HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202000028 Staff Report 2020-06-11ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #/Name
ARB-2020-28: North Point Community, North Entrance — Sign
Review Type
Certificate of Appropriateness for a Sign
Parcel Identification
On the east side of Rt. 29 across from Northside Drive
Planned Development Mixed Commercial (PDMC)/Entrance Corridor (EC)
CWH Properties Limited Partnership / Great Eastern Management Company (David Mitchell)
Magisterial District
To install a freestanding sign in the median of the entrance to the subdivision. The proposed location in the VDOT
right-of-way requires a Special Use Permit.
Significant clearing and grading of the site has occurred. The surrounding area includes a mix of wooded and
cleared land, single family residences, and small commercial buildings.
The sign will be readily visible from the EC street. Mock-ups of the sign pedestal and sculptures are in place.
ARB Meeting Date
June 15, 2020
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
Review Type
October 31, 2017
ARB-2017-69: North Pointe
Certificate of Appropriateness issued for a proposal for signage and landscaping at the
North Pointe middle entrance, including landscaping extending approximately 200' north
and 800' south of the middle entrance. Entrance aligns with Northside Drive.
June 4, 2018
ARB-2017-137: North
Approved proposal to provide landscaping at stormwater management facility #2,
Pointe Middle Entrance
located east of Rt. 29, south of the middle entrance.
Stormwater Facility
February 18, 2020
ARB-2020-28: North Pointe
Application received. Review comments provided on March 17. Response received
Community Entrance Sign
March 31. Need for a revised sign location discussed (zoning issue), with need for
revised plan. The applicant decided to request a Special Use Permit for the proposed
location and submitted an application under the May 18 submittal deadline. ARB
comment will be provided to the Board of Zoning Appeals for their meeting on July 7.
Scale and Size: Signs located within the Entrance Corridor may not
Overall sign height is proposed at
exceed the size, height and setback requirements as outlined in
13'6". This includes a 3'-tall base
Section 4.15 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance (unless the
and 10'3"-tall sign panels. 16' is
sign has received a variance).
the maximum allowed height in
this zoning district. Proposed sign
area is 31.5 sf, which meets
ordinance requirements. The sign is
proposed in a public right-of-way;
consequently, a Special Use Permit
is required.
Create a consistent and unified design approach along the
Proposed sign materials include
Add a note to the
Entrance Corridors. The placement, size, illumination and colors of
stone (natural stone veneer) for the
drawings stating that the
signs can create unity along the corridor, or they can create a
base and aluminum panels painted
stone for the sign and
disjointed, visually competitive environment. Consistent and unified
to resemble corten steel as backer
sculpture bases will
sign design allows the businesses located along the Corridor to have
panels for channel letters. The
match the stone
equal standing in visibility. It also provides a pattern of sign
stone base is intended to match the
approved for the walls
placement that makes the business locations and entrances more
stone retaining walls approved
along Rt. 29.
easily recognizable to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
along the EC street, extending
north and south from the site
Establish simplicity and reserve as preferred characteristics for
sign design in these areas. This reflects the historic character of the
entrance, although this is not noted
area and enhances the aesthetic qualities of the Corridor. To this end,
on the drawings. The designs of
the overall design of a sign will be evaluated concurrently with that
buildings to be located nearby have
of the building on which it will be installed. The design of a
not yet been submitted for review.
building's walls, window locations, parapets and other architectural
features will influence the Board's evaluation of appropriate signage.
The proposed sign has an unusual
Likewise, a freestanding sign is evaluated in the context of the
form and orientation. Panels are 3'
overall development in which it will be placed. Because each site is
wide and 10' 3" tall. Letters are F
composed of a variety of elements that work together to create a
2" tall. There is minimal space
unique character and appearance, ARB review of each sign proposal
between letters and edge of panel —
is guided by these sign guidelines within the context of the specific
approximately 3" to the outside
site for which the proposal is made.
edge of the panel and 5" to the top
and bottom edges. The letters are
Materials: Materials used in both the sign and support structures
should complement the building and/or multiple business center (see
arranged in two side -by side
page 14) being served by the sign.
vertical columns. Because a
horizontal arrangement of words is
Materials used in both the sign and support structures should be
complementary. They should also support the aesthetics of the
familiar, the side -by -side letters,
building and /or complex being served by the sign, although a direct
unrelated textually, have a
duplication is not necessary. It is preferred that the base material
somewhat jarring effect.
match one of the primary building materials unless the design of the
Nevertheless, they are legible and
sign represents itself as a freestanding element complementing the
they are contained within the panel
with clear space at the sides, top
and bottom.
