HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB202000064 Correspondence 2020-06-15 (2)County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: David Nichols, Roudabush and Gale
From: Tori Kanellopoulos — Senior Planner
Division: Planning Services
Date: June 5, 2020
Subject: SUB202000064 — Spring Hill Village — Final Subdivision Plat
Response to County comments by David Nichols, Roudabush, Gale & Associates (in red).
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will grant or recommend approval of the Final Plat
referenced above once the following comments have been addressed: [Each comment is
preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless
otherwise specified.] If no action is taken within 6 months of receiving these review comments,
the application will be deemed withdrawn.
Planning (Tori Kanellopoulos):
Subdivision Ordinance Comments:
1. [14-302(A)(4)(5)] and [14-317] Easements:
a. Note that deeds/maintenance agreements have been received and are under
County Attorney Office review. Any comments received will be forwarded.
Duly noted.
b. For the drainage and SWM easements on Sheets V7 through V10, label each
easement as public or private.
All drainage and SWM easements have been labeled private.
c. Comments on the final site plan (SDP201900068) relate to proposed landscaping
easements. Any required landscaping that is provided on a lot not
owned/controlled by the HOA requires an easement. However, when
landscaping is within the right of way, an easement is not required/needed. The
site plan and plat need to be revised so that only landscaping outside the ROW
has easements.
Landscaping easements have been updated.
d. Sheet V11: The 20' landscaping buffer easement should not be within building
sites. Revise easement outside of the proposed unit on Lot 29. This is also a site
plan comment.
Landscaping easements have been updated.
e. Ensure all easements are outside of building sites. Some drainage easements
appeared to be within building sites on the final site plan.
Setback linework has been modified so as to not extend into easements.
f. Include on Sheet V1 that the public drainage easements are also dedicated to
public use.
This note has been added to New Note #20 on Sheet V1.
g. The Alley A behind Lots 16-28 (or at least from 20-28) needs to be labeled as
"30' Private Street Easement". A street is required for Lots 20-28, otherwise they
do not have frontage.
The alley behind Lots 16-28 has been changed to a Private Street Easement.
h. The rest of the Alley for Lots 1-15 (or 1-19) should be labeled "Alley: 30' Private
Alley Easement".
The alley behind Lots 1-15 has been changed to a Private Alley Easement.
i. The public drainage easements require a deed of dedication to the County.
County Attorneys Office and Engineering review and approval is needed.
Duly noted.
j. The private drainage easements and access easements require maintenance
documents, such as through a HOA with covenants and restrictions. County
Attorneys Office review and approval is needed.
Duly noted.
k. Coordinate with Engineering on the SWM easements and deeds. Reference [14-
431]. It appears two deeds for public drainage were provided, and one may have
been intended to be the SWM easement. These are two different deeds. County
Attorneys Office and Engineering review and approval is needed.
Duly noted.
I. It appears, based on the most recent Road Plan (SUB201900158) submittal, that
retaining walls have been moved off of individual lots. If so, easements are no
longer required.
There is a retaining wall on Lots 64-67. A 10' Wall Maintenance Easement has been
added to Sheet V-14.
m. Ensure the DB/PG for offsite easements (both approved) SUB201900079 and
SUB201900082 are shown and labeled on this plat.
Both off -site easement references have been added to sheet V-12.
[14-302(A)(8)] and [14-303(D)] Lots.
a. Note that the lot square footages on the lot area table on the site plan
(SDP201900068) do not match those on the plat. The ones on the plat appear to
be correct.
Duly noted.
b. A corner dimension for Lot 28 appears to be missing.
Corner dimension has been added.
c. Part of the dimension for Lot 15 appears to be cut off.
Dimension for Lot 15 has been modified.
d. A corner dimension for Lot 79 appears to be missing.
Dimension for Lot 79 has been added.
e. [COD] Lots 75 and 76 exceed the maximum lot size of 5,000 SF, per the COD.
Lots 75 and 76 have been modified.
[14-302(B)(5)] Zoning district. Include the Zoning District Overlays that apply to this site:
Entrance Corridor Overlay; Steep Slopes — Managed.
Zoning District Overlays have been added to the Site Data on Sheet V-1.
[14-302(B)(8)] Setbacks.
a. Revise Note 16 on Sheet V1 to meet current setbacks per the COD updated with
the Special Exception #2 approved on 05-20-20. Rear setbacks are 10' minimum
and corner lots on two public streets side setbacks are 8' minimum.
New Note # 16 has been updated.
b. The rear setbacks for Lots 56-60 is labeled as 15', however the requirement is
10' per the COD.
