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September 7, 2005
9:00 A.M., MEETING ROOM 241
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. From the Public: Matters Not Listed on the Agenda.
5. Recognitions:
a. Digital County Survey.
b. Family Support.
6. Consent Agenda (on next page).
7. 9:20 a.m. Board to Board Pres entation, School Board Chairman.
8. 9:30 a.m. Transportation Matters:
a. Route 250 West Task Force Request.
b. Albemarle County’s Priorities for Primary R oad System Improvements .
c . Other Transportation Matters.
10:40 a.m. – R ecess.
9. 10:50 a.m. C enter for Survey R esearch’s “Priority Analysis” of Albemarle County’s 2004 Citiz en Survey
R eport, Tom Guterbock.
10. 11:05 a.m. – Volunteer Fire Rescue Building Maintenance Funding.
11. 11:25 a.m. – U pdate on Retiree H ealth Insurance.
12. Closed Session.
13. Certify Closed Session.
14. Boards and Commissions: Appointments.
2:00 p.m. Public hearings:
15. FY 2006 Budget Amendment.
16. Proposed lease agreement between Silvercrest Asset Management Group, LLC , the County of Albemarle,
and the City of Charlottesville for property located at 614 East High Street, commonly known as the Jess up
Building. This property is jointly ow ned by the City and the County. The proposