HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202000004 Correspondence 2020-05-27® COLLINS ENGINEERING
March 12, 2020
Emily Cox, PE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Brookhill Blocks 9-11 VSMP Plan (WP0201800086)
434.293.3719 PH 434.293.2813 FX
Thank you for your comments dated January 8, 2019 on the above referenced project. Below are our detailed responses to your
comments. Should you have any questions during your review and approval of this project, feel free to contact Scott Collins at
scott@collins-engineering.com or at (434) 293-3719.
A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
1. This project is part of the current Riverbend permit. Attached is the updated coverage map, adding in the 18.85 acres
from this development.
B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP)
C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)
1. Comment Addressed
3. The buffer labels on all the E&S sheets and SWM sheets match the existing conditions and now reads 'Proposed
4. Comment Addressed.
5. C . A��r
6. It does not appear that any previous development took place on TMP 46-1964. This will more than likely need a new SWM
maintenance agreement. We will contact Ana Kilmer about getting an agreement in place for the proposed disturbance
on this parcel.
7. The 'Proposed SWM Forest & Open Space Easement' label has been added to the plan labeling the preservation areas
within this section of development. These areas will be shown on the final subdivision plat, which will be submitted to the
County for review within the next couple of months.
8. The label on sheets 17-19 has been updated to label the easement as SWM facility & access easement, as requested.
9. (-".''.". ,ruu, --
10. Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed
18. The plan for the retaining walls are being finalized now, and will be submitted for review/approval within the next 30-60
19. (- _ nment Addressed.
20. Comment Addressed.
21. Comment Addressed.
22. Comment Addressed.
23. The name for the SWM preservation area has been updated on the E&S sheets to "SWM forest & open space easement",
as requested.
D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)
2. The limits of disturbance and tree protection have been moved away from the preserved slopes, at least 5' within the
locations were the impacts to the preserved slopes are avoided but the limits of disturbance is close to the slopes.
See the Erosion and sediment control sheets for the adjusted limits of disturbance along the preserved slopes. The
limits of the disturbance, silt fence, and tree protection fencing have all been moved away from the preserved slopes
and the grading has been updated along the edges of these areas, matching the updated grading on the road plans.
The lots along the Route 29 buffer have been updated. The rear lot line is adjacent to the 100' buffer along Route 29,
and the 100' buffer is no longer located within the limits of any of the lots within Block 9.
The Road plan County number has been updated on sheet 2, as requested.
The easement text on sheet 2 has been updated and increased in size, as requested.
18.85 acres is the correct total disturbed area. Attached is the updated registration statement with 18.85 acres listed
as the disturbed area. Also, attached is a coverage map with the 18.85 acres shown on the exhibit. The narrative has
also been revised to 18.85 acres.
Comment Addressed
As noted above, the lots within Block 9 have been updated to ensure no portion of the lot is within the Route 29
buffer area. Also, the limits of disturbance, as noted in comment response #2, has been moved away from the
preserved slopes.
Comment Addressed
The grading and limits of disturbance have been moved away from the preserved slopes on the E&S sheets, as noted
in comment response #2.
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed.
The comment is addressed, and the information has been noted. The plans are currently under review by VDOT.
Comment Addressed
22. The labeling for the Sediment traps have been updated on the Erosion and Sediment Control sheets.
The comment is addressed, and the information has been noted. The final subdivision plat will provide the
maintenance easements for the walls that are located on the lots.
CUI 1 11 1 ICI 1l HUUI t��It
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addressed.
Comment Addresse('
The location of the emergency spillway for SB#2 has been relocated, as requested. The spillway is now located over
natural ground and not constructed overfill material.
The E&S narrative has been updated as noted for the Erosion and Sediment control traps and the installation of the
culvert pipe. Some final sequencing items have been added and adjusted with the narrative.
The cover sheet has been updated for the phasing. This project will be constructed with one phase of construction
for the clearing and land disturbing activity.
