balcony conditions. At the Inglewood elevation, an additional revision was to change the cladding of a block like mass, where the façade setbacks from the street, from lap siding to brick. While not particularly noticeable in elevation, in a perspective view entering Inglewood from Hydraulic this change breaks up the mass of the building. Finally, a brick tower was added to the end of the building wing facing Hydraulic. 3. To better determine appropriateness of the proposed building along Hydraulic Road, provide the following for review: a. More realistic representations of the District and Hydraulic elevations. Please reference large format sheet A203 for the revised Hydraulic elevation and A202 for the revised District elevation. 4. Provide for review the full line drawing elevations in color with material/color callouts. Please reference large format sheets A201 - A206. 5. Revise the EC frontage landscaping to promote human scale. The Entrance Corridor frontage landscaping has been revised to include a layered planting approach that steps down to the sidewalk to create a human scale. See large format sheets L3.1 and L3.4. 6. Provide specs and a sample for the proposed window glass. Include the standard window glass note on the architectural drawings. Proposed window glass sample submitted. Specifications submitted. Standard note appears on sheets A201 – A206. 7. Clarify the "roof appurtenance step back" and confirm that rooftop equipment will not be visible from the ECs. There are two (2) roof step-backs. One occurs on Inglewood Drive approximately midway between Bond and Hydraulic where the building jogs away from the street. The step-back happens at the seventh floor level where a brick mass is located. The second roof stepback occurs along District, starting near the corner with Bond to about midway between Bond and Hydraulic where the seventh floor apartment units begin. The step-back is a corridor connecting the apartment units to elevators located near the corner (Pg. 1)(Pg. 2) of Bond and District. The parapet walls at the roof are designed to act as guardrails. Therefore they are a minimum of 42” above the roof surface where that roof surface meets the parapet wall. Because of the low slope roof drainage, the parapet wall height above most of the roof surface is greater than 42”. As shown on shown on the elevations, the rooftop equipment is not visible above the top of the parapet walls. 8. Provide for review a lighting plan that includes all proposed pole lights, and ground and building-mounted light fixtures. A site lighting plan and cut sheets have been provided. See sheets L5.0, L6.0, and L6.1. 9. Provide at least one additional 3"W' caliper large shade tree near the center of the Hydraulic Road frontage. (7) 3 1/2” caliper Willow Oak’s have been provided along Hydraulic Road. See sheets L3.1 and L3.4. 10. Add large shade trees, 2%" caliper at planting, on Inglewood to establish a continuous row spaced 40' on center. Large shade trees have been added along Inglewood Drive. 11. Revise the landscape plan to satisfy the EC minimums and add trees to complement the architectural design and balance the building height. Plantings have been added to satisfy the Entrance Corridor requirements. 12. Show how existing trees to remain will be maintained in a healthy condition during construction. Tree protection measures will be added to the demolition plan. You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms, checklists and schedules are available on-line at www.albemarle.org/ARB. Please be certain that your ARB submittal addresses the above-noted issues. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Margaret Maliszewski Chief of Planning/Resource Management 434-296-5832 x3276 mmaliszewski@albemarle.org cc: OCT Stonefield Property Owner LLC 230 Royal Palm Way, Ste 200 Palm Beach, FL 33480 File MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 2 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 RESPONSE TO COUNTY (Pg. 3) Stonefield Block D1 is a multi-family building within the Stonefield development in Albemarle County, Virginia. Notable adjacent buildings include the Hyatt Place Hotel and the Regal Stonefield Cinema. The project consists of a structure between six and eight stories tall and will provide housing with 234 220 apartment units. One half of the building surrounds an open courtyard. The other half encloses a multi-level parking structure. The parking garage will be fully concealed from view from all surrounding streets. The proposed building is bounded by the Hydraulic Road Entrance Corridor on one side. From Route 29 travel lanes, the proposed building’s upper stories will be marginally visible. The project contributes to the county’s Comprehensive Plan objectives with the following: • planted sidewalks, promoting safety, comfort and walkability • continued block development in keeping with Stonefield’s Neighborhood Model • parking relegated to the block interior, concealed from view • high density residential use The project complies with Entrance Corridor guidelines in the following areas: • compatibility with existing corridor character: The architectural character of Hydraulic Road adjacent to Stonefield Development is a work in progress. At the moment it derives largely from recent structures-- the long wall of Regal Stonefield Cinema and a short run of rowhouses-- along with relatively young street trees, mostly sycamores. The proposed building will fill in a large open space currently occupied entirely by an asphalt parking lot. While it will be taller than the cinema and rowhouses, its height is not inappropriate for a street as wide as Hydraulic Road. Through its array of windows, balconies and railings it acquires a legible human scale that contributes to the streetscape in a way that the long, largely blank cinema wall does not. The fenestration of the proposed building combines with that of the rowhouses to engage the corridor and its sidewalks. In contrast, many older buildings along Hydraulic Road, especially those across the road from the site, have developed in a piecemeal manner, spaced too far apart, creating a negligible face along the street. Setbacks are inconsistent. Most of these buildings appear diminutive and overwhelmed along a street this busy and wide. In many cases surface parking is more prominent than the architecture. The proposed building at Block D1 seeks to avoid these deficiencies, contributing to a stronger, more compact street edge. The building’s massing, articulation and material placement mitigates its size-- variations in projections, parapets, canopies and overhangs prevent a static appearance. Material choices reinforce these variations. The palette consists of a robust range of durable finishes-- brick, cementitious panels and metal/fiberglass or vinyl-clad windows and doors. • concealment of parking, loading and service areas: In place of existing surface parking, a concealed multilevel parking deck will serve the proposed project. Trash removal, mail delivery and loading will occur along Inglewood Drive, away from view of Hydraulic Road and Route 29. • screening with landscape: Street trees will be planted along Hydraulic Road, in keeping with the trees already planted at the Regal Cinema. In addition existing topography at Hydraulic Road will undergo regrading at the intersection with District Avenue to help screen the lower story of the building here, minimizing its perceived height. MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 3 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 DESCRIPTION NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION SEMINOLE SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER STONEFIELD SHOPPING CENTER COSTCO USPS ROUTE 29 (SB)ROUTE 29 (NB)H Y D R A U L I C R D . B O N D S T .DISTRICT AVE.INGLEWOOD DR.COMMONWEALTH DR.GEORGETO WN RD. REGAL STONEFIELD & IMAX HYATT PLACE D1SITE TRADER JOE’S TRUE NORTH MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 4 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 VICINITY MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 5 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 SITE PHOTOS FROM ROUTE 29 FROM HYDRAULIC, WEST-BOUND FROM HYDRAULIC, EAST-BOUND FROM CORNER OF DISTRICT & BOND MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 6 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 SITE PLAN EXISTING 3040 Avemore Square Pl. Charlottesville, VA 22911Phone: 434.984.2700 ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS PO Box 4119 Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: 434.316.6080 www.wwassociates.netFONCORPMMOFOHT GNS N SIO LA E E AEW L ARENI EGNII I V RLic. No. 042267 LEGEND 21C 21B D1 HYATT PLAN NORTH MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 7 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 SITE PLAN PROPOSED (CIVIL) 3040 Avemore Square Pl. Charlottesville, VA 22911Phone: 434.984.2700 ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS PO Box 4119 Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: 434.316.6080 www.wwassociates.netFONCORPMMOFOHT GNS N SIO LA E E AEW L ARENI EGNII I V RLic. No. 042267 HYATTD1 TO BE U P D A T E D PLAN NORTH MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 7.1ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 SITE PLAN PROPOSED (ILLUSTRATIVE) STONEFIELD BLOCK D1 ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN PLAN NORTH MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 7.2ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 SITE PLAN PROPOSED (ARCHITECTURAL) MARK DATE DESCRIPTION Dunbar, Milby, Williams, Pittman and Vaughan, PLLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 110 Third Street N.E. Charlottesville, VA 22902 PHONE: (434) 293-5171 Integrated Aquatics Engineering POOL CONSULTANT 75 Shewell Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901 PHONE: (215) 230-8623 Timmons Group LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 295-5624 12:47 AMSaturday, May 2, 2020ARB2 - ACCESS PLAN: GROUND & COURTYARD LEVELS SCHEMATIC DESIGN - CONCEPT 23 2025 Bond StreetCharlottesville, VirginiaSTONEFIELD BLOCK D1INCOMPLETE PROGRESS PLOT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ALL INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE MITCHELL / MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS © #### REVISIONS PROJECT January 21, 2020 1814 SCHEMATIC DESIGN - CONCEPT 23 535 Madison Avenue 6th Floor New York New York 10022 USA O'Connor Management, LLC 300 TWIN SYCAMORES LN., CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903Tel : 434-979-7550 Fax : 434-979-5220ARCHITECTS & PLANNERSMITCHELL / MATTHEWS DATE Client Consultants Phillips Graddick Engineering MEP ENGINEERS 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 105-A, Atlanta, GA 30350 PHONE:(770) 650-9061 The Architect and the Architect’s consultants are the authors and owners of their respective Instruments of Service, including the Drawings and Specifications, and will retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including copyrights. Submittal or distribution to meet official regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection with this Project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of the Architect’s or Architect’s consultants’ reserved rights. Drawings and Specifications are ©2019 by Mitchell Matthews Architects & Planners. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS 222 sq ft 6.08 %6.08 %3'-7" UP DIST AVERICT NUE DRIVEWOOD INGLE BOND STREETBIKE STORAGE 022 SCOOTER / MOTORCYCLE 021 ELEC 023 STAIR 1 049 WAIT 012 LEASE 013 M/W 015 W 017 M 018 PED ENTRY 020 LOUNGE / CYBER CAFE 011 GOLF 005 FITNESS 006 HALL 004 W 009 STAIR 5 064 OFFICE 014POOL EQUIP 024 STORAGE 019 RETAIL 016 RETAIL (Shell Space Only) 2,000 SF M / W WAITING/ LEASING 846 SF LOUNGE / CYBER CAFE 1,515 SF ENTRY LOBBY 542 SF CLUBROOM 2,050 SF FITNESS 1,464 SF W M CIRC 113 SF AIR LOCKSTOR VEST. 048 EL. 1 & 2 047 J / S 010 CLUB ROOM 003 GRILL GRILL DIST AVERICT NUE DRIVEWOOD INGLE BOND STREETHYDRAULIC ROADUP DN DNMATCHLINELOUNGE POOL HEATED SPA (14p) EXERCISE POOL PLAY POOL OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW FIRE PIT / MOVIE WALL RAMP AREA OF RESCUE EXIT WAY STAIRS GATE SIDEWALKGRILL AREA OUTDOOR SHOWER AREA OF RESCUE GARAGE DOOR KITCHEN / LOUNGE STAIRSGATE RESTROOMS GRILL AREA OUTDOOR SHOWER 1 Concept 23 - Ground Level 1" = 20'2 Concept 23 - 1st Level / Courtyard 1" = 20'GROUND FLOORCOURTYARD LEVELPLAN NORTH MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 8 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 E E UP L3.4 L3.3 HYDRAULIC ROADBOND STREETD I S T R I C T A V E . I N G L E W O O D D R I V E E X I S T I N G B U I L D I N G E X I S T I N G B U I L D LANDSCAPE PLAN (L3.0) HYATTD1 PLAN NORTH MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 8.1ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 P O O L EXISTING TREE - TYP. (205) FES GLA (51) ITE SPI (85) CAR ELA (40) ITE SPI (96) OSM CIN (5) GIN PSG (48) ILE HOO (3) ACE GRI (2) AME ARB (32) ITE SPI (42) RUD HIR (9) FOT GAR (3) QUE PHE (2) CHI VIR (16) MIS MOR (45) VIN MAJ (49) RUD HIR (17) ECH PUR (16) PEN HAM (40) ILE WIN (16) ILE INK (5) COR SIB (3) HYD ANA (28) ILE INK (2) THU SMA (10) PER ATR (1) MAG SWE SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD (2) MAG SWE SOD (74) VIN MAJ (12) CLE HUM MATCHLINE L3.4 MATCHLINE L3.1MATCHLINE L3.1 MATCHLINE L3.2IN G L E W O O D D R IV E HYDRAULIC ROADP R O P O S E D B U I L D I N G TREES BOTANICAL NAME ACE GRI ACER GRISEUM ACE ARM ACER RUBRUM `ARMSTRONG` GIN PSG GINKGO BILOBA `PRINCETON SENTRY` QUE PHE QUERCUS PHELLOS ULM ALL ULMUS PARVIFOLIA `ALLEE` EVERGREEN TREES BOTANICAL NAME THU SMA THUJA OCCIDENTALIS `SMARAGD` FLOWERING TREES BOTANICAL NAME AME ARB AMELANCHIER ARBOREA `AUTUMN BRILLIANCE` CHI VIR CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICUS COR FLO CORNUS FLORIDA MAG SWE MAGNOLIA VIRGINIANA SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME BUX GRN BUXUS X `GREEN VELVET` CLE HUM CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA `HUMMINGBIRD` COR SIB CORNUS ALBA `SIBIRICA` FOT GAR FOTHERGILLA GARDENII HYD ANA HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA `ANNABELLE` HYD QUE HYDRANGEA QUERCIFOLIA ILE HOO ILEX CRENATA `HOOGENDORN` ILE INK ILEX GLABRA `COMPACTA` ILE WIN ILEX VERTICILLATA MIS MOR MISCANTHUS SINENSIS `MORNING LIGHT` MYR BOB MYRICA PENSYLVANICA `BOBZAM` SHRUB AREAS BOTANICAL NAME CAR ELA CAREX ELATA `BOWLES GOLDEN` ITE SPI ITEA VIRGINICA `SPRICH` TM OSM CIN OSMUNDA CINNAMOMEA PEN HAM PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES `HAMELN` GROUND COVERS BOTANICAL NAME CAR SED CAREX PENSYLVANICA ECH PUR ECHINACEA PURPUREA FES GLA FESTUCA GLAUCA HYP CAL HYPERICUM CALYCINUM PAC TER PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS PER ATR PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA RUD HIR RUDBECKIA HIRTA VIN MAJ VINCA MAJOR PLANT SCHEDULE MARK DATE DESCRIPTION Dunbar, Milby, Williams, Pittman and Vaughan, PLLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 110 Third Street N.E. Charlottesville, VA 22902 PHONE: 434) 293-5171 Integrated Aquatics Engineering POOL CONSULTANT 75 Shewell Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901 PHONE: (215) 230-8623 Timmons Group LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 295-5624 10:50 AMThursday, November 21, 2019ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD SUBMISSION 2025 Bond StreetCharlottesville, VirginiaSTONEFIELD BLOCK D1REVISIONS PROJECT November 26, 2019 1814 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 535 Madison Avenue 6th Floor New York New York 10022 USA O'Connor Management, LLC ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS DATE Client Consultants Phillips Graddick Engineering MEP ENGINEERS 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 105-A, Atlanta, GA 30350 PHONE:(770) 650-9061 The Architect and the Architect’s consultantsare the authors and owners of their respectiveInstruments of Service, including the Drawings andSpecifications, and will retain all common law,statutory and other reserved rights, includingcopyrights. Submittal or distribution to meet officialregulatory requirements or for other purposes inconnection with this Project is not to be construedas publication in derogation of the Architect’s orArchitect’s consultants’ reserved rights. Drawings and Specifications are ©2019 by MitchellMatthews Architects & Planners. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS DETAIL LANDSCAPE PLAN L3.1 NAD 83 0 SCALE 1/8"=1'0" 16'8' ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 8.2ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 (3) COR FLO (1) ULM ALL (29) FES GLA (59) HYP CAL(31) CAR SED (4) HYD QUE (3) ACE ARM (1) ACE ARM (34) CAR SED SOD SOD SOD (40) ITE SPI (1) GIN PSG (105) CAR SED MATCHLINE L3.3MATCHLINE L3.1MATCHLINE L3.2MATCHLINE L3.2BOND STREETI N G L E W O O D D R I V E P R O P O S E D B U I L D I N G TREES BOTANICAL NAME ACE GRI ACER GRISEUM ACE ARM ACER RUBRUM `ARMSTRONG` GIN PSG GINKGO BILOBA `PRINCETON SENTRY` QUE PHE QUERCUS PHELLOS ULM ALL ULMUS PARVIFOLIA `ALLEE` EVERGREEN TREES BOTANICAL NAME THU SMA THUJA OCCIDENTALIS `SMARAGD` FLOWERING TREES BOTANICAL NAME AME ARB AMELANCHIER ARBOREA `AUTUMN BRILLIANCE` CHI VIR CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICUS COR FLO CORNUS FLORIDA MAG SWE MAGNOLIA VIRGINIANA SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME BUX GRN BUXUS X `GREEN VELVET` CLE HUM CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA `HUMMINGBIRD` COR SIB CORNUS ALBA `SIBIRICA` FOT GAR FOTHERGILLA GARDENII HYD ANA HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA `ANNABELLE` HYD QUE HYDRANGEA QUERCIFOLIA ILE HOO ILEX CRENATA `HOOGENDORN` ILE INK ILEX GLABRA `COMPACTA` ILE WIN ILEX VERTICILLATA MIS MOR MISCANTHUS SINENSIS `MORNING LIGHT` MYR BOB MYRICA PENSYLVANICA `BOBZAM` SHRUB AREAS BOTANICAL NAME CAR ELA CAREX ELATA `BOWLES GOLDEN` ITE SPI ITEA VIRGINICA `SPRICH` TM OSM CIN OSMUNDA CINNAMOMEA PEN HAM PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES `HAMELN` GROUND COVERS BOTANICAL NAME CAR SED CAREX PENSYLVANICA ECH PUR ECHINACEA PURPUREA FES GLA FESTUCA GLAUCA HYP CAL HYPERICUM CALYCINUM PAC TER PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS PER ATR PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA RUD HIR RUDBECKIA HIRTA VIN MAJ VINCA MAJOR PLANT SCHEDULE MARK DATE DESCRIPTION Dunbar, Milby, Williams, Pittman and Vaughan, PLLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 110 Third Street N.E. Charlottesville, VA 22902 PHONE: 434) 293-5171 Integrated Aquatics Engineering POOL CONSULTANT 75 Shewell Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901 PHONE: (215) 230-8623 Timmons Group LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 295-5624 10:50 AMThursday, November 21, 2019ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD SUBMISSION 2025 Bond StreetCharlottesville, VirginiaSTONEFIELD BLOCK D1REVISIONS PROJECT November 26, 2019 1814 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 535 Madison Avenue 6th Floor New York New York 10022 USA O'Connor Management, LLC ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS DATE Client Consultants Phillips Graddick Engineering MEP ENGINEERS 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 105-A, Atlanta, GA 30350 PHONE:(770) 650-9061 The Architect and the Architect’s consultantsare the authors and owners of their respectiveInstruments of Service, including the Drawings andSpecifications, and will retain all common law,statutory and other reserved rights, includingcopyrights. Submittal or distribution to meet officialregulatory requirements or for other purposes inconnection with this Project is not to be construedas publication in derogation of the Architect’s orArchitect’s consultants’ reserved rights. Drawings and Specifications are ©2019 by MitchellMatthews Architects & Planners. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS DETAIL LANDSCAPE PLAN L3.2 NAD 83 0 SCALE 1/8"=1'0" 16'8' ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 8.3ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 UP EXISTING TREE - TYP. (2) ULM ALL (2) ULM ALL (43) CAR SED (29) CAR SED (29) FES GLA (30) FES GLA (61) CAR SED SOD SOD (22) ITE SPI (2) COR FLO (34) BUX GRN (67) CAR SED (9) ITE SPI MATCHLINE L3.3 MATCHLINE L3.4MATCHLINE L3.2 MATCHLINE L3.3D I S T R I C T A V E N U E BOND STREETP R O P O S E D B U I L D I N G E X I S T I N G B U I L D I N G TREES BOTANICAL NAME ACE GRI ACER GRISEUM ACE ARM ACER RUBRUM `ARMSTRONG` GIN PSG GINKGO BILOBA `PRINCETON SENTRY` QUE PHE QUERCUS PHELLOS ULM ALL ULMUS PARVIFOLIA `ALLEE` EVERGREEN TREES BOTANICAL NAME THU SMA THUJA OCCIDENTALIS `SMARAGD` FLOWERING TREES BOTANICAL NAME AME ARB AMELANCHIER ARBOREA `AUTUMN BRILLIANCE` CHI VIR CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICUS COR FLO CORNUS FLORIDA MAG SWE MAGNOLIA VIRGINIANA SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME BUX GRN BUXUS X `GREEN VELVET` CLE HUM CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA `HUMMINGBIRD` COR SIB CORNUS ALBA `SIBIRICA` FOT GAR FOTHERGILLA GARDENII HYD ANA HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA `ANNABELLE` HYD QUE HYDRANGEA QUERCIFOLIA ILE HOO ILEX CRENATA `HOOGENDORN` ILE INK ILEX GLABRA `COMPACTA` ILE WIN ILEX VERTICILLATA MIS MOR MISCANTHUS SINENSIS `MORNING LIGHT` MYR BOB MYRICA PENSYLVANICA `BOBZAM` SHRUB AREAS BOTANICAL NAME CAR ELA CAREX ELATA `BOWLES GOLDEN` ITE SPI ITEA VIRGINICA `SPRICH` TM OSM CIN OSMUNDA CINNAMOMEA PEN HAM PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES `HAMELN` GROUND COVERS BOTANICAL NAME CAR SED CAREX PENSYLVANICA ECH PUR ECHINACEA PURPUREA FES GLA FESTUCA GLAUCA HYP CAL HYPERICUM CALYCINUM PAC TER PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS PER ATR PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA RUD HIR RUDBECKIA HIRTA VIN MAJ VINCA MAJOR PLANT SCHEDULE MARK DATE DESCRIPTION Dunbar, Milby, Williams, Pittman and Vaughan, PLLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 110 Third Street N.E. Charlottesville, VA 22902 PHONE: 434) 293-5171 Integrated Aquatics Engineering POOL CONSULTANT 75 Shewell Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901 PHONE: (215) 230-8623 Timmons Group LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 295-5624 10:50 AMThursday, November 21, 2019ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD SUBMISSION 2025 Bond StreetCharlottesville, VirginiaSTONEFIELD BLOCK D1REVISIONS PROJECT November 26, 2019 1814 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 535 Madison Avenue 6th Floor New York New York 10022 USA O'Connor Management, LLC ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS DATE Client Consultants Phillips Graddick Engineering MEP ENGINEERS 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 105-A, Atlanta, GA 30350 PHONE:(770) 650-9061 The Architect and the Architect’s consultantsare the authors and owners of their respectiveInstruments of Service, including the Drawings andSpecifications, and will retain all common law,statutory and other reserved rights, includingcopyrights. Submittal or distribution to meet officialregulatory requirements or for other purposes inconnection with this Project is not to be construedas publication in derogation of the Architect’s orArchitect’s consultants’ reserved rights. Drawings and Specifications are ©2019 by MitchellMatthews Architects & Planners. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS DETAIL LANDSCAPE PLAN L3.3NAD 83 0 SCALE 1/8"=1'0" 16'8' ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 8.4ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04EEPOOL EXISTING TREE - TYP. EXISTING PLANTINGS TO REMAIN (202) FES GLA (52) ITE SPI (87) CAR ELA (41) ITE SPI (83) OSM CIN (5) GIN PSG (47) ILE HOO (3) ACE GRI (2) AME ARB (13) CLE HUM DECORATIVE STONE (121) HYP CAL (5) THU SMA (3) MYR BOB (3) ILE INK (16) PER ATR (3) HYD ANA (12) COR SIB (19) MYR BOB (7) FOT GAR (18) ILE WIN (17) ECH PUR (26) ILE HOO (7) ITE SPI (44) PER ATR (28) ITE SPI (26) PEN HAM (46) RUD HIR (41) BUX GRN (14) COR SIB (12) HYD QUE (69) PER ATR (1) QUE PHE (4) QUE PHE (2) CHI VIR (2) CHI VIR SOD SOD SOD SOD (2) ULM ALL SOD SOD (143) PAC TER (3) THU SMA (110) VIN MAJ MATCHLINE L3.4 MATCHLINE L3.4MATCHLINE L3.1 MATCHLINE L3.3HYDRAULIC ROADD I S T R I C T A V E N U E P R O P O S E D B U I L D I N G TREES BOTANICAL NAME ACE GRI ACER GRISEUM ACE ARM ACER RUBRUM `ARMSTRONG` GIN PSG GINKGO BILOBA `PRINCETON SENTRY` QUE PHE QUERCUS PHELLOS ULM ALL ULMUS PARVIFOLIA `ALLEE` EVERGREEN TREES BOTANICAL NAME THU SMA THUJA OCCIDENTALIS `SMARAGD` FLOWERING TREES BOTANICAL NAME AME ARB AMELANCHIER ARBOREA `AUTUMN BRILLIANCE` CHI VIR CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICUS COR FLO CORNUS FLORIDA MAG SWE MAGNOLIA VIRGINIANA SHRUBS BOTANICAL NAME BUX GRN BUXUS X `GREEN VELVET` CLE HUM CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA `HUMMINGBIRD` COR SIB CORNUS ALBA `SIBIRICA` FOT GAR FOTHERGILLA GARDENII HYD ANA HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA `ANNABELLE` HYD QUE HYDRANGEA QUERCIFOLIA ILE HOO ILEX CRENATA `HOOGENDORN` ILE INK ILEX GLABRA `COMPACTA` ILE WIN ILEX VERTICILLATA MIS MOR MISCANTHUS SINENSIS `MORNING LIGHT` MYR BOB MYRICA PENSYLVANICA `BOBZAM` SHRUB AREAS BOTANICAL NAME CAR ELA CAREX ELATA `BOWLES GOLDEN` ITE SPI ITEA VIRGINICA `SPRICH` TM OSM CIN OSMUNDA CINNAMOMEA PEN HAM PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES `HAMELN` GROUND COVERS BOTANICAL NAME CAR SED CAREX PENSYLVANICA ECH PUR ECHINACEA PURPUREA FES GLA FESTUCA GLAUCA HYP CAL HYPERICUM CALYCINUM PAC TER PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS PER ATR PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA RUD HIR RUDBECKIA HIRTA VIN MAJ VINCA MAJOR PLANT SCHEDULE MARK DATE DESCRIPTION Dunbar, Milby, Williams, Pittman and Vaughan, PLLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 110 Third Street N.E. Charlottesville, VA 22902 PHONE: 434) 293-5171 Integrated Aquatics Engineering POOL CONSULTANT 75 Shewell Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901 PHONE: (215) 230-8623 Timmons Group LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 295-5624 10:50 AMThursday, November 21, 2019ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD SUBMISSION 2025 Bond StreetCharlottesville, VirginiaSTONEFIELD BLOCK D1REVISIONS PROJECT November 26, 2019 1814 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 535 Madison Avenue 6th Floor New York New York 10022 USA O'Connor Management, LLC ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS DATE Client Consultants Phillips Graddick Engineering MEP ENGINEERS 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 105-A, Atlanta, GA 30350 PHONE:(770) 650-9061 The Architect and the Architect’s consultantsare the authors and owners of their respectiveInstruments of Service, including the Drawings andSpecifications, and will retain all common law,statutory and other reserved rights, includingcopyrights. Submittal or distribution to meet officialregulatory requirements or for other purposes inconnection with this Project is not to be construedas publication in derogation of the Architect’s orArchitect’s consultants’ reserved rights. Drawings and Specifications are ©2019 by MitchellMatthews Architects & Planners. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS DETAIL LANDSCAPE PLAN L3.4NAD 83 0 SCALE 1/8"=1'0" 16'8' ENLARGED LANDSCAPE PLAN MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 9 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 TREES QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MIN. INSTALLED SIZE ROOT ACE GRI 6 ACER GRISEUM PAPERBARK MAPLE 2.5" CAL.B&B ACE ARM 4 ACER RUBRUM `ARMSTRONG`ARMSTRONG RED MAPLE 2.5" CAL.B&B GIN PSG 11 GINKGO BILOBA `PRINCETON SENTRY`PRINCETON SENTRY GINGKO 2.5" CAL.B&B QUE PHE 8 QUERCUS PHELLOS WILLOW OAK 3.5" CAL.B&B ULM ALL 7 ULMUS PARVIFOLIA `ALLEE`ALLEE LACEBARK ELM 2.5" CAL.B&B EVERGREEN TREES QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MIN. INSTALLED SIZE ROOT THU SMA 10 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS `SMARAGD`EMERALD GREEN ARBORVITAE 8` HT.B&B FLOWERING TREES QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MIN. INSTALLED SIZE ROOT AME ARB 4 AMELANCHIER ARBOREA `AUTUMN BRILLIANCE`DOWNY SERVICEBERRY 8` HT.B&B CHI VIR 6 CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICUS WHITE FRINGETREE 8` HT.B&B COR FLO 6 CORNUS FLORIDA EASTERN DOGWOOD 8` HT.B&B MAG SWE 3 MAGNOLIA VIRGINIANA SWEET BAY 8` HT.B&B SHRUBS QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MIN. INSTALLED SIZE ROOT SPACING BUX GRN 75 BUXUS X `GREEN VELVET`GREEN VELVET BOXWOOD 24" HT./SPRD.CONTAINER 36" o.c. CLE HUM 25 CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA `HUMMINGBIRD`HUMMINGBIRD SUMMERSWEET 24" HT./SPRD.CONTAINER 48" o.c. COR SIB 31 CORNUS ALBA `SIBIRICA`REDBARK DOGWOOD 24" HT./SPRD.CONTAINER 36" o.c. FOT GAR 16 FOTHERGILLA GARDENII DWARF FOTHERGILLA 24" HT./SPRD.CONTAINER 48" o.c. HYD ANA 6 HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA `ANNABELLE`LARGELEAF HYDRANGEA 24" HT./SPRD.CONTAINER 48" o.c. HYD QUE 16 HYDRANGEA QUERCIFOLIA OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA 24" HT./SPRD.CONTAINER 48" o.c. ILE HOO 121 ILEX CRENATA `HOOGENDORN`HOOGENDORN JAPANESE HOLLY 24" HT./SPRD.CONTAINER 30" o.c. ILE INK 36 ILEX GLABRA `COMPACTA`COMPACT INKBERRY 24" HT./SPRD.CONTAINER 36" o.c. ILE WIN 58 ILEX VERTICILLATA WINTERBERRY 24" HT./SPRD.CONTAINER 36" o.c. MIS MOR 16 MISCANTHUS SINENSIS `MORNING LIGHT`EULALIA GRASS 24" HT./SPRD.CONTAINER 36" o.c. MYR BOB 22 MYRICA PENSYLVANICA `BOBZAM`BOBEE NORTHERN BAYBERRY 24" HT./SPRD.CONTAINER 36" o.c. SHRUB AREAS QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MIN. INSTALLED SIZE ROOT SPACING CAR ELA 172 CAREX ELATA `BOWLES GOLDEN`BOWLES GOLDEN SEDGE 1 GAL.CONTAINER 18" o.c. ITE SPI 322 ITEA VIRGINICA `SPRICH` TM LITTLE HENRY VIRGINIA SWEETSPIRE 1 GAL.CONTAINER 30" o.c. OSM CIN 179 OSMUNDA CINNAMOMEA CINNAMON FERN 1 GAL.CONTAINER 24" o.c. PEN HAM 42 PENNISETUM ALOPECUROIDES `HAMELN`HAMELN FOUNTAIN GRASS 1 GAL.CONTAINER 30" o.c. GROUND COVERS QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME MIN. INSTALLED SIZE ROOT SPACING CAR SED 370 CAREX PENSYLVANICA PENNSYLVANIA SEDGE 1 GAL.12" o.c. ECH PUR 34 ECHINACEA PURPUREA CONEFLOWER 1 GAL.18" o.c. FES GLA 495 FESTUCA GLAUCA BLUE FESCUE 1 GAL.12" o.c. HYP CAL 180 HYPERICUM CALYCINUM CREEPING ST. JOHN`S WORT 1 GAL.12" o.c. PAC TER 143 PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS JAPANESE SPURGE 1 GAL.18" o.c. PER ATR 139 PEROVSKIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA RUSSIAN SAGE 1 GAL.18" o.c. RUD HIR 137 RUDBECKIA HIRTA BLACK-EYED SUSAN 1 GAL.18" o.c. VIN MAJ 229 VINCA MAJOR PERIWINKLE 1 GAL.18" o.c. PLANT SCHEDULE MARK DATE DESCRIPTION Dunbar, Milby, Williams, Pittman and Vaughan, PLLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 110 Third Street N.E. Charlottesville, VA 22902 PHONE: 434) 293-5171 Integrated Aquatics Engineering POOL CONSULTANT 75 Shewell Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901 PHONE: (215) 230-8623 Timmons Group LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 295-5624 10:50 AMThursday, November 21, 2019ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD SUBMISSION 2025 Bond StreetCharlottesville, VirginiaSTONEFIELD BLOCK D1REVISIONS PROJECT November 26, 2019 1814 SCHEMATIC DESIGN 535 Madison Avenue 6th Floor New York New York 10022 USA O'Connor Management, LLC ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS DATE Client Consultants Phillips Graddick Engineering MEP ENGINEERS 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 105-A, Atlanta, GA 30350 PHONE:(770) 650-9061 The Architect and the Architect’s consultantsare the authors and owners of their respectiveInstruments of Service, including the Drawings andSpecifications, and will retain all common law,statutory and other reserved rights, includingcopyrights. Submittal or distribution to meet officialregulatory requirements or for other purposes inconnection with this Project is not to be construedas publication in derogation of the Architect’s orArchitect’s consultants’ reserved rights. Drawings and Specifications are ©2019 by MitchellMatthews Architects & Planners. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS LANDSCAPE NOTES AND DETAILS L4.0 GENERAL NOTES PRE-CONSTRUCTION ·CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING "MISS UTILITY" AT 1.800.552.7001 FOR LOCATION OF ALL UTILITY LINES.TREES SHALL BE LOCATED A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET FROM SEWER/WATER CONNECTIONS. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF CONFLICTS. ·VERIFY ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES ON THE PLAN PRIOR TO BIDDING, PLANT LIST TOTALS ARE FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY AND SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO BIDDING. ·PROVIDE PLANT MATERIALS OF QUANTITY, SIZE, GENUS, SPECIES, AND VARIETY INDICATED ON PLANS. ALL PLANT MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION SHALL COMPLY WITH RECOMMENDATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF ANSI Z60.1 "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK". IF SPECIFIED PLANT MATERIAL IS NOT OBTAINABLE, SUBMIT PROOF OF NON AVAILABILITY TO THE ARCHITECTS, TOGETHER WITH PROPOSAL FOR USE OF EQUIVALENT MATERIAL. ·PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL PLANTS AS IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAILS AND CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION/INSTALLATION ·LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY PLANTS AND MATERIALS THAT ARE IN AN UNHEALTHY OR UNSIGHTLY CONDITION, AS WELL AS PLANTS AND MATERIALS THAT DO NOT CONFORM TO ANSI Z60.1 "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK" ·LABEL AT LEAST ONE TREE AND ONE SHRUB OF EACH VARIETY AND CALIPER WITH A SECURELY ATTACHED, WATERPROOF TAG BEARING THE DESIGNATION OF BOTANICAL AND COMMON NAME. ·INSTALL LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS AT ENTRANCES/EXITS AND PARKING AREAS ACCORDING TO PLANS SO THAT MATERIALS WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH SIGHT DISTANCES. ·CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WATERING ALL PLANT MATERIAL DURING INSTALLATION AND UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER OF CONDITIONS WHICH AFFECTS THE GUARANTEE. INSPECTIONS/GUARANTEE ·UPON COMPLETION OF LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WHO WILL VERIFY COMPLETENESS, INCLUDING THE REPLACEMENT OF ALL DEAD PLANT MATERIAL. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SCHEDULING A FINAL INSPECTION BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ·ALL EXTERIOR PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR AFTER DATE OF FINAL INSPECTION AGAINST DEFECTS INCLUDING DEATH AND UNSATISFACTORY GROWTH. DEFECTS RESULTING FROM NEGLECT BY THE OWNER, ABUSE OR DAMAGE BY OTHERS, OR UNUSUAL PHENOMENA OR INCIDENTS WHICH ARE BEYOND THE CONTRACTORS CONTROL ARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR ·PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES AND SIZES WILL BE INSPECTED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS BY A SITE PLAN REVIEW AGENT OF THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO THE RELEASE OF THE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. ·REMOVE ALL GUY WIRES AND STAKES 12 MONTHS AFTER INSTALLATION. 3 X ROOTBALL DIAMETER PLAN VIEW NOTE: ONLY STAKE TREES WITH LARGE CROWNS, 2" CALIPER OR GREATER, IF LOCATED ON WINDY SITES, OR WHERE TAMPERING MAY OCCUR. PRUNE CODOMINATE LEADERS REMOVE BROKEN, BADLY DEFORMED, RUBBING, NARROW CROTCH ANGLES, WATER SPROUTS, OR CROSS-BRANCHES. REMOVE TAGS, LABELS, AND PLASTIC SLEEVING. DO NOT STAKE UNLESS SPECIFIED (SEE NOTE) DO NOT WRAP TRUNK PRUNE SUCKERS IF FIELD GROWN, CUT AWAY ALL BALLING ROPES. REMOVE BURLAP OR WIRE BASKET FROM TOP 13 OF BALL. IF CONTAINER GROWN, REMOVE CONTAINER AND CUT CIRCLING ROOTS 1:1 SLOPE OF SIDES OF PLANTING HOLE SCARIFY SIDES BEFORE PLANTING PLACE ROOTBALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL TAMP SOIL AROUND ROOTBALL BASE FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOTBALL DOES NOT SHIFT 1" COMPOST LAYER 6" SAUCER BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH NATIVE SOIL. INCORPORATE SLOW-RELEASE GRANULAR FERTILIZER SET ROOTBALL FLUSH TO GRADE OR 1-2" HIGHER IN SLOWLY DRAINING SOILS. DO NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL WITH SOIL. ROOTFLARE SHALL BE VISIBLE ABOVE FINISHED GRADE 2-3" MULCH LAYER TO EDGE OF DRIPLINE. KEEP 4-6" AWAY FROM TRUNKFLARE 8' 2"x2" HARDWOOD STAKE, 2'-6" MIN BELOW SURFACE. STAKE SHALL BE DRIVEN A MIN 18" OUT FROM TRUNK AND OUTSIDE OF ROOTBALL GALVANIZED WIRE GUY 12 GAUGE. ALLOW FOR A SLIGHT AMOUNT OF MOVEMENT 3-2"x2" HARDWOOD STAKES 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE ROOT BALL B&B CONTAINER REMOVE ALL STRING, WIRE, AND BURLAP FROM TOP 13 OF BALL REMOVE ALL DEAD, BROKEN, DISEASED, AND WEAK BRANCHES AT TIME OF PLANTING INSTALL SHRUBS SO THAT THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL IS AT THE SAME GRADE AS ORIGINALLY GROWN OR 1-2" ABOVE IN POOR DRAINING SOILS. DO NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL WITH SOIL 2-3" MULCH LAYER, KEEP AWAY FROM TRUNK 1" COMPOST LAYER PROVIDE MULCH UP AND OVER SAUCER 6" SAUCER REMOVE CONTAINER. SCARIFY PERIMETER ROOTS BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH NATIVE SOIL. INCORPORATE SLOW-RELEASE GRANULAR FERTILIZER SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF PIT 12" MIN. HEIGHT VARIES WITH PLANTS PLANT 2-3" MULCH LAYER 1" COMPOST LAYER AMENDED SOIL MIX UNDISTURBED EARTH PLAN VIEW: PLANT PERIMETER AT INDICATED SPACING PLANT UP TO EDGE OF SHRUBS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED MULCH LINE EDGE OF BUILDING, WALK OR STRUCTURE PLANT UNDER DRIP LINE OF LIMBED UP SHRUBS & TREES TRIANGULAR INFILL SPACING VOIDS 5 DECIDUOUS TREE - STAKING SPECIFIED NOT TO SCALE 3 SHRUB PLANTING NOT TO SCALE 7 MULTI-STEM TREE - STAKING SPECIFIED NOT TO SCALE 8 GROUNDCOVER/ PERENNIAL PLANTING NOT TO SCALE PLAN VIEW ROOT BALL 3- 2" x 2" HARDWOOD STAKES 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE 12 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE ALLOW FOR SLIGHT MOVEMENT SET ROOTBALL FLUSH TO GRADE OR 1-2" HIGHER IN SLOWLY DRAINING SOILS. DO NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL WITH SOIL. ROOTFLARE SHALL BE VISIBLE ABOVE FINISHED GRADE PRUNE SUCKERS 1:1 SLOPE ON SIDES OF PLANTING HOLE SCARIFY SIDES BEFORE PLANTING PLACE ROOTBALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL TAMP SOIL AROUND ROOTBALL BASE FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOTBALL DOES NOT SHIFT IF FIELD GROWN CUT AWAY ALL BALLING ROPES. REMOVE BURLAP OR WIRE BASKET FROM TOP 13 OF BALL. IF CONTAINER GROWN, REMOVE CONTAINER AND CUT CIRCLING ROOTS 6" SAUCER 1" COMPOST LAYER BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH NATIVE SOIL. INCORPORATE SLOW-RELEASE GRANULAR FERTILIZER 2-3" MULCH LAYER TO EDGE OF DRIPLINE. KEEP 4-6" AWAY FROM TRUNK FLARE PRUNE BROKEN BRANCHES REMOVE TAGS, LABELS AND PLASTIC SLEEVING DO NOT WRAP TRUNK DO NOT PRUNE TERMINAL LEADER OR BRANCH TIPS NEW 1/2" RUBBER HOSE 3 2x2 HARDWOOD STAKES, 2'-6" MIN BELOW SURFACE. STAKE SHALL BE DRIVEN A MIN. 18" OUT FROM TRUNK AND OUTSIDE OF ROOTBALL 3 X ROOTBALL DIAMETER 4 DECIDUOUS TREE - STAKING SPECIFIED NOT TO SCALE NOTE: STAKE EVERGREENS 6' OR TALLER, ON SLOPES, WITH LARGE CROWNS, OR IF LOCATED ON WINDY SITES. REMOVE TAGS, LABELS, AND PLASTIC SLEEVING. DO NOT STAKE UNLESS NECESSARY (SEE NOTE). DO NOT WRAP TRUNK SET ROOTBALL FLUSH TO GRADE OR 1-2" HIGHER IN SLOWLY DRAINING SOILS. DO NOT COVER THE TOP OF THE ROOTBALL WITH SOIL. ROOTFLARE SHALL BE VISIBLE ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. PRUNE SUCKERS 1:1 SLOPE ON SIDES OF PLANTING HOLE SCARIFY SIDES BEFORE PLANTING PLACE ROOTBALL ON UNEXCAVATED OR TAMPED SOIL PRUNE CODOMINATE LEADERS RUBBER HOSE GALVANIZED WIRE GUY 12 GAUGE. ALLOW FOR A SLIGHT AMOUNT OF MOVEMENT 2"X2" HARDWOOD STAKE 2'-6" MIN BELOW SURFACE. STAKE SHALL BE DRIVEN A MIN 18" OUT FROM TRUNK AND OUTSIDE OF ROOTBALL IF FIELD GROWN CUT AWAY ALL BALLING ROPES. REMOVE BURLAP OR WIRE BASKET FROM TOP 13 OF BALL. IF CONTAINER GROWN, REMOVE CONTAINER AND CUT CIRCLING ROOTS 1" COMPOST LAYER BACKFILL PLANTING PIT WITH NATIVE SOIL. INCORPORATE SLOW-RELEASE GRANULAR FERTILIZER 2-3" MULCH LAYER, MULCH TO EDGE OF DRIPLINE. KEEP 4-6" AWAY FROM TRUNK FLARE 6" SAUCER 3 X ROOTBALL DIAMETER TAMP SOIL AROUND ROOTBALL BASE FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOTBALL DOES NOT SHIFT SLOPE 1/4" 8" DIA. CONC. FOOTING - 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS - TYP. COMPACTED SUBGRADE - 95% S.P.D. CORE DRILL AND SET W/HYDRAULIC CEMENT - SLOPE CAP TO DRAIN - TYP. #4 REBAR @12" O/C EA. WAY - 3" CLR. METAL HANDRAIL #4 x 12" LONG SMOOTH ROD SET IN GREASED SLEEVE @ 36" O/C - TYP. 1'-0" TYP. 7/8" 4" CONC. SLAB 1/2" CAULKED EXP. JT. CHEEK WALL