HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900176 Assessment - Groundwater 2020-05-12REVISED Tier III Groundwater Assessment: Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M HydroGeo ENVIRONMENTAL for Bella Signature Homes, LLC Charlottesville, VA 22902-6348 434-960-3085 prepared by HydroGeo Environmental, LLC 418 East Main St. Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 HydroGeo Project #18-374 Issued: January 29, 2019 Revised: May 12, 2020 6 .:�tAuflf UFG � ERXESTW1MLEY IV No. 280 1974 ' �ntFSSi(RS°��� APPROVED by the Albemarle County Community Development Department Date 5/27/2020 File SUB201900176 Ernest Beasley, MS, CPG Geologist Revised Tier/H Groundwater Assessment HydroGeo Project #18-374 Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M May 12, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Key Findings (Revisions to initial report noted as bold, underlined, AND italicized text) 1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 2.0 Site Overview................................................................................................................ 3.0 Subject Property/Vicinity Description........................................................................ 3.1 Site Description............................................................................................................... 3.2 Geologic Observations.................................................................................................... 3.3 Nearby Features of Interest............................................................................................ 4.0 Hydrogeologic Assessment and Review................................................................... 4.1 Hydrogeologic Setting..................................................................................................... 4.2 Site Geology, Geomorphology, and Soils....................................................................... 4.3 Hydrogeologic Unit.......................................................................................................... 4.4 Groundwater Flow, Recharge, and Discharge................................................................ 4.5 Existing Well Records..................................................................................................... 4.6 Groundwater Sensitivity and Contaminant Threats........................................................ 4.7 Water Budget Calculations............................................................................................... 5.0 Groundwater Management Plan................................................................................. 5.1 Contingency Plan............................................................................................................ 6.0 Assessment of Well Drilling and Testing.................................................................. 7.0 Conclusions.................................................................................................................. rIr�l 1o=c Figure 1: Site Location Figure 2: Site Layout Map Figure 3: Geologic Map Figure 4: Inferred Well and Septic Locations within 1000' of Site Figure 5: Inferred Groundwater Flow Map (shallow) Figure 6: Inferred Groundwater Flow Map (deep) Figure 7: Watershed Boundary Figure 8: Fracture Trace Map with Test Well Location ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Sketch of Proposed Subdivision Revised Plats with Test Well Location Attachment B: NRCS Soils Mapping Attachment C: VADEQ VEGIS Map Attachment D: Water Budget Calculations Attachment E: Engineering Review Comments Attachment F: Commonwealth of Virainia Uniform Water Well Completion Report Attachment G: Terms and Conditions 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 Revised Tier /H Groundwater Assessment HydroGeo Project #18-374 Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M May 12, 2020 Key Findings (Revisions to initial report noted as bold, underlined, AND italicized text) Albemarle County hydrogeologic unit: Piedmont Foothills (Hydrogeologic Unit III) Groundwater availability zone: Class 2 (medium relative groundwater availability) Hydrogeologic conditions favorable to proposed use? Yes. See attached calculations for pre- and post - development groundwater surplus estimates. Precise well yields will remain unknown prior to drilling. Virginia Department of Health (VDH) did not provided well completion reports for nearby properties (FOIA request submitted 12/4/18 and followed up 1/9/19) — however, a review of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality's (VADEQ) database of available well records in Albemarle County returned one (1) well with a yield of 2 gpm within the required 1000-foot search radius. The average well yield for 17 wells within a 0.5-mile radius of the property boundary, and in the same hydrogeologic unit as the Site, is 12.9 gpm. Site within groundwater sensitivity zone? No. Review of the VADEQ Virginia Environmental Geographic Information Systems (VEGIS) viewer and Albemarle County GIS did not identify any open pollution complaint cases within the required 1000-foot search radius. Groundwater flow pattern: Groundwater recharge areas include vegetated land onsite and undeveloped, permeable areas located upgradient of the Site; groundwater discharge areas occur along the southwestern edge of the Site, along the intermittent streambed of the unnamed tributary to Schroeder Branch, a tributary to the Rivanna River South Fork. General localized groundwater flow in the vicinity of the Site is assumed to be influenced by topography and likely follows a net southwest- to southeast direction toward the unnamed tributary to Schroeder Branch along the southwestern edge of the parcel and then flows southeast to Schroeder Branch. Contamination threats on record: One (1) VPDES outfall was located within the required 1000-foot search radius from the parcel boundaries. Due to its location approximately 950 feet away and downgradient of the Site, and the knowledge that registered VPDES permitted discharge is regulated and monitored by state agencies, HydroGeo does not consider this to be likely contamination threat, nor a reason to place the Site within a groundwater sensitivity zone. Additional contaminant threats observed in field reconnaissance? No additional contaminant threats were observed at the time of field reconnaissance. Impacts of proposed use on existing users: Proposed groundwater use should be adequate for the development's needs without unreasonably affecting users offsite. BMP recommendations: Maintain vegetated stream buffer as much as possible during development; implement runoff -neutral site plans insofar as practicable. Recommendations: • Implement fracture trace analysis and consider resistivity imaging to locate optimal well drilling targets. (Fracture trace analysis was completed by HydroGeo personnel using available LiDAR data. The test well does not appear to be drilled along a prominent fracture trace lineament.) • Install groundwater well(s) prior to commencement of other onsite construction activities to ensure that the Site can produce adequate groundwater for the proposed use. (A test well, installed to a depth of 225 feet below ground surface on Lot 1, had a blown yield of 20 _gallons per minute after a one (1) hour test. The Site appears to lie in an area capable of producing adequate groundwater for the proposed use based on test well results.) • Abide by Virginia Department of Health standards in developing a new water source onsite. • We recommend that the County approve this proposed development as contaminant potential appears to be low, and hydrogeologic conditions are favorable for proposed use. Revised Tier /H Groundwater Assessment HydroGeo Project #18-374 Albemarle Countv Parcel #45-59M Mav 12. 