HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-08-09 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FINAL AUGUST 9, 2005 COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING 4:00 P.M., MEETING ROOM 235 JOINT MEETING WITH ALBEMARLE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD 1. Call to Order. 2. Discussion: School Division Capital Improvement Funding Process. 3. Update on Lane Auditorium Renovations. 4. Matters not Listed on the Agenda from the Board and School Board. 5. Adjourn to August 10, 2005, 4:00 p.m., Room 235. ACTIONS Joint Meeting with Albemarle County School Board of August 9, 2005 Au~ust 12,2005 AGENDA ITEM/ACTION ASSIGNMENT 1 . Call to Order. . Meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by the Chairman, Mr. Rooker, and School Board Vice- Chairman, Ms. Friedman. All BOS and School Board Members were present, except Ms. Moynihan. Also present were Bob Tucker, Kevin Castner, Larry Davis, Tom Foley, Roxanne White, Jennifer Johnston and Ella Carey. 2. Discussion: Capital Improvements Program. County Executive: Proceed as directed. . APPROVED the following recommendations: 1. Agreed to the debt targets as presented; 2. Agreed that long term planning for a new high school would need to begin no later than 2010; 3. Directed the Long Range Planning Committee to build their project request within the debt targets; 4. Directed the County Executive to form a CIP Staff Review Team; and 5. Directed the County Executive to form a CIP OversiQht Committee. 3. Update on Lane Auditorium Renovations. Ron Lilllev/Mike Stumbauqh: Proceed as . DISCUSSED. Requested staff/architect to directed. bring back more options that would allow a narrower dais configuration. Requested that the other users have an opportunity to provide input before bringing back to the Board. 4. Matters not Listed on the Agenda from the Board and School Board. . There were none. 5. Adjourn to August 10, 2005, 4:00 p.m., Room 235. . Due to the lack of a quorum the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:56 p.m. ACTIONS Board of Supervisors Special Meeting of August 10, 2005 4:00 P.M., Meeting Room 235 AGENDA ITEM/ACTION ASSIGNMENT 1 . Call to Order. . Meeting was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by the Chairman, Mr. Rooker. All BOS members were present. Also present were Bob Tucker, Larry Davis, Mark Graham and Debi Moyers. 2. Work Session: Community Development Process Mark Graham: Proceed as directed. Improvement. . HELD. Mr. Graham discussed five strategies to consider and provided an update on CityView. I . CONSENSUS of the Board to defer staff's recommendation to reduce Planning I Commission's role in ministerial reviews until COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: School Division Capital Improvement Funding Process AGENDA DATE: August 9, 2005 ACTION: SU BJECT /PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Joint work session with the School Board to discuss the School Division Capital Improvement Funding Process x INFORMATION: CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: STAFF CONTACnS): Tucker, Castner, White, Breeden, Behrens, Reaser __",---1 ATTACHMENTS: Yes (4) REVIEWED BY: I <.' / \../ '.. lj FOR LEGAL REVIEW: Yes BACKGROUND: During the FY06 budget process, the School Board submitted an FY06-FY10 Capital Improvement request that was approximately $30 million dollars over the previously approved CIP for those same years. The increased budget request could not be funded within available revenues and fully funding the request would have taken the County's debt service over the limits set by County financial policies and Triple AAA bond rating guidelines. The Office of Management and Budget, in conjunction with School Division staff, reduced the School CIP and proposed a plan to the Board during the FY06 budget work sessions that kept the School's outstanding debt and debt service within certain target limits. The School Division's FY006-FY10 CIP was approved based on these debt service targets and formed the basis of the School's five-year CIP, as well as the out-year planning years. / Since long-range capital planning for General Government and the School Division will require the School Division to adhere to specific debt service targets, unless a dramatic, unexpected change in enrollment or some other major unforeseen circumstance occurs, the Board of Supervisors requested that we hold a joint meeting with the School Board to discuss and agree upon a process for allocating capital funds between the School Division and Local Government. This executive summary identifies the problem with the current debt service allocation and proposes a funding method for debt service and a proposal to improve the capital improvement decision making process. For background information, Attachment D provides a summary of the approved School Division CIP projects