HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202000081 Application 2020-07-07County of Albemarle
: ' BUILDING P,ERA. f T - Page 7
CommLnity DevelopmentDe.,3: -w,.
401 Vclntire.Roaa[C-,w nesv:- a.VA229a2-4 -S'
Voice: (434; 293-6M Fax r:434) 972-4123
TMP 061WA-01-OC-00400 I f}!L6 eurrentIIf"
Acres Primary Zoning C1 Commercial
a r 4r= P •
Building Permit B00- 1- 47_6 16 - _2?— �
Eub Application TypeISige
Street Addresd 101 490 WESTFIELD RD CHARLOTtESVILLE VA, 22901
r-ralorsut}d4 Weslfield
Entered By. Bud- Smrth an 0E/0412021
Asaiodated GuMfiv
'`paterLY Te Spe*aUjp s age �—� fry ncaticn i �I e
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Work Valuation kwisdildiciffL31 Area Other Foot, Found.Desc.;
Water 8r Sewer
Description: J � q ( a,- A ` r �0�� '�
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HqK off - 3z
D1rELt1Qfl5 490 WESTFIELD RQ•�..�...����...��.�.�..�.���..��.�........�....��...�. - - - - - - --
Use Group Construction Type
Square Footage$: #oFStories Porches rnfinished Basement
1st Floor Decks Other Unfinished
Cnd Floor Garage Total F. ' 0
3rd Floor Swimming Pao]
Finished basement
other Habitable
Tout HattirtaGle Sq. Footage O Tatat Bue"&ting Sq. Footage
Set Backs° Zoning pre -Construction? Land Use?
Front Back
Fire Alarms Required? Bldg pre -Construction? �
Left Side Right Side Fire Sprinkler NAP4 Code; Year
Dwelling Units Accessory Structures � htobile'tPrefab. Homes Mobile ol'F'iceskPrefab. Units
Carports B Bedrooms � Baths H
Paint Spray Booths B
Garages Kitchens 5Mrnming Paols'_Hat
Tubsl5pas [Res. Only)
Other I SIGN EleuatarsXEscalators1,Lifts =
the 29 group II
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490 WESTFIELD ROAD i ❑`:a -saes": a vs LI 9
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4-JS iKI "571 4Si-6"-#2 - .
Countv of Albemarle
Oo m mt; nity Develop.m entDeaa,-t T-lwt
401 McIntire Rzac ; NI awesv!i:a,VA22K,214a
Voice., t43+4;12SEL5932 Fax : () 9 2-412&
TMP 061WO-01-OC-00480 I Current !THIS 29.-.GRQM'.LLG Y
! Mifne-r(s)! —
Acres 0.99 Z Prirn�n ng :Cf commercial ,, ulalar 4�[eskfield
Building Permit gl B2020-01231-S
€rrilared Ey. Ea& Smyth on 0610 41zo2o
Sub Application Typ a Sign ,, AsmcrmtedBu sg
Street Address. 101 490 WESTFIELD RD CHARLOTTESVILL:E VA, 2-2901
contractor llurnbu _ I t Uc�tseNurr§Br!—.—.—__. __ Lioeme
Separate permits may be required for Electrical, Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning.
This permit becomes nuii a=nr o.-aid if work or construction aufficrized :s not commenced within 6 months, or'f ccnstr.,ct.o * or work
is suspended or abardoned for a pe. '.ac of 6 months at any time after woric is co.^-rre: ced.
I hereby certiivthat I have reao and examined this application and knowthe same to be trke a-, cc,-ect. rill provisions of laws
and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied 6vith whether sc:e6F:ed herein or not. The granting of a permit does
not presume to give a;ithar iy to violate or cancel the provisions of ary otlher state or local law regulating constrixton cr:i-e
nprfnrm;%nre of rnnctmrt nn
By signing this building permit, the owner anc/z- re:- agent hereby grant employees of the Albemarle County Community
Development Real Estate Departments the rightto enter and ir.si3ectthe subject property Vc^day .r sag^ Friday betwea- t!a
hours of 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.. holidays excepted.
If you are notthe owner of record, please check which applies:
I certify that I am the agent for THE 29 GROUP LLaC
❑ , the owner, and am authorized to submit this application on behalf of the owner under the agency granted to me.
I am ne tier the Owner ^cr the Owner's agent. I certify that nte^ notice ofths applicatinnr by providing a copy of finis
application, vw"! be mailed to the Owner atthe €ol!owing add-ess
within 10 days of taoay's date as regl; lied by Virginia Code § 15.2-2204(H). i understand t.Zat, I do rut provide the
notice to the Owner as provided he_re&'r, :he building permit application and every :t�-e- subseauentappro'val, permit or
certificate related thereto could be e:ermr -ee to be void.
arat�.re of Cla rer, Cor'mclor c, Aatk-orcak Apr? Oa:e
-; &%re of Ba �_-,� �ifcja; o-A"'t.xl2eRepreswr•.a'Iae 'Jags
ELECTRONiCRECORDS ST 75_24E1'T. Albemarle County is creating and using electron:c records and elec'Y-or_.ic signatures as
allowed by the °J^-corm EJectronic Transacbons ikct (V-%rginia Gore § 59.1-479 et seq.). As an applicant to ti a Building Permit
process, yoi may --onseritto receive, cr have online access to, electronic records a^c: receive and create records r•av;�g
electronic signatures relatedto Buirdincl Permits, Correspondence, :nspeciioa Tickets and Cert;Ecates of Occupancy ,the Buildino
Please initial :^ere if you AGREE to receive and/or use electronic records and esectrs-�'c signatures for Permit
i^`aaofChre*,:,c!a:`ar rkU'.! :^madA;e_t
Your agreementto conduct 5v',1d'T; Pe-m,'t transactions by electronic means does -�, ;-eve— you from refusing to conductot!rer
transactions by electronic means.
,,_,�y Community DevelopmentDepartrraat
'i�� Albemarle: Go ":� Icintire Road Charlottesville,VA229D2-4598
"�( voice (434)293-5832 Fax:(434)972-4'128
'' Planning Application
TMP 061W0-01-0C-00400 - Owner(s): THE 29 GROUP LLC
Application# /QR13202000081
Magisterial Dist. Rio L._.i Land Use Primary,Office !v113
CurrentAFD Not in A/F District, i Current Zoning Primary C1 Commercial
Street Address 100 490 WESTFIELD RD CHARLOTTESVILLE,22901 Entered By
Buck Smith r 1
Application Type Architectural Review Board - "' 777?2020
Received Date 06/04/20 Received Date Final Submittal Date 07/06/20 Total Fees 129
Closing File Date , Submittal Date Final Total Paid
Revision Number
Comments , '''A j
Legal Ad A
4 g
Type - ,Sub Applicatio ; Comment .
SIGN 07/06/20 • ,. - :
ContactType. , Name - Address CityState Zip Phone PhoneCell '
Owr._v.a?p,r ri iTHE 29 GROUP LLC' -, .490 WESTFIELD ROAD . •CHARLOTTESVILL .:22901 ,
Prinery Coate=t :CHADI HASSIF i 490 WESTFIELD ROAD CHARLOTTESVILL '22901 5714356942
i .
Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date
Application and Checklist for Sign Permit
' Part B: Determining application requirements and fees
1. Sign Permit — Please indicate which sign type you are applying for:
Freestanding or Monument Sign:
❑ If a footing is required, an additional fee is required:
❑ Wall Sign (Including property, awning, fuel pump canopy signs):
❑ Sign Refacing:
2. Electrical Permit — Will the sign be illuminated?
❑ Yes (Illuminated signs require an electrical permit and an electrical schematic)
�- No
$ 0.00
3. ARB Review — Will the permanent sign(s) be constructed in an Entrance Corridor?
(See the Entrance Corridor map in the Sign Permit Application packet for a list of Entrance Corridors.)
❑ Yes (This sign will be constructed in an Entrance Corridor and it does not meet the conditions of a
Comprehensive Sign Review. See ARB requirements next pages.)
❑ Yes (This sign will be constructed in an Entrance Corridor and it does meet the conditions ofa
Waive Fee
Comprehensive Sign Review. See,4RB requirements next pages)
No (This
sign will not be constructed in an Entrance Corridor)
$ 0.00
FEE TOTAL (Please add all the amounts checked in sections I — 3):
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY B P P AOd, /% `1, ARJ3# 00 f
Fee Amount $__"� I J v L� pate Paid 41 BY who? ( ]�el2Pt ec 4
g Y tc+�—
County of Albemarle Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434)
p 11/1/2015 Page 1 of
Part C: Submittal Items Required
Note: Submittal packages must contain 4 collated copies of all information unless otherwise indicated. Additional submittal
materials may be required if review by the Architectural Review Board is necessary. Applicants will be notified if additional
materials or ARB review are required.
A. Submittal Requirements
❑ Site plan or latest approved plat showing, to scale, the proposed location of the sign(s) with dimensions.
❑ Distance from the sign to the property lines and/or edge of the VDOT right-of-way,
❑ A footing/foundation diagram showing how the base or pole will be anchored in the ground.
❑ If the sign will be located in an easement, a letter of approval from the easement holder will he required.
❑ A to -scale color illustration of the proposed sign showing
❑ Dimensions of the sign, including overall height from the ground; cabinet size, length, width and depth; base
size, etc, (Be sure to also include these dimensions on the diagrams provided in the Sign Permit Application packet.)
❑ Proposed lettering and/or graphics in their proposed location,
❑ Entrance Corridor Requirements: If the sign is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor, also provide a color
illustration of the front and side elevations of the sign showing: .
o If internally illuminated, indicate which areas of the sign are opaque and which are illuminated. Internally
illuminated cabinet signs must have opaque backgrounds. (Opaque materials don't allow light to pass through.