BEYOND 6" THK. CONCRETE STEPS - 3000 PSI @ 28 DAYS 1/2" CAULKED EXP. JT. 1' 1' 1 CONCRETE STAIRS 1" = 1'-0" CLPOST 2" DIA. TOP RAIL 2" DIA. POST 2" DIA. BOTTOM RAIL 3/4" SQ. PICKETS 4" O/C-TYP. CORE DRILL & SET W/HYD. CEMENT - SLOPE CAP TO DRAIN - TYP.NOTE: HANDRAIL AND GUARDRAIL TO BE STEEL COLOR: BLACK EQUAL EQUAL TOP OF RETAINING WALL 2 RAILING ELEVATION 1" = 1'-0" 6 CONSERVATION PLAN CHECKLIST LANDSCAPE PLAN NOTES MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 10 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONCEPTUAL 3040 Avemore Square Pl. Charlottesville, VA 22911Phone: 434.984.2700 ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS PO Box 4119 Lynchburg, VA 24502 Phone: 434.316.6080 www.wwassociates.netFONCORPMMOFOHT GNS N SIO LA E E AEW L ARENIEGNII I V RLic. No. 042267 “” “ ” “” MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 11 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 23 4 5 78 1 2 3RETAIL HOTEL TOWN HOMES TOWN HOMES MULTI-FAMILY HOTEL OFFICE CINEMA 4 5 6 7 8 6 CONTEXT 1 RENDERINGS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY, EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS & SITE PLANS GOVERN. MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 12 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 29 NORTH PROPOSED BUILDING AT BLOCK D1 PROPOSED HYATT HOUSE REGAL STONEFIELD CINEMA MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 13 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 HYDRAULIC - WEST BOUND RENDERINGS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY, EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS & SITE PLANS GOVERN. MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 14 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 HYDRAULIC - EAST BOUND RENDERINGS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY, EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS & SITE PLANS GOVERN. MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 15 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 BOND STREET RENDERINGS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY, EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS & SITE PLANS GOVERN. MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 15.1ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 INGLEWOOD DRIVE & BOND STREET MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 15.2ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 HYDRAULIC - TOWARDS COURTYARD RENDERINGS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY, EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS & SITE PLANS GOVERN. MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 16 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 ELEVATION AT HYDRAULIC BOND & HYDRAULIC ELEVATION SSTONEFIELD: BLOCK D1MITCHELL / MATTHEWS A R CHITECTS © 2019CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434-979-7550ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VAARBPRELIMINARYREVIEWGROUND LEVEL±0"GROUND LEVEL±0"1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL+11'-4"1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL+11'-4"2ND FLOOR LEVEL+22'-8"2ND FLOOR LEVEL+22'-8"3RD FLOOR LEVEL+33'-4"3RD FLOOR LEVEL+33'-4"4TH FLOOR LEVEL+44'4TH FLOOR LEVEL+44'5TH FLOOR LEVEL+54'-8"5TH FLOOR LEVEL+54'-8"6TH FLOOR LEVEL+65'-4"6TH FLOOR LEVEL+65'-4"7TH FLOOR LEVEL+76'7TH FLOOR LEVEL+76'ROOF+86'-8"ROOF+86'-8" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' ROOF +86'-8" SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"1 BOND STREET ELEVATION08'16'32' SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"2 HYDRAULIC ROAD ELEVATION 0 8'16'32'18 NOV 4, 2019 NOTE: REFER TO SHEET A203 FOR MATERIAL CALLOUTS AT 1/8” SCALE. MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 17 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 ELEVATION AT DISTRICT DISTRICT & INGLEWOOD ELEVATIONSSTONEFIELD: BLOCK D1MITCHELL / MATTHEWS A R CHITECTS © 2019CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434-979-7550ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VAARBPRELIMINARYREVIEWGROUND LEVEL ±0" GROUND LEVEL ±0" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' ROOF +86'-8" ROOF +86'-8" GROUND LEVEL ±0" GROUND LEVEL ±0" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' ROOF +86'-8" ROOF +86'-8" SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"1 DISTRICT AVENUE ELEVATION 0 8'16'32' SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"2 INGLEWOOD DRIVE ELEVATION 0 8'16'32'17 NOV 4, 2019 NOTE: REFER TO SHEET A202 FOR MATERIAL CALLOUTS AT 1/8” SCALE. MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 17.1ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 COURT ELEVATION / SECTION TOWARDS BOND ±0" GROUND LEVEL ±0" GROUND LEVEL +11'-4" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +22'-8" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +44' 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +86'-8" ROOF +86'-8" ROOF 1'-2"11'-4"10'-4"65'9'-6"EXISTING GRADE LINE (RED) EXISTING GRADE LINE (RED) UNIT A2 UNIT A2 UNIT B2 UNIT A2 UNIT B2 UNIT A2 UNIT B2 AMENITY UNIT B2 UNIT A2 UNIT B2 UNIT A2 BOND ST. HYDRAULIC RD. ROOF +65-0" TOP OF BUILDING +74-6" COURTYARD LEVEL -10'-4" GROUND LEVEL -21'-8" HYDRAULIC RD. BOND ST -22'-10" AMENITY GARAGE ENTRY BEYOND 0 1 ARB2: BUILDING SECTION - HYDRAULIC TO BOND 1/16" = 1'-0" MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 18 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 ELEVATION AT BOND BOND & HYDRAULIC ELEVATION SSTONEFIELD: BLOCK D1MITCHELL / MATTHEWS A R CHITECTS © 2019CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434-979-7550ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VAARBPRELIMINARYREVIEWGROUND LEVEL ±0" GROUND LEVEL ±0" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' ROOF +86'-8" ROOF +86'-8" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' ROOF +86'-8" SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"1 BOND STREET ELEVATION 0 8'16'32' SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"2 HYDRAULIC ROAD ELEVATION 0 8'16'32'18 NOV 4, 2019 NOTE: REFER TO SHEET A201 FOR MATERIAL CALLOUTS AT 1/8” SCALE. MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 19 ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 ELEVATION AT INGLEWOOD DISTRICT & INGLEWOOD ELEVATIONSSTONEFIELD: BLOCK D1MITCHELL / MATTHEWS A R CHITECTS © 2019CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434-979-7550ALBEMARLE COUNTY , VAARBPRELIMINARYREVIEWGROUND LEVEL ±0" GROUND LEVEL ±0" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL+11'-4"1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL+11'-4"2ND FLOOR LEVEL+22'-8"2ND FLOOR LEVEL+22'-8"3RD FLOOR LEVEL+33'-4"3RD FLOOR LEVEL+33'-4"4TH FLOOR LEVEL+44'4TH FLOOR LEVEL+44'5TH FLOOR LEVEL+54'-8"5TH FLOOR LEVEL+54'-8"6TH FLOOR LEVEL+65'-4"6TH FLOOR LEVEL+65'-4"7TH