for FY06-FY10, as well as the planned school projects for planning years FY11- FY15. STRAGEGIC PLAN: 4.2 Fund County services in a fair, efficient manner and provide needed public facilities and infrastructure DISCUSSION: Issue/Problem There are two identified problems or issues to be resolved: (1) the great majority of CIP outstanding debt and debt service is currently allocated to school projects and does not, therefore, allow for increased local government debt for growing infrastructure needs; (2) the current process between the School Division, the CIP Technical Committee and the Board of Supervisors does not work well and can create an adversarial relationship between the Board of Supervisors and School Board over the reduction or "cutting" of the School Capital Improvement Plan. School Debt and Debt Service The School Division has incurred the majority of County debt over the past 20 years, mostly due to an aggressive building and renovation program and the ease of debt issuance through Virginia Public School Authority (VPSA) bonds. Based on the currently approved CIP, total outstanding debt at June 30, 2006 will be $90.5 million for the School Division and $24.7 million for Local Government. The attached chart (A) shows the County's total obligated debt and each division's share of that total. In FY06, the School Division's share of the total debt is 72%; Local Government's share is only 28%. In looking at annual debt service, Chart B shows that in FY06, the Schools have 85% of the debt service, while Local Government has only a15% share. With an established financial policy of debt service to revenues ratio of 10% and a goal of AGENDA TITLE: School Division Capital Improvement Funding Process August9,2005 Page 2 aligning the County's ratio with other Triple AAA bond localities at 7%, school debt cannot be maintained at the same share of debt capacity and still allow for the growing debt service for the County's infrastructure needs without increasing the available revenues or setting a specific targeUlimit for the School Division CIP. CIP Decision Process Currently the process for submitting and approving a School CIP Request often leads to a conflict between the School Board's approved request and what the BOS is able to fund. The Long Range Planning Committee develops a CIP request based on projected enrollment demands and other factors, which is then submitted to the School Board for approval. The approved CIP request is then submitted to OMB to be reviewed by the CIP Technical Review Committee, comprised of County and School Division staff, BOS and School Board members and citizens. The majority of committee members do not have the knowledge to judge the validity, the timing or the increased cost estimates for the school projects, nor the authority to feel that they can reject or rearrange school projects that have already been approved by the School Board. Therefore, each year the School's CIP projects are either approved as submitted, or if they significantly exceed revenues, the proposed changes would go back to the School Board for approval before a recommended CIP is submitted to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. Often, as was the case this year, the short budget review time frame does not allow time for the School Board to revise their requests prior to budget work sessions. This process, therefore, results in the perception that OMB and/or the Technical Committee cut the School Board's approved CIP budget. Proposed Solution School Debt and School Debt Service If the County intends to keep its annual debt service close to the ratio of debt service to revenues set by other Triple AAA localities (7%) and if the debt capacity of Local Government must grow to meet increasing infrastructure demands, then the share of school debt service must level off over the next ten years or additional revenues must be added to the CIP. The attached Chart A of total obligated debt shows school debt going from 72% of the total to 58% in FY10 and 52% in FY15, while local government total debt goes from 28% to 48% bringing local government obligated debt and school obligated debt to a more equitable level. The attached Chart B shows total county annual debt service rising from approximately $13 million in FY06 to $27 million in FY15. The School Division share of this debt goes from the current 85% to 62% in FY10 and 54% in FY15, while local government debt increases from its current 15% of the total to 38% in FY10 and 46% in FY15, again a more equal balance between schools and local government debt service. Attachment Chart C shows that if these debt service targets are adhered to, the County's overall debt service to revenue ratio will be in line with other Triple AAA localities. These debt service targets, which will begin to equalize the debt service between the Schools and Local Government, will