A note has been added to the E&S sheets referencing the final site plan and ARB plans for the proposed buffer
mitigation area. The grading and land disturbance impacts within the 30' of the 100' Route 29 buffer will be
replanted with a mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees. The plantings and trees will stabilize and lock in the 2:1
slopes along this area of the buffer. This area will be completed revegetated with the trees and evergreens.
The silt fence has been removed, as requested, and replaced with a ROW diversion berm to route the run-off
upstream of the berm into the adjacent sediment trap, as shown on the E&S plans.
Scott Collins
Existing Permit Coverage Number (if applicable, VAR10####):
Section I. Operator/Permittee Information.
VAR1 OK793
A. Construction Activity Operator (Permittee). The person or entity that is applying for permit coverage and will have
operational control over construction activities to ensure compliance with the general permit. A person with
signatory authority for this operator must sign the certification in Section VI. (per Part III. K. of the VAR10 Permit).
Construction Activity
Operator Name:
Contact person:
City, State, Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Primary Email:
CC Email:
B. Billing Information (leave blank if same as the Operator identified in Section I. A. above). This entity will receive
Annual Permit Maintenance and Permit Modification Fee invoices (if applicable).
Contact Person:
City, State Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Primary Email:
CC Email:
C. May we transmit correspondence electronically? You must choose YES and include a valid email in order to pay by
credit card and to receive your permit coverage approval letter via email:
YES ® NO ❑
Rev 04/2019 PAGE 1 17
Section II. Construction Activity Location Information. Project site information.
A. Include a site map showing the location of the existing or proposed land -disturbing activities, the limits of land
disturbance, construction entrances and all water bodies receiving stormwater discharges from the site.
B. Construction Activity Name: BROOKHILL - BLOCKS 9-11
City and/or County and Zip Code: ALBEMARLE COUNTY
Latitude and Longitude
(6-digit, decimal degrees format): 38.109896 &-78.45876
C. Construction Activity Entrance Location
(description, street address and/or
latitude/longitude in decimal degrees): STELLA LANE
Section III. Offsite Support Activity Location Information. List all offsite support activities to be included under this
permit registration. Enter additional areas on a separate page. Offsite areas not included on this registration may need
to obtain coverage under a separate VPDES permit.
A. Offsite Activity Name:
City and/or County and Zip Code:
Latitude and Longitude
(6-digit, decimal degrees format):
B. Offsite Activity Entrance Location
(description, street address and/or
latitude/longitude in decimal degrees):
Section IV. Site Information.
A. Acreage totals for all land -disturbing activities to be included under this
permit coverage. Report to the nearest one -hundredth of an acre.
Total land area of development (including the entire
area to be disturbed as approved in the Stormwater
33.44 AC
Management Plan):
Primary estimated area to be disturbed (portions with
18.85 AC
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan approval only):
Offsite estimated area to be disturbed (if applicable):
C. Property Owner Status:
B. Estimated Project Dates
Start date:
Completion date:
D. Nature of the Construction Activity Description (i.e.
commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural,
environmental): RESIDENTIAL
E. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
name (if discharging to a MS4):
Rev 04/2019 PAGE 2 17
F. Is this construction activity part of a common plan of development or sale? YES ® NO ❑
G. 61" Order Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) and Receiving Water Name(s). Attach a separate list if needed.
020802040203 (JR08)
Section V. Other Information.
A. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the
General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities prior to submitting the Registration
Statement. By signing the Registration Statement, the operator is certifying that the SWPPP has been prepared.
