HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202000037 Plan - Submittal (First) WPO VSMP 2020-07-02C1COVERSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENTGALAXIE FARM SUBDIVISIONVSMP PLAN FORWPO 2020-000XXVICINITY MAPSCALE : 1"=1000'LEGENDEXISTINGNEWDESCRIPTIONBOUNDARIESBENCHMARKSITE PROPERTY LINEADJACENT PROPERTY LINEVACATED PROPERTY LINEBUILDING SETBACKPARKING SETBACKACCESS EASEMENTSITE TEXTNOTESPARKING COUNTDIMENSIONGROUNDGRADING EASEMENTINDEX CONTOURINTERVAL CONTOURSPOT ELEVATIONTOP OF CURB ELEVATIONTOP OF WALL ELEVATIONBOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATIONRETAINING WALLSTAIRSBUILDINGBUILDINGROAD-EDGE OF PAVEMENTROAD- CENTERLINECG-2 STANDARD 6" CURBCG-6 STANDARD 6" CURB AND GUTTERCG-12 STANDARD ACCESS RAMPSIDEWALKBIKE PARKINGCROSSWALKHANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLEHANDICAP PARKINGMATERIALCONCRETE/PAVEMENT-SIDEWALKRIP-RAPASPHALTGRASSEC-3 MATTINGEC-2 MATTINGWETLANDTREELINEFENCESTREAMUTILITYUTILITY EASEMENTUTILITY POLELIGHT POLEOVERHEAD UTILITYSANITARY & SEWERSTORM SEWERROOF DRAINDRAIN INLETDRAINAGE EASEMENTSWM FOREST/OPEN SPACE EASEMENTSANITARY SEWER W. LATERALSANITARY MANHOLESANITARY EASEMENTWATERWATER LINE W. SERVICEWATER METERWATER VALVEFIRE HYDRANTWATER EASEMENTGASGAS LINEXXXXOHUOHUOHUOHUWWWWGASGASGASGASXXXXOHUOHUOHUOHUWWWWGASGASGASGAS1.00'1010RDRDBoundary & topographic survey provided by:Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. February 27, 2020PROPOSED Area %Building 1.94 ac 14.2%Pavement 2.95 ac 21.5%Sidewalk 0.51 ac 3.7%Total Impervious 5.40 ac 39.4%Open Space 8.70 ac 60.6%Total= 13.70 ac 100.0%C1 COVER SHEETC2 EX. CONDITIONSC3 SITE OVERVIEWC4 GRADING & UTILITY OVERVIEWC5 SITE LAYOUTC6 SITE LAYOUTC7 GRADING & UTILITY PLANC8 GRADING & UTILITY PLANC9 ESC NARRATIVEC10 ESC PHASE 1C11 ESC PHASE 2C12 ESC PHASE 3C13 ESC PHASE 4C14 ESC DETAILSC15 ESC DETAILSC16 SEDIMENT BASIN DETAILSC17 MITIGATION PLANC18 SWM DETAILSC19 STORM SEWER PROFILESC20 BMP PLAN & DETAILSC21 BMP DETAILSC22 BMP DETAILSSHEET INDEXOWNERTax Map 91 Parcel 15 (09100-00-00-01500): Jasper L Haynes & Mallie P HaynesP.O. Box 422Charlottesville, VA 22902Tax Map 91 Parcel 9 (09100-00-00-00900): David S. Witmer & Anna Marie Witmer444 Rookwood Dr.Charlottesville, VA 22903ZONINGPRD per ZMA201800012 Galaxie Farm, as approved by the Board of Supervisors on December 4th, 2019.This site contains areas which lie in the steep slopes overlay district.Onsite steep slopes are shown in this plan and include both managed and preserved steep slopes.No preserved steep slopes shall be disturbed with this plan.MAGISTERIAL DISTRICTScottsvilleSOURCE OF TITLETax map 91 Parcel 15: DB 859-143DB 619-368 PlatTax map 91 Parcel 9: DB 2294-204, 207 PlatSOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHYFLOODZONERESERVOIR WATERSHEDThis site is within the Moores Creek Watershed.This site is not within a watershed of a public water supply.BENCHMARK Datum for topography is NAVD 88GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES1. Prior to any construction within any existing right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtainedfrom the Virginia Department of Transit (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of thepermit.Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern.2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to the current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwisenoted.3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall beinstalled prior to any clearing, grading or other construction.4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched.5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontle:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to beacheived.6. Paved, rip-rap or stabilization amt lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer or designee it isdeemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices.8. Unless othrewise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III.9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part1926).CONTRACT PURCHASER / DEVELOPEREXISTING