HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000022 Correspondence 2020-05-15 (4)SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C.
Design Focused Engineering
May 14, 2020
Tori Kanellopoulos
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
RE: Response Letter #1 for SDP202000022 Cooke Warehouse (1620 Quail Run)
Dear Tori,
Thank you for your review of the Major Site Plan Amendment request for Cooke Warehouse (1620 Quail
Run). This letter contains responses to County comments dated April 21, 2020. Our responses are as
1. 18-26.4 Building height. Include the proposed building height (both stories and feet) on Sheet 1,
along with the maximum/stepback requirement per the Zoning Ordinance.
Acknowledged, the building height is now shown on Sheet C1 along with the maximum
stepback requirements.
2. 18-30.7 Steep slopes. Show and label the existing managed slopes.
Acknowledged, the existing managed slopes from the GIS data are now shown on Sheet C2.
3. 18-4.11.4 Structures in easements. Show and label all existing easements on Sheet 3. It appears
the new building addition may be in the VEPCO easement.
Acknowledged, the overhead utility line shall be replaced with an underground utility line,
and the pole shall be relocated. Thus, the easement will be relocated and the structure will
no longer be in the easement. This is shown on Sheet C2 and C3.
4. 18-4.12.13 Loading spaces. Provide the one (1) required loading space meeting the design
standards of County Zoning Ordinance 4.12.18.
Acknowledged, the one (1) loading space is now provided. See Sheet C3.
18-4.12.13 Dumpster pad. Provide a dumpster pad that meets the design standards of County
Zoning Ordinance 4.12.19.
There won't be a dumpster pad for this site. However, a trash totter storage is provided
inside the building addition. This is now shown on Sheet C3.
6. 18-4.17 Lighting. Clarify if any new outdoor lights over 3,000 lumens are being provided. If so, a
lighting plan meeting County Zoning Ordinance 4.17 is required.
Acknowledged, there won't be any outdoor lighting.
912 E. High Sr. Charlotresville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com
7. 18-32.7.9 Landscape plan. Submit a landscape plan that meets all requirements, including the
a. 18- Landscape plan/preservation of existing trees. Include the Conservation
Checklist if existing trees are being counted toward landscaping requirements. Label
where trees/areas are being preserved.
Acknowledged, the existing trees are being counted towards landscaping
requirement and the tree conservation checklist is attached with this comment
response letter.
b. 18- Street trees. Show how the street tree requirement is being met (can be
existing trees but need to be shown on the plan).
Acknowledged, the existing street trees are to remain. The requirement is to have
5.34 medium shade trees and the existing trees which are provided are 7. Therefore,
the requirement is met. Further details are provided on Sheet C4.
c. 18- Landscaping parking areas. A minimum of five (5) percent of the parking
area must be landscaped.
Acknowledged, the parking landscaping is now provided and is 5.1% to meet the
requirement. See Sheet C4 for further details.
d. 18- Tree canopy. A ten percent tree canopy is required for this use.
Acknowledged, the preserved existing trees make up 30.1% of this site; thus, the
requirement is met. See Sheet C4 for further details.
Additional applications: The following applications and approvals are required prior to final site
plan approval:
a. 18- Approval of a VSMP Plan is required prior to site plan approval. See
Engineering comments.
The VSMP application will not be necessary since the limits of disturbance do not
exceed 10,000 SF.
If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions, please feel free to contact me at
stephanie(a,shimp-en ineering com or justingshimp-en in�g com by phone at 434-227-5140.
Stephanie Paul
Site Designer
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
912 E. High St Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com