HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198400024 Action Letter . - ""('{ 0~ (,,0 OF .11.. Lat.-IV! - -'l1?(~ ,~~iF~~'!r\ ~..;., ~ :p;.'~~J>;'~ o 'I ~'t... r' '....l\- _l',,-,,~~:7! i~a}i!~,,~.;Ii' ,)f-:".,~... 'Z!.l~ ~i.!c'0 '"' DEPARTMENT of PL/\NNING and COMMUr41TY DEVELOPMErJT 401 Mcintire noad CharlOltesville, VA 22901-4596 804-296-5823 MJY 18, 1984 WuodbriJr Associates Post Office Box 5548 Charlottesville, Virginia 22905 AtLention of 1'-le Wendell W. vJood He: SP-84-24 Woodbriar Associates Cen tlemen: '1'110 Albemarle COlin ty Board of Supervism,:-s, 0. tits meeting 0 [ [\lay IG, 1984, voLed to opprove your alJove-referenceu SIJeCl;l] u~>e permiL, subject to the following conditions: 1. Tssuo.nce of landfill permit by County Ellt_]ineer J,ll OC,;O::.'Jelllce wilh requirements of 30.3.G; 2. lssuoncc of 0. uevelopment permit by the zoning Adwinistralur 1.n i1ccordo.nc(~ with, anrJ 0.11 other applicalJle lo.w; 3. Approvo.l of approprio.te local, State and Feueral agencles; 4. Compliance with condiLions of SP-80-29 o.s requireu lJy Lhe Plo.nning Commission on December 14, 1982, during reViei'l for compliance with the Comprehensive Plo.n: a. Expansion of the Co.Inelot Sewo.(Jc Treatment Plant sh,Jl1 be for olle addi tiol1o.l pDckaqe GIlL t s ueh tho. t:- Lhe lo tal capacity of tho.t plant:- should not:- exce(;d 365,000 ',pllun:=; per da:/. Hecommendt1tion for expculsion o[ Ule C:1Inelut SewC1cJo 'l'n::3 Lment Plant hClS b(~en m':1l1e in vie-v! uC accornmodaLing short-Lerm dCll1nncl. l\t Lhis til:i() I tIlC Eivann,:l \.-J.J.ter and Se,ver l\ui.~horit'i doc,.:; nr)t elhlc)l"SC any furtllc r e)(pans ion; D. 'rhe capdcity allutt(~d the dev,,:clupcr shall IH) t hc di [fe rC'llCC in S La h,- CE' cU [iced p la nL capa ci t;.' a f LCJ expansj')l1 ao; c()ml)i1:rc1_: to Sl=-aj~(:-cc~rLificl1 plant C,lp;)I.::iL',' prior Li) consLrucLion; e e WooJbriar AssociateG SP-84-24 n-w 18, 1984 PaCje t\'IO c. nivilnneJ. WaU:,r o.nd Sewer ^uthor-itj' re'/iew and ilpproval of plans for ilnd construction of plo.nt addttion; d. The developer shall be responsible for the costs of maLerio.L:3, labor, permits and 0.11 other costs n::laLed to accluirilFJ, placing, and integrating the package unit into the existing system, including land ::lcquisiL~on, if neccssar~'; e. J lilnlediateljT following certificatioll by the ~; til te \'~a tor Control Board and approval of other appropriate State and loccll ilCJ(~ncies, the d(~veloper s11o.11 dedico.tc the pLUlt addi tion o.nd all appurtenances to the r:i vo.nna \'Iil ter allll Sewer Authority. Dec1ici1tion shilll be irl'cvoc.::lble on L1le part of the developer and his successors in interest. I [ you should ho.ve any questions concerning thi s ,1C ti(m i1nd no ti [i(:olion, kindly contact I'll'. I\oDald S. Eeeler, Chief of P1o.nnin\j Division, ell: 29G-5823. Sincerely, lUidLf-- 1. t UiffiLt L StUi1rt L. Hichard Depo.rtIlient of Pl.:::nning i1nd Com.i'11UniLy Devc~lopmcnt sIr