Area %Building 0.10 ac 0.7%Pavement 0.50 ac 3.6%Sidewalk 0.00 ac 0.0%Open Space 13.10 ac 95.7%Total= 13.70 ac 100.0%EXISTING USESingle Family ResidentialPROPOSED USEResidential Use65 lots:42 Single Family Detached& 23 Multifamily (Townhouses).LAND USE SCHEDULEFEMA flood insurance rate map (community panel 51003C0426D), effective date February 4, 2005 shows this propertyis not within zone AE and no portion of the property lies within the 100-year flood plain.Blackbird of Charlottesville LLC912 East High StCharlottesville, VA 22902TAX MAP 91, PARCEL 15 & TAX MAP 91, PARCEL 9ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIASITEMap provided by Google.comGALAXIEFARM LANESETBACKS1.This property does not lie in a dam break inundation zone.2.There are no known places of burial in the property.3.This property is not within an Albermale County and/or City of Charlottesville water supply watershed or anagricultural-forestal district.4.Stream buffers are shown on plan.5.Parcel [15 & 9] and the residue of [91-15, & 91-09] each contain building site that complies with section 4.2.1 of theAlbemarle County Zoning Ordinance.SUBDIVISION NOTES1- For front loaded garages, the porch or building face shall be a minimum of 3 feet closer to the street as measured from the face of the garage door.2- For those units that (1) do not front Roads “A2” or “B”, and (2) are located in Block 2, utilizing Private Road “E”, shall have a minimum front setback of 3 feet from the right-of-way of Private Road “E”. All other units shall have a minimum front setback of 5 feet, per Section 4.19 of the Zoning Ordinance.3- All rear yards (except those adjoining Road “E”) shall have a minimum setback of 20 feet.4- Structures along Road “E” shall have a minimum rear setback of 5 feet.VDOT's land development south staff (540-967-3715 or 540-967-3716) shall be notified 48 hours in advance of any anticipatedroad/shoulder closures”, “The permittee or his or her designee shall report all work zones in the VDOT right of way on a daily basisat set up and take down to VDOT'S Smart Traffic Center (540-332-9500)”, “Copies of all independent testing reports to be submittedto VDOT for verification”, “A minimum 48 hours advance notification of a proof roll of both the subgrade and stone base is requiredby VDOT.” “All areas excavated below existing pavement surface and within clear zone, at the conclusion of each workday, shall bebackfilled to form an approximate 6:1 wedge, against the existing pavement surface for the safety and protection of vehiculartraffic.” And that “Traffic shall be maintained during construction of the tie-in and mill of the adjacent travel lanes.” “water lines,sewer lines, etc. crossing future VDOT maintained roads have to be sleeved with ductile iron pipe “two (2) times diameter of theutility line).” And “A video (3 electronic copies to VDOT) of all stormwater systems carrying VDOT runoff or runoff under a futurestate road is required to be submitted to VDOT for review and approval prior to paving operations.VDOT NOTESWATER & SANITARY SERVICESThis project lies within the ACSA jurisdictional area for both water and sewer and will be served by ACSA utilities.1. The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre-construction conference, one week prior to thecommencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection.2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specificationsof the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment ControlRegulations.3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing.4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times.5. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off-siteborrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval bythe plan approving authority.6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion andsedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority.7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during sitedevelopment until final stabilization is achieved.8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device.9. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff producing rainfall event. Any necessaryrepairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately.10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area.11. All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood,rubbish, and other debris.12. Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle.14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial-type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm.15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner that maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard topersons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because o slides, sinking, orcollapse.16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities whereapplicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of theproperty.17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of Septemberto February to consist a 50/50 mix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, orMay through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approvedby the County erosion control inspector.18. Permanent stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at90lbs/1000sf, incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 180lbs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5%Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by theCounty erosion control inspector.19. Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to structural measures is tobe repaired immediately. Silt traps are to be cleaned when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areasare to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sedimentto half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately.20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measuresare no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector.21. This plan shall be void if the owner does not obtain a permit within 1 year of the date of approval. (Water Protection Ordinancesection 17-204G.)22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activitycommenced. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17-207B)GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOREROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANSSTORMTECH BMP MAINTENACE NOTES1.Inspect the 3 trash screens at detention inlet areas twice per year, in the summer and in the winter. Clean out debris withvac-truck during inspection. Repair screens if needed.2.Inspect weir plate orifices, trash racks, and welds annually. Remedy any clogs or failures, and replace orifice trash racks ifneeded.3.Inspect general system debris accumulation once every 2 years. If debris or sediment is noticed, clean out system with avac-truck using access risers.ZMA 2018-00012 NOTES1.For front loaded garages, the porch or building face shall be a minimum of 3 feet closer to the street as measured fromthe face of the garage door.2.For those units that (1) do not front Roads “A2” or “B2”, and (2) are located in Block 2, utilizing Private Road “E”, shallhave a minimum front setback of 3 feet from the right-of-way of Private Road “E”. All other units shall have a minimumfront setback of 5 feet, per Section 4.19 of the Zoning Ordinance.3.All Blocks except 7 and 8 may be used for residential uses as noted by the unit types listed above.4.All rear yards (except those adjoining Road “E”) shall have a minimum setback of 20 feet.5.Structures along Road “E” shall have a minimum rear setback of 5 feet.6.No structures or lots shall be permitted in the stream buffer or on preserved slopes. No preserved slopes within thedevelopment shall be disturbed.7.As applicable, retaining walls within the development shall meet the design standards required for the disturbance ofmanaged slopes in Section 30.7.5 of the Zoning Ordinance.8.Total allowable residential units shall be 65.9.Road “C” is shown as a possible future connection to Tax Map Parcel 91-13 to be extended and dedicated upondemand of the County.10.Road “B1” is shown as a possible future connection to Tax Map Parcel 91-10 to be extended and dedicated upondemand of the County.11.25% of the required stormwater quality treatment shall be provided onsite. 