HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202000010 Narrative 2020-05-15L I N E + G R A D E
TO: Albemarle County Community Development Staff
FROM: Daniel C. Hyer, PE
Line and Grade Civil Engineering
DATE: May 15, 2020
RE: Airport Animal Clinic
Special Use Permit Application Narrative
Project Details:
Applicant: Core Real Estate
Engineer: Line and Grade Civil Engineering I Daniel C. Hyer, PE
Name of Project: Airport Animal Clinic
Short Description: Special Use Permit for Veterinary Clinic
Proposed Site: 1758 Worth Park, Charlottesville, VA 22911
Property Details:
Parcel ID Number:
Short Parcel ID:
Total Acres:
ADI Properties, LLC
Property Address:
1758 Worth Park, Charlottesville, VA 22911
Current Tennant:
Magisterial District:
Highway Commercial (HC)
ZMAs Related to Proffers:
Comprehensive Plan Area:
Hollymead Places 29
Comprehensive Plan Use:
Urban Density Residential (Primary)
Comprehensive Plan Use:
Commercial Mixed Use: (Secondary)
Land Use:
Surrounding Uses:
Subway and McDonalds to the West
Timberwood Grill to the North
Urban Density Residential to the East
Forest Lakes Dental and Stifel Financial Advisors to the South
L I N E +
113 4t' St. NE; STE 100
TEL: (434) 262-0169
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Forest LakesQenl Subject Pcel
Airport Animal Clinic
Application for Special Use Permit
May 15, 2020 1 Page 3
Photo 3 — Parking area. Subject property is photo -left
Photo 4 — Entrance of existing building
Airport Animal Clinic
Application for Special Use Permit
May 15, 2020 1 Page 4
A. Proposal
The Applicant represents Dr. Hay's Airport Animal Clinic and seeks a permit of Special
Use (SP) for a Veterinary Clinic to occupy the existing commercial office building located
at the parcel 046134-00-00-001A2, shown in Photos 1 and 2 above, hereby referred to as
the Site. The Site is located within a commercial parcel within a heavily developed
commercial area with the Forest Lakes development. The site occupies a corner parcel
at the intersection of Worth Park and Worth Crossing. The parcel is 0.74 acres and
zoned Highway Commercial (HC) - which allows Veterinary Offices and Hospitals with
approval of a Special Use Permit.
Upon approval of this Special Use Permit Application Airport Animal Clinic will relocate
from the current location at the corner of SR 29 and Airport Road to the commercial
office building located at this Site. It is the applicant's intent that at least one of the
current tenants, at the current location will also relocate to this building as well.'
As expounded upon below, this special use permit application is subject to
supplemental regulations. One the criteria in the supplemental regulations specifies that
a veterinary practice should be at least 200 feet from an adjacent residential parcel
boundary. In the case of this parcel, the measured distance between the entrance of the
veterinary facility and the adjacent to a single-family attached residential parcel
boundary is less than 200 linear feet. This is graphically indicated in the Site Plan
included in Appendix A.
The Applicant intends to renovate the existing building in order to provide a 3,000 SF
animal clinic (the Architectural floor plans are included in Appendix B). The renovation
does not propose any expansion of the existing building footprint nor any outdoor
improvements. The entire building footprint is approximately 3,700 SF. The remaining
building area not dedicated to this veterinary practice area will be for the tenant
relationship identified above.
The building renovation will make use of sound attenuating construction techniques and
materials. Given the fact that the building has not yet been renovated, nor is it occupied
by the veterinary practice, we cannot submit sound level studies of the vicinity which
will reflect the occupied condition. However, we recommend that the applicant
demonstrate sound attenuation qualities of the construction materials use for the
renovation of the clinic when the applicant submits the building permit materials.
Given and the fact that the entrance to the veterinary practice will be less than 200 feet
from the adjacent residential parcel boundary, the Applicant also seeks a Special
Exception Request. This request is included herein, refer to Appendix C.
The proposed hours of operation of the veterinary clinic will remain 8:00 am — 6:00 pm,
Monday through Friday. No overnight boarding of animals is proposed.
' These businesses are moving locations to as a result of the planned Sheetz Gas Station
project at the corner of Airport Rd and SR 29 (SDP-2020-00025).
L I N E +
Airport Animal Clinic
Application for Special Use Permit
May 15, 2020 1 Page 5
Supplemental Regulations
Veterinary Clinics are subject to supplemental regulations as defined by Albemarle
County Code section 5.1.11. These supplemental regulations are listed below, and
Airport Animal Clinic's response to these criteria is listed below each item.
a) Except where animals are confined in soundproofed, air-conditioned buildings,
no structure or area occupied by animals shall be closer than 500 feet to any
agricultural or residential lot line. For non -soundproofed animal confinements,
an external solid fence not less than six feet in height shall be located within 50
feet of the animal confinement and shall be composed of concrete block, brick,
or other material approved by the zoning administrator.
