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APRIL 20, 2005
6:00 P.M., MEETIN G ROOM 241
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. From the Public: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda.
5. Consent Agenda (on next page).
6. Public hearing on Housing Choice Voucher 5Year Plan.
7. ZMA 200409. C ottages at Jefferson Heights (Sign #88). Public hearing on a request to rezone .759 acs
from R 1 to PRD to allow 4 dwelling units (4 s ingle family attached). TM78, P55A3. Loc on Pantops
Mountain Rd w/in Jefferson Heights Development at N E corner of Pantops Mountain Rd & Rt 250 E. (The
C omp Plan des ignates this property as Urban Density, recommended for 634 du/ac in Neighborhood
Three.) Rivanna Dist.
8. STA200108. Comprehensive revision of the Subdivision Ordinance. Public hearing on an Ordinanc e
to amend Chapter 14, Subdiv ision of Land, of the Albemarle County Code, to c omprehensiv ely revise the
s ubdivision regulations by amending most exis ting regulations, repealing or adding other regulations, and
reorganizing C hapter 14 and renumbering many existing regulations. The regulations being amended and
added pertain to general provisions (including but not limited to the purposes of C hapter 14 and its
applicability; prohibited acts; and definitions); administration and procedure (including but not limited to
application requirements for various types of land divisions, boundary line adjustments and eas ement plats ;
procedures for rev iewing suc h plats; conditions of approval for family divisions; periods of validity of
approved plats; and when and how private s treets may be authorized and considerations relevant thereto);
plat requirements and required documents (inc luding but not limited to the form, style and content of plats;
and the documents required to be submitted therew ith including groundwater assessment information; and
overlot grading plans); and onsite improvements and design (including but not limited to lots and blocks,
including appropriate lot location to allow acces s from lots onto streets or shared driveway s; the
c oordination of s treets; street standards; water, s ewer and other improvements including sidewalks, planting
s trips and pedes trian w alkway s; dedications and reservations ; and surety in lieu of completion of
improvements). The regulations being repealed pertain to administrative procedure (matters considered in
c onjunction with a request for authorization to construct private roads; review of determination of
c onsistency w ith comprehens ive plan); plat requirements and required documents (submittal of drainage
c ontrol information; sketch plans for utilities, bridges and culverts; statements of availability of services;
evidence of approved erosion and sediment control plans or lac k of need therefor; and prev ious ly approved
plans and exis ting features and improvements); and onsite improvements and design (list of required onsite
improvements; the reservation of land for future rightofway; configuration of lots; lot size; determining
applicable standards for public streets; and drainage control). The regulations w ill impose different
requirements for s ubdivisions , depending on whether the subdiv ision is within the development areas or the
rural areas as identified in the Albemarle County Comprehens ive Plan. The different requirements pertain to:
determining w hich regulations apply to a subdivision; circumstances when priv ate streets may be authorized
in the rural areas or in the dev elopment areas ; documents to be submitted with requests for private streets;
authority to establish alleys in the development areas; the requirement that a note be added to final plats
regarding parent parcel access for subdivisions in the rural areas; the requirement for overlot grading plans
for certain residential subdivis ions in the development areas; loc ations of reasonable access from a lot onto
a street; the c oordination and extension of streets within the development areas; the requirement for streets
in the development areas to be constructed w ith curb, curb and gutter, sidewalks and planting strips, and
w hen the requirement may be waived; and standards for priv ate streets. The regulations als o w ill impose a
ninetyfive dollar ($95.00) fee for the review of plats for family divisions, res ubdivisions, boundary line
adjustments and easement plats. The purpos e of these fees is to reimburse the County for its services in
reviewing the plats. These are the same fees presently imposed for the review of plats for family divisions
and rural divis ions . The proposed imposition of these fees is authorized by Virginia Code § 15.22241(9).
The regulations also would clarify the action triggering a certain fee from “waiver, variation or s ubstitution of
s ubdivision requirements” to “waiver after approval of preliminary plat,” and w ould delete the fee for
requesting an indefinite deferral of action on a plat.
9. Adoption of FY 2005/06 Capital and Operating Budgets and Approval of FY 20062010 CIP and FY 2011
2015 Capital N eeds Assessment.
10. Adoption of Calendar Year 2005 Tax R ate.
11. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
12. Adjourn to April 21, 2005, 4:00 p.m., Meeting Room 235, for J oint meeting with School Board.
5.1 Approval of Minutes: June 9N , 2004 and January 12N, 2005.
5.2 Revisions to Personnel Polic ies P80 “Absences” and P85 “Sick Leave/Ac ceptable Attendance”.
5.3 Pow ell Creek Driv e Sidewalk Authorize County Executive to sign deed dedicating rightofway.
5.4 Authorize County Executive to s ign deed of eas ement to accept dedication of drainage easement and
improvements – Blenheim View Estates Subdiv ision.
5.5 Resolution to accept roads in Highlands at Mechums River Subdivision, Section 2C, into the State
Secondary System of Highw ays .
5.6 Resolution to accept roads in Western Ridge Subdivision, Phas e 4A, into the State Secondary System of
H ighw ays.
5.7 Resolution to accept roads in Western Ridge Subdivision, Phas es 4B & 5A, into the State Secondary
Sy stem of Highways.
5.8 Resolution to accept roads in Forest Lakes Subdivision, Willow Bend, Block N, into the State Secondary
Sy stem of Highways.
5.9 Resolution to accept roads in Forest Lakes Subdivision, Ravenswood, Block T, into the State Secondary
Sy stem of Highways.
5.10 Resolution to ac cept roads in Forest Lakes Subdivision, Pleas ant Ridge, Block N, into the State Secondary
Sy stem of Highways.
5.11 Copy of letter of correction dated April 7, 2005 from John Shepherd, Manager of Zoning Administration, to S.
Barkley Rives or Agnes R. Burke, re: Official Determination of Development Rights and Parcels – Tax
Map 65, Parcels 93A 1, 94, 95, 95A & 121 (property of S. Barkley Rives or Agnes R. Burke) Section
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