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SUB200100027 Plan - As-built Road Plan and Comps. 2005-09-07
50' RIW No r E 4 18' WHEN GUARDRAIL IS,REQUIREO ir sHtill. se 1Ns.rAL,LfO FOUR(4) Fier oFFsEr FRom Albemarle County Engineer' to VDOT CG-9(A,13 or Q. rHE cDeE o F PA vcmEN r ro. rHe FA cE o F ing 114 1 114": 1 6VARORA14, AND ROADWAY SH04VL DER General Construction Notes for Public Roads WID rH SHA44 8E INCREASED ro siviNmFeEr. 10. Where rural cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform I . Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to to VDOT standard PE- I.' any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Depart�ient of Transportation (VDOT),. This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements 11, Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required to stabilize a drainage L 0 T 2 P A V E hl E N T 1. 0 E S I G N of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall channel when, in the opinion of VDOT, the Director of Engineering, or the Director's FROM �APPEND I X I V - TABLE A govern. designee, it is deemed necessary. V D 0 T P A V E M i N T D E S I G N (31.11 DE 12. A minimum clear zone of ten (10) feet from the edge of pavement shall 6e 2. Construction inspection of all proposed.roads within the development will be made by the maintained,on AGGR, BASE MATER IA L T�'PE I , SIZE no. 21 -A all residential subdivision streets. Additional cl6ar zone may be required depending on REVISED DRAINA6E a SUP , \ County. The contractor must notify the Department of Engineering (296-5861) 48 hours he category of road design. EASEMENT DEDICATED TO PRIM E a D BL . SEA L CL ASS ;C OR D OR in advance of the start of construction. t BLOTTED SEAL COAT 13, Compliance with the minimum pavement width, shoulder width and ditch sections, as 0. 8. 2 9 7 4 6 52 _J 3.1 All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and shown on the typical pavement section detail, shall be strictly adhered to. Exceptions k standairds of VDOT. All excavation for underground, pipe installation must comply with will not be allowed. c OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). 486.65 kr) 1 4.- Erosion and siltation control� measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved 14. Upon completion of the roadway construction, street name signs shall be installed by the /n V. Oil 0) Q) erosion control plan and must be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other developer at all street intersections, Signs and their installation shall conform to Ec- � N � - "Albemarle County.Street Name Sign Requirements". The developer shall be responsible cs- 4) construction. kc) for maintenance of the signs until the roads have been accepted into the State secondary 5. Upon completion of fine road system. grading and preparation of the roadbed subgrade, the contractor shall have QBR tests performed on the subgrade soil. Three (3) copies of the test results 512.67 11Z I I 15. Road plan approval is subject to final subdivision plat validation. Should the final plat shall be submitted- to the, County. If h subgrade soil CBR of 10 or greater is not Inv. Out 5i6. 469 Ovp for this project expire prior to signing and recordation, then approval ofthese plansshall obtainable, a revised pavement design shall be made by the design engineer and 15 CAIP 15 "OMP EC- 3 ry? -------------- be null and void. submitted with the test results for approval, I& y signs or barricades shall be installed by the developer 16, Traffic control or other regulator 6. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. The maximum ---------- when, in the opinion of the Director of Engine ri" g, or the Director's designee, they are 0* 0 49 7' 0 allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of e n OR- 7 4, 7, 0 r are'to be achieved, deemed necessary in order to provide safe and convenient access; All signs or other regulatory. devices shall conform with the Virginia Manual rUniformTra ffic Control U?F- 7,1 4:1 or bette LAJ 2. 0111" ....... fo 3 ryp e A- �4 Devices. 7. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained within the publi6 right-of-way or A V. in 516. 6?19* op P CIO within casements prior to acceptance by VDOT. All drainage outfall easements are to' be 8o,73.59 17. Use VDOT standard CD- I or CD-2 underdrains under the subbase material at'all cut and f? V extended to a boundary line or a natural watercourse.' fill transitions and grade sag points. rn, Drain a g 6 4* Eas 0-m en t Dedicated 8. Guardrail locations are approximate. Exact length, location and appropriate end IS. The speed limit is to be posted 5mph below the design speed. treatments "I be field determined at the time of construction. Additional guardrail may To Public Use be required at locations not shown when, in the opinion of VVOT, the Director of 82 Engineering, or the Director's designee, it is deemed necessary. When guardrail is 489.05 required, it shall be installed four (4) feet offset from the edge of pavement tp the face of 15 ' 0--/�7 5 1 guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be increased to seven (7) feet. Sai ht 07- SITE BENCHMARK 9. Where urban cross sections. are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform hens 3pi k e i n 1 2 C e.dar 'i Q CZ e07 Z5 Albemarle Courity, Enginecring,& Public Works Policies February 1997 Albernaric County Engineering & Public Works Policies Febru N VA ary 1997 % Ed-e v a t i on 5 30. 56 9 E IS 6 N SPEED 20mph M Now Gr U S G S D a t u m in to Kit SOLD D7 L -J /fl Pl. Ou 6 J "s EX 1. 62 -EEMONT PRECINCJ IZ) Ae 4::!�' L--/ 1T e C� �5- c- PORTERS SUSDI V1 S 0 IV PLAT RECORD-ED N D. B. 20,�J /30 M a I- c h 2 5 1 I—le'),,4F I Z%D It-/ X-4 4�f 6 -J 1? -7 0 n A f% A L. N d r rl U r L r S H 0 W I N G --S I M P 0 N L A N E cey E F WAR AS SUILT NO. 1420-B P. 0 R T E R S V I L L A G E N w Hope SEPTEMBER 7, 2005 SCO T T 3 V I L L E M A 6 1 S T E R I A L D I S T R I -C T C 7, SV ----- --------- ----- ------ . .... ....... ---------- --- - 4 -------- -- - 7 . . .............. - ---------- T ........ - ------- ---- - t ---------- ... .. . ............ ------ ------- . . ..... . " AF---,:-1-1- i ----'-1r1 --- 1--Jr-_____- -- -7-74 ....... ------- --- - — -------- ------ - ------- ----- --------- -- ---------- - .. ............ ------ ...... t'-7, j ------------- - -J. . ....... 1-7 7-, ] . ... ... ........ ......... + -17 -7 J - ---- - --- --- ----- - 4-! --- - - - - - - - r ---- --- - ----- T -------- -- ---- ----------------- A L -V -4- ---------- ............ ------ - -------- --- ------ ----- ----- --- ....... . .. . ----------- - ----------- - T T J -- I ----- --- - - ........ . ..... . . ..... . ... ------------- - --- �_._ . .... ... . - ------ -T- T -7W =7 . ........ ---- --- - --------- 'T + 2 7-.= ---- - -- ---- - 520 . .... . . ...... ....... 0 .............. ------- 7- -41 ---- - ----- . ........ . 7 --- ----- - - ..... ... . 4- --------- - - ----------- - ----- - ------ ------- ---------- 7 : : `V&P ------- 4 TF ...... . ......... . ...... :F 510 ---- -------- . .......... ----------- - - ----- ------ --------- J.. -- ----- 4, - ----- ----- - - --------- - --- — -------- -4- ------- :71 ------- 7 --- - --- 5 00 ------- ----------------- --- --------- -S1 .... . ...... 