2020 1.0 Introduction This Tier III Groundwater Assessment Report (Tier III) was prepared by HydroGeo Environmental (HydroGeo) for Bella Signature Homes, LLC, who proposes to use groundwater supply for a proposed residential development in Albemarle County, Virginia. The purpose of this report is to provide an assessment of the potential groundwater resources in the vicinity of the proposed development. This Tier III Report was completed in accordance with the requirements outlined in Section 1.2.D of the Albemarle County Design Standards Manual for Engineering. 2.0 Site Overview The proposed development is located approximately 3.25 miles north of the city of Charlottesville (Figure 1). The property is comprised of a single parcel identified as Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M (the "Site"). The parcel has no known physical address and is bordered to the northwest by Earlysville Road. The Site and surrounding parcels are zoned rural with land use consisting of primarily residential and open/forested undeveloped land. Site elevation ranges from approximately 490 feet above mean sea level (amsl) to 580 feet amsl. The Site is located in the Rivanna River watershed with intermittent Schroeder Branch, a tributary to the south fork of the Rivanna River, located approximately 750 feet to the southeast (Figure 2). Five (5) residential lots ranging from 2.353- to 6.181 acres are planned on the Site. The lots will be served by private wells and individual onsite subsurface drainfields. The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) requires a minimum yield of 3 gallons per minute (gpm) for a private residential supply well. A copy of the proposed development is included as Attachment A Revised Plats (April 2020). 3.0 Subject Property/Vicinity Description HydroGeo personnel conducted a Site reconnaissance visit on January 10, 2019. The Site visit included geologic observations and visual inspections for hydrologic features and potential contaminant sources. 3.1 Site Description The Site comprises approximately 18.29 acres, which appears to be entirely undeveloped wooded land. No existing onsite wells were observed during Site reconnaissance. Site topography generally slopes to the south- to southwest, along the northern flank of a northwest/southeast trending swale. A small portion of the Site, the northwestern edge, slopes to the east-southeast. Surface water drainage and shallow groundwater flow likely follow Site topography, discharging along the unnamed intermittently flowing tributary to Schroeder Branch River along the western/southwestern edge of the parcel. The mapped intermittent tributary was not flowing at the time of Site reconnaissance, but areas of saturated ground along the stream channel and channel degradation from previously flowing water were observed. 3.2 Geologic Observations A single, massive, outcrop was observed near the southern corner of the parcel during field activities. Strike and dip of the outcrop were recorded as 100°E and 60°S. respectively. The presence of metamorphosed outcrops and boulders observed onsite supports existing geologic mapping which indicates that the Site is underlain by Blue Ridge Basement rocks including porphyoblastic biotite-plagioclase augen gneiss and the Robertson River suite. (Figure 3). 3.3 Nearby Features of Interest Precise residential well and septic locations on nearby parcels were difficult to pinpoint during site reconnaissance due to access limitations so for the purposes of this assessment, most well and septic locations are inferred based on the presence of homes. No contaminant threats were identified during field reconnaissance activities. Stormwater runoff channels from offsite were observed in several locations along the northeastern property boundary. See Figure 4 for nearby features of interest identified during site reconnaissance, records review, and GIS mapping activities. 4.0 Hydrogeologic Assessment and Review 4.1 Hydrogeologic Setting The Site lies within the Blue Ridge geologic Province, a region dominated by fractured bedrock aquifer Revised Tier 111 Groundwater Assessment HydroGeo Project #18-374 Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M May 12, 2020 systems, consisting of a mantle of soils and saprolite (or overburden) overlying fractured and faulted igneous and metamorphic bedrock. Groundwater in the Blue Ridge province of Virginia is stored in the porous overburden zone. Unlike overburden, the bedrock in the Blue Ridge province has minimal primary porosity, so deeper groundwater flow relies largely on the secondary porosity provided by the bedrock fracture network: { 5orinq o { a' Ground- outer r + e E p R 4 C K ,{ r � r s (Heath, 1980) Standard practice for development of water supply wells involves drilling into water bearing zones in the fractured bedrock and sealing off the overburden with a solid well casing. Thus, the ultimate performance of individual water wells in the Blue Ridge Province typically depends on the borehole encountering sufficiently interconnected bedrock fractures: LeGrand, 1988) A dry hole results if a well is drilled into bedrock with insufficient fracturing. Fracture occurrence and density depend on a number of factors including specific location, rock type, and site -specific geologic conditions. Because groundwater occurs in discrete fractured zones, it is not unusual to find variability in yields for wells in close proximity to each other. Because the regolith provides groundwater storage, a thicker mantle of overburden usually suggests more favorable conditions for sustainable long-term groundwater withdrawals. 4.2 Site Geology, Geomorphology, and Soils According to 1:500,000-scale state geologic mapping (Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, 1993), Site bedrock consists of Proterozoic age Robertson River igneous suite underlying the southeastern half of the parcel and Porphyoblastic biotite-plagioclase augen gneiss underlying the northwestern half. At the Site, this crystalline igneous and metamorphic bedrock is overlain by moderately deep- to deep soils that have weathered in place from the underlying bedrock ("residuum"). According to Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) soils mapping, soils underlying the Site consist primarily of Louisburg and Wedowee series, with lenses of the Pacolet and Hayesville series mapped on the northwestern edge of 3 s (Heath, 1980) Standard practice for development of water supply wells involves drilling into water bearing zones in the fractured bedrock and sealing off the overburden with a solid well casing. Thus, the ultimate performance of individual water wells in the Blue Ridge Province typically depends on the borehole encountering sufficiently interconnected bedrock fractures: LeGrand, 1988) A dry hole results if a well is drilled into bedrock with insufficient fracturing. Fracture occurrence and density depend on a number of factors including specific location, rock type, and site -specific geologic conditions. Because groundwater occurs in discrete fractured zones, it is not unusual to find variability in yields for wells in close proximity to each other. Because the regolith provides groundwater storage, a thicker mantle of overburden usually suggests more favorable conditions for sustainable long-term groundwater withdrawals. 4.2 Site Geology, Geomorphology, and Soils According to 1:500,000-scale state geologic mapping (Virginia Division of Mineral Resources, 1993), Site bedrock consists of Proterozoic age Robertson River igneous suite underlying the southeastern half of the parcel and Porphyoblastic biotite-plagioclase augen gneiss underlying the northwestern half. At the Site, this crystalline igneous and metamorphic bedrock is overlain by moderately deep- to deep soils that have weathered in place from the underlying bedrock ("residuum"). According to Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) soils mapping, soils underlying the Site consist primarily of Louisburg and Wedowee series, with lenses of the Pacolet and Hayesville series mapped on the northwestern edge of 3 Revised Tier 111 Groundwater Assessment HydroGeo Project #18-374 Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M May 12, 2020 the parcel. These soils are all reported to be deep- to very deep, well drained, residual soils derived from igneous and metamorphic bedrock. See Attachment B for NRCS soils mapping. 4.3 Hydrogeologic Unit Certain geologic landscapes in Albemarle County are known to possess more favorable characteristics for the development of groundwater resources than others. A 2003 study completed for Albemarle County ranked different hydrogeologic units across the County based on their potential as groundwater resources. Factors such as degree of bedrock fracturing, overburden thickness, and saprolite permeability were considered in determining the relative groundwater availability potential of different units. According to the Albemarle County Hydrogeologic Assessment Summary (2003), the site is located within Hydrogeologic Unit III (Piedmont Foothills), a unit with medium relative availability compared to other landscapes in Albemarle County. Landscapes are dominated by rolling uplands of the Piedmont to relatively steep slopes of the eastern Blue Ridge foothills. Soils in this hydrogeologic unit are residual, or weathered in place, and formed from the weathered granites and metagranites of the Blue Ridge Basement complex. State geologic mapping, NRCS soils mapping, and onsite observations for this work support this interpretation of Site hydrogeology. 4.4 Groundwater Flow, Recharge, and Discharge The general groundwater flow direction in the vicinity of the Site is assumed to be influenced by topography. Shallow, localized groundwater flow within the overburden is interpreted to follow a pattern similar to that shown on Figure 5. Groundwater flow on a more regional scale, more representative of net flow through the deeper bedrock fracture network, is interpreted to follow a pattern similar to that shown on Figure 6. Based on this assessment, general localized groundwater flow in the vicinity of the Site likely follows a net southwest- to southeast direction toward the unnamed intermittent tributary to Schroeder Branch along the southwestern edge of the parcel and then flows southeast to Schroeder Branch. Groundwater recharge areas include vegetated land onsite and undeveloped, permeable areas located upgradient of the Site; groundwater discharge areas occur along the southwestern edge of the Site, along the intermittent streambed of the unnamed tributary to Schroeder Branch, a tributary to the Rivanna River South Fork. 4.5 Existing Well Records On December 4, 2018, and again on January 9, 2019, HydroGeo submitted a request to the Environmental Health (EH) division of the Virginia Department of Health for well and septic records from the Site and from parcels located up to 1000-feet beyond property lines as outlined in Section 1.2.D of the Albemarle County Design Standards Manual for Engineering. VDH did not respond to HydroGeo's request for records. HydroGeo reviewed the VADEQs database of available well records for Albemarle County. A search within a 1000-foot radius beyond property lines returned only one (1) well record. The search was expanded to a 0.5-mile radius beyond property lines in order to obtain a more significant amount of well records, and seventeen (17) well records were returned. A summary of available information is included as Table 1 below. The well listed in BOLD is the only one recorded within the 1000-foot search radius. Table 1: Summary of Available Well Records Parcel ID Total Depth (ft) Depth to Bedrock (ft) Yield (gpm)Water Bearing Zone (ft) 45-50B 205 55 8 N/A 45-50136 205 20 15 N/A 45-50137 205 56 4 N/A 45-53/54A 305 10 8 N/A 45-56/57 200 28 8 N/A 45-58 460 68 7 N/A 45-59E1 305 26 2 N/A 45-63A 265 20 6 N/A 45F-10 180 52 15 N/A 45F-11 200 52 10 N/A Revised Tier 111 Groundwater Assessment HydroGeo Project #18-374 Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M May 12, 2020 45-49D 1 260 50 35 200-220 45-49J 310 67 10 140-142 45-49J 405 25 0 45-50 45-118 305 N/A 50 N/A 45A-01-3 205 67 10 N/A 45E-01-OD-10 125 33 6 100-101 45E-01-OF-4 275 50 25 60-61/150-151 These wells are believed to be located within the same hydrogeologic unit as the Site based on NRCS soils mapping and Virginia Division of Mineral Resources geologic mapping. The yield of the well within 1000- feet of the property boundary is 2 gpm. The average yield of wells within a 0.5-mile radius of the property is 12.9 gpm. It must be noted that records for dry wells and septic records in the Site vicinity were not available for review. 4.6 Groundwater Sensitivity and Contaminant Threats Based on a review of Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VADEQ) Virginia Environmental Geographic Information Systems (VEGIS) viewer, Albemarle County GIS and observations made during field reconnaissance, the Site does not appear to be located in an area of groundwater sensitivity. One (1) Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permitted outfall was identified within the required 1,000-foot search radius from property boundaries. It is located approximately 950 feet due east of the eastern most corner of the Site. The VPDES outfall (ID# VAG840204002) is registered with the VADEQ to the Luck Stone Rivanna Plant, under a Non -Metallic Mineral Mining General Permit. A general permit holder is described by the VADEQ as an entity that discharges "typically small volumes of low potency pollutants." HydroGeo does not consider the Site to be located in an area of groundwater sensitivity due to the presence of a VPDES outfall within the 1000-foot search radius, as the outfall is registered and potentially discharged pollutants are monitored by a state agency. The outfall is also located downgradient of the Site. Attachment C presents a graphic depiction of VPDES outfall locations in the immediate Site vicinity. VEGIS also displays current and historic petroleum release cases, registered tank facilities within the Site vicinity, though none fall within the required search radius. 4.7 Water Budget Calculations Quantitative analysis helps evaluate the impact to local groundwater resources due to the creation of impervious surfaces and increased groundwater pumping as a result of Site development. See Attachment D for calculations relating to current groundwater recharge to Site and pre- and post -development estimated groundwater withdrawals. Based on these calculations the proposed usage of groundwater post -development, overall recharge post - development will be more than adequate to supply groundwater usage without long-term degradation of groundwater resources. 5.0 Groundwater Management Plan The proposed development will attempt to minimize degradation of groundwater recharge, and groundwater and surface water quality, by preserving existing vegetation where practicable and by implementing stormwater strategies to minimize offsite runoff. The development plan includes standard stormwater Best Management Practices and sediment and erosion control measures. 