HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200500258 Executive Summary 2005-10-25COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: SUB 05 -258 Country Green Cottages Preliminary Subdivision Plat — Open Space Approval SUBJECT /PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request for approval of 1.145 acres of open space associated with a 16 -lot subdivision. The site, described as Tax Map 76 - Parcels 52H and 52J contain 4.017 acres zoned R4, Residential. This site is located in the Samuel Miller Magisterial District on Country Green Road [SR #631] approximately 780 feet east of Sunset Avenue. The Comprehensive Plan designates this property for Urban Density uses in Neighborhood 5. STAFF CONTACT(S): Yadira Amarante AGENDA DATE: October 25, 2005 ITEM NUMBER: CONSENT AGENDA: Yes ACTION: Yes INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes REVIEWED BY: WDF, AGM APPLICANT: The applicant is listed as Dale Ludwig on the application. PROPERTY OWNER/CONTRACT PURCHASER: The owner is listed as Dale Ludwig on the application and county tax assessment records. BACKGROUND: The Country Green Cottages Subdivision proposes 16 lots on 4.017 acres with a resulting density of 3.98 dwelling units per acre, utilizing the clustering option which has no minimum lot size. The property is zoned R -4, Residential and this use will be maximized with approval of this subdivision. DISCUSSION: This application has been reviewed by the Site Review Committee and may be administratively approved subject to Planning Commission approval of the Open Space. Open Space Section 4.7 of the Zoning Ordinance below requires that appropriateness of open space be assessed as follows: Section 4.7.1: Does the proposed open space meet comprehensive plan objectives by providing: (1) active /passive recreation; (2) protection of areas sensitive to development; Q) buffering between dissimilar uses; and (4) preservation of agricultural activity? (1) Most of the proposed open space, approximately 0.914 acres (Open Space B), is in the form of "natural" areas for active (hiking and walking trails) and passive (sitting, observing, and reflecting) recreation. Approximately 0.231 acres (Open Space A) is in the form of a "manmade" neighborhood park with a garden and sitting area for passive recreation. Both areas of open 1 space are somewhat well connected and provide multiple points of access for pedestrians, (Attachment B). However, there is an opportunity to provide the interior lots quicker and more convenient access to Open Space A by providing stairs and a path to the park at the bend of the alleyway. (2) The open space plan on Sheet 5 of Attachment B identifies critical slopes, stream buffers and a creek as being part of the proposed open space. (3) There are no dissimilar uses adjacent to this development to buffer. All of the abutting properties contain single family detached dwelling units. There is a multi - family development across Country Green Road. (4) This proposal does not preserve agricultural activity. This will be an urban open space system. Section 4.7.1: Is the proposed open space appropriate in terms of (1) location, Q size, (3) shape and ( ) topographic characteristics. (1) The location of the open space is appropriate in that it provides protection of critical slopes, conservation of existing trees, and soils. (2) The proposal includes approximately 1. 145 acres in open space, which amounts to 28.50% of the total site. The clustering form of development requires 25% of the total site be open space. (3) The shape of the open space does not appear to pose any detriment to the development. Both areas are connected to each other through a sidewalk/alley system and have multiple points of access. (4) There is an adequate balance between critical and gentler slopes throughout the proposed open space by the creek. The slopes in this "natural" area will be made accessible by the construction of a trail. Section 4.7.2: Will the open space be developed with any man -made features? Where deemed appropriate by the commission, open space may be used for one or more of the following uses: Agriculture, forestry and fisheries including appropriate structures; Game preserves, wildlife sanctuaries and the like; Noncommercial recreational structures and uses; Public utilities; Wells and sgptic systems for emergency use only (reference 4.1.7); Stormwater detention and flood control devices. Yes. There will be a stormwater management facility located in the open space as well as other appropriate structures like benches, sidewalks, a trail, and formal gardens. Section In addition to provisions of section 4.7.1 and section 4.7.2 the commission may require inclusion in such open Mace of areas deemed inappropriate for or prohibited to development such as but not limited to: (1,) land in the one hundred year flood plain and significant drainage swales; (2) land in slopes of twen -fave (25) percent or rg eater; (3) major public utility easements; (4) stormwater detention and flood control devices; (5) lands having permanent or seasonally high water tables; (6) areas to satisfy provisions of section 4.16 Recreation Regulations; (7) areas to provide reasonable buffering between dissimilar uses within such development and between such development and adjoining properties. (1) There is no flood plain on these parcels. (2) All of the critical slopes on this site are already shown in open space. (3) No public utilities are shown in the proposed open space. (4) A stormwater management facility is shown in open space. 0J (5) The soils located on this property are shown to support seasonally high water tables as defined in Table 16 Soil and Water Features of the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, Soil Survey of Albemarle County, Virginia, August, 1985. (6) Recreational areas are not required. (7) Some of the open space does provide a reasonable buffer from adjacent lands. In such case where open space is required by provisions of this ordinance not more than eighty (80) percent of such minimum required open space shall consist of the following: a. Land located within the one hundred year flood plain; and b. Land subject to occasional, common or frequent flooding as defined in Table 16 Soil and Water Features of the United States Department ofAgriculture Soil Conservation Service, Soil Survey ofAlbemarle County, Virginia, August, 1985; and c. Land in slopes of twenty-five (25) percent or greater; and d. Land devoted to stormwater or flood control devices except where such feature is incorporated into a permanent pond, lake or other water feature deemed by the commission to constitute a desirable open space amenity. Not applicable. 4.7.4: Open space in private ownership shall be protected by legal arrangements sufficient to ensure its maintenance and preservation for purposes for which it is intended. Such arrangements shall be subject to commission approval as a part of the site development plan and /or subdivision plat approval process. Open space may be dedicated to public use subject to approval and acceptance byeparate resolution of the board of supervisors. Open space so dedicated shall be counted as a part of the minimum required open space. The open space shown on the plat shall be owned by the homeowner's association which will be established by covenant. Such document shall be subject to County Attorney review and approval and shall be in accordance with Section 14 -317 of the Subdivision Ordinance with an instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvements. Staff recommends that the Commission find the proposed open space appropriate for the proposed development. PROPOSED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. [14 -317, 18 -4.7] Submittal of covenants or other such instrument which evidences the establishment of a homeowner's association and provides for ownership and maintenance of proposed open space. Such document shall be subject to County Attorney review and approval and shall be in accordance with Section 14 -317 of the Subdivision Ordinance - Instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvements. 2. Stairs leading up from the alleyway and a path to the park shall be provided at the southern corner of Open Space A. All improvements and amenities shall be shown on the road plans and built or bonded prior to approval of the final subdivision plat. Attachments: A - Location Map B - Layout of proposed subdivision C - Applicant's letter of request. 9