HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202000012 Correspondence 2020-06-15 (2)Verizon Wireless — "Mirador Farm (Scruby Property) Tier III
Personal Wireless Service Facility
Project Description / Request:
Cellco Partnership, operating as Verizon Wireless ("Verizon"), respectfully requests approval of
a Special Use Permit and Special Exemption for a Personal Wireless Service Facility (PWSF),
including a 108-foot tall monopole to be located immediately south of the nearest addressed
parcel at 7418 Greenwood Station Road, and identified as Tax Map & Parcel Number 05400-00-
00-072AO (the "Property"). The leased area is 40'x40'. Verizon's proposed radio transmitter
cabinet will be placed on a concrete pad, besides an approximately 10' wide utility H-Frame
stand for other power communication components on a steel grated platform, and an emergency
back-up power generator on another concrete pad. This facility will be installed within a 600
square -foot fenced compound and the ground equipment will be covered with an ice guard to
prevent possible damage to the ground equipment due to falling tree branches and ice. The
monopole, antennas, and base station equipment that might be visible above the screening fence
will all be painted with Sherwin Williams Java Brown - #6090, which is a matte enamel color
that has been previously approved as an appropriate color for many other "Treetop" Personal
Wireless Service Facility sites throughout Albemarle County.
Network Objectives:
Verizon is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide state-of-the-
art wireless telecommunications services within Albemarle County using a combination of four
(4) separate bands on the frequency spectrum. These consists of the 850 MHz band for Cellular
(CDMA), the 1900 MHz frequency band for Personal Communications Services (PCS), the 4G
Long Term Evolution (LTE) on 700 MHz band, and Advance Wireless Services (AWS) on the
2100 MHz band. The network offers data upload and download transmission speeds that much
faster than the previous generations of wireless technologies. Verizon has also recently added
high -definition calling capabilities to the data networks in the form of Voice Over LTE
(VOLTE) service.
Whenever possible, it is Verizon's goal to provide seamless in -building, in -car, and on -street
coverage and the full range of voice and data services to existing and future customers. Verizon
has determined that the area surrounding this proposed site needs expanded coverage to better
service the nearby residences, businesses, and traffic along the I-64 Interstate. Therefore, this site
is intended to provide infill coverage while also adding additional network capacity by
offloading traffic from the companies nearest existing sites in all directions. Although the
proposed 108' monopole tower would not be too short to maximize coverage, it should allow the
antennas to clear the highest treetops within the immediate area on this parcel allowing service
from this facility to connect the with customers who are currently drawing on the marginal
coverage levels that are currently being provided by the four (4) nearest neighboring sites: "I64
West" to the West (VZW PWSF off Newton Heights Road), "Yancey Mills" to the East (VZW
PWSF off Patterson Mill Lane), "Parsons Green" to the southwest (VZW PWSF off of Route
151 — Critzers Shop Road), and "Railroad Avenue" to the Northeast (VZW Rooftop Mounted
Antenna in Downtown Crozet).
Character of the Area:
The proposed PWSF will be contained within a 1600 square -foot lease area located on a 1.098
acre property used for agricultural purposes. The site of the proposed facility has a ground level
elevation of 773.5 feet Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL). The subject parcel, which is in the
Verizon PWSF (Mirador Farm — Scruby Property)
Verizon Wireless — "Mirador Farm (Scruby Property) Tier III
Personal Wireless Service Facility
White Hall Magisterial District, is located off of Greenwood Station Road, is zoned Rural Areas
(RA), and is located within the Entrance Corridor (EC) Overlay District and the Greenwood -
Afton Rural Historic District (DHR ID #0088-5075). All adjoining properties are zoned Rural
Areas (RA) and have a mix of residential and agricultural uses. Access to the proposed PWSF
will be provided from the east side of Greenwood Station Road, utilizing an existing gravel
entrance to the property. The proposed monopole will be located approximately 37.5 feet east of
the nearest boundary line with the right-of-way for Greenwood Station Road. The nearest off -
site dwelling is located approximately 700' northwest of the monopole site across I-64 on
property identified as Tax Map / Parcel Number 05400-00-00-07100.