5.1 Contingency Plan Actual yield of future onsite supply wells cannot be known until wells are drilled and tested. Based on actual yield of newly drilled wells, a groundwater pumping and management plan may be developed to meet the demands of the proposed onsite water use. If a newly drilled well does not produce sufficient yield to meet the user's demands, a supplemental well may be drilled to augment the user's onsite groundwater supply. New Site wells must be constructed to meet Virginia Department of Health (VDH) standards and wellhead Revised Tier/// Groundwater Assessment HydroGeo Project #18-374 Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M May 12, 2020 protection measures should be implemented to prevent the wells from becoming contaminated in the event of a future spill or release. 6.0 Assessment of Well Drilling and Testing New onsite wells will be permitted by the Environmental Health division of the Charlottesville -Albemarle Health Department. VDH regulations require a minimum yield of 3 gpm for private water supply wells. It must also be noted that the Albemarle County Building Office requires the installation of groundwater wells prior to issuance of building permits. Based on this study, the Site lies in an area capable of producing groundwater yields sufficient to meet the demands of the proposed Site development; however, the actual yields of future onsite supply wells cannot be known until the wells are drilled and properly tested. The Albemarle County Department of Community Development Engineering Division recommended a test well be located in an area with low, if not the lowest, potential well yield based on initial review of this Tier 111 Groundwater Report. (See Attachment E, Comment 5a). It should be noted that HydroGeo was not involved with test well location selection, drillin_q, lo_pping, or testin_q; however, a post-drillin_g fracture trace analysis was completed by HydroGeo personnel using available LiDAR data to identify lineaments on the _ground surface that could indicate zones of high bedrock fracture density. The test well does not appear to be located along a prominent fracture trace lineament (Fiaure 8). The test well was installed in the vicinity of the proposed well site location on Lot 1 on March 31, 2020 by Matheny Well Drilling and Pump Service, Inc. (Attachment A). Test well geographic coordinates are 38007'02.37'W, 78°28'17.50"W (WGS 1984) — collected by HydroGeo via differential GPS on April 29, 2020. A 10-inch borehole was drilled to a total depth of 225 ft, via an air rotary drill ri_g. The depth to bedrock was recorded as 30 feet below __ground surface (bps) and PVC casing was set from a depth of +2 feet- to 30 feet bgs. Hydrated bentonite grout was placed from 0- to 20 feet b_qs. The driller's log noted a water bearing zone from 148- to 150 feet bgs. The complete Commonwealth of Virginia Uniform Water Well Completion Report is included as Attachment F_ A one -hour duration, blown yield test performed by Matheny Well Drilling and Pump Service, Inc. resulted in a yield of 20 gallons per minute (gpm). A consistent 20 qpm yield is likely not sustainable for this well location, however it is a good indication that the Site appears to lie in an area capable of producing adequate groundwater for the proposed use. 7.0 Conclusions This Tier III Groundwater Assessment was prepared on behalf of Bella Signature Homes, LLC by HydroGeo Environmental for the proposed development on an approximately 18.29-acre Site in Albemarle County identified as Parcels #45-59M. The Site is located in the Class 2 (medium) ranked hydrogeologic unit for relative groundwater availability in Albemarle County based on the Albemarle County Hydrogeologic Assessment Summary Report (2003). VDH regulations require a minimum yield of 3 gpm for private residential water supply wells. Based on this study, and the 20 gpm blown yield of a test well drilled on Lot 1, the Site aquifer appears to have the potential of producing sufficient yields for the proposed use as long as water -bearing fractures are encountered during drilling. The estimated collective groundwater withdrawals would not be expected to interfere with the performance of offsite wells. Finally, the Site is not located in a groundwater sensitivity zone. Figures Site Location Figure ' fL fan ,•- r a Y X �* L f ' — droeo ' % ENVIRONMENTAL r • } • f� f ' III ea 38006'57"N, 78028'13"W (WGS 1984) - — ' - s 1, r SITE .. . So h For r Manna' iteet' r Fx f - Albemarle County Parcel ' f #45-59M _ Earlysville, Virginia 22936 ' ' 'I - 1 HydroGeo Environmental, LLC •� -- • I I f i t. - r -F .ram }• - �' r r; � 418 East Main St. Charlottesville, VA � { �� y F I IL � }�• �� � 1 � r % ,ter I r NORTH Scale: Date: 01 /29/2019 _ f —0.5 mi BASEMAP: USGS — The National Map 2018 v ti Tom- Wr z ' rt A�I # d!!E.- r low i - i~ T -r rt 0 M. - 16 Z:3 Site Layout Figure 2 Hydro eo ENVIRONMENTAL 38006'57"N, 78028'13" W (WGS 1984) Approximate Site Boundary Surface water Intermittent Stream/Drainageway Channels 5 foot contour interval Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M Earlysville, Virginia 22936 HydroGeo Environmental, LLC 418 East Main St. Charlottesville, VA NORTH Scale: Date: _225 ft 01 /29/2019 BASEMAP: Google Earth 10/19/2017 ELEVATION DATA: Chesapeake Bay UDAR Project - July 2016 Geologic Map Figure 3 Hydro ev ENVIRONMENTAL 38006'57"N, 78028'13"W (WGS 1984) Approximate Site Boundary Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M Earlysville, Virginia 22936 HydroGeo Environmental, LLC 418 East Main St. Charlottesville, VA NORTH Scale: --02m Date: 01 /29/2019 BASEMAP: Google Earth 10/19/2017 GEOLOGYNA DMR Geologic Map 19931:500,000 scale Inferred Well and Septic Locations within 1000 of Site Figure 4 .� -- J� qlIts� ♦ 45498 ,' � J ♦ 'Alp '; 4+� � �� h t € jja�yy - eo�t t� o • - A '„ fi draev ,IV ENVIRONMENTAL ,♦ ♦ o ?AM F 743 nn o O ►, ' �.. ♦ o o 4 38006'57"N 78028'1YW WGS 1984 ( ) Approximate Site Boundary + ♦ ---- 1000 foot buffer beyond Site boundary 4 ♦ - ♦ ♦ 4 o ; } _ ', `• ♦ 4 _1" ♦ - 0 Parcel with Well Record listed in VADEQ database (locations inferred) + .', ❑ ♦ AY-59L ,Lf Parcels Assumed to Posses Wells and Septic ♦ - F A-01--6 ♦ iC e o 4SA = 'L` , / / / Systems (locations inferred) ❑ Parcel Assumed to Posses Septic System (locations inferred) •J o J* Iry V S A0 * ♦ ♦**+ / / 5 foot contour interval Albemarle County Parcel / ♦ / / el ,:.. ♦ / o / #45-59M Earlysville, Virginia 22936 ♦ ♦ HydroGeo Environmental LLC 418 East Main St. Charlottesville, VA NORTH Scale: Date: ♦ lie , # * ♦ / - _�. �. � '� ♦ ., � A Sc �, / . ..: ;4z ♦ / _400 ftd 01 /29/2019 } 54.3 r dry .i P BASEMAP: Google Earth 10/19/2017 ELEVATION DATA: Chesapeake Bay UDAR Project - July 2016 PARCEL DATA: Albemarle Count GIS-Web t U '3L_Ii Inferred Groundwater Figure Flow Map (Shallow)5 Hydro ev ENVIRONMENTAL 38006'57"N, 78028'13" W (WGS 1984) Approximate Site Boundary Inferred Local Groundwater Flow Direction Intermittent Stream/Drainageway Channels 5 foot contour interval Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M Earlysville, Virginia 22936 HydroGeo Environmental, LLC 418 East Main St. Charlottesville, VA NORTH Scale: Date: _40ft 01 /29/2019 BASEMAP: Google Earth 10/19/2017 ELEVATION DATA: Chesapeake Bay UDAR Project - July 2016 .i It Arm dal I kkk 'A A 7A RDHydroGea ENVIRONMENTAL 14� L-�--, 1% Pi pF y, Attachment A: Revised Plats with Test Well Location (updated April 2020) O wer's Appmvaf 41ep -ftB 9 or dedfcattan of the follosing de nribed ,&.d, TM 4559M aoatalnfag 18.276 esrrca rs with &e fr oomseat of end is ce wi* the desire of the und.,-9-d ownors, pr its, -wd br &ees, ifany. 8&temetrt Of Title V-faadshownraro,"" '6pBelfaSAW&-N-,LW ie DE SO461S9 & to fhe ,dent of my�o a mrr6 �l1c rcgaire®esd+eff dieB a&& Co fyofAD-de, PA CountyAoprorrtl Dc g. Aft tAlbeme J (:minty Deco Bc ff. S-¢ant- Lr.a LLC DAen -%Luke 1fltelurger tuvanna Bryea J. Qenrbcrs Date '� .