B. Has an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan been submitted to the VESCP Authority for review? YES ® NO ❑
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Approval Date (for estimated area to be disturbed).:
C. Has land disturbance has commenced? YES ❑ NO
D. If this project is using approved Annual Standards and Specifications (AS&S), attach the completed AS&S Entity
Form. AS&S Entity Name (if different from the Operator identified in Section II. A.):
Rev 04/2019 PAGE 3 17
Section VI. Certification. A person representing the operator as identified in Section I. A. and meeting the requirements
of 9VAC25-880-70. Part III. K must physically sign this certification. A typed signature is not acceptable. Please note that
operator is defined in 9VAC25-870-10 as follows:
"Operator" means the owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to the Act and this chapter. In the context of stormwater
associated with a large or small construction activity, operator means any person associated with a construction project that meets
either of the following two criteria: (i) the person has direct operational control over construction plans and specifications, including
the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications or (ii) the person has day-to-day operational control of those
activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance with a stormwater pollution prevention plan for the site or other state
permit or VSMP authority permit conditions (i.e., they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the
stormwater pollution prevention plan or comply with other permit conditions). In the context of stormwater discharges from
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), operator means the operator of the regulated MS4 system.
9VAC25-880-70. Part III. K. Signatory Requirements. Registration Statement. All Registration Statements shall be signed as follows:
a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this chapter, a responsible corporate officer
means: (i) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or
any other person who performs similar policy -making or decision -making functions for the corporation; or (ii) the manager
of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the manager is authorized to make management
decisions that govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major
capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term
compliance with environmental laws and regulations, the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or
actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for state permit application requirements; and where auth ority
to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures;
b. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or
c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official.
For purposes of this chapter, a principal executive officer of a public agency includes: (i) the chief executive officer of the
agency or (ii) a senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the
Certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this Registration Statement and that this
document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel
properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage
the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best
of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting
false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations."
Printed Name:
Signature (signed in ink):
Section VII. Submittal Instructions. Submit this form to the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP)
Authority. If the locality is the VSMP Authority, please send your Registration Statement submittal directly to the
locality; do NOT send this form to DEQ. A list of local VSMP Authorities is available here: VSMP Authorities.
If DEQ is the VSMP Authority, please send to:
Department of Environmental Quality
Office of Stormwater Management Suite 1400
PO Box 1105
Richmond VA 23218
If the locality is the VSMP Authority, please send to:
fhe Local VSMP Authority (insert address below
Rev 04/2019 PAGE 4 17
This Registration Statement is for coverage under the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities. The
following permit actions are covered by this form: new issuance, re -issuance, modification with an increase in acreage and plan modifications that
do not result in an increase in acreage.
Choose NEW ISSUANCE if this Registration Statement submittal is to obtain a new permit coverage, RE -ISSUANCE to renew an active, expiring
permit coverage or MODIFICATION to modify an active permit coverage When modifying permit coverage, indicate if the modification is increasing
the amount of acreage previous covered (MODIFICATION WITH ACREAGE INCREASE) or changing the site design with no increase in acreage
Existing Permit Coverage Number. Provide the permit number for a modification or reissuance (i.e. VAR10####).
Section I. Operator/Permittee Information.
A. Construction Activity Operator (Permittee). The person or entity that is applying for permit coverage and will have operational control over
construction activities to ensure compliance with the general permit. For companies, use the complete, active, legal entity name as registered with
a state corporation commission. Entities that are considered operators commonly consist of the property owner, developer of a project (the party
with control of project plans and specifications), or general contractor (the party with day-to-day operational control of the activities at the project
site that are necessary to ensure compliance with the general permit). If an individual person is named as the operator, that person (or a
representative of) must sign the certification in Section VI. An operator can be one of the following:
9VAC25-870-10. Definitions.
"Operator" means the owner or operator of any facility or activity subject to the Act and this chapter. In the context of stormwater associated with a
large or small construction activity, operator means any person associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two
criteria: (i) the person has direct operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those
plans and specifications or (ii) the person has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project that are necessary to ensure compliance
with a stormwater pollution prevention plan for the site or other state permit or VSMP authority permit conditions (i.e., they are authorized to direct
workers at a site to carry out activities required by the stormwater pollution prevention plan or comply with other permit conditions). In the context
of stormwater discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), operator means the operator of the regulated MS4 system.