Compliance with Section 5.1.40 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance Section 5.1.40(b) —
Development Requirements for Tier III Personal Wireless Service Facilities (Items 1-12):
1. General Design: The Facility shall be designed, installed, and maintained as follows:
(a) Guy Wires: The proposed monopole will not require any installation of guy wires.
(b) Outdoor Lighting: One LED Floodlight will be placed on the utility H-Frame and test
lights will only be used as needed during unexpected events that require nighttime
visits by Verizon's technical operations staff. The proposed light must be adjustable
to illuminate various parts of the compound for safety reasons. However, it will not
be turned on nightly and will be located well below the treetops which will provide
natural shielding from the light shining skyward during any relatively short periods
of emergency maintenance.
(c) Ground Equipment: Proposed equipment consisting of the base station cabinets, H-
Frame stand and generator will be placed in a location that is screened from offsite
views by the surrounding trees, and a wooden fence will also be installed to help
fortify the existing screening elements that is offered to this site. Any portions of
equipment that are visible above the screening fence will be painted to match the
tower and blend into the wooded area.
(d) Whip Antenna: No whip antennas are currently proposed with this application.
(e) Grounding Rod: The proposed grounding rod to be mounted at the top of this
monopole will comply with the County's sizing requirements for a maximum of Two
(2) feet in length and one (1) inch in diameter.
2. Antennas and associated equipment:
(a) Number of arrays: Verizon will use a mounting collar and mounting frames that will
allow all six (6) of the necessary antennas to be installed in a single array within
three (3) horizontally separated sectors at the same height. This antenna array will
be centerline mounted at the 104 foot AGL level (878' AMSL), with the (2) antennas
grouped in each sector to support the combination of the licensed Cellular, PCS,
LTE, and A WSfrequencies all atone mounting level on the monopole. Other
supporting devices that consist of six (6) remote radio heads and two (2) fiber optic
surge protection boxes will be placed below the antenna array at heights that are not
expected to be visible from the adjacent properties or any distant off -site views.
(b) Size: The antennas initially to be installed in Verizon's array are identified as
Commscope Model Number: NHH-65C-R2B [96.0 "(H) x 11.9 "(W) x 7.1 " (D),
Verizon PWSF (Mirador Farm — Scruby Property)
Verizon Wireless — "Mirador Farm (Scruby Property) Tier III
Personal Wireless Service Facility
equaling 1,142.40 square inches]. Specific equipment will likely change over the life
of the PWSF as technology advances.
(c) Projection: The antennas are proposed to be mounted with 18" between the face of
the monopole and the backs of the antennas, and no need for physical down -tilting.
Therefore, Verizon is also requesting approval of a Special Exception to modify
Section 5.1.40. b(2) (c) of the Zoning Ordinance which allows maximum distances of
12" to 18" between the face of the monopole and the back of the antennas when
down -tilting is employed.
(d) Color: All antennas will be painted the same Java Brown color as the proposed
3. Tree Conservation P1an;Content:
The locations of proposed tree protection fencing are shown on the Erosion & Sediment
Control & Grading Plan Sheet ES-1. Prior to the approval of a building permit, Verizon
will also provide a tree conservation plan that has been prepared by a Certified Arborist.
As standard practice, the designated arborist has not issued a written conservation plan
letters until after they have had the chance to review Verizon's Final Construction
Drawings / Site Plan and visit the site. The final issued letters often provide
recommendations for any post -construction tree care techniques in addition to granting
approval for app proposed land disturbance techniques, vegetation protection fencing
locations, and other design elements that might affect the health of trees that surround
this site.
4. Creation of slopes steeper than 2:1.
Upon the completion of this project, none of the remaining slopes will be greater than 2:1
as a result of construction and land disturbing activities for the proposed facility.
5. Ground equipment shelter; fencing_
Verizon is proposing the installation of a 10 foot (10 ) tall wood fence in order to prevent
trespassing. The location and design details of the proposed screening fence are
provided in the construction drawings/site plan being submitted with this application.