The existing building is located approximately 169 linear feet from the nearest
residential parcel boundary. The existing building has an enclosed building
envelope and is air-conditioned. The proposed building renovation (upfit)
improvements will "soundproof" in any areas where animals may be cared
for. It is noteworthy to reiterate this is not a kennel or boarding operation, so
confinement in the traditional sense is not a primary intent of this use of this
space. However, the zoning ordinance makes no distinction between
kenneling or veterinary care.
b) For soundproofed confinements, no such structure shall be located closer than
200 feet to any agricultural or residential lot line. For soundproofed and non -
soundproofed confinements, sound measured at the nearest agricultural or
residential property line shall not exceed 55 decibels.
The site is located approximately 169 feet from the nearest residential parcel
boundary. Please see the attached site plan exhibit indicating this distance.
Because this measured distance is less than 200 feet from the residential lot
line, we are including a "Special Exception" request along with this Special Use
Permit request. Please see this included document.
The tenant plans to up -fit the existing building with a renovated space. This
renovation work will include sound -proofed building envelope elements
intended to conform with the maximum 55 decibel levels required.
The sound -proofing measures within the renovation work will utilize the "de -
coupling" technique which will introduce gaps into the wall section which
interrupt the sound vibrations and thus break up the sound vibrations from
working through the walls.
c) In all cases, animals shall be confined in an enclosed building from 10:00 p.m. to
6:00 a.m.
Airport Animal Clinic
Application for Special Use Permit
May 15, 2020 1 Page 6
The Animal Airport Clinic does not provide overnight kenneling, boarding or
d) In areas where such uses may be in proximity to other uses involving intensive
activity such as shopping centers or other urban density locations, special
attention is required to protect the public health and welfare. To these ends the
commission and board may require among other things: Separate building
entrance and exit to avoid animal conflicts; Area for outside exercise to be
exclusive from access by the public by fencing or other means.
The building has on -site parking and a dedicated entrance for the veterinary
clinic. Please refer to the attached architectural floor plans.
B. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan
The Site is designated for Urban Density with the Places 29 Master Plan.
Referring to the Vision Statement for the Places-29 Master Plan where it is
explicitly expressed that the development areas are to "be compact and consist
of residential and employment neighborhoods that are organized around
centers." Going on, "these neighborhoods and their centers will be pedestrian
oriented and mixed use, they will offer a variety of housing choices, retail
environments, office types and employment opportunities." All of these selected
excerpts are related to an "Urban Style" of development.z
In light of these guiding principles, this proposed use complies with the guiding
vision of the Comprehensive Plan. The comprehensive plan identified two uses
for this parcel; the primary was/is Urban Residential, the secondary was
Commercial Mixed use. This site has been in use as a commercial property since
the year 2000.
It is important to highlight that the relocation of this business from the current
location to this proposed location allows this necessary community service to
remain within the community it serves.
2 Places 29 Vision Statement: Albemarle County's four Northern Development Areas will
feature compact development consisting of residential and employment neighborhoods
that are organized around centers. These neighborhoods and their centers will be
pedestrian -oriented and mixed -use; they will offer a variety of housing choices, retail
environments, office types, and employment opportunities. They will be connected by an
attractive, efficient, and accessible multimodal transportation system. Integrated into this
urban -style development, parks and open spaces will provide a sense of respite and
contribute to an overall excellent quality of life.
L I N E +
Airport Animal Clinic
Application for Special Use Permit
May 15, 2020 1 Page 7
C. Impacts on Public Safety, Public Facilities, Public Infrastructure & Environmental
Impact on Environmental Features:
The project proposed no external improvements. As such is not any
quantifiable adverse effect on any Environmental Features.
Public Safety Items and/or Public Facilities:
The project proposed no external improvements. As such is not any
quantifiable adverse effect on any Environmental Features.
Public Infrastructure:
The only measurable different would be effects on public infrastructure —
particularly anticipated vehicle trips. As such we offer the following trip
generation figures associated with this proposed use.
Based on the ITE Trip Generation for Animal Hospital / Veterinary Clinic (ITE
Code 640) the trips per unit is estimated at 22.04, and the units being per
1,000 SF. The proposed animal clinic is estimated at 3,000 SF based on the
architectural Drawings. Therefore, the total daily trips and the AM / PM peak
hours would be approximately those indicated based on these ITE figures.
Table 1— ITE Trip Generation Figures
66 4.72
50% 50% 7 7
D. Other (Pertinent) Items
50% 50% 21 21
The applicant has identified several other noteworthy considerations.
Existing Landscape Buffer
The greenspace between the subject parcel and the adjacent residential
properties exhibits a mature and dense landscape buffer. The landscape
buffer measures 40' in width between the parcel boundary and the parcel
boundaries associated with the attached, single-family residential units. This
is shown in the images below (Photos 5 and 6). The buffer is made up of
mature evergreen varieties and has created a complete visual barrier, not to
discount the sound mitigating properties of this buffer.
In addition, the landscape buffer also exhibits a graded berm measuring
approximately 8 -10 feet high.
L I N E +
Airport Animal Clinic
Application for Special Use Permit
May 15, 2020 1 Page 8
Photo 5 — View of Mature Landscape Buffer between subject property (photo left) and
the adjacent residential community. Photo taken from the drive aisle southeast of the
subject property.
L I N E +
Photo 6 — View of the mature landscape buffer between the subject property and the
adjacent residential community. The parking lot in the foreground of this photo is the lot
servicing direct access to the animal clinic.