HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201900039 Temporary Sediment Basin Design Data Sheet 2020-06-17TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN DATA SHEET (with or without emergency spillway) Project Hillcrest Tasting and Venue Basin # ADD. Total Area Draining to Basin 216,726 sq.ft. 5.03 acres Basin Volume Design Wet Storage Minimium Required Volume = 67 cu. yds. x Total Drainage Area (acres) 67 cu. yds. x 5.03 acres = 337.01 cu. yds. 9099 cu.ft. Available basin volume = 337.01 cu.yds. at elevation 1074.45 ft (from Sed Basin Calcs stage/storage table) Orifice Invert Elevation = wet storage surface elevation Elevation = 1074.45 ft Available volume beore cleanout required. 33 cu.yds. x 5.03 acres = 165.99 cu.yds. 4482 cu.ft. Elevation corresponding to sediment cleanout level at elevation 1073 (from Sed Basin Calcs stage/storage table) Distance from invert of the dewatering orifice to clean out level 1.45 ft (min 1.0 ft) Dry Storage Minimium Required Volume = 67 cu. yds. x Total Drainage Area (acres) 67 cu. yds. x 5.03 acres = 334.50 cu. yds. 9031 cu.ft. Total available basin volume at crest of riser (Min = 134 cu.yds./acre total drainage) 674 cu.yds. 18199 cu.ft. Riser Crest Elev. 1076.70 ft (from Sed Basin Calcs stage/storage table) Dewatering orifice Storage Flow Rate Min. Orifice Dia Design Orifice Dia Flexible Tubing Dia 9031.4 cu.ft 0.42 cu.ft/s 3.00 in 3.00 in 6.00 in (Dewatering within 6 hours) Preliminary Design Elevations Riser Crest Elev. 1076.70 ft (from Sed Basin Calcs stage/storage table) Top of Dam 1080 ft Design High Water 25yr-24hr storm 1077.79 ft (from Sed Basin Calcs stage/storage table) Upstream Toe Elev. 1080.00 ft Basin Shape (at Normal Pool) Runoff Length of Flow L = 2.86 L 100 Effective Width We Are baffles required? If > 2, baffles are not required No A 3500 If < 2, baffles are required Q2 9.00 cfs (from Sed Basin Hydrograph, routed) Q25 21.57 cfs (from Sed Basin Hydrograph, routed) Principal Spillway Design With emergency spillway, required spillway capacity Qp = Q2 = n/a cfs Without emergency spillway, required spillway capacity Qp = Q25 = 21.57 cfs With Emergency spillway: Assumed available head (h) = n/a ft h = Crest of Emergency Spillway - Riser Crest Without Emergency Spillway Assumed available head (h) = 1.09 ft h = Design High Water Elevation - Riser Crest Riser Design Riser Diameter (Dr) = 36 in (from Sed Basin Calcs) Actual head (h) = 1.09 ft Barrel Design Barrel Length (1) = 60 ft Barrel Invert upstream = 1070.4 ft Barrel Invert downstream = 1069.8 ft Head on Barrel through 7.39 embakment ft Barrel Diameter 18 in Trash rack & Diameter 54 in (from VESCH Table 3.14-D) Antivortex device Height 17 in (from VESCH Table 3.14-D) ft ft Emergency Spillway Design Required spillway capacity Qe = Q25 - QP = (NOT APPLICABLE, 2'+ FREEBOARD EXISTS) Bottom Width (b) _ Exit channel slope (s) Exit channel min. lenth (x) Anti -Seep Collar Design cfs ft From table 3.14-C ft/ft ft Depth of water at principal spillway crest (Y) _ (NOT APPLICABLE, SILTY -CLAY SOILS EXIST, -3.30 ft <10' EMBANKMENT) Slope of upstream face of embankment (Z) _ 4 :1 Slope of Principal Spillway barrel (Sb) _ 0.12 ft/ft Length of barrel in saturated zone (Ls) _ -50.8 ft Number of collars required Dimmensions Final Design Elevations Top of Dam= Design High Water Emergency Spillway Crest Principal Spillway Crest Dewatering Orifice Inv. Cleanout Elevation Basin Bottom Elevation 3 7.25 ft 1080.00 1077.79 n/a 1076.70 1074.45 1073.00 1070.50 (at riser base) From Plate 3.14-12