HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202000076 Health Department Approval 2020-06-02COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA
In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District
Stale Department of Health
1138 Rose Hill Drive
Phone (434) 972-6200 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Fez (434) 9724310
June 2, 2020
Christopher Perez
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, ViI'ginia 22902-4596
RE: Review of Proposed Subdivision Plat and attached Soils Information for Individual Onsile
Sewage Systems as part ore division of TMP 22-9, TMP 22-12A1, TMP 22-IOR sand TMP
22-12A located in Albemarle County, Virginia.
Dear Mr. Perez:
On May 11, 2020, the County of Albemarle requested the Virginia Department of Health (via the Albemarle
County Health Department) review the proposed subdivision plat identified above. This letter is to inform you
that the above referenced subdivision plat is approved fur individual Onsile Sewage Systems in
accordance with the provisions of the Corte of Virgiuin, the Se)vnge Hnndiiag anrd Dlspost l RegalnNois,
and local ordinances.
This request for subdivision review was submined pursuant to the provisions of § 32.1-163.5 of the Code of
Virgin da which requires the Health Department to accept private soil evaluations and designs from an
Authorized Onsile Soil Evaluator (AOSE) or a Professional Engineer working in consultation with an AOSE for
residential development, This subdivision was certified as being in compliance with the Board of Health's
Regulations by: Thomas C. Hogge OSE #1940001091. This subdivision approval is issued in reliance
upon that certification.
Pursuant to § 360 of the Regulmions this approval is not an assurance that Sewage Disposal System
Construction Permits will be issued fur any lot in the subdivision identified above unlev.v that lot is specifically
identified on the above referenced plat as having an approved site for an onsite sewage disposal system, and
unless all conditions and circumstances are present at the time of application for a permit as are present at the
time of this approval. This subdivision may contain lots that to do not have approved sites for onsite sewage
This subdivision approval does pertain to the requirements of local ordinances.
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Travis T, Davis, OSE
Environmental hlealth Specialist, Sr.