HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201900039-Full Inspection Report (9)WRITTEN WARNING Hand delivered COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434)296-5832 Project: WP0201900039 HILLCREST VINEYARD TASTING ROOM AND VENUE - VSMP Operator/Contractor: Michael McGinnis, Jr. AUGUSTA PROFESSIONAL PARK LLC Issued Date:7/20/2020 This is your Written Warning in accordance with § 17-900 of the Water Protection Ordinance of Albemarle County and Section 62.1-44.15:37 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Act. This Written Warning is being issued because of the following deficiencies: Deficiency: Must provide dates of discharge Corrective Action: Provide dates of discharge and when cleanup was completed c Deficiency: Where being kept once every 5 day and 24 hours after measurable rain event- now being kept every 4 days Corrective Action: Corrected Deficiency: document when controls have been repaired, replaced or modified Corrective Action: Provide dates when controls where replace or modified Deficiency: Correction where made within the allowed time given by Albemarle County Corrective Action: Corrected Deficiency: Area front slopes where outfall is being installed will have to be stabilized Corrective Action: Stabilize denuded areas adjacent to sediment basin when at final grade Deficiency: Area where sediment basin is being installed and diversions leading to sediment basin have not been stabilized Corrective Action: Stabilize denuded areas adjacent to sediment basin and all diversions Deficiency: Approved sediment basin is in the process of being installed Corrective Action: Will inspect basin once installed Deficiency: Diversions have not been stabilized Corrective Action: Stabilize all diversions Deficiency: In process of installing approved sediment basin Corrective Action: Will inspect sediment basin once installed Deficiency: Modified mud trap has been installed to contain stormwater from reaching conveyance ch Corrective Action: Corrected Deficiency: Must record when initial controls where installed Corrective Action: Dates of when initial controls where installed must be recorded Deficiency: Must show date of when repairs where made to controls Corrective Action: All dates must be recorded when repairs are made to controls Deficiency: Must provide dates of discharge of sediment onto adjacent property and when cleanup was completed Corrective Action: Date of discharge and cleanup must be recorded Unless subsequently amended in writing by this office, it is expected all corrective measures will be completed by Failure to comply by the required date may subject the owner to penalties and remedies as listed under § 17-900 et -al of the Water Protection Ordinance of the Albemarle County Code. Should you have a legitimate reason you cannot complete your required corrections by the above given date, you must immediately contact your erosion control inspector. Unless you have contacted the inspector and agreed to alternative arrangements, all compliance work is expected to be completed by the above date. County Inspector Name: John Yerby County Inspector Phone Number: (434) 296-5832 OF Al,& Inspection Result: Warning r L�eo��P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 VSMP/VESCP PERMIT SITE INSPECTION REPORT Project Name: HILLCREST VINEYARD TASTING ROOM AND VENUE - VSMP projectlWPO Number: WP0201900039 TMP: 06900000002000 DEQ Permit Number (if applicable): VARlON982 Project Operator: Michael McGinnis, Jr. Operator Telephone #: (540) 836-1383 Project Contact: AUGUSTA PROFESSIONAL PARK LLC Contact Telephone #: (540) 836-1383 Contact E-Mail: MMCGINNIS@R717.NET Qualified Personnel (QP): Michael McGinnis, Jr. Inspector: John Yerby Weather (Wet/Dry/Rain): Disturbed Acreage: Inspection Date & Time: 7/20/2020 Single -Family: Stage of Construction: Grading Re -Inspection: Yes COVERAGE & POSTING REQUIREMENTS Compliant? Reviewed during re -inspection? Yes Comments/Description 1 Construction site has permit coverage? (Va. Code §62.1- 44.15:34.A) Yes (9VAC25-870-310)(Alb. Co. Code §17-300, 17-302) 2 A copy of the notice of coverage letter is posted conspicuously near the Yes main entrance of the construction activity? (CGP Part II.C) Notice of the location of the SWPPP is posted near the site's entrance, if Yes 3 applicable, and