��', �'\ NofaryPu6lic - �,4.s - - ti eR�/f +`L •/. it 7hcfargoiag fnstr-unrent rvnv ackne%d9.d Adore me '� LJ 1. l :H -Iris .l .•of 2039 4`�y; �•• � Q !f ' 29 Notes: 1- This boundaryis based on a current field surveywith limes established i.aw- physical evidence and recorded deeds and plats- An inconsistency found in the research of common boundaries of adjoining tracts is as noted per l)POR Reg's Sect 18 VAC 10-20-370: The eastern bo rndary of this tract was established as a straight lino per the plat recorded in DB 587 378- The plat recorded in DB 2619 Pgs- 123 & 129 shows a break in that line at the iron found at 62-OZ SE of the intersection of the nor& boundary of Lot 3 with the east boundary of Olivia Court. The lines along this boundary to the irons found are hereby agreed to as witnessed by the followirrg signatures: Bella.5iyratu.-cDow , LLC Dot A-d eyftninefy Date IV eyfGriocly -0o Luke IGteD-g- - TM 45 Par. 59M TM45 P _ 59EZ 79f 45 Par 59E1 Notalyl'rrblrc NotaryP hk NotaryAhk 7}ref g�g;ns6,�ent was aokoonfedged before we 7hcfo9-9 mrtr—t was s*k owledged before me Meforg-9-sh-arrtw ackno idged before we fhe dayof 2019 da depor 2019 dzi, dQy. a019 Myoonuuk-ion erpires . Myoanrmission exphes . Myoom...r«:on asp"res 2- This parcel is in Flood Zone X (..W& the 0.2% chance annual flood plain) per Mood Insurance Race Map Community Panes 51003CO2$OA £or A,ll�emarle County w/ Effective Date 2/4/2005. 3- Tax Map 45 Parcel 59M was assigned 5 development rids and is being divided into Lots 1 through 5 each of which. N assigned 1 development right and may not be further divided- The development rights used are within the limits of the 1930 boundary of their parcel of origin. 4. Corner monnmentation is as noted on Sheets 2 through 4. S. These lots are zoned RA- I fininnmr lot size is 2 acres. Minmmum road floc{;,fie is 259 on Rte- 743 & 150' on Olivia Court- The -i-i-um building setbacks are 75from the edge of the S(Y R/W for Rtr- 743, 25' from the edge of the 54' R/W for Olivia Court, 25, sides, and 35' rear- Accessory structures can be a n rantr •m of 6' fmm side and rear lot lines per Sect 4112 (b) of the Albemarle County honing Ord- Lot width can not be less than 290' at th. 75' setback from Rte. 743 & 150' in a building area adjoining Olivia Court. 6- The septic setback is 100' from all streams & the strewn buffers shown hereon will be manag d in accordance with the Alb- Co- Water Protection Ordinance - The dminfields shown on Lots 1 th- 5 were locak:d by a current field survey and will be submitted for approval to the Alb_ County Environmental Health Dept - by Mr- Tom Hogg. CAME #1940001091, Blue Ridge Sort Consulting, inc)- The stream buffers shown hereon were tal;en from Alb- County CIS infornation- 7. Lots 1 through 5 each contain a building site that complies with Sect 42-1 of the Alb- County Zooing Ordinance- & The NW corner of TM 45-59M is within the South Fork Rivanna Water Supply Watershed (per Alb- County GIB information) and is as delineated on Sheet 2, TM 45.-S9M does not he within an agriculturalforestal district. 9_ Cruder current policy public water and sewer will not be available to these lots- 10- TM 4559M is subject to an easement for ov arhead electric lines (no width given, along Rte 743, 35' east of its center line and 300' long) to the Vo ginia Public Service Company as recorded in DB 232-395 (Doninion Energy; 1860 Commerce Road, Richmond VA 23224); and is subject to an easement for a guy stub & anchor on VEPCO Pole A-131X as recorded in DR 272 l56 {Dominion Energy, prior address); and is mlrjer:t to an easement for overhead electric & h_lephone lines (no width given, at a location to be designated by VEPCO) ic VEPCO as recorded in. DR 284-298 ('Dominion Energy, prior address); and is subject to a 20' ease- for oveidiead telephone lines (adjoining Rte 743) to V TO, & Tel. as recorded in DU 314-179 (Sprint, 6200 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park IS 66251). Bella, Signature Hones, LLC is hereby dedicating the Public Drainage Easements (0-028 Ac- & 0-019 A.c.) to the County of Albemarle for public use togedier with required drainage ditelr4 Bella_ Sigua nr a Homes, LLC is hereby dedicating 25' fxo,m the center of Rte 743 (0.327 Aa) into theprop- erty, & the 54' R/W for Olivia Court (1252 Ao ), and the VDOT Sight'+' -•-•sr =n% (0 018 Ac-) to the Coumyof Albe- ale for use to drainage ditches- The sight ea wment areas shown on Sleets 2 & 3 were established by surveying a SW longline of sight'from di center of t e V required entr- ance for Olivia Court at 14-5' off Hie edge of the pavenxmt for Route 743 to the center of both laves of ching traffic- £Clearing is rate the center required the VDOT properly from those established suit lines- Theyembend to the edge of the 30' preseripti a easement on Rte 74 r TM 45 Parcels 59C & 59E1 and to the edge of tho 0.327 acre road dedication for TM 45 Par_ S91vI (Lot 1)- A deed from Soscp4. Huff and the Knieelys to die County of Albernado for public use will be acquired to cover the sight easements (0-035 Ail & 0.017 AP.) required by M30T on their properties. Those easements are agreed to by Joseph Huff and the Knfcely's as not. -caved oil Sheet 3. The SWM FaciW F s.ments (0.285 Aa & 0-020 Ao.) and the S'U M Porest & Mien Space Easement (6-72 Ae- +/-) will be managed L-w Hie Alb- Co. Water- Protection Ordinance- The SWM Forest and Open Space FAsement is subject to the guidance set forth by DRQ, in the VA Stormwater Manag.mcn( Program- The areas will � - ' in a natiu-al, vegetabed state, esoept for actives as approved by the local program auth- ority, such as £)rest management, eontrol of invasive species, replanting and revege+_=ee passive recreation (e.g„ traa13), and limited bush hogging to maintain desired vegetative eontmnnity (but no more than four times a year)- 11- All subsequent division of the residue shall enter only onto such street(s) shown on the approved final plat and �� shall have no immediate access onto any other public street. 12. Critical slopes crest on Lois 3, 4, & 5- _41MIl Op A Plat Showing Subdivision Of TasMap 45Parcel59M�" Pa•ope,rfy Of B ff. Su.. iu� Hones, LL o Sr}aa ]. C6stahers Charlottesville Mag- Dist, Alfemarle Co �-w& a No. 0403002141 Dat-e 111712019, Revs_ 11.3112020, 411512020 Chambers - Laird ,Surveying Located at 112 Crofton Plana- Suite $ Palmyra Pa. C Office Phone: (434) 589-5139 kD gel Email- cbamberslandscrveying�yahoo-core 100' `� 0 a, s UBV Ma&,g,g Address_ 253 Willow Dr, Aesrvick Va- 22947 Sheet Of4 I m 45 var. �91zl A 1 , anter Of Rio 743. lyaviiledZead 5fa€ R( 7$3 25.1U 3o- Proscriptive Ease. Per 1932 Byrd Road Act - 15" CM Centel Overhead LIM. - - - - _Holes- _ �. Ref: Note 1U. Iron Fnd 247.60' I.S. 44'44'4T3 D°40'49" 'E Sight Ease. RRoF. p; �V' 25' From The Center OfRoule �.1.51' 107.95' 25' Fram The Otr. Hereby ^ _L-1�= ; - Note 10 & Sh, 3 tj N m - 741 Was Dedicated To TheCo, SE I �~ Ced. To The Couldy Fer a 1 M 11) W VAlb. For Public Use For 1, gd TM45-59f.Ref:DB319220PIa1SKK�j '� Public Use. Ref: Nate 10. , oa w rn m ate�s�+ cnN m Nita---_____----- 1 Building ------------ - -- -- - outnF uQp\Y rp1>7 un�1 Setbacks ' Drainfidd 1 Rt ef, Note 6. i � m rn m m o j. I40 Rd. Note 5. CD-4M l.PWNJ 03Jrn(h44,W19s W-�-�W(DJfO i f+30®WNO(St0 A(DOWO)ODO D a� cVo 0 0 o e 1VIV(DAWNUi O -4wIl't, rtANA �(5101-�NV07i of -t+�d1r.NOCDO Z,-'Ap''A-tA a (0 CD (n v- (o ZZCCWZZZZ 0 1 Am 0)AAAA 3 -(n-(1 (00 (DOMC t A ANAN Qofo oM w LFI(h00)o D 4610aa0014UF0N0VA.CaANCOONNNJVIJWA{a-;A-* N-±(oONNgM C?OaOCIapO rfinirfmrliIli r1I11 s fi Corll(nMI) 00I m��NJmA02 i NA(DAW�fAO WWAONOO� �-�m_0_)W_WWOW OG)NOG]WAN � O} }} -a- ym n ; 0� T—i A - r�PaA Of Public Dr. Ease. n i o Z =g8-g 'mo TM 45 mar. 59M Ref: Detail Sh. 3 } � m 0 Q �Awym 5 A-4 �o>�N SWMFacility Ease. I (Am R&. Detail Sh. 3 3>Q m�1 r-r d- � N45'18'42"E 494.26'�r° NO.BEARING DISTANCE AA S44'41'18-E 50,00, AB N45'18'42"E 41.49' AC S46.08'00-E 38.60' AD N43'52'00"E 54.00' O m ]osier I' ng Trani c/o R ...la & Del,or" Foster DR 1914-555 DR 6719-220 ]Plat TM 415 Par. 591L North is based on NAD'83 US State Plane ..