form the basis of the Capital Improvement Program projects funded by debt. If these intended targets can be agreed upon by both Boards, then School Division projects will be requested within these debt parameters. This change will require school staff to perform more up front analysis on the impact of requested project costs on their debt service capacity and the impact of staging or sequencing projects to meet these targets. School staff and the School Board will be able to add or delete projects or move projects into different years, as long as they stay within these approved debt targets. It is important to understand that these targets do not reduce the level of school debt service, which in the approved CIP goes from approximately $11 million in FY06 to $15 million in FY15, but only the share of total debt service. Even keeping to these targets, the School Division will still be able to issue $52.3 million additional debt for project costs over the next 5 years. Everyone recognizes that a ten-year plan will change, so unexpected changes caused by emergency situations or unplanned enrollment growth may occur. However, these should be rare exceptions to keeping requested projects within the debt service targets. Most changes will be accommodated by the School Division by adjusting their projects within the approved debt parameters. However, if a new high school is to be considered necessary within the next 15 to 20 years, the joint boards must carefully consider the funding of debt, since a project of this proportion may not be able to be funded within the current debt service targets. CIP Request, Recommendation and Approval Process To alleviate the problems cited above and become more efficient with our time and more effective in our results, both School and Local Government staff is recommending that the request, review and approval process be revised in the following way: AGENDA TITLE: School Division Capital Improvement Funding Process August9,2005 Page 3 The Long Range Planning Committee can still fulfill its role for the School Board in looking at long-term school needs and making recommendations for future projects. However, the committee will need to understand the approved debt service parameters and, with guidance from School Division staff, will need to request projects that stay within the planned debt service targets. Their recommendation would still be forwarded to the School Board for review. CIP Staff Review Team: The function of this small staff team will be to review the technical details and cost information on requested local government CIP projects and then to rank projects based on our established CIP criteria. The team would not rank or change school projects if they were within the allowable debt service limits. If school projects did exceed available revenues, the team would resolve the discrepancy using team members from the School Division and OMB to work out the details. This staff team will balance general government projects to revenues using OMB's estimates of available revenues and debt service. CIP Oversight Committee: This larger CIP committee would be broader based and comprised of staff members, representatives of the Board of Supervisors, the School Board and the Planning Commission, and community representatives. This committee would focus more on the broader policy issues and priorities in the Capital Improvement Program and would review the recommendations of the CIP Staff Review Team and provide input on priorities, timing and costs. This committee, would not need to review the technical aspects of each project, i.e. whether the square footage is correct, whether the costs have been estimated correctly, whether all costs have been accounted for, whether all revenues are there to support the project, etc. This review and analysis should already have been done by the staff team before it is presented to them. This committee will not spend its valuable time trying to balance the projects against projected revenues or debt service, which is a complicated and detailed task, but will instead provide input on a funding and sequencing scenario(s) developed by the staff team. Taking the details out from under the purview of this larger committee will free up their time to look at the big picture and countywide impacts, not the details of each individual project. The final decision on the proposed Capital Improvement Program rests as always with the County Executive based on the recommendation of the Staff Review Team and the CIP Oversight Committee. RECOM M EN DATION: Staff recommends approval for the following: · Agree to the outstanding debt and debt service targets for school projects as shown on Chart A and Chart B; · Agree that the long term planning for funding a new high school in 15 to 20 years needs to begin no later than 2010; · Direct the Long Range Planning Committee to build