The rear setback label for Lots 56-60 has been removed since the 10' rear setback line is
within an easement.
c. The garage setback for Lots 1-28 is 18', therefore the SBL should be labeled as
18' on the plat. Garages for these lots are correctly shown as set back 18' on the
final site plan.
The setbacks for Lots 1-28 have been modified.
d. The SBL for corner lots abutting two public roads (Lots 15, 16, and 83) is 8'.
The setback for these lots have been modified.
e. [18-4.6.2] Determining lot front. Lot front is determined as follows: `On interior
lots, the lot front shall be the portion abutting the street'. Lots 20-28 front on the
private street/alley, and do not also front on a public street. Therefore, the front
setback is measured from the private street, and the rear setback is what is
currently labeled `front setback'. Since the minimum rear setback is 10', the rear
setback is not being met for these units. A special exception can be requested
to either: 1) change the minimum rear setback in Block C or 2) allow amenity -
fronting lots. This comment was also made on the site plan.
All setbacks in Block C have been modified.
5. [14-303(E)] Private streets. Label all private streets as "Name Dimension Private Street
Easement", instead of "Right of Way".
All private street labels have been changed.
6. [14-317] Private street maintenance agreement. Review and approval of the private
street maintenance agreement by Planning and County Attorneys Office is required prior
to final plat approval. This can be completed with Road Plan approval as well.
Duly noted.
7. [14-303(F)] Phasing. A note on the plat should indicate that Lots 1-100 are in Phase 1
(per the COD) and Lot A is in Phase 2.
Note has been added to sheet V-1.
8. [14-303(G)] Ownership of common space. Add a note to Sheet V1 that all
open/common/amenity space will be owned and maintained by the HOA.
New Note #14 has been added to address this comment.
9. [14-303(T)] Special lots. Include the following requirement for the Open Space lots: If the
subdivision creates a special lot, the following note shall be placed on the plat: "Lot Xis
a special lot established solely for (insert purpose for the special lot as identified in the
definition of special lot in section 14-106)."
Special lots have been addressed on Sheet V-1.
10. [14-312] Existing buildings. Include the following requirement: The subdivider shall
submit with the final plat a survey showing the location of all existing buildings on the
land to be subdivided within fifty (50) feet of a proposed lot line or a proposed street.
Existing buildings are now shown on sheet V-2.
11. [14-414] and [18-4.1] Water supply and sewage system. Each development and each
lot shall be served by the public water supply and public sewer system. This
development is relying on offsite infrastructure. Prior to final subdivision plat approval the
sewer connection shall either be built or bonded.
Duly noted.
ZMA201300017 Comments:
12. [ZMA201300017 Proffer #1 and Affordable Housing] Designate which lots are the
affordable units throughout the final subdivision plat. Also, include a summary chart on
the cover sheet for tracking purposes. 15 percent of the units must be affordable and
must match those designated on the final site plan.
New Note #21 has been added to address this comment.
13. [COD and Lot Size]: Include the minimum and maximum lot sizes (per the COD) on
Sheet V1. The requirement is 1,000 SF minimum and 5,000 SF maximum for attached
New Note #18 has been added to address this comment.
14. [COD and Open Space] Include a tabulation on Sheet V1 of required and provided
open space per the COD. Total requirement is 3.62 acres.
Additional Application Comments:
15. Additional Applications:
a. [14-403], [14-235], [14-311] and [18-4.6.1] Road Plans: Road Plan approval will
be required prior to plat approval. Improvements must be built or bonded prior to
final plat approval.
b. [14-311] WPO approval is required prior to final plat approval.
Duly noted.
c. Ensure that the final versions of the final site plan, road plan, and final plat all
match. The DB/PG for new easements will need to be shown on the final site
plan prior to approval.
Every effort is being made to ensure that submitted documents do not conflict with each
other. The deed book and page reference has been added to sheets V-8 and V-12.
Engineering (Emily Cox):
VDOT (Adam Moore):
1. See attached letter dated May 14, 2020.
Responses noted in attached letter.
ACSA (Richard Nelson):
1. See attached PDF with ACSA comments written in red on the plat.
All comments have been addressed.
Fire/Rescue (Shawn Maddox):
1. No objection.
Inspections (Michael Dellinger):
1. Note to developer:
a. Due to required distances from lot lines and structures as required by the NFPA,
underground propane tanks may be prohibited. Plan accordingly.
Duly noted.
2. All other comments will be during site plan review. No further objection.
Duly noted.
E911 (Brian Becker):
1. No objection.
Please contact Tori Kanellopoulos in the Planning Division at vkanellopoulos(a-)_albemarle.org or
434-296-5832 ext. 3270 for further information.