Lettering and Typeface: Lettering should be in proportion to the
A simple block style lettering is
sign and the building for visual clarity and overall balance.
illustrated in the sign drawings, but
Proportion of lettering includes font (size) and typeface (style). The
a note indicates that the final letter
use of three typefaces or fewer is more appropriate for signs in the
style has not been chosen.
Entrance Corridor. Additional typefaces may be approved only if
Maximum letter size is noted as
they contribute to a balanced, legible, unified sign design.
113" x 1'.
Color: Colors must be harmonious with each other. Colors must not
The stone base is proposed in
clash with other elements on the site, both when viewed in daylight
shades of tan. The metal panels
and at night, whether the signs are externally or internally lit. Overly
would have a variegated rust color.
intense color, such as but not limited to dayglo or fluorescent colors,
The channel letters are proposed
are prohibited.
with polycarbonate (or similar)
faces and returns, which are
The use of three colors or fewer is more appropriate for signs in the
illustrated as white (ivory). The
Entrance Corridor. Black and white are counted as colors.
letters would illuminate white at
Additional colors may be approved if they contribute to a balanced
night. These colors are harmonious
and unified sign design.
and are expected to be compatible
with the surroundings. The coreten
For raceway -mounted channel letters, raceways shall match the wall
color is expected to be a strong
color, but not overly intense.
Trademarks, corporate logos and graphics: The ARB may require
The proposed sign does not look
that the color and scale of standard templates for trademarks, service
like a trademark design.
marks, corporate logos and graphics be modified. When used,
trademarks, service marks, corporate logos and/or graphics should be
incorporated as an integral part of the overall sign.
Lighting: The purpose of ARB review is to ensure that new
The proposed sign is both
Limit lighting to external
development in the Entrance Corridors is compatible with the historic
internally and externally
fixtures that illuminate
architecture of the County and to promote orderly and attractive
illuminated. The channel letters
the entire sign.
development. There is no historical precedent for internally
that are attached to the metal panels
illuminated signs. However, the ARB recognizes the need to identify
have internal illumination that
businesses to help the traveling public find their destination and exit
shines through the letter faces. The
the highway safely.
plan also shows 2 ground -mounted
lights at the base of the sign with
When illumination is required, the preferred solution is to externally
illuminate the sign — in other words, to shine a light on the sign.
LED lamps (2100 lumens) that
External illumination is preferred because it allows consistency with
have a warm white color. Two
the daytime image of the sign. External lighting appears to the viewer
additional fixtures are proposed at
as reflected light and allows the focus of the sign to be the original
the bases of the sculptures.
overall shape, color and complete design of the sign. Internal
lighting produces a fragmented, rather than unified, sign image at
Internal illumination is typical for
night compared to external lighting and may project light that is
channel letters, but channel letters
distracting to the viewer. Similarly, exposed light sources that form
are more typically used for wall
the body of a sign (such as, but not limited to, exposed or bare neon)
signs. External illumination can
are not appropriate for the Entrance Corridors. They can produce
help maintain a consistent image
glare and, generally, do not achieve the subtle character and
for the sign from daytime to
compatibility that is the goal for the Entrance Corridors.
nighttime (by making the entire
sign visible at night), but it isn't
Since external illumination does not fit every case, individual channel
letters — a type of internally illuminated sign that has less visual
entirely clear what impact the
clutter impact on the Entrance Corridors — may also be approved.
external illumination will have on
Channel letters are generally the preferred type of internally
this sign when combined with the
illuminated wall sign because they project the total sign and are
internally illuminated channel
identifiable with the daytime image of the sign. When channel letters
letters. There is a potential that the
cannot be adequately accommodated, internally illuminated cabinet
channel letters will appear as a
signs may be considered. If cabinet signs are utilized, the
bright glow, disassociated from the
backgrounds of such signs must be made opaque (zero light
panels, from a distance along the
EC street. Limiting lighting to
external lamps that illuminate the
Internal Illumination: Any internal illumination is considered to
contribute to visual clutter and will be limited.
entire sign would provide for a
consistent, unified image.
i. External illumination is preferred for freestanding signs.