their CIP project request within the agreed upon debt service targets; · Direct County Executive to form a CIP Staff Review Team to analyze the technical and cost details for requested CIP projects and make funding recommendations. School projects will be reviewed by this team, but not changed if they are within the approved debt service targets. Any funding discrepancies between school projects and debt service targets will be resolved by OMB and school staff representatives on this team; · Direct the County Executive to form a CIP Oversight Committee to include representatives of the Board of Supervisors and the School Board, staff and community members to review the recommendations of the Staff Review Team and provide input on priorities, costs and county wide CIP impacts. ATTACHMENT: Attachment A - Total Obliqated Debt Attachment B - Total Annual Debt Attachment C - Debt to Revenue Attachment D - Schools CIP Proiects FY06-FY15 05.105 <t +-' l: Q) E 1..11 ..c: rr- (.) ?R ~ L.L..' +-' 00 +-' .q- <t -.:t r- .q- rr- L.L..' m r- ......J m <( I- rr- 0 L.L..' N I- r- + ....., N ..c r r- L.L.. , Q) r- r- C r- ~ rr- <( ......J L.L..' L.1.J -c 0 r 0 r- 0 Q) ......J 0 <( I ....., ?R rr- U U 00 ?R L.L..' 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Tucker, Foley, Stumbaugh, Lilley FOR LEGAL REVIEW: ATTACHMENTS: Lane Auditorium Plans and Elevations AudioNisual (AN) System Descriptions - REVIEWED BY: f II ! r.. I ~ ! v BACKGROUND: Staff received guidance from the Board of Supervisors in the fall of 2004 to proceed with a design that retains the large venue capacity, is sensitive to the original character, and provides a means of conversion into a Board Room capable of supporting smaller audience sizes in an appropriate atmosphere. A design team was assembled to work with Moseley Architects in this effort: Lee Catlin (Community Relations Manager), Ella Carey (Clerk, Board of Supervisors), Jennifer Johnston (Clerk, School Board), Sharon Taylor (Clerk, Planning Commission), Ana Kilmer (Clerk, BZA), Mike Brown (Information Technology) and Ron Lilley (Project Manager). Their progress to date has resulted in the product that is included in this package. STRAGEGIC PLAN: Strategic Direction 4: Serve the Public Efficiently and Effectively DISCUSSION: A plan, elevations, and an AudioNisual (AN) System Description are attached to this executive summaryforyour review. The plan and elevations show the dais configuration, AN components (such as cameras and podium positions), and support spaces. Highlights include: Dais: The modular dais as will rest on a platform that is approximately the same height as currently exists. Ramps will allow for handicapped access. The dais will be moveable for storage against the stage when desired. Each position on the dais will have a flat screen monitor and a fixed microphone. Monitors will show the presentation that is projected on to the large overhead screen, so that those seated at the dais will not have to turn their heads. AN features: The audience will view material projected from the rear on a large overhead screen. The screen will be approximately the same size as the existing screen. The AN equipment will allow for a conventional presentation. In addition, cameras will be positioned to capture large format drawings or scale models and put them on the screen as well. The AN systems will allow for the presentation to be carried on the overhead screen, dais monitors, associated conference room monitor, and meeting room 235 monitor. There will be three presentation points: the main podium in front of the dais (adjustable so that it can face the dais or the audience), a point to the left of the dais where a podium can be set, and a similar point to the right. Support spaces: An associated conference room is shown (off stage left) in conjunction with a small restroom and kitchenette. RECOMMENDATION: Staff presents this information for discussion and seeks guidance in moving forward to a final design as quickly as is practical. 05.102 I A/bemarle County Office Building, Auditorium Renovation Project, Ju/y 2005 Summary Statement of Work Hoppmann Audio Visual (HA V) has prepared the following summary of features for the audiovisual systems renovation project for Albemarle County. The capabilities of the system, as described herein, will provide a flexible, technologically advanced and user-friendly environment for Albemarle County's meeting, conference, and presentation needs. The proposed system supports the requirements outlined in meetings between representatives of HAV, Moseley Architects, and Albemarle County. Additionally, HAV's design will include hardware and software with built-in upgrade paths for future expansion of the systems. For the purposes of this document and future communications: 1. ATC shall be defined as audio conferencing. 2. VTC shall be defined as video conferencing. 