FLOOR LEVEL+76'7TH FLOOR LEVEL+76'ROOF+86'-8"ROOF+86'-8" GROUND LEVEL ±0" GROUND LEVEL ±0" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' ROOF +86'-8" ROOF +86'-8" SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"1 DISTRICT AVENUE ELEVATION 0 8'16'32' SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"2 INGLEWOOD DRIVE ELEVATION 0 8'16'32'17 NOV 4, 2019 NOTE: REFER TO SHEET A204 FOR MATERIAL CALLOUTS AT 1/8” SCALE. MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 19.1ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 COURTYARD ELEVATIONS NOTE: REFER TO SHEET A205 FOR MATERIAL CALLOUTS AT 1/8” SCALE. MARK DATE DESCRIPTION Dunbar, Milby, Williams, Pittman and Vaughan, PLLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 110 Third Street N.E. Charlottesville, VA 22902 PHONE: (434) 293-5171 Integrated Aquatics Engineering POOL CONSULTANT 75 Shewell Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901 PHONE: (215) 230-8623 Timmons Group LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 295-5624 11:21 PMFriday, May 1, 2020A205 COURTYARD ELEVATIONS SCHEMATIC DESIGN - CONCEPT 23 2025 Bond StreetCharlottesville, VirginiaSTONEFIELD BLOCK D1INCOMPLETE PROGRESS PLOT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ALL INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE MITCHELL / MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS © #### REVISIONS PROJECT January 21, 2020 1814 SCHEMATIC DESIGN - CONCEPT 23 535 Madison Avenue 6th Floor New York New York 10022 USA O'Connor Management, LLC 300 TWIN SYCAMORES LN., CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 Tel : 434-979-7550 Fax : 434-979-5220 ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS MITCHELL / MATTHEWS DATE Client Consultants Phillips Graddick Engineering MEP ENGINEERS 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 105-A, Atlanta, GA 30350 PHONE:(770) 650-9061 The Architect and the Architect’s consultants arethe authors and owners of their respectiveInstruments of Service, including the Drawings andSpecifications, and will retain all common law,statutory and other reserved rights, including copyrights. Submittal or distribution to meet official regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection with this Project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of the Architect’s or Architect’s consultants’ reserved rights. Drawings and Specifications are ©2019 by Mitchell MatthewsArchitects & Planners. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS GROUND LEVEL ±0" GROUND LEVEL ±0" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' ROOF +86'-8" ROOF +86'-8" 7 9 10 2 7 8 12 5 2 44 9 10 3 7 1 5 15 15 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' ROOF +86'-8" ROOF +86'-8" 7 9 10 2 7 8 12 2 5 9 10 3 7 4 1 2 5 44 15 15 EXTERIOR MATERIALS KEYFacing Brick1 COMPONENT# Fiber Cement Lap Siding2 Fiber Cement Board and Batten Siding3 Fiber Cement Shiplap Siding4 Fiber Cement Reveal Panel Siding5 Aluminum Curtain Wall6 Fiberglass Window7 Metal Railing8 Roof Coping9 EIFS10 Painted Aluminum Screen11 12 13 Site Walls15 Balcony, supported by painted steel tube 14 Aluminum lettering16 Metal canopy Parking garage: Clearance Bar Entry Canopy - Cantilevered18 Exterior Light Fixture17 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 ARB2: COURTYARD ELEVATION TOWARD DISTRICT A205 0 4'8'16' SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 ARB2: COURTYARD ELEVATION TOWARD INGLEWOOD A205 0 4'8'16' MITCHELL ▪ MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 434.979.7550 19.2ALBEMARME COUNTY, VASTONEFIELDBLOCK D1COUNTY REVIEW ARB 2020.05.04 COURTYARD ELEVATION TOWARDS BOND NOTE: REFER TO SHEET A206 FOR MATERIAL CALLOUTS AT 1/8” SCALE. MARK DATE DESCRIPTION Dunbar, Milby, Williams, Pittman and Vaughan, PLLC STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 110 Third Street N.E. Charlottesville, VA 22902 PHONE: (434) 293-5171 Integrated Aquatics Engineering POOL CONSULTANT 75 Shewell Avenue Doylestown, PA 18901 PHONE: (215) 230-8623 Timmons Group LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 608 Preston Avenue, Suite 200 Charlottesville, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 295-5624 11:23 PMFriday, May 1, 2020A206 COURTYARD ELEVATION SCHEMATIC DESIGN - CONCEPT 23 2025 Bond StreetCharlottesville, VirginiaSTONEFIELD BLOCK D1INCOMPLETE PROGRESS PLOT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ALL INFORMATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE MITCHELL / MATTHEWS ARCHITECTS © #### REVISIONS PROJECT January 21, 2020 1814 SCHEMATIC DESIGN - CONCEPT 23 535 Madison Avenue 6th Floor New York New York 10022 USA O'Connor Management, LLC 300 TWIN SYCAMORES LN., CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 Tel : 434-979-7550 Fax : 434-979-5220 ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS MITCHELL / MATTHEWS DATE Client Consultants Phillips Graddick Engineering MEP ENGINEERS 500 Sugar Mill Road, Suite 105-A, Atlanta, GA 30350 PHONE:(770) 650-9061 The Architect and the Architect’s consultants arethe authors and owners of their respectiveInstruments of Service, including the Drawings andSpecifications, and will retain all common law,statutory and other reserved rights, including copyrights. Submittal or distribution to meet official regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection with this Project is not to be construed as publication in derogation of the Architect’s or Architect’s consultants’ reserved rights. Drawings and Specifications are ©2019 by Mitchell MatthewsArchitects & Planners. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS GROUND LEVEL ±0" GROUND LEVEL ±0" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 1ST FLOOR / COURTYARD LEVEL +11'-4" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 2ND FLOOR LEVEL +22'-8" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 3RD FLOOR LEVEL +33'-4" 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 4TH FLOOR LEVEL +44' 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 5TH FLOOR LEVEL +54'-8" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 6TH FLOOR LEVEL +65'-4" 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' 7TH FLOOR LEVEL +76' ROOF +86'-8" ROOF +86'-8" 7 9 10 22 7 8 12 44 10 3 9 15 15 14 9 10 1 10 8 GEN. SET EXTERIOR MATERIALS KEYFacing Brick1 COMPONENT# Fiber Cement Lap Siding2 Fiber Cement Board and Batten Siding3 Fiber Cement Shiplap Siding4 Fiber Cement Reveal Panel Siding5 Aluminum Curtain Wall6 Fiberglass Window7 Metal Railing8 Roof Coping9 EIFS10 Painted Aluminum Screen11 12 13 Site Walls15 Balcony, supported by painted steel tube 14 Aluminum lettering16 Metal canopy Parking garage: Clearance Bar Entry Canopy - Cantilevered18 Exterior Light Fixture17 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 ARB2: COURTYARD ELEVATION TOWARD BOND A206 0 4'8'16'