6. Screening and siting to minimize visibility.
The monopole will be located 36.10' from the right-of-way line for Greenwood Station
Road (Route 690) and 38.10 ` from the I-64 Interstate right-of-way. There are numerous
mature trees along the north and west property line that will screen views of the
monopole from the road and adjacent properties. A total of nine (9) trees will need to be
removed to allow for the installation of the PWSF and related access.
7. Open space plan resources.
The PWSF is located along the I-64 interstate right-of-way but the numerous mature
trees located along the right-of-way will screen the view of the monopoles location. In
addition, the PWSF is also located within the Greenwood -Afton Rural Historic District
(DHR ID #0088-5075) which covers an area of approximately 16,300 acres. The PWSF
Verizon PWSF (Mirador Farm — Scruby Property)
Verizon Wireless — "Mirador Farm (Scruby Property) Tier III
Personal Wireless Service Facility
location was chosen due to its location close to the I-64 interstate and the ability by
VZW to locate the structure on a vacant wooded lot to minimize any impact to historical
structures or uses.
8. Horizontal separation of multiple facilities.
This facility will be the first facility of the property and therefore this provision is
9. Diameter of monopole
As indicated in the attached construction drawings, Verizon's proposed monopole will be
designed and constructed so that it is 30 inches at its base and tapers to 18 inches at its
10. Height of Monopole
At 108' foot tall (882 feet Above Mean Sea Level - AMSL), the proposed monopole will
be 10 feet above the top elevation of the reference tree, which is identified as a 12 "
diameter oak tree that is 95' (872 feet AMSL).
11. Color of monopole, antennas, and equipment.
The monopole and all antennas will be painted Sherwin Williams Java Brown #6090, a
color that has been applied to previously treetop PWSF monopoles in Albemarle County.
All of the base station equipment that is installed to support this facility will also be
painted the same color and enclosed behind a ten foot (10 ) wooden security fence.
12. Placement of cables, wires, and similar attachments.
The proposed monopole will be designed and constructed to contain all of Verizon
Wireless's coaxial and fiber optic cables that will run from the ground equipment to all
antennas and their supporting devices.
Section 5.1.40(c) — Applicability of other regulations in this chapter (Items 1-6):
1. Building site exemption.
Verizon acknowledges this exemption from the standard building site requirements for
2. Vehicular access.
Verizon will utilize Greenwood Station Road and the existing gravel access off of the
public right-of-way to access the property.
3. Setbacks.
Verizon has selected a location for this proposed monopole facility will be located 36.10'
feet from the right-of-way line for Greenwood Station Road (Route 690) and 38.10 ` from
the I-64 Interstate right-of-way. The PWSF is located 108 ` from the adjacent property
line shared with Parcel ID 405500-00-00-01500.
4. Area, bulk, and minimum yards.
Verizon PWSF (Mirador Farm — Scruby Property)
Verizon Wireless — "Mirador Farm (Scruby Property) Tier III
Personal Wireless Service Facility
Verizon acknowledges this exemption that allows relief to PWSF from the standard area,
bulk, and minimum yard requirements.
5. Required yards.
Verizon acknowledges this exemption that allows relief to PWSF from the required yard
6. Site plan.
Please refer to the attached construction drawings with site plan details and the
specification sheets for proposed antennas and equipment that all demonstrate
compliance with the Tier III PWSF criteria, set forth in Section 5.1.40(a)(4) — Plans and
Supporting Documents. Any other supporting information that is deemed relevant to the
requirements set forth in Section 32 of the zoning ordinance for site plans can be
submitted upon request.
Compliance with Section 33.40 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance
Section 33.40(B) — Factors to be Considered for Special Use Permits
In actin on n a special use permit, the Board shall consider the following factors, provided that the
Board is not required to make specific findings in support of its actions.
1. No substantial detriment:
This proposal meets all the design criteria for a Tier II PWSF currently required by
Section 5.1.40 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. The property is screened by a
buffer of mature trees that will screen the facility from adjacent properties and the I-64
interstate. The PWSF is unmanned (no water and sewer) and only requires monthly trips
by a technician to maintain the facility, therefore impacts to public facilities and
infrastructure will be minimal. The property does not contain steep slopes or floodplains
nor will the proposed development create any steep slopes greater than 2:1. Lastly, the
PWSF will not require any lighting on the structure or emit noise or odors which would
affect any adjacent property owner's quiet enjoyment of their property.