information for public access is provided? (9VAC25-870- 54.G)(CGP Part II D.2 & 3) SWPPP AVAILABILITY AND CONTENTS Compliant? Reviewed during re -inspection? Yes Comments/Description 4 The SWPPP is on -site or made available during the inspection? (CGP Yes Part II D.1 & 2)(9VAC25-870-54.G) 5 The SWPPP contains a signed copy of the registration statement? NIA (CGP Part II A.1.a) 6 The SWPPP includes, upon receipt, a copy of the notice of coverage Yes letter and the CGP? (CGP Part II A.1.b & c) The SWPPP includes a narrative description of the nature of the No 7 construction activity, including the function of the project? (CGP Part II A.1 A) The SWPPP includes a legible site plan identifying all appropriate Yes 8 measures and that includes the locations of support activities and the onsite rain gauge, when applicable? (CGP Part II A.1.e(1-7)) Page 1 of 4 9 The SWPPP contains the name, phone number and qualifications of Yes "Qualified Personnel" conducting inspections? (CGP Part II A.6) 10 The SWPPP contains an approved erosion and sediment control plan? Yes (9VAC25-870-54.B)(CGP Part II.A.2) The SWPPP contains an approved stormwater management plan or an 11 existing construction site has a stormwater management plan that Yes ensures compliance with the water quality and quantity requirements? (9VAC25-870-54.C)(CGP Part II.A.3) Technical Criteria 11.113 ❑ II.0 ❑ 12 The SWPPP contains an adequate pollution prevention plan? (9VAC25- Yes 870-54.D)(CGP Part II.A.4) The SWPPP identifies impaired water(s), approved TMDL, pollutant(s) of Yes 13 concern, exceptional waters and the additional controls measures applicable? (9VAC 25-870-54.E)(CGP Part IIA.5 (a-b)) 14 Delegation of Authority is provided and signed in accordance with Part III Yes K? (CGP Part 11 A.7) 15 The SWPPP is signed and dated in accordance with Part III K? (CGP Part Yes 11 A.8) SWPPP AMENDMENTS, MODIFICATIONS AND UPDATES Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? Yes Comments/Description Is the SWPPP being amended whenever there is a change in the design, 16 construction, operation, or maintenance that has a significant effect on the Yes discharge of pollutants to surface waters? (CGP Part 11 B(1))(9VAC25-870- 54.G) Has the SWPPP been amended if inspections or investigations by the 17 operator's qualified personnel, or by local, state or federal officials find that Yes existing control measures are ineffective in minimizing pollutants in discharges? (CGP Part II B(2))(9VAC25-870-54.G) 18 Contractor(s) that will implement and maintain each control measure are Yes identified? (CGP Part 11 B(3))(9VAC25-870-54.G) Have there been updates to the SWPPP when any modifications to its implementation have occurred, including a record of dates when major Yes 19 grading activities occur, construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site or stabilization measures are initiated? (CGP Part 11 B.4(a))(9VAC25-870-54.G) 20 Is there documentation in the SWPPP of replaced or modified controls? No (CGP Part 11 B.4(b))(9VAC25-870-54.G) 21 Is the SWPPP updated to indicate areas that have reached final N/A stabilization? (CGP Part 11 B.4(c))(9VAC25-870-54.G) Is the SWPPP updated to indicate properties that are no longer under the 22 legal control of the operator and the dates on which the operator no longer N/A had legal control over each property? (CGP Part II B.4(d))(9VAC25-870- 54.G) Does the SWPPP identify the date of any prohibited discharges, the 23 volume released, actions taken to minimize the impact of the release and N/A measures taken to prevent the recurrence of any prohibited discharge? (CGP Part 11 B.4(e-f)) (9VAC25-870-54.G) 24 mendments, modifications, or updates to the SWPPP are signed in No accordance with Part III K? (CGP Part II B(5))(9VAC25-870-54.G) INSPECTIONS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? Yes Comments/Description Inspections required by the SWPPP are conducted at the required 25 frequency, including a modified frequency for impaired water(s), approved Yes TMDL(s), and exceptional waters when applicable? (CGP Part II F (2)) (CGP Part II A.5.b.3) 26 Inspection reports are completed and signed in accordance with CGP No Part 11 F (3-4)? (CGP Part 11 F (3-4)) Page 2 of 4 27 Corrective actions are taken consistent with the requirements of the Yes CGP? (CGP Part II