HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO202000017 Other 2020-07-20COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA
Street address: 629 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219
Molly Joseph ward Mailing address: P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, Virginia 23218 David K. Paylor
Secretary of Natural Resources www.deq.virginia.gov Director
(804) 6984000
October 2, 2014
Mr. Chuck Lacey, Jr. PE
StormTech (a Division of ADS, Inc.)
70 Inwood Road
Suite 3
Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Re: Assignment of Percent Removal Efficiencies for Total Phosphorus
Dear Mr. Lacey,
Thank you for your submittal of the additional data requested for the StormTech® Isolator Row'". The
MTD information provided was reviewed for the purpose of updating the previously assigned pollutant
removal efficiency for total phosphorus (TP). This review was performed in accordance with Guidance
Memo Number 14-2009 titled "Interim Use of Stormwater Manufactured Treatment Devices (MTDs) to
meet the new Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Technical Criteria, Part IIB Water
Quality Design Requirements
Consistent with Guidance Memo Number 14-2009, StormTech® Isolator Row " is receiving an event
mean concentration percent TP removal efficiency of 40%. The updated 40% removal efficiency is based
on TP performance data from the study performed at the City of Charlotte, July 2013. As stated in the
guidance memo, this information will be posted on the Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse. This
MTD and the assigned removal efficiency can be manually added into the Virginia Runoff Reduction
spreadsheet to demonstrate compliance with the Runoff Reduction Method.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Robert E. Cooper, P.E. at (804) 698-
4033 or e-mail at Robert.Cooper(@,deci.virginia.gov.
Si erely,
Fred K. Cunningham, Dir or
Office of Water Permits