0,� ----------- - - - ------ - ....... . ... . ... .... 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' ------- ---- - Lt4 ------ I,- ----p In t�i �4 C), - ------ Loy ko-1 o ---- - --- c4 �)4 f= JII L),l T 6 7 -10 4 7'40 5 ;1`0 141131,1WAY FIEDERAL MU ZHFE-r PLATE I -SINGLE PLAN AND PFq0FILV--FtJLL LINE S H E E T 0 F 2 kw-01 "I& r-Mu"grAST PRINTZO 111 U.S.A. .-_a�.-,..._�-,__-_,.-,..,-.,-...-,,,._.._._.-,.--.,..+.,»..,._.-.,.-.---..,,.,._,.,.,..,.__.�-., .__._.,_,-«............. �-«--...,,,_,,,,.«..,_,-,,,_,_. ,_.,.-,,,,,,_,«,,..»-._.-., NOTE 4'J ( - `` I i 8 , I a � WHEN GUARDRAIL /S REQU/RED /T SHALL !I - I ! I BE INSTALLED FOURF4J FEET OFFSET FROM I ` i ' 11 THE EDGE OF PA VEMEN T To THE FACE OF �I/o� I�4 ". I I 1 /�4,.. I . I..: I . GUAR.DRAI L , AND ROADWAY SHOUL DE R Iq , I I..,/` WIDTH SHALL SE INCREASED To SEVEN t7) FEET. i / 414, PAVEMENT DESI GN��\fi - ( FROM APOENDIX I V - TABLE A VDOT PAVEMENT DESIGN GUIDE) -`8" AGGR. BASE MATERIA L TYPE I , SI ZE no.21-A..' PRIME a DBL. SEAL CLASS C OR D OR � 0 BLOTTED SEAL COAT. a . t. . I• ,. h .' o L 0 r 4 L o T, 3 _ �, . . o to , ., m o ,. N b h Z C . � C % a j•• � f•i of e 54 / �iyt, i� e9 E I Pto / i . t / e° 5e�/ / L 0 T 8 • Eo / � Ott\•/ /' �� , Zo/ / - , rr = I LV - VV, T = 78. 7 7 - A.: I39.4I L 0 T // 'T q I . C, ARTHUR F EDYYAI SEP T E'M B E R 7, 2 O O 5 No 1420�3 \" -. ,-,, w. �. .,, _ l I i ... __.._..__._ - ...,. c ._,�... _ _ -,. _ - _. _, -_ .--_ _ --_ _ - _ - _.. _-, , _---' --- ._ -. -_,- -. _ _ .r _.. _,,_ .,.-I„_, _:._.__. _.,,___._._ __ "__. _- ,}.. i--x--------- _. 1 ___ _ 3. i -I -,. ' -- - --- --, I- . _- ,..t. ,-,...- _ ___-,..--,...� ,,, Y _ _ 4 _ F x„T -. r i _ w s ._ lµ- - _ q, 1 , -„ i i 1 : i 1 a +.._. t j _.._ _ } i.» i i .I . 1,., _.. .__ --..-_ - _._, ---- �-- i ? - _...., 1- _ _ ,_ 1. _ 7 ,_ _ r t • i J^ 1 I } 1 i I r __ ._ ___- __.. 1 ` } { _._ I; 15 3 0 -,i.: �� 1 n.-..r.•,.., '`�'�'jj'''' I { I 4 t 1 f , _ i. . _ i _ _,.- f ut__ . .___ _,._. _ __._. ! f � I __ t -� .: - . 4 i Ot I t Ga f i t 0 "t , I, - -.-- }. n I . t., . ' c.... ,�-. . y per � j �, . .__, ., .. n z f ns l 5 / 0-..__,. r -. :�.._ ---.-- _-- --'-' _..- } , J Z =% 1 f i i I.., .. - --__.... - . _ : = -=`- --::: __ . -, _ --1 _ _., - __ _ _ -- __.-. t ,1.. -,-- __.,,..,-i.____.. ...._.-.,- _,. -- -__ 1._, -_ _.. I i - -----.. -F-*_- 1 r I _. I } _ . ,-._._.:. _.___. ___-.._ -. �. -- _ --„-__ .- _.._... __-. ., . „-___ _ -..., . _ ._. , - „-,_v- _ _-__ __.- _ _.«,-. _, ____ --- �- - - - _ . -- - - , { _.--_ 'i' -- -- _ .._. __ __._ _ _ .. - { _ _ __ -- -- ��,,., .., �,.- ...-.--+.-rr-R_ ...� ... F — - �� {_...:_t_ ......-,�,. -n-... .....,.-a,-)« EC- 3 Typ e A, t �, \% I t . .h �\ N I II � �� 1( � \�- / \ l ,' L 0 T 6' . SITE BENCHM AR K Spi k`e . in 12" C edar EIevat ion 530. 56 L 0 T 5 USGS Datum ' SUBDI VISION PLAT RECORDED IN D:_B. 2023 =. /30 AS BUILT . 8t0 . - c'_ -7-d 5 , D E S I G N SPEED : 2 0 rim p h J '� ® I ._q% 9t O 7— __ �I- ..___- -..., _ .tr-_.. __.._ - �. LOT 9 Inv. out 5I5. 8 9 Inv. i n 5 r'6.76 N M ' t\ h h . ,C t, I I L O T / 0 i = .- r 1 - ,,, . i ,..,.............._.,_..-,.-,,._..-,.,,,,,.,.__„a..._..,-,,..-,-,,.,_.....-._.«.«�.,«.,.,...._.....,..,,.,.«....,.,.,•-,_,_,.,._..,..,,....,,__,... .«-,,,_..«.,,«>..�,._,....-,,,a-...�,_....,,,._..,..,.,.,..,,_.,,_�...,-, -,.....,........,.,...,,...,...,....-. . .. 1 y _.,,,.»�.._.,......,< - ,.-_ ,,.,..,.-......_._..-,,...--_,..,t-,.,, .,..,----.,,_-..._,-------..,_.,,-�,,.-,..,,-...-._,,.., ,.,..,. ,•,_._ . .,,,_._,...,,,_,--.-«.,,..,.,-,-_.,-,..-,-__..,_..,,,.._.,..,-. ...--- ,.,• ..