G(1-2)) ESC AND SWM PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? Yes Comments/Description 28 Have stream buffers and steep slopes been protected as shown on the Yes plan? Sequencing of the project is implemented in accordance with the Yes 29 approved erosion and sediment control plan and stormwater management plans? (9VAC25-870-54.B and C) Have all denuded areas requiring temporary or permanent stabilization Area where sediment basin is being installed and been stabilized, and have stabilization requirements for impaired waters, diversions leading to sediment basin e 30 approved TMDL(s), pollutants of concern and exceptional waters, when No applicable, been met? (9VAC 25-840-40.1) (9VAC25-870-54.B) (9VAC25- 880-60) (CGP Part I F.1(a)) (CGP Part II A.5.b(1)) (CGP Part II A.2.c (8)) (CGP II E(1-2)) Are soil stockpiles adequately stabilized with seeding and/or protected Yes 31 with sediment trapping measures? (9VAC 25-840-40.2) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) A permanent vegetative cover has been established that is uniform, N/A 32 mature enough to survive and will inhibit erosion? (9VAC 25-840-40.3) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Have sediment trapping facilities been constructed as the first step in land No Approved sediment basin is in the process of being 33 disturbance activities? (9VAC 25-840-40.4) (CGP Part 11 A.2(c)) (CGP II installed E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Have earthen structures been stabilized immediately after installation? No Diversions have not been stabilized 34 (9VAC 25-840-40.5) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870- 54.6) Are sediment traps and basins installed in accordance with MS-6 and the No In process of installing approved sediment basin 35 approved plan? (9VAC 25-840-40.6) (CGP Part II A.2.c (9)) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Are finished cut and fill slopes adequately stabilized to prevent or correct N/A 36 excessive erosion? (9VAC 25-840-40.7) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1- 2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Is concentrated runoff down cut or fill slopes contained in an adequate N/A 37 permanent or temporary structure? (9VAC 25-840-40.8) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Is adequate drainage or other protection provided for water seeps? N/A 38 (9VAC 25-840-40.9) (CGP Part 11 A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870- 54.13) Do all operational storm sewer inlets have adequate inlet protection? Yes 39 (9VAC 25-840-40.10) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870- 54.13) Are stormwater conveyance channels adequately stabilized with channel Yes Modified mud trap has been installed to contain 40 lining and/or outlet protection? (9VAC 25-840-40.11) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) stormwater from reaching conveyance channel (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Is in -stream construction conducted using measures to minimize channel N/A 41 damage? (9VAC 25-840-40.12) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) Are temporary stream crossings of non -erodible material installed where N/A 42 applicable? (9VAC 25-840-40.13) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) 43 Is necessary restabilization of in -stream construction complete? (9VAC N/A 25-840-40.15) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54.B) Are utility trench operations conducted and stabilized in accordance with N/A 44 MS-16? (9VAC 25-840-40.16) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) Are soil and mud kept off paved or public roads to minimize the transport Yes 45 of sediment? (9VAC 25-840-40.17) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) 46 Have all temporary control structures that are no longer needed been N/A removed and disturbed soil resulting from their removal permanently Page 3 of 4 stabilized? (9VAC 25-840-40.18) (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B ) Are properties and waterways downstream from development adequately 47 protected from erosion, sediment and damage in accordance with the Yes standards and criteria specified by 9VAC25-840.19(a-n)? (9VAC 25-840- 40.19(a-n)) 48 Permanent control measures included in the SWPPP are in place? N/A (9VAC25-870-54.C) (9VAC25-880-60) (CGP