These solutions are intended to reduce glare, visual clutter and
distraction along the streetscape, to provide for coordinated
appearances along the Entrance Corridors, to increase visual
continuity, to achieve a balance of business identification with order
and continuity, and to limit negative impacts along the County's
Entrance Corridors.
External illumination is also preferred for approved graphics/logos;
Graphics are not a part of the
internal illumination may be considered for approval on a case -by-
proposed sign design.
case basis. The Board will evaluate the specific design for size
adjusted in proportion to the accompanying lettering), balance,
complexity, and distance from and relationship to the Entrance
Corridor. These factors will determine the extent of internal
illumination that can be approved.
External Illumination: Lighting should be shielded and not create
The ground -mounted fixtures are
Add a note to the sign
glare. Lighting should be aimed so as not to project illumination
proposed with "narrow flood"
drawings stating that the
beyond the sign. All external light sources shall be white.
optics. The manufacturer's
ground -mounted fixtures
information indicates that precise
will be aimed to
aiming is available.
illuminate only the sign.
iii. Internal illumination: Channel letters with translucent faces shall
The sign drawings indicate that the
be constructed such that no light spills outward from the top, bottom,
letter returns are to be opaque.
sides or back. If back -lit (halo -lit), the faces and returns of channel
letters shall be opaque.
Monument signs are preferred to pole -mounted signs because they
The proposed sign is not pole-
are often of a smaller scale and can be more fully integrated into the
mounted. Although the vertical
overall development. Pole signs may be considered for approval if
orientation is atypical for a
existing site conditions rule out the ability to use a monument sign,
monument style sign, the stone
and only when the pole is in proportion to the sign cabinet or panel.
base helps create an integrated
appearance. In earlier reviews, the
Encourage creative design. The County encourages imaginative and
innovative signs consistent with the purposes expressed above and in
ARB did not object to the vertical
conformance with the regulations of the Albemarle County Code.
The structure of a monument sign shall not overwhelm the sign. The
The stone base has a low profile.
structure and the sign that it supports must be in proportion to each
Landscaping: Use ground cover, shrubs and/or trees to integrate
The perspective views show grass
Revise the planting plan
freestanding signs into the overall landscape development of the site.
at the end of the median. There is
to show low landscaping
Refer to the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List, which is
landscaping in the median east of
at the base of the sign,
included in the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board
the sign, and along the stone walls
coordinated with other
Design Guidelines and is available on-line at www.albemarle.org.
that extend along the EC, but there
nearby planting.
is no landscaping proposed at the
base of this sign.
ii. External Illumination: Landscaping for monument and pole signs
The ground -mounted fixtures are
should be designed to shield ground mounted lighting so that it is not
"in -ground" models, so there is no
visible from any adjacent property or right-of-way.
fixture above ground in need of
screening. Appropriate aiming
would likewise require no
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Proposed illumination: internal and external
2. Sign type: channel letters attached to panels
3. Landscaping at the base of the sign
Staff recommends approval of the proposed sign with the following conditions:
1. Add a note to the drawings stating that the stone for the sign and sculpture bases will match the stone approved for the walls along Rt. 29.
2. Limit lighting to external fixtures that illuminate the entire sign.
3. Add a note to the sign drawings stating that the ground mounted fixtures will be aimed to illuminate only the sign.
4. Revise the planting plan to show low landscaping at the base of the sign, coordinated with other nearby planting.
I:r 0 l/:Te1:IUV I OW1110
A — North Pointe Middle Entrance Sian Drawings
TABLE A This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date/Revision Date
L 1.00
Vicinity map
May 4, 2020
L 1.01
Overall Plans
Planting Plan
L 1.03
Entry Sign Dimensions
L 1.04
Entry Sign Materials
Wall Details
Walls, Enlarged Elevations
L 1.07
Materials Palette
L 1.09
Landscape Light