"Owner" means the Commonwealth or any of its political subdivisions including, but not limited to, sanitation district commissions and authorities,
and any public or private institution, corporation, association, firm or company organized or existing under the laws of this or any other state or
country, or any officer or agency of the United States, or any person or group of persons acting individually or as a group that owns, operates,
charters, rents, or otherwise exercises control over or is responsible for any actual or potential discharge of sewage, industrial wastes, or other
wastes or pollutants to state waters, or any facility or operation that has the capability to alter the physical, chemical, or biological properties of
state waters in contravention of § 62.1-44.5 of the Code of Virginia, the Act and this chapter.
"Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, association, state, municipality, commission, or political subdivision of a state,
governmental body, including a federal, state, or local entity as applicable, any interstate body or any other legal entity.
B. Billing information. If the person or entity responsible for billing/invoicing is different from the operator, please complete this section. If they
are the same, leave this section blank.
C. May we transmit correspondence electronically? If you choose YES to this question and provide an email address in Section I. A., all
correspondence, forms, invoices and notifications will be transmitted by email to the operator. This will also allow the operator to pay by credit
card and receive permit coverage approval letters immediately upon approval.
Section II. Construction Activity Location Information. Location information related to the project site.
A. A site map indicating the location of the existing or proposed land -disturbing activities, the limits of land disturbance, construction entrances
and all water bodies receiving stormwater discharges from the site must be included with the submittal of this form. Aerial imagery maps or
topographic maps showing the required items are acceptable. Plan sheet sized site maps are not required. Please consult your Virginia
Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) authority if you have additional questions regarding site map requirements.
B. Provide a descriptive project name (it is helpful to use the same naming convention as listed on the Stormwater plans), 911 street address (if
available), city/county of the construction activity, 6-digit latitude and longitude in decimal degrees format for the centroid, main construction
entrance or start and end points for linear projects (i.e. 37.1234N/-77.1234W).
C. Construction Activity Entrance Location. Provide an address or decimal degrees coordinates and a description of the main construction entrance
where the permit coverage letter will be posted.
Rev 04/2019 PAGE 5 17
Section III. Offsite Support Activity Location Information.
This general permit also authorizes stormwater discharges from support activities (e.g., concrete or asphalt batch plants, equipment staging yards,
material storage areas, excavated material disposal areas, borrow areas) located on -site or off -site provided that (i) the support activity is directly
related to a construction activity that is required to have general permit coverage; (ii) the support activity is not a commercial operation, nor does
it serve multiple unrelated construction activities by different operators; (iii) the support activity does not operate beyond the completion of the
construction activity it supports; (iv) the support activity is identified in the Registration Statement at the time of general permit coverage; (v)
appropriate control measures are identified in a SWPPP and implemented to address the discharges from the support activity areas; and (vi) all
applicable state, federal, and local approvals are obtained for the support activity.
If requesting permit coverage for offsite activities, please complete this section. List additional offsite areas to be included under this permit
coverage on a separate page. Offsite areas not included on this registration will need to obtain coverage under a separate VPDES permit.
A. Offsite activity location information. Provide a descriptive offsite project name, 911 street address (if available) and city/county of all off -site
support activities. Provide the 6-digit latitude and longitude in decimal degrees (i.e. 37.1234N,-77.1234W). Please note that off -site activities not
covered under this permit may require separate permit coverage.
B. Offsite activity entrance location. Provide an address or decimal degrees coordinates and a description of the main construction entrance
Section IV. Site Information.
A. Acreage totals for all land -disturbing activities, on- and off -site, to be included under this permit. Acreages are to be reported to the nearest
one -hundredth acre (two decimal places; i.e. 1.15 acres). Provide the total acreage of the primary development site as approved on the
Stormwater Management Plans and the primary on -site estimated acreage to be disturbed by the construction activity as approved under the
Erosion and Sediment Control Plans. The off -site estimated area to be disturbed is the sum of the disturbed acreages for all off -site support
activities to be covered under this general permit. Do not include the off -site acreage totals in the primary, on -site total and estimated disturbed
acreage totals. Permit fees are calculated based on your disturbed acreage total for all on- and off -site areas being disturbed under this permit
coverage (the sum of all on -site and off -site disturbed acreages).