Part II F.1(a)) POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Compliant? Reviewed during inspection? Yes Comments/Description Practices are in place to prevent and respond to leaks, spills, and other releases including (i) procedures for expeditiously stopping, containing, Yes 49 and cleaning up spills, leaks, and other releases; and (ii) procedures for reporting leaks, spills, and other releases in accordance with Part III G? (CGP Part II A.4.e(1))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to prevent the discharge of spilled and leaked fuels Yes 50 and chemicals from vehicle fueling and maintenance activities? (CGP Part II A.4.e(2))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, 51 detergents, and wash water from construction materials, including the Yes clean-up of stucco, paint, form release oils, and curing compounds? (CGP Part II A.4.e(3))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to minimize the discharge of pollutants from vehicle N/A 52 and equipment washing, wheel wash water, and other types of washing? (CGP Part II A.4.e(4))(9VAC25-870-56) 53 Concrete wash water is directed into a leak -proof container or leak -proof Yes settling basin? (CGP Part II A.4.e(5))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to minimize the discharge of pollutants from Yes 54 storage, handling, and disposal of construction products, materials, and wastes? (CGP Part II A.4.e(6))(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to prevent the discharge of fuels, oils, and other Yes 55 petroleum products, hazardous or toxic wastes, and sanitary wastes? (CGP Part II A.4.e(7)(9VAC25-870-56) Practices are in place to minimize any other discharge from the potential Yes 56 pollutant -generating activities not addressed above, when applicable? (CGP Part II A.4.e(8))(9VAC25-870-56) Page 4 of 4 Construction General Permit Site Inspection Report Request for Correction Action Check Regulatory Occur. Observation Recommended Corrective List # Citation/Legal Action Requirement* 24 (CGP Part II B(5)) Must provide dates of Provide dates of discharge (9VAC25-870-54.G) discharge and when cleanup was completed c 25 (CGP Part II F (2)) (CGP Where being kept once every Corrected Part II A.5.b.3) 5 day and 24 hours after measurable rain event- now being kept every 4 days 26 (CGP Part II F (3-4)) document when controls have Provide dates when controls been repaired, replaced or where replace or modified modified 27 (CGP Part II G(1-2)) Correction where made within Corrected the allowed time given by Albemarle County 30 (9VAC 25-840-40.1) Area front slopes where Stabilize denuded areas (9VAC25-870-54.B) outfall is being installed will adjacent to sediment basin (9VAC25-880-60) (CGP have to be stabilized when at final grade Part I F.1(a)) (CGP Part 11 A.5.b(1)) (CGP Part 11 A.2.c (8)) (CGP 11 E(1-2)) 30 (9VAC 25-840-40.1) Area where sediment basin is Stabilize denuded areas (9VAC25-870-54.B) being installed and diversions adjacent to sediment basin (9VAC25-880-60) (CGP leading to sediment basin and all diversions Part I F.1(a)) (CGP Part have not been stabilized 11 A.5.b(1)) (CGP Part 11 A.2.c (8)) (CGP 11 E(1-2)) 33 (9VAC 25-840-40.4) Approved sediment basin is Will inspect basin once (CGP Part 11 A.2(c)) in the process of being installed (CGP II E(1-2)) installed (9VAC25-870-54. B) 34 (9VAC 25-840-40.5) Diversions have not been Stabilize all diversions (CGP Part 11 A.2(c)) stabilized (CGP 11 E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B) 35 (9VAC 25-840-40.6) In process of installing Will inspect sediment basin (CGP Part 11 A.2.c (9)) approved sediment basin once installed (CGP Part II A.2(c)) (CGP II E(1-2)) (9VAC25-870-54. B) 40 (9VAC 25-840-40.11) Modified mud trap has been Corrected (CGP Part 11 A.2(c)) installed to contain (CGP 11 E(1-2)) stormwater from reaching (9VAC25-870-54.B) conveyance ch 7 (CGP Part II A.1.d) Must record when initial controls where installed Dates of when initial controls where installed must be recorded 20 (CGP Part II A.8) Must show date of when All dates must be recorded repairs where made to when repairs are made to controls controls 24 (CGP Part II B(5)) Must provide dates of Date of discharge and (9VAC25-870-54.G) discharge of sediment onto cleanup must be recorded adjacent property and when cleanup