&VGA.. VA South N�;sTx Or .1 'i Bryan J. CbmrJxn No. 0403002141 45 Par- w)p '1 V6 Plat Showing Subdivision Of Tax Mgp 45 Parcel 59M Pxwperfy OfBdla Sixna&m lloj es, LLC Charlottesville Hag. Dist., A&emarle Co, IDilglnia • Date.• 111712019 , Revs.- 113112020, 41JSIMW Chambers - Land Sw-veyrog Located at 112 Crofton Plana - Suite K Palmyra Pa. Office Phone_ (434) 589-5139 Email- aharerberslandsurveYin$yahoo-com Mazbng Address_ 253 Wz-How Dr, Keswick Va- 22947 . Ir ` I1/ iron zie r'--------- R O / a C 0� n R D:rifield 2 i , 0 t,Q 'O �O 1 . Ref. Noe 6. N45 18'42"E 476.6fi' -- `�- Iron& ----------------- 11 % 0 - 58. 3'- Prop+d o Well I o U1 9+ t n i m P Drainfield 3 , *r J M. Note 6. 1 -1 N45'18 42"E 4605. L - - - - Iron Set 12"x 24' CMP-Ke-q-d ------------- - Prop'd ,t Lot 4 - aaA Of � A M .45 Par_ 59M m 2.W-3 AcreN C Drainfield 4 ------�` Ref. Note 6. \� N45 18'42"E 433.13' ^ ^ ^ - 393.40' y -------- - --- I D l I Ll AB I Public Dr, Ease, Ref: Detail %.4 �l =I�`INole10&Sh.3 ar CenlerG[Re.743ong Bsi O i�a Ref:D9359-272 s, zl icl 3-; By Byrd Ad �I m Tele. Junct IP m�l c m Si= CO Nt ig�m pa�o N Ida is g -atj r0! mm wl �I % C.,` G 1 tic w r01 i 11 14 1 � � Tere. INA. i 1 Junct a Nl i t i- s I ! ' 81l i i L It10 prr I I ` tj ! I v f I! Nii �c� l I �i i! tti 1 I � 1! !, r { S 1 �5 + Irons AD (q Set 6neH.,L-C 1�� i r % do lmkc K a F i Drainage DB 5046-189 DB 87 378 P&C s TM 45 P—,cel 59M ! ! _ O 3�7Aa_ R&- 743D�Z °-1.352Aa. Oiivrn C-. f = 16.597A Uj 5 _ P-,t Of o m TM 45 Par. 59M QL yu o :W m 6.172 Acres A 'roam a � Drainfield 5 113 O Ref. Note 6_ 1 !* ED c (n m. j to lsons Found ° rrt w [flip A69 O'I Tl —k St.— Corp., DB 50 2-285 Iron 9y gin' S 36'32"� TM 46 P.-5eD)Eji[ ��' 100' 50, 0 100 Fnd. Sheet 2Of4 Well Location '07'02.UM '2a'n., r NGS 1984) i+1 ON 6} O b lflV b ❑ NV'C9MbN- b b b r)ZO ti4` O f .! U OVi cq(V qww C9 r900 � OMr,-wNVwqP'1quI (n '� � y�ip7. •• 1 f a OO a NM66,:6446 O 00(Vr00mrtpVt+im � y r•y m yy.... T� C6 V'tOn(D Ln 007— w t-Ow twbt0�r v o ] WWWW01WWu1WlJi LLIltl a ec @ o W 60Q60401D00pppp `� .a _ ] NNNNNNNONNOO Z N!O(VNVJr(OOi�LV(+7� aa_ '0 VrvNtvrbrvvV aY ❑ lrYa10V'VVt+1dbN�1l [SiIOLOrfpin(V(9[VN(9N' .►,� 'm3 pM VNNulMOM1m NNrr Q OOOoiIP'1�fiONifir0 0 NVNVVVVONN oO a 0-0 rrrrCO-1 m ki7101f)Sflmrtg0 IMON y mom; 1.� ti _�_N_a�-b in _ - U ZZZZZZZZZZZrO m€.brr ¢�� 01 ! a n r v�vrrNNNbu�!nr J ambNraoinioinu�hm innN� bmp0t�00 - m �� '.•t°;_��if'M Q >!J 'tl'NVlOVIlIrNrNWO U7(Y(gd:rN(RpWrr�j{q A�h�,+ io � �d � ❑ Otl70NN,�OrobhN 4 Wn�CO'l(V7rymOmNr'7 � ��a.c Q {^llja Mfl`v En Et1 CO $ ."m Qp o 0 rNn'TWO7O-NOVlp ❑ rNMVOOOO-NOtO a �u14 p as Z r�-rrrr Z rrr rrr Z 03 ^� Us5ng 39 PvL Road Ease. 69- fro DB 2619 Pgs. 128-129 Plat - — 6ZSL,O S46-34.45-E • e� � mob— = ='I� _-'� Pipe Fnd. VEPCQ overhead Uhl. Poles 15 GMP Rodney or ��nopnaeby ,ci �•_ p ---- FHB 2486-626 ----------------------------- B 129 Plat EAstingEntrance &Gravel Rd. ----------fW- -------_----___----- TM 45 Par. 597ET1 S46'01'47"E 257.22' n 8 Iron Fnd. 18" HDPE Culver4 74' L.---J wl ES-1 8 EW-1 @ Ends m i9 1 , Olivl,a Court Dedicated To'ihe County For k4' W W For Aublic Use a O rn jw, 1.352 Ac. Is Hereby To Be Paved -- m m -� ! Iron Set 546`01'07"E 257.73' U o Public Drainage 21. 2' Fr-29.02' (15) A=32°03'15" L=8.39' I( Easement 0.028 Ac_- iCM ! n- _ u? , (14) A=57"3T51" L=14.04' Ref: Note 10 $51°4509E 2 v I 23.00' o I mCA � .(4)6=2152'11" o n`i UI r L=72.83' u m ti w w o i�i S� 4]°N 1Sl N f ZZ ID sr e n° Zrra2 ua W .9r O f7 m S46"38'15'W '• o m a�, QUO , b n sg S73'39'5T W 14.99 �y m 1 !o ,d S71°49'281N 12.19 o I m •� in Q0, E 41 U- I V J 3�y Ita ab. �x _ ® 4 • � saw4J�M Qt Q°olbS;a<sI ram` ,N � b a too ,Z: q / am w d asp°Ha�,�jdd°aaa °ova �4g m a5 4.4 F 1 Ue, 3 sv RI o I� pZn �"� :�� ., .�� N •� e°'S S�17a�sbOap�lJsy rf[-f "0a`7V Gpan iAM � wMSey R a�AV co DLO a �• h w z Z S t h , m .i $ w v�i. '��. ` SD0 aJ r" m 4 k6 C W g Q � o m ti FM y IRA a ,� V �'+ r 1 Rid Atla-.fk IRA 1,+<✓C, lC' BQ DB 4175-475, DB 2619 , Pg.. 128-129 P1a1=, TI�iL 45 Par- 591i r -------------------------- 919.19' 845"08.00-E---�--- J`-' 225-06- W 3 g7.00 oZ m� �o1,4 ®�d ----------------------- To The Olivia Court 1.352Ac. 15 Hereby➢edicated To Be Paved County For A 64' W W For Public Use o_ h m W m W & 0 xW �py0 N4 0D9 W bbbb OV(00 0r0]It 11) V 0 It7 WWWW 00 IN 0 0 rVoo W q6 (V a�nmm (OZU)Z <Muo aaQa 0 U mm mrn W� p rr � � WW 7 bb �N QOO Q N07 LIJ rr m p066 0Z Q v °S ll P W {oVh O Co z o s3i � r 0 f4 ti Z mt` 0"-100' Stream Buffer • - Loc`n Based On Albemarle GIS W 0 This SWM Forest & Open Space Ease. N Is Owned By The Bella Signature Homes Home Owners Assoc. And Runs With The North Side Of The 100' Stream Buffer m As it Meanders Along The Existing Stream (8,72 Ac. +I- Ref: Note 10) Z 228.11• Iron 80 5 o a' 0 qo 0� v 434.09' � 100.21T 8.3< N4.40£9o47N N � m W o c v Z ti LL (h pQ WW �ma m' `3 tt50 Z os¢er L m IronlronSe c�ora� ® •; N � �sLlvixkg � �/o �o�a1�3 Te 45 Par- �� R9R4-55, DF-ster'0 i Attachment B: NRCS Soils Mapping 3 Soil Map —Albemarle County, Virginia a (Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M Tier III Groundwater Assessment) !b 721000 721100 721200 721300 721400 721500 721600 721700 721800 721900 722000 722100 722200 722300 722400 38° 713" N g v 222 v � a � *M �;y v R � R fir.~y - .�•* 5,c , V V 38° 640" N 721000 721100 721200 721300 721400 721500 721600 721700 721800 721900 3 fn Map Scale: 1:7,170 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. Mebers N 0 100 200 400 600 Feet 0 300 600 1200 1800 Map projection: Web Mentor Comer coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: LF M Zone 17N WGS84 G}DA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey 722000 722100 722200 722300 722400 3 N !b 722500 RR 38° 7' 13" N 8 DS v r� 8 NV_ N $V$ 38° 640" N a 722500 3 v N 1 /28/2019 Page 1 of 3 Soil Map —Albemarle County, Virginia (Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M Tier III Groundwater Assessment) MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) 0 Area of Interest (AOI) Soils 0 Soil Map Unit Polygons rwr Soil Map Unit Lines 0 Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features Vo Blowout Borrow Pit Clay Spot Closed Depression Gravel Pit .14 Gravelly Spot 0 Landfill Lava Flow Marsh or swamp + Mine or Quarry Miscellaneous Water Perennial Water Rock Outcrop Saline Spot 4 Sandy Spot Severely Eroded Spot Sinkhole Slide or Slip oa Sodic Spot MAP INFORMATION Spoil Area The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:15,800. Stony Spot Very Stony Spot Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Wet Spot Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil Other line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of .