72C3HSG B72B3HSG B58BHSG B72C3HSG B72D3HSG B72D3HSG B72BHSG B79BHSG B79BHSG B79BHSG B72D3HSG B72D3HSG BC2EXISTING CONDITIONSSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENTRUNOFF FLOW DIRECTIONSOIL TYPE BOUNDARYLEGEND ROAD B149' ROWROA D D 49' R O WROAD A257' ROWROAD A138' ROWROAD B254' ROWROAD C54' ROWROAD C54' ROWROAD FROAD E SHEET C5, C7SHEET C6, C8C3SUBDIVISION LAYOUTOVERVIEWSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT ROAD B149' ROWROA D D 49' R O WROAD A257' ROWROAD A138' ROWROAD B254' ROWROAD C54' ROWROAD C54' ROWROAD FROAD E SHEET C5, C7SHEET C6, C8C4SUBDIVISION GRADING& UTILITY OVERVIEWSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT ROAD B149' ROWROA D D 49' R O WROAD A257' ROWROAD A138' ROWROAD B254' ROWROAD C54' ROWROAD FROAD E C5SUBDIVISION LAYOUTSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT ROAD B149' ROWROAD A257' ROWROAD B254' ROWROAD C54' ROWROAD C54' ROWC6SUBDIVISION LAYOUTSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT ROAD B149' ROWROA D D 49' R O WROAD A257' ROWROAD A138' ROWROAD B254' ROWROAD C54' ROWROAD FROAD E C7GRADING & UTILITY PLANSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT ROAD B149' ROWROAD A257' ROWROAD B254' ROWROAD C54' ROWROAD C54' ROWC8GRADING & UTILITY PLANSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT C9ESC NARRATIVESUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENTPROJECT DESCRIPTION, GENERAL NOTES, EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES, AND SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION· 9C106C15TRAP 1TRAP 2WASH RACK31.011.0717476767474TRAP 1 DRAINAGEAREA = 0.80 ACTRAP 2 DRAINAGEAREA = 1.25 AC39.015.0697274766972747474ROAD AROAD A6C156C156C156C156C154C144C148C148C147C151C141C141C141C141C119C10PUMP 1 (CLEANWATER PUMP)SAND BAGCOFFER DAM 2.5C116C153C15TRAP 1TRAP 2SET UP SANDBAGS &PUMPS TO DIVERT ANYWATER DURING CULVERTINSTALLATION. SEE C11.SAND BAG COFFER DAM 1. PLACESAND BAGS ON FILTER FABRIC TOMINIMIZE DISTURBANCE IN STREAMBED. FABRIC CAN BE THE SAME ASUSED FOR ONSITE SILT FENCE.PUMP 2 (CLEANWATER PUMP)WASH RACK31.011.0717476767474TRAP 1 DRAINAGEAREA = 0.80 ACTRAP 2 DRAINAGEAREA = 1.25 AC39.015.069727476697274747470ROAD AROAD A6C156C156C156C156C154C144C148C148C147C15C10ESC PHASE 1SUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENTSEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION - PHASE 1CRIT ICAL AREARUNOFF FLOW DIRECTIONSOIL TYPE BOUNDARYLEGENDC R I T I C A L A R E A CRIT ICAL AREA CRITICAL AREAPHASE 1APHASE 1B 9C106C15STAGING/PARKING AREATRAP 2WASH RACKAREA SHALL REMAINSTABILIZEDEXCAVATED MATERIALS (TYP.)5C147C1410C145C147C1410C145C147C1410C145C147C1410C143C143C141C153C143C143C143C141C141C141C141C141C14TRAP 2 DRAINAGEAREA = 1.25 AC39.015.06972746972747474NOTE: DA TO INLETPROTECTION IS 0.5AC EACHROAD AROAD A6C156C156C156C156C151C141C144C144C144C141C141C141C141C15C11ESC PHASE 2SUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENTSEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION - PHASE 2CRITICAL AREASILTFENCETRENCHEXCAVATEDMATERIALS1C112' - 5' 9C106C15TRAP 27.2 AC BASINDRAINAGE AREAWASH RACK60.060.0TRAP 2 DRAINAGEAREA = 1.25 AC5C147C1410C145C147C1410C145C147C1410C145C147C1410C145C147C1410C145C147C1410C145C147C1410C145C147C1410C145C147C1410C145C147C1410C143C143C143C143C143C143C141C1539.015.06972746972747474ROAD AROAD AROAD B ROAD B ROA D DROAD CROAD C6C156C156C156C156C154C144C144C144C144C142C152C152C158C148C144C144C14NOTE: DA TO INLETPROTECTION IS 0.5AC EACH1C15C12ESC PHASE 3SUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENTSOIL EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL SYMBOLSXXXXSEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION - PHASE 3 9C106C15WASH RACKROAD AROAD AROAD B ROAD B ROA D DROAD CROAD CROAD FROAD EBMP 16C156C156C156C156C154C144C144C141C141C141C141C144C144C14C13ESC PHASE 4SUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENTSEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION - PHASE 4 C14ESC DETAILSSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT75ADHESIVES USED FOR DUST CONTROLTABLE 3.39-AAdhesive(Adhesive: Water)NozzleGallons/AcreApplicationRateType ofWaterDilutionAnionicAsphalt EmulsionLatex EmulsionResin in WaterAcrylic Emulsion(Non-Traffic)Acrylic Emulsion(Traffic)7:112.5:14:17:13.5:1Coarse SprayCoarse SprayCoarse SprayFine SprayFine Spray1,200235300450350689C14C14C14C14C141C143C1410C14C154C142DRY STORAGE67 CU. YD./ACREWET STORAGE67 CU. YD./ACRESediment Trap Design DataNo.ABCH (ft.)Z (ft.)WeirLength(ft.)DA(Acs.)WetVol.(Req.)D1(ft.)Wet Vol.Cy(Prov.)BottomSA (sq.ft.)DryVol.(Req.)D2(ft.)Dry Vol.Cy(Prov.)Top SA(sq. ft.)1471.0474.0476. C15ESC DETAILSSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT1C15C153Q10(cfs)La (ft)Do (ft)3Do(ft)d50(in)depth(in)OutletConditionA1 / B136146.05.0015.0017.025.0ChannelE112728. OUTFALL3621. FENCEFILTER FABRICUNDER SANDBAGSPILE SANDBAGS IN BEDTO ELEVATIONOF BANK.SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION1.PREPARE DIVERSION 1 WITH PUMP HOSE PER MANUFACTURER SPECS. HOSE SHALL BESECURED USING SANDBAGS OR EQUIVALENT. DIVERSION 1 HOSE SHALL OUTLET INTOEX. RIP-RAP OUTLET PROTECTION . ENSURE CONDUIT IS PLACED IN RIP-RAP SUCHTHAT NO EROSION OCCURS.2.TEST PUMP & TUBING TO ENSURE FUNCTIONALITY.3.PLACE FILTER FABRIC IN STREAM BED AND PLACE SANDBAG COFFER DAM ON FILTERFABRIC UP TO THE LEVEL OF THE TOP OF STREAM BANKS.4.MONITOR PUMP 1 DURING CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE STREAM DIVERSION ISSUCCESSFUL.5.WHEN DIVERSION 1 HAS BEEN COMPLETED, INSTALL DIVERSION 2 SANDBAGS IN SAMEFASHION. CONTRACTOR MAY USE OPTIONAL PUMP 2 AND DIVERSION HOSE TO PUMPSEDIMENT LADEN WATER FROM DIVERSION 2 INTO SILT SACK IF WATER BUILDS UP INCULVERT INSTALLATION WORK AREA.6.AFTER CULVERT HAS BEEN INSTALLED, REMOVE DIVERSIONS .Optional 6'x6' Silt SackINTAKE HOSEPUMP &DISCHARGEHOSESECTION VIEWC154Rip-Rap Outlet Protection shallfunction as velocity dissipaterPLAN VIEWC156MattingWidthSide S lope DepthKey InMatting 6"C155Ditch SectionsDitchLiningChannelDepth (ft)10-YrFlow(cfs)10-YrFlowDepth (ft)ChannelWidth (ft)ChannelSideSlope1EC-3Matting1.337.491.0983:1C157 7.2 AC BASINDRAINAGE AREA5C147C14C143C14478475 TOP DRY471.5 CLEANOUT ELEV.470 BOTTOM WET478473 TOP WET470 BOTTOM WET471.5 CLEANOUT ELEV.473 TOP WET475 TOP DRY480 48" CMPSTANDPIPE25 LF BAFFLE25 LF BAFFLE478 D A M T O P 478 D A M T O P" CMP478 476 474 472 470 6C152C152C15C16SEDIMENT BASINDETAILSSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENTC163MIN. 3.0'MIN. 2.0'ABCRiserRimElev.DA(Acs.)WetVol.(Req.)Wet Vol.Cy(Prov.)DryVol.(Req.)Dry Vol.Cy(Prov.)25 yrWSE470.0471.5473.0475.07.20482.44.0482.4486.0476.0RISERINFLOWNORMAL POOLL = TOTAL DISTANCE FROM THE POINT OF INFLOW AROUND THE BAFFLE TO THE RISER.NORMAL POOLRISERINFLOWRISERNORMAL POOLINFLOWL = L + L 1 2SHEETS OF 4' X 8' X 1/2" EXTERIORPLYWOOD OR EQUIVALENTPOSTS MIN. SIZE 4" SQUAREOR 5" ROUND. SET ATLEAST 3' INTO THE GROUND.BAFFLE MIN.6" ABOVERISER RIMRISER RIM ELEVATION: 475.05.5' MINBAFFLEL1L2DDLDDD/2BAFFLEBAFFLENO SCALED/2D/2D/28'18"6"60"STRAP/BOLTCMP RISER TOCONC. BASEC165C161C164C166C162BOTTOM OF BASIN: 470.0 ROAD A138' ROWROAD FC17MITIGATION PLANSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT····· C18SWM DETAILSSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT C19STORM SEWER PROFILESSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENTC191C192C194C196C197C193C198C1911C199C1910C195C1912PROFILE CONTINUES ON DETAIL 7 BELOW C20BMP DETAILSSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENTC203C201C202C204 C21BMP DETAILSSUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT C22BMP INSTALLATION &MAINTENANCESUBMISSION:2020.07.02REVISION:18.025VSMP PLAN FORALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA912 E. HIGH ST.CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22902FISSEORPONALENGI R E EN AIVIROHFJUSTIN M. SHIMPLic. No. 45183NIGLAWO NETC O M MFILE NO.GALAXIE FARMSUBDIVISION434.227.5140JUSTIN@SHIMP-ENGINEERING.COMLAND PLANNING - PROJECT MANAGEMENT