was completed Recommended 7/30/2020 Corrective Action Deadline: Targeted Re- 7/30/2020 Inspection Date: Comments: Site is still under Notice to Comly and all deficiencies must be corrected or second Notice to Comly will be issued 'Refers to applicable regulation found in the most recent publication of the State Water Control Law (Va. Code § 62.1- 4.2 et seq.), Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations (9VAC25-840), the Virginia Storrnwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulations(9VAC25-870), or the General Permit for Discharges of Storrnwaterfrom Construction Activities(9VAC25-880). Construction General Permit Site Inspection Photo Log Photos for Item 2 Photos for Item 4 Fhoto Description: Photos for Item 6 20200720_140229.jpg.jpg Ow V' 215.9KB raa= e= lr:Nrn� C . �nM wmpe'e rFr i _ eso oenalMrbwr: aan+lbhmm raw, ar arwaawR Sn Inc M T��eeon rMNm �rbn,orl lr °mmrpr mnerme^^➢r LY�at �➢ ^a. Jea4orrtr ml ➢mNeGro ry Jmatinr ^'°,01 urc brq-ree FAw annwFrnrourFe+m � Gowee.vaer ey vpDES Ganew<nm OenaW PaimalVMte) (a�rY WnM ravneerVMlORaa] r.arasttyy�.em yy \W�sry LLG Ou r. Gorr.r��oY of➢W P�Km �� Dr Carrr6e -rie0 N t Ne � f)EO M n.wtl pa RapOamn �"�" rauNaO corepMe m aVa E9. 3E20 and netemn �"""�" �" q �� ur,00r er �� vPDES Pennt Id Diunages of Bement and INI mn personM �"e" �� yy,�w,,,r b„ �"� bug ryMf01. 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In the rrt arr� aeerY Isl hY,aaa a.r. aM ro Ylar aadn ron eve. are moo M 3e H bO w, Etrebee days, a.e.e atel • mervraa rarrr, eMra 9epewrena ata0e[aGrta used M •aO"Y "r"arm. �� d Weer awnAar I'vrar .vnam,aar aO.aeaa Iw arDea r dear rasa I7 Fhoto Description: Coverage letter in SWPPP 2O2OO71O_1O3755.jpg.jpg 346.14KB pr yyA z .gga Jn na„ Ill x n,n,l nh..I,:,n..IR„ a,l...,l......I'W eree�°o;ea o °o'„Po,..... c` p, ,lent'";,� / (-rmhP)wbmn.rvt.mego emm�aW�m.0 nee.'�`�fa��`V'n <re no g�. rvn eawu nra p v to srorm se vsre,r`�:s ), operator mean, the Duero[ rof roe egwaten htsa ay, m. 9VAC 5-880-JO. Part III.K. Signatory Requirements. gegisnagon Statement. All gepanotlon Statements sFoli De signeo os (allows. o. nns coo omr/on: byorexponzible¢orporpte oJfirer For M¢purpose of this cFppter, oresponslele corporate oHlcer m :(/) presitlent, secretary treaBuren or vice-prezldentaf Me corporation In charge oJo principal business function, other person who perm zlmilprpogcy-making ordecislon-making functions or the corporation; or 1111 the manage o/one ormore man �tturingsproduction, or operonng fvclgtiez, proWtled the manager is authorized to make manogerru decisions thorgovern the operation of m regularedJocildi Including havingthe expgclt or Implicit dutyof making molar cap/tal /nvestment recommendations, and initiating and irettin9 other comprehensNe measures to assure long-term amp/lance with env/ronmenta/lows and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are eztaDl�sFea acdans taken to gather comp/ere and caccurate/formationforstate perm![application requirements; and where shod bosign douments has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures; For p partnership or sole pr netorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; ar c. For o municipo/try, stole, federal, or otherpublic agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected o Forpurposes cf this chapter, a principal executive ofcer of a public agency includes: (i) the chief executive oJfcer of t agency or (ii) a senior executive officer having responsibilityfor the overall operations of a p,incipal geographic unit of agency. Certification: "I certify under penalty of law that I have read and understand this Registration Statement and that! document and all attachments were prepared in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified per. properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to d of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware thatthere are significant penalties for Sul false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Printed Name: Signature (signed m ink): Date: Section VII. Submittal Instructions. Submit this form to the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VS Authority. If the locality is the VSMP Authority, please send your Registration Statement submittal directly locality; do NOT send this form to DEQ. A list of local VSMP Authorities