3. CFE shall be defined as customer furnished equipment. 4. POTS shall be defined as 'plain old telephone system'; a standard analog telephone line. 5. CODEC shall be defined as Coder-Decoder; the unit which enables VTC 6. CATV/ DSS shall be defined as Cable Television or Digital Satellite Television, a service and system provided by the Customer; an outlet for this service is to be brought to the rack. The following are excluded from the AV Contractor's scope of work: 1. Communications service with respect to video and audio conferencing 2. Modifications to CFE furniture or millwork required to accommodate microphones, table surface access enclosures (pop-ups) or other A V devices 3. High voltage electrical wiring and outlets, conduit, floor boxes, access panels, and junction boxes 4. General contracting services such as painting, drywall, demolition and finished ceiling work 5. Furniture and Lecterns 6. IT support services (typically provided by the Customer; IT assistance in configuring AV contractor-supplied equipment to operate with CFE networks) Auditorium Summary The space for renovation is an auditorium with seating for 200 persons in the main area. Additional seating will be located in partitioned areas in the rear of the lower floor of the room and in the balcony. An arc of modular furniture with seating for thirteen Commissioners will be provided for the head table, facing the audience. Two lecterns will be provided near the head table; one facing the audience and one facing the head table at the center of the arc. Multimedia systems will be provided to support a variety of County meetings, small-scale performances, and other public events. Hoppmann Audiovisua/ Design Studio 2005 - 14201 Sullyfie/d Circle, Chantilly, VA 20153 Albemarle County Office Building, Auditorium Renovation Project, July 2005 The following lists requirements discussed for the systems: Video . Distributed 17" LCD monitors at each head table seat, 13 seats plus possible seats for assisting personnel . 4500 ANSI lumen LCD projector mounted within stage area . 108" x 144" Motorized ceiling-mounted screen with rear projection fabric for video, computer graphics (PC or MAC), and documents . Graphics input panels on either end of the dais furniture (two inputs) . Graphics/video feed to CFE PC for streaming . Overflow video to Executive conference room . DVDNHS playback Audio . Central speakers at proscenium, balcony side fills and rear area ceiling speakers . Speech reinforcement for thirteen seats and wireless mics (HAV observed a CFE Shure ULXP4 receiver that could be re-used) . Record meetings in CD format (currently use a portable device) . Audio feed to CFE PC for streaming . Overflow audio to Green Room . Listening Assistance . Wireless public forum microphone in audience area for questions . DVDNHS playback . Compact disc playback . PC audio playback Control . Touch screen controls to automate functions, making system features accessible to a variety of users . Ethernet access to Network Administrators via LAN for remote diagnostics or maintenance Miscellaneous · Speaker's timer with red/ yellow/ green lights . Racks with work/writing space for A V Control Room . Easy disconnects for AV devices on dais furniture Executive Meeting Room Video · Large screen projection (front) for video and computer graphics (PC or MAC) · One graphics input panel in the conference table . Overflow video and graphics from auditorium Hoppmann Audiovisual Design Studio 2005 - 14201 Sullyfield Circle, Chantilly, VA 20153 Albemarle County Office Building, Auditorium Renovation Project, July 2005 . DVD/VHS playback Audio . Four ceiling speakers for audio playback . DVD/VHS playback . PC audio playback Control . Wall-mounted touch screen controls to automate functions, making system features accessible to a variety of users . Ethernet access to Network Administrators via LAN for remote diagnostics or maintenance Miscellaneous . Concealed Racks for A V equipment Hoppmann Audiovisual Design Studio 2005 - 14201 Sullyfield Circle, Chantilly, VA 20153 PROGRESS PRINT NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION I L J H ../ I I bt; ~J Wru( \:: f\ \ /~~ :7 ~ kk LJ ~L I\J ~-nw--Jr I\J ~ ~- ~H I ~ p~ II i! 0 - ~ ~ V; I "iii !! I' i I /M 1; \ ,r,f: ------ Il'mm ~ -,\ - '7:: ~~'Hm ~Hmjl1l, I rm - "., .--' I~ 7~ ~/:~ I *i : ~c1 ( - ~I i II I I .... ~ 0,1- '! : '-! !a ~D 1 0, .. . I I.' .. ... II i 1., 4If:~ ~=-.::h r [-40': . ~~ ~, I D!I ~~\ \\ ~ \\\\~\\\ \\' \\ \\ \-Il'~ ~~~tj i !ll! rl! Iii .nn~, c "J' ".' "j \\\Lj,\\ \ ,\ c,.L~,,! ~ . i t LJ , _, ~ ~. '\, :: - "'. ----:1- -r--c-L: ,[liJ!!~J!1 I II ' , I ~olDIQ ~~ ,-,----___._.'-ULJ_~--,' mrm ~I t .,_J i l; I "1"[-111"1n ~ '1::I~~:: ;~IB :;~ ~il~; II il i) .1; I '~l~) ~. l L- J! ',."" ' ~t - ~ ~ ~~" ~ ~~ Ii ~ i ~b ; ~I ;I L "'-' ~... UJ nT ~o~ ~I\, r[><~ r~.:~ / l;,. 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