- Special Line Features contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Water Features Streams and Canals Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Transportation Rails Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: rwr Interstate Highways Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) US Routes Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator L Major Roads projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Local Roads Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. Background . Aerial Photography This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Albemarle County, Virginia Survey Area Data: Version 12, Aug 29, 2018 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Apr 22, 2015—Mar 10, 2017 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 1/28/2019 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Soil Map —Albemarle County, Virginia Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M Tier I I I Groundwater Assessment Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 7B Braddock loam, 2 to 7 percent 0.5 0.2% slopes Chester loam, 2 to 7 percent 14B 3.3 1.4% slopes 36B Hayesville loam, 2 to 7 percent 43.5 18.2% slopes 36C Hayesville loam, 7 to 15 25.3 10.6% percent slopes 36D Hayesville loam, 15 to 25 0.2 0.1 % percent slopes 47C Louisburg sandy loam, 7 to 15 23.5 9.8% percent slopes 47D Louisburg sandy loam, 15 to 49.1 20.6% 25 percent slopes 65B Pacolet sandy loam, 2 to 7 26.4 11.1 % percent slopes 65C Pacolet sandy loam, 7 to 15 8.0 3.4% percent slopes 94B Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to 7 24.5 10.3% percent slopes 94C Wedowee sandy loam, 7 to 15 33.9 14.2% percent slopes W Water 0.6 0.2% Totals for Area of Interest 238.8 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 1/28/2019 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 Attachment C: VADEQ VEGIS Map VADEQ VEGIS Map Export Leggy AL Petroleum Releases (Daily),. Registered Tank Facilities (Daily) r VPDES Outfalls (Daily) General Permits Individual Permits Rivers (2016) — Fully Supporting — Insufficient Information — Not Supporting Reservoirs (2016) ■ Fully Supporting ■ Insufficient Information t "� ■ Not Supporting DEQ Regions 2016" Feet 0 500 1000 1500 2000 n R,i. P-: �+e.. wow �Ri��.�� p �• �. i a - Y k *0 DISCLAIMER: Information contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The VA Dept. of Environmental Quality makes no representation of warranty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, its accuracy in labeling, dimensions, contours, property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon. No responsibility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, use or misuse of the information herein provided. Title: 1000' Buffer Date: 12/3/2018 Attachment D: Water Budget Calculations Tier III Groundwater Assessment HydroGeo Project #18-374 Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M January 29, 2019 Attachment D: Water Budget Calculations for Tier III GW Assessment (Albemarle Co. Parcel #45-59M) Quantitative analysis helps evaluate the impact to local groundwater resources due to creation of impervious surface and increased groundwater pumping as a result of site development. Existing recharge to the site's local watershed (38.9 acres of undeveloped forest and cleared residential land) can be modelled as follows: Annual regional precipitation: 43 inches Conservative estimate for the percentage of precipitation contributing to groundwater recharge, subtracting runoff and evapotranspiration: 15% Annual regional groundwater recharge: 6.45 inches Average regional daily groundwater recharge:.0179 inches = .0015 feet Daily recharge per acre:.0015 feet X 43560 square feet per acre = 65.6 cubic feet recharge per acre Gallons recharge per day per acre: 65.6 cubic feet X 7.48 gallons per cubic foot = 491 gallons per day per acre Gallons per day natural recharge to site: 491 gallons per acre X 38.9 acres = 19,100 gallons per day (gpd)• Gallons per day recharge lost due to existing impervious cover: 491 gallons per acre X 2.28 acres = 1,120 gallons per day. Existing recharge = 19,100 gpd —1,120 gpd = 17,980 gpd And considering current withdrawals from existing residences: Average water usage per day: 100 gallons per day Average People Per Household: 4 people Current Households in watershed: 5 households 100 gallons per day per person X 4 people x 5 households= 2,000 gallons per day Based on these calculations, the current (pre -development) groundwater surplus for the local watershed can be expressed as: Inputs (recharge) — Outputs (GW pumped) = Surplus 17,980 gpd — 2,000 gpd = 15,980 gpd surplus (pre -development) Tier III Groundwater Assessment HydroGeo Project #18-374 Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M January 29, 2019 Post -Development Calculations: Our current estimate is that the project will result in a net increase of impervious surface of 1.5 acres. The impact on post -development groundwater recharge is estimated below: Annual regional precipitation: 43 inches Conservative estimate for the percentage of precipitation contributing to groundwater recharge, subtracting runoff and evapotranspiration: 15% Annual regional groundwater recharge: 6.45 inches Average regional daily groundwater recharge:.0179 inches = .0015 feet Daily recharge per acre:.0015 feet X 43560 square feet per acre = 65.6 cubic feet recharge per acre Gallons recharge per day per acre: 65.6 cubic feet X 7.48 gallons per cubic foot = 491 gallons per day per acre Gallons per day recharge lost due to new impervious cover: 491 gallons per acre X 1.5 acres = 736 gallons per day. Existing recharge — Recharge Lost Due to New Impervious Surfaces = Post-Dev. Recharge 17,980 gpd - 736 gpd = 17,244 gpd And considering projected withdrawals from new and existing residences: Average water usage per day: 100 gallons per day Average People Per Household: 4 people Current Households in watershed: 5 households Proposed Households in watershed: 5 households 100 gallons per day per person X 4 people x 10 households= 4,000 gallons per day Based on this set of calculations and assumptions, the estimated post -development groundwater surplus for the local watershed can be expressed as: Inputs (recharge) — Outputs (GW pumped) = Surplus 17,244 gpd — 4,000 gpd = 13,244 gpd surplus (post -development) Relative to the proposed usage of groundwater post development, overall recharge post -development will be more than adequate to supply groundwater usage without long-term degradation of groundwater resources. Attachment E: Engineering Review Comments Xh A- . COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 Tier III GW report review Project: Property of Bella Signature Homes, LLC — Tier III GW Assessment Report Tier III preparer: Earnest W. Beasley IV, CPG, HydroGeo Environmental, LLC 418 E. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 Owner or rep.l : Bryan Chambers, Chambers Land Surveying[chamberslandsurveving(a,yahoo.com ] 253 Willow Drive, Keswick, VA 22947 Owner or rep.2: Clint Shifflett, Timmons Group [clint.shifflett(&timmons.com] 680 Preston Ave., Suite 200, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Applicant: Luke Kitelinger, Bella Signature Homes, LLC [kitelingerlgyahoo.com] 1410 Rialto Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Plan received date: 31 Jan 2019 Date of comments: 7 Mar 2019 Reviewer: John Anderson Planning Reviewer: Paty Saternye Engineering review of Tier III GW Assessment report is complete. SUB2018-00177 1. Tier III Groundwater Assessment: Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M for Bella Signature Homes, LLC, dated 1/29/19, is comprehensive, but is not approved. 2. Findings detail efforts to obtain well data from VDH, but VDH, as of report date, has been non -responsive to FOIA request for detailed well and septic records for parcels located up to 1000-feet beyond the property lines (ref. ACDSM, Sec. 2.13. La. l.d.). Table 1 (p. 5, report), Summary of Available Well Records, indicates the average yield of seventeen (17) well records for wells located within a 0.5 mile radius of the property is 12.9 gpm. Sec. 7.0, Conclusions (p. 6, report) states, "VDH regulations require a minimum yield of 3 gpm for private residential water supply wells, while Sec. 6.0, Assessment of Well Drilling and Testing, states, "Based on this study, the Site lies in an area capable of producing groundwater yield sufficient to meet the demands of the proposed Site development; however, the actual yields of future onsite supply wells cannot be known until the wells are drilled and properly tested." [Emphasis added.] 