is available here: VSMP Authorltie If DEQ is the VSMP Authorityplease send to: Department of Environmental Quality Office of Stormwater Management Suite 1400 PQ Box 1105 Richmond VA 23218 constructi onRp(d)deg.yi rg in ia.g ov Rev 0412019 If the locality is the VSMP Authority, The Local VSMP Authority (insert a Fhoto Description: Signed coverage letter in SWPPP Photos for Item 9 20200710_113126.jpg.jpg 165.97KB 4ENffIle 'P P C �s %!!!NkkWW E. Persons responsible for pollution prevention practices (Provide the names and contact information for all persons responsible for prevention practices as listed above,' umgeranon Systems, Inc. Mt. Torrey Rd. Ihurst, VA 22952 Michael McGinnis, Jr. Cr \ C J linnisr?a r717.net r: xesponse and reporting practices Minima' ds'harg'a from spins and leaks. Minimize the discharge of pollutants from spills and leaks and implement chemb spill and leak prevention and response procedures as follows. Respond to all spills, leaks and discharges as follows; �Report all spills, leaks and discharges as follows; ro'ide detailed response and reporting practices according to 9VAC25-880-70, Part 11, section A.4 G. PbUudon Prevention Awareness Fhoto Da-scription: Mr Mcginnis PE number Photos for Item 10 20200713_101131.jpg.jpg 147.68KB T h�/LLCREST v1/1/EygRD ASTING c4 V��/UE VSMP eKteveP �C W)'O 20 799 0003 858AFTONLVIO0,95ROAD j �q ZZg52 SNEErINpFk NRGINIA CERTIFIED RESPONS16LEIAND DISTURBER NAME -PRINTED PWNE% -- SIGN9NRE DATE COMpA_ CONSTq' ADDRESS - TITL Fhoto Description: Approved Albemarle County Erosion and Sediment Control plan Photos for Item 11 20200713_101131.jpg.jpg 147.68KB T h�/LLCREST v1/1/EygRD ASTING c4 V��/UE VSMP eKteveP �C W)'O 20 799 0003 858AFTONLVIO0,95ROAD j �q ZZg52 SNEErINpFk NRGINIA CERTIFIED RESPGNS16LEIAND DISTURBER NAME -PRINTED PNONE% -_ SIGN9NRE DATE CaMPA,yy�- CONSTq' ADDRESS - --- - TITL Fhoto Description: Approved Albemarle County Stormwater Management plan Photos for Item 16 20200721 _113108.jpg.jpg 177.88KB / eA .. I' / / �wnvix�uww nou oimoxuu��.w. p1�SCEotoneecnv R[nNSre rwaaoo U,�¢caoaoNcoN EROLggvtF xFM i2o gEvls[VaMR� ya�Uµ�� �M`E�> MEenEq R°�� P�aw_'9 oquNRnE ngEnM �0,�� N'E now x� � A �0lE@on wM 15 p � � SLaSgltunoN RE VIgE1Nipxigq�rnaaovEOUv nnBgEMUNVIA�o FORK Mere FFFlc�µs MURFEn LN IS apoE NOV M aNNC BE pCOROCpwiEo Ia q. cNr.NaE IN ivE avmgq uReEov,� Elv woN rsvgpy u By Photo ascription: Approved Albemarle County amendment for sediment basin Photos for Item 17 20200721 _113108.jpg.jpg 177.88KB / eA .. I' / �wnvix�uww / nou oimoxuu��.w. p1�MSEotoneecgv R[nNSne rwaaoo U,�¢caoaoNcoN EROLggvtF xFM i2o aEvls[oaMM yam Uµ�� �M`E�> MEenEq RA�� P�aw'9 oauNAnE AgEnM w„o,�� N'E now x� � A 15 p � � SLASgItAnoN RE VgEMExiBEG lUE «M i ovunBREMUN q �µs MUXien iN13 ApoEN T2 AgvaovE � v �o FOR �r,Rere oVM SXNES COgp�awlEO AS ACXA1wE1HiXE SNRPR�MMEV1AlEly UPON ARRaovu Sv Photo ascription: Approved Albemarle County sediment basin to contain any sediment leaving site Photos for Item 19 20200720_142851.jpg.jpg 217.8KB _4� ilialViNi.� Ar >i y�{44 Fhoto Description: Updated SWPPP grading plan with dates Photos for Item 29 20200721_113108.jpg.jpg 177.88KB i ..o..oE..�,... Photo Description: Approved Albemarle County amendment for sediment basin Photos for Item 30 20200716_123014.jpg.jpg 424.91 KB ::11Iti��F7- 7-1 , 10 Photo Description: Diversions leading to sediment basin need stabilization Photos for Item 33 20200716_123204.jpg.jpg 292.54KB X. Photo Description: Installation of sediment basin 20200716_123258.jpg.jpg 325.48KB f.r. J 9 All r ° , �o Photo Description: Installation of sediment basin Photos for Item 34 20200716_123014.jpg.jpg 424.91 KB Photo Description: Area thatched to be stabilized including diversions Photos for Item 35 20200721_113108.jpg.jpg 177.88KB FM 1 1 vw w MR.IF =T- - .... _..... Photo Description: Approved sediment basin Photos for Item 39 20200713_101745.jpg.jpg 666.38KB Photo Description: Redesigned conveyance channel Photos for Item 40 20200624_101947.jpg.jpg 361.85KB Photo Description: Modified mud trap picture 1 20200713_101423.jpg.jpg 465.42KB /P Photo Description: Modified mud trap picture 2 Photos for Item 49 20200710_103602.jpg.jpg 182.47KB Photo Description: Spill kit on site COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 434 296-5832 Inspection Date: 7/23/2020 County Inspector