2. Character of the nearby area is unchanged:
The area surrounding this facility is a mix of rural residential with large parcels being
used for agricultural purposes. Only nine (9) trees on the property are scheduled to be
removed by the installation of this PWSF and their removal will not affect any views from
adjacent properties as an already existing mature buffer currently exists.
3. Harmony:
The RA (Rural Area) district was established to preserve agricultural and forestall land
activities, water supply protection and conservation of natural, scenic, and historic
resources. Per Section 10.2.1— By Right Uses allowed include residential, commercial,
and outdoor uses including Tier 1 and Tier II PWSF (10.2.1(22)). The proposed facility
meets the design criteria of a Tier II facility, except the property is located within the
Greenwood -Afton Rural Historic District (DHR ID #0088-5075) and therefore within a
defined "Avoidance Area " causing it not to meet the definition of a Tier II PWSF. In
Verizon PWSF (Mirador Farm — Scruby Property)
Verizon Wireless — "Mirador Farm (Scruby Property) Tier III
Personal Wireless Service Facility
addition, there are adjacent conservation easements located on Tax Map ("TMP') 55-15
& 71-2B (Seven Oaks Farm — ALB-00860), TMP 54-74E (Mirador Farm — ALB-00933),
TMP 70-15E (PRF20140002), TMP 70-15D (PRF20140001), TMP 55-13A & TMP55-
12E & TMP 55-12 (ALB-02266), TMP 55-21 & TMP 55-81 & TMP 55-80 (ALB-0822),
TMP 55-12B & TMP 55-20A & TMP 55-20 & TMP 55-16B (ALB-01370), and TMP 54-
74F & TMP 54-20 & TMP 70-4 (ALB-00741). These easements seek to protect the open
and scenic views, as well as visibility from neighboring properties also currently under
conservation easements. A mature tree buffer on the associated property along with
those on neighboring properties will adequately screen the facility from adjacent
properties and those traveling within the Historic District. Justin Altice of the Virginia
Outdoors Foundation (VOF) will be evaluating the proposed site on behalf of the
easement holder of the six VOF easements. The other two easements are held by the
County in the ACE program.
4. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan:
Per the adopted Albemarle County 2015 Comprehensive Plan calls for the preservation
of the county's historic, archeological, and cultural resources within the Rural Areas.
The PWSF meets the criteria for a Tier II facility required by the Albemarle County
Zoning Ordinance and the mature tree buffer located along the property line will screen
the PWSF from adjacent properties and passing vehicles. In addition, the proposed
PWSF and ground based equipment will be painted brown which further will allow the
facility to blend within the natural environment.
Objective 10 of the Community Facilities Chapter 12 of the Comprehensive Plan is to
support the provision of private utilities, including wireless service when its provision is
in keeping with other aspects of the Comprehensive Plan. This proposed site supports
this objective and is consistent with Strategy 10e as the proposed facility has been sited
and designed in accordance with the County's Personal Wireless Service Facilities
Approval of this PWSF application will contribute to the expansion of Verizon's coverage to the
Rural Areas, existing and future residents and businesses as well as travelers on the I-64
interstate. This facility will also help to reinforce network capacity and relieve some of the high
levels of traffic that has been experienced at the neighboring network locations. The monopole
tower serving this PWSF will meet the County's design preferences for monopoles that extend
just above the treetops with dark brown finishes and well -screened base station compounds.
Therefore, Verizon is confident that the proposed PWSF will meet the design criteria necessary
for approval of a Tier III Facility, and that is does not conflict with any of the goals and
objectives set forth in the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan.
Verizon PWSF (Mirador Farm — Scruby Property)
Verizon Wireless — "Mirador Farm (Scruby Property) Tier III
Personal Wireless Service Facility
Nathan Holland
GDN Sites
Site Development Consultants to Verizon
Verizon PWSF (Mirador Farm — Scruby Property)