B. Estimated Project Dates. Provide the estimated project start date and completion date in Month/Day/Year or MM/DD/YYYY format (i.e.
C. Property owner status. The status of the construction activity property owner. Any property not owned by a government entity or agency (i.e.
federal, state or local governments) is PRIVATE.
D. Nature of the construction activity description. Choose the designation that best describes the post -construction use of this project (you may
choose more than one). (i.e. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Environmental, Educational, Oil and Gas, Utility, Transportation,
Institutional, etc.). Describe the project (i.e. Commercial — one new office building and associated parking and utilities; Transportation — Roads,
sidewalks and utilities; Agricultural — 3 Poultry Houses, etc.).
E. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) name(s) if discharging to a MS4. If stormwater is discharged through a MS4 (either partially or
completely), provide the name of the MS4(s) that will be receiving water from this construction activity. The MS4 name is typically the town, city,
county, institute or federal facility where the construction activity is located.
F. This construction activity is part of a common plan of development or sale. "Common plan of development or sale" means a contiguous area
where separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules per 9VAC25-870-10. Definitions.
Le. a subdivision, commercial development, business park, etc.
G. 6th Order Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) and associated Receiving Water Name(s). Provide all 6th order HUCs and receiving waters for the site and
offsite areas that could potentially receive stormwater runoff discharging from this activity. The HUC can be either a 12-digit number (i.e.
0208010101) or 2-letter, 2-number code (i.e. JL52). Include additional HUCs or receiving waters on a separate page. You may utilize DEQ's web -
based GIS application, VEGIS, to obtain this information.
• VEGIS application link: DEQ's VEGIS Mapping Application
• Instructions for utilizing DEQ's VEGIS application link: CGP-GIS HUC Instructions
Rev 04/2019 PAGE 6 17
Section V. Other Information.
A. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) must be prepared prior to submitting the Registration Statement per 9VAC25-880. See
9VAC25-880-70. Part II. of the General Permit for the SWPPP requirements.
B. If the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the estimated area to be disturbed listed in Section IV. A. has been submitted to the Virginia Erosion
and Sediment Control Program (VESCP) Authority for review and plan approval, choose YES. If you are submitting this application to reissue an
existing permit coverage, please provide the date that the VESC Authority approved the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the estimated area
to be disturbed.
C. If land disturbance has commenced, choose YES. "Land disturbance" or "land -disturbing activity" means a man-made change to the land surface
that may result in soil erosion or has the potential to change its runoff characteristics, including construction activity such as the clearing, grading,
excavating, or filling of land per §62.1-44.15:24. Definitions.
D. If this project is using approved Annual Standards and Specifications (AS&S), attach the completed AS&S Entity Form.
If the AS&S Entity is different from the operator identified in Section I. A., list the AS&S Entity Name. The AS&S entity is the entity or agency that
holds the approved annual standards & specification.
• AS&S Entity Form link: Annual Standards and Specifications Entity Information Form
Section VI. Certification.
A properly authorized individual associated with the operator identified in Section I. A. of the Registration Statement is responsible for certifying
and signing the Registration Statement. A person must physically sign the certification, a typed signature is unacceptable. State statutes provide
for severe penalties for submitting false information on the Registration Statement. State regulations require that the Registration Statement be
signed as follows per 9VAC25-880-70 Part III. K. 1.:
a. For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this part, a responsible corporate officer means:
(i) A president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who
performs similar policy -making or decision -making functions for the corporation, or
(ii) the manager of one or more manufacturing, production, or operating facilities, provided the manager is authorized to make
management decisions that govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major
capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long-term compliance with
environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather
complete and accurate information for permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or
delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures.
b. For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively.
c. For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For purposes of this part
a principal executive officer of a public agency includes:
(i) The chief executive officer of the agency, or
(ii) A senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency.