-- ---,..,«,»..,,.,..,,,..,,-...-._,.. ,.. F .Y. i -•-•---_....,..,»»,,,+.».,.. ..*-,-.,,,-.- " .�-,-..-_„_,_.___«.,_.._,.,,._..................._»_,._..�__,_.,•�,_-•_-•-_,..,,,.,...._.._«,,,,,,_'-___--,,.-_.,.-..«,,,,,_,._„«-,._—._„-,-,._.--.,.__--,,,__,,,,«__,,,.._-«,__„-_._,__,__...,,,,,.,_« Albemarle County Engineering . General Construction Notes f-or Pubilic Roads 1. Prior.to any construction within any existing public rigl,t•of-way, includit*g connection to to •VDOT CG-9(A,B or C). Y . any oxtsting road, a permit shall be•obtaiaed frock the Virginia Department of . Traasportat pn (VDOT). This plan as drawn'inay Rot aocuratel'y reI'%t,the, rctiu3remcr4 to. Where rural cross sections are installed, all residentiaNdr►ueway entrances shall conform of the permit:' Where any discrepancies occur�the requirements of the permit shall to VDOT standard PE-1.. I .govern. i t. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required to stabilize a drainage . i 2. Construction inspection of all proposed roads within the development will be made by the channel when, in the opinion of VDOT, the Director of Eagirlceririg, or the Director:s. i The contractor must.notif the De arttnent of Ert ' earig 296.5$61 48 hours County y . p, g ( ) desi nee, it is d g seined necessary:. q in advance. of the start of construction. i2. A initim clear zgao often (10) Feet Pram the:edge ofpavemeutshall be rn miained on } 3. ,A l materi-ib aiid, construction;methods shall couforni to current specifications and ail residential subdivision:streets Additional clear zone may be required depending on, standards.of VDOT. All excalratip ti clrgro , d pipe installation must comply with the category of road -*.sign. - 05HA Standards for the Co: s tot# idustsy:G29 CFR Part 1926).` I . • - 1>3. _' v ' shoo! a width and tc ect o wi um a em t wid d r di h s ris as am''liarice the -minor en G p p. i R� 4. a arid'siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approvc t . , shown on the typical pavement section dcta l,.shall be stnctky adhered t - cuss slope-- erosion'control plan and rmist be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other shall be maintained as shown on the plans. Exceptions will not..he p::J�awed: . construction. 14. All required signs (stop, street name, speed .linut signs, etc.) are to be furnished and 5. Upon completion of fine grading and preparation of the roadbed subgrade, the contractor installed by the developer prior to acceptance Signs and their installation shall conform f sliall have CBR tests performed ou the subgrade soil..Three (3) copies of the test results to "Albemarle County Road Naming and Property Numbering Ordinance and Manual" I shall be submitted to the County. If a subgrade soil CBR of 10 or greater is not and the y',r_-Ia-;tiai' for U 'fin orris Tr(Ec f'ontrol Devices The locations pf all si>ins I obtainable; a revised pavement design shall be made by the design en;�dneer and are n in lwfi The developer shall be responsible for maintenance of the signs submitted with the test results for approval. until the roads have peen accepted into tie state secondary roast system. The speed limits to be posted on sped limit signs are to be determined•by VD. T prior to acceptance. The 6. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. The maximum speed limit is t© be:posted Smph below the design speed. i - allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of . . 4:1 or better are to be achieved, , 15. Road plan approval is subject to final subdivision plat validation. Should the final plat - for this projwt expire prior :o signing and recordation, then approvalof these plans shalt 7. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained within the pubUc right -of --way or be null anti void; within casements prior to acceptance by VDOT. All drainage outfall easements arc to be I . extended to a boundary line or. a natural watercourse. The contractor shall field verify the 16. Traffic control or other regalatory signs or barricades shall be installed by the developer i i r_ ..- _ -._...-,_- ._ Cree4' , ttit , R 1, _ ihi a�� �5 QS . faint , {- ': bens N I • y i? ,. _ New G,r h en , nwsTue i Es n6iE 1 Moun in . cy. Rio / 07 soil ; ,� , ROW u .. / �E M4N7 ANot62 - 53 ' Hq "� �O 4 Me ` vRinrtcr 753 , urrtE u R IRTERS _ - �1 /a' tiro min F ! rR/ Ii `b $ rC Y cry ES S yid I P, ��l N w Hope • , � i ! S: Fi??y a'�' i i ; I .. _-----L--- . . >_. " i Vici nity M a p I t f= 2 0 0 - a _ -_ ---,-- _-- ____ ._ _, �,__ ...__----_ ..__-_ .w___- _. --_ _-,_,..._ _ - t _ ..- � ___-__-- _ -._.,. I ___ __._.__. ___.. --, :.-- - -. -„ �.. --- --- _._..-_..._ ._.._.-_._,,,.._- �__ _-.-„_- _.,,---",. I _._.._._.,.-.. .. -.._,. .-_,,,,,_,-_,-_._ _.,--__-•.-�---_..--_ ,__. .-,.,-..- _,_. -._ .._.._..___.._«. _}jk. _„--_--- a6jr¢ "-"• -,.,-,----- ,--"__• -_ y -_--,..... .-._--,,. - ....,_.i_ —_. _-_- ._ . . i _ _ __._ _.._ _ _ w ._ -___ __ _ ..-.__:-__--_..-__._.�..._-____.__ - ___ __ __. 1 I -- _____, _ _,_- - ______-, ._------__—_- __-__ _... ____._,_w__ _,.-_._ ____..___. _...�___,___-_. I _. I .,_ m ___ �- _ _ - _ -_-_-„ _-„-_.._«__ .-_-.___-,_ -.--_ _ --,, ___--.__ ____.___. ___k _..___._.___.. __-,____-__ �-_.,--� -_.-_-__-__ Q __- __— _ 5�,.-.--_ _-_-.__ _-,--._, _--_«,.___.___-__,___•, -- _ __. -, _,___,_ t- __-__,-_ __-.-_ -_ O } r f� _ __-- __ .___... __-_ _ _ _-_ .._.__ .__-_-_. ____-_-__-_ ._._._ _____-- .-_-__._ _-__::__ _, ___ �-,_____. -<. _-__ _--_-___-- - - __ _ - ____--__ ---_ _ --_,__ _ ---_,_-_._--___ _ __- _....,_ r } ltl- I _. _ __ Q F _ 1 - _ - Q Q _. �l- - tO 1 _ _ _ V _ . _. __._ _. _ - _. __ ___� __.__ _ __ __._,__ .. _____ __ _.____._ -.d_.,_ _ q - _... _ :..�..�.._.�..�._- - /O f O ._. / ! t O /2t 0 /3t O _ ,�.� �...�-.�..�.�.-n,_, -- HIGHWAY FEDZRAL AID SHEET . PLA'rE l-SINGLE PLAN AND k' ROF'ILE-rut.L LINE PRINTED IN U.S.A. length of all storm drainage pipe. when, in the opinion of the Director of l?ngnecnng, or ihcDu�eetor s designee; they. arc 1 deemed necessary in order to provide safe and convenient access. , 8. Guardrail locations are approximate. Exact length, location and appropriate end treatments will be field determined at the time of construction. Additional guardrail may 17. Use VDOT standard CD-1 or CD-2 underejains under the subbase material at all cut and be required at locations not shown.whcn,- in the opinion of VDOT, the Director of fill transitions and grade sag points. 1. Engineering, or the Director.s designee, it is decmed_accessary. When guardrail is ? required,. it shall be installed four (4) feet offset from the edge of pavement to the face of I guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be.increased to seven (i7 feet..- • . - I 9. Where urban cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform i Albemulc County Eagioeeting & Public Wo.&s Policies July 1998 I 4 - , # Albeatulc County EngLuetiog & Public works Policies Jwy 1998 q' t I t REVISIONS DATE SCALES I Tv c� ^.r �orEs Horizon to I • I° = 50t Vertica I • 111 = IOf 9 ROAD PLAN 8t PROFILE SHOWING ' EXTENSION OF SIMPS0N LAN E i t PO R T E R S V I L L' A G E I SC0TTSVI L LE MA0fSTER-IA L DIST RICT I I B. AUBREY .HU-FFMAN 8t A8 SOCI A TES LTD. 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