3. The only well listed in Table 1 located within one thousand feet of the parcel yields 2 gpm. The Tier III report states, "Standard practice for development of water supply wells involves drilling into water bearing zones in the fractured bedrock and sealing off the overburden with a solid well casing. Thus, the ultimate performance of individual water wells in the Blue Ridge Province typically depends on the borehole encountering sufficiently interconnected bedrock fractures. A dry hole results if a well is drilled into bedrock with insufficient fracturing. Fracture occurrence and density depend on a number of factors including specific location, rock type, and site -specific geologic conditions. Because groundwater occurs in discrete fractured zones, it is not unusual to find variability in yields for wells in close proximity to each other. Because the regolith provides groundwater storage, a thicker mantle of overburden usually suggests more favorable conditions for sustainable long-term groundwater withdrawals." (p. 3; emphasis added). 4. Attachment D, Water Budget Calculations for Tier III GW Assessment (Albemarle Co. Parcel #45-59M), rounding difference: If use .0015 feet vs .00147 as average regional daily groundwater recharge value, this Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 2 increases the post -development groundwater surplus report value by a negligible amount (z2%). Attachment D projects 13,244 gpd surplus (post -development). For comparison, a household of five is estimated to consume 500 gpd, and the proposed five additional households in the watershed are included (subtracted) when calculating the 13,244 gpd surplus (if use .00147, surplus value decreases slightly to z12,851 gpd). Attachment D calculations may assume 1,000' x 20' principal access /road, may apportion 9,068 ft2 new impervious area per lot. Even allowing 100' x 12' stone or paved driveway allows 7,868 ft2 of impervious roof, walk, etc., per lot, which is conservative. Attachment D appears reasonable and accurate, and is accepted. 5. Report assessment of well drilling and testing, spatial variability of well yields, the relative lack of yield data within 1,000' radius of the parcel, requires test well results: a. Engineering recommends HydroGeo Environmental coordinate with Applicant, select a test drill location coincident with the proposed well site location evaluated (for reasons HydroGeo should outline for Engineering) to have low if not lowest potential well yield, and provide well test results in accord with VDH well test protocol. Should this test well yield at least 3 gpm, Engineering will approve the Tier III Groundwater Assessment. The only VDH available data within 1,000 of the parcel to be subdivided yields 2gpm, which is insufficient for VDH permitting purposes. Additional site -specific data is required to advance the final subdivision plat. b. Alternative to item 5.a.: If proposed location rated least likely to yield 3 gpm does not yield 3 gpm, Applicant should test a second of the five well sites for this 5-lot subdivision (ref. report /sketch — Attachment A), and may choose a proposed well site evaluated most favorable, perform well test, and average the two well test values. If this approach does not yield an average > 3 gpm, then Applicant may persuade Albemarle that each of the proposed subdivided lots has reasonable chance of encountering subsurface flow sufficient to support required 3 gpm, but this would seem doubtful. Water budget calculations have little to do with peril faced by property owners unable to establish a well supply that yields 3 gpm. Yields are influenced by chance, and additional site - specific information is required prior to Tier III GW Assessment Report approval. 6. Minor: Reduced -size plat /sketch scales are inaccurate. Include note that defines accurate scale, or revise plat sketches included with report using hand -notation to indicate an accurate scale so that a reader may refer to scale, and acquire accurate length or distance information from plats included with the report. Please call Engineering at 434.296-5832 -0069 if any questions. Thank you SUB201800177 Bella Signature GWA 030719 Attachment F: Commonwealth of Virginia Uniform Water Well Completion Report Commonwealth of Virginia Uniform Water Well Completion Report Owner: Bella Signature Homes LLC Address: 1410 Rialto Street Charlottesville, VA 22911 Phone: Location: Earlysville Road *Well Data General Information Drilling Method Rotary _ Date Completed 3/31/2020 Depth to Bedrock 30ft Yield 20 (GPM) Static Water Level 25ft Stabilized Water Level Well Disinfected (Y or N) Disinfectant Used Casing From +2ft to 30ft Size 6 %" Material PVC Weight/schedu[e Gravel Pack From to Grout From 0 to 20ft Bore Hole Size 10 inch. Type Bentonite Method Poured Water Zones or Screened Intervals From 148 to 150ft Mesh Size Diam From To Mesh Size Diam From to Size Material Weight/Schedule From to From To Bore Hole Size Type Method From To Mesh Size Diam From To Mesh Size Diam *Use Date* Tax Map ID 45-59M VDH Permit 101-20-0043 VWCB Permit VWCB ID County Albemarle Total Depth of well 225ft Length of Test 1 hour Natural Flow (Rate) Amount Used From To_ Size Material Weight/Schedule- From to From to Bore Hole Size Type Method From To Mesh Size Diam From To Mesh Size Diam Private well: Domestic X Agricultural Industrial Publie well: Community Non -community *Abandonment information* Bored of Dug Wells Casing Removed, Y or N? If Y, Depth to which casing was removed Depth and Type of'rill: Source of Fill Bentonite Plugs: From —to —From To Method of permanently marking location: Monitoring Wells other than Bored Wells Casing removed, Y or N? Depth to which casing was removed Applicalbe, depth(s), and type of gravel/sand fill: Source of gravel or sand: Cement: From To From To *Drillers Log* Depth Description of Formation or Sediment Remarks 0 — 30 dirt, soft rock 30 — 225 gray rock C`3 (Use Additional Sheets if necessary) I certify that the information contained here is true and that this well was installed and constructed in accordance with the permit and further that the well complies with all applicable state and local regulations, ordinances and laws. Name Matheny Well Drilling and Pump Service, Inc_ Address 2797 KaceV Lane Afton VA 22920 Phone 434-760-4090 Drillers Signature P/vb Date 3 31 2020 Representi Virginia Contractors License Number 017282 & 2719000083 Attachment G: Terms and Conditions Xh A- . Revised Tier/H Groundwater Assessment HydroGeo Environmental, LLC Albemarle County Parcel #45-59M May 12, 2020 Attachment G: Terms and Conditions The work performed in conjunction with this project, and conclusions presented in this report, are intended as a description of available information based upon work conducted by HydroGeo staff trained in the performance of hydrologic field data collection in accordance with industry standards in place at the time the work was performed. HydroGeo was not involved with test well location selection, drilling, logging, or testing. The findings and conclusions of this work are based upon the professional judgment of HydroGeo personnel in light of the quality and quantity of data collected during the performance of this assessment. This report does not warrant against future operations or conditions, nor does it warrant against operations or conditions present of a type or at a specific location not investigated. Stated opinions and conclusions are not intended as a guarantee. The only reliable way to confirm whether a sustainable groundwater resource is present is to drill a well and test it for quality and quantity.