Section VII. Submittal Instructions.
Submit this form to the VSMP Authority that has jurisdiction for your construction activity. The VSMP Authority may be either DEQ or your locality
depending on the location and type of project. If your project is under the jurisdiction of a Local VSMP Authority, please contact the locality for
additional submittal instructions. A blank area is provided for the Local VSMP Authority to include their mailing address.
Who is the VSMP Authority for my project? DEQ or the locality?
• DEQ: DEQ is the VSMP Authority and administers permit coverage for land -disturbing activities that are:
➢ within a locality that is not a VSMP Authority;
➢ owned by the State or Federal government; or
➢ utilizing approved Annual Standards and Specifications.
• The Locality: The local government (locality) is the VSMP Authority and administers permit coverage for all other projects not covered by DEQ
as listed above. For these projects, please submit permit forms directly to the Local VSMP Authority. A list of Local VSMP Authorities is
available on DEQ's website here: Local VSMP Authority List.
Rev 04/2019 PAGE 7 17
i AL
Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP)
Application for Albemarle County
Project Name: BROOKHILL - BLOCKS 9 - 11
(The name should be the same as it appears on plans)
Is this an amendment to an approved plan? Yes ❑ No
Is this a revision or resubmission for review? Yes 91 No ❑
County File Number: WP0201800086 (to be provided by the County for new applications)
The following are required elements of new applications (from code section 17-4011. For revisions or
amendments, please indicate which items are being amended. Signatures must be provided for any
® A. Signature of the Owner for each parcel: (Required with every submission or revision, NOT TO BE
By signing this application as the owner, I hereby certify that all requirements of these plans and permits will be
complied with, and I have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and development on the subject
property. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon the property as required to ensure
compliance with the approved plans and permits.
46-18 HAUGH, CHARLES & E J OGLESBY--- 03/12/20
Tax Map & Parcel Print Name of Owner Signature of Owner Date
Tax Map & Parcel Print Name of Owner
Tax Map & Parcel Print Name of Owner
Tax Map & Parcel Print Name of Owner
Contact Information for the Owner(s) to receive correspondence:
Address 435 PARK ST
Daytime Phone
Signature of Owner
Signature of Owner
Signature of Owner
VA Tin 22901
Revised 07/24/18 Page 1 of 2
® B. All Fees [Code section 17-208]
For new or modified plans; Total acres proposed to be disturbed 18.85 AC
Acres to be
Total Fee
Fee Due with this
Fee with Transfer or
modification of permit
Less than 1
1 and less than 5
5 and less than 10
10 and less than 50
50 and less than
100 and more
For (minor) amendments to an approved plan; $200 per review
Variances; $150
Mitigation Plan; $150
91 C. Registration Statement on the official DEQ form.
91 D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-402.
® E. Stormwater Management Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-403.
® F. Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-404.
® G. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-405.
❑ H. Mitigation Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-406 for any proposed disturbance of
stream buffers.
❑ I. Requested Variations or Exceptions as provided in code sections 17-407 and 408.
❑ J. Construction Record Drawings (as-builts) for any existing facilities in the proposal satisfying the
requirements of code section 17-422.
Provide 2 copies of all plans and any supporting documents. Professional seals must have original
Additional information if not provided on plans and documents:
Name of a Contact Person for correspondence (usually the plan preparer, consultant or agent)
Daytime Phone (434) 293-3719
E-mail scott@collins-engineering.com
*When applications and plans are reviewed, but not approved, and a response to comments is not received within 6 months
from the date of county comments, the application will be deemed withdrawn. Applications without valid owner's
signatures will not be considered valid.
Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? Receipt # Ck# By:
Revised 07/24/18 Page 2 of 2