When lit only from behind, the color of an opaque material cannot be detected nor can objects be seen through it.)
o Identification of proposed materials and colors. Include standard color id numbers (Pantone, Benjamin Moore,
Acrylic, etc.) for all materials, text, graphics, base, faces, trim caps, returns, etc.
o Provide accurate physical samples of all colors proposed, preferably in the material proposed. (.Paint chips that
accurately reflect the proposed colors are acceptable.)
o Provide a site plan showing proposed landscaping around the sign, including botanical names and planting sizes.
o Additional submittal materials may be required if review by the Architectural Review Board is necessary. (The
applicant will be notified if this requirement applies.)
B. Inspection Requirements for Freestanding, Subdivision or Directory Signs
❑ Applicant must mark the location of the property lines and the location of the sign with stakes in preparation for a
preliminary zoning inspection. (411 four corners of the sign must be marked with stakes that are easily visible to all
❑ A preliminary zoning inspection must be completed to verify the location of the sign before the permit can be
❑ Freestanding signs are required to have footing inspections. (scheduled by applicant)
❑ Freestanding signs are required to have electrical inspections if illuminated. (scheduled by applicant)
❑ Freestanding signs are required to have final building and zoning inspections, (scheduled by applicant)
11/1/2015 Page 2 of
A. Submittal Requirements
❑ A drawing, to scale, showing dimensions of the sign (length, height, depth).
❑ Elevation drawing(s) or modified photograph of the entire building, to scale and in color, showing
❑ The sign location on the building, sign height above grade, and the length of building frontage. (Be sure to also
include these dimensions on the diagrams provided in Appendix B.)
❑ Sign lettering and/or graphics in their proposed location.
❑ Entrance Corridor Requirements: If the sign is to be constructed in an Entrance Corridor also provide a color
illustration of the front and side elevations of the sign showing:
o Indication of sign type (channel letters, cabinet, panel, etc.).
o Indicate on the drawings the proposed materials and colors. Include standard color identification numbers
(Pantone, Benjamin Moore, Acrylic, etc.) for all materials, text, graphics, faces, trim caps, etc. For channel letter
signs, indicate on the drawing that the raceway color shall match the color of the wall to which the raceway is
o Provide accurate physical samples of all colors proposed in the sign, preferably in the material proposed. (Paint
chips that accurately reflect the proposed colors are acceptable.)
o Location of proposed light fixtures and manufacturer cut sheets describing illumination type, intensity, style,
shielding, color, and height. All lighting must meet ordinance requirements as outlined in Section 4.17.
o For internally illuminated signs, indicate which areas of the sign are opaque and which are illuminated. (Opaque
materials don't allow light to pass through. When lit only from behind, the color of an opaque material cannot be
detected nor can objects be seen through it. Internally illuminated cabinets must have onaoue backurmmmic
B. Inspection Requirements for Wall or P
❑ Wall and projecting signs are required to have electrical inspections if illuminated. (Scheduled by applicant)
❑ Wall and projecting signs are required to have final building and zoning inspections. 0A.-w7j1pa h,,1.,.,,,,
A. If the proposed sign is to be illuminated, the applicant must provide the following.
❑ Electrical permit
❑ Electrical schematic
❑ The location of proposed light fixtures identified on a plan and/or elevation
❑ Manufacturer cut sheets describing illumination type, intensity, style, shielding, color, and height. All lighting must
meet ordinance requirements as outlined in Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance.
1 1/1/2015 Page 3 of 4
A. Work Valuation
pplicant Agreement
ust read and sign
lication package must contain 4 folded copies of all plans and documents being submitted. Only I set of
olor samples is required. All submittal items become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants are
ed to maintain duplicate copies in their own files.
ication package is not complete without this checklist, completed, signed, and included with the required
l materials indicated on the checklist.
1 hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and contains all information required by these checklists
Signature of person completing checklist Date
Printed Name / Title Daytime phone number of Signatory
County of Albemarle Department of Community Development
40I McIntire Road, North Wing, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
(434) 296-5832 Tel, (434) 972-4126 Fax
11/1/2015 Page 4 of
Sign Diagrams
Sign Dimensions
Distance to property line
or edge of right-of-way
Sign Height =
Sign Dimensions =
Pole -Mounted Sign — Diagram 1
(Generally not acceptable in the ECs)
t I
Sign Sign Dimensions
Building Frontage
Building Frontage =
Sign Height
Sign Dimensions =
Wall Sign — Diagram 3
Sign 2 Height =
Sign 2 Dimensions =
Sign 3 Height =
Sign 3 Dimensions
Sign Dimensions
qr)lqtance to property line
or edge of right-of-way
Sign Height =
Sign Dimensions =
Monument Sign — Diagram 2
If multiple wall signs are proposed, list dimensions here.
Sign 4 Height =
Sign 4 Dimensions =
Sign 5 Height =
Sign 5 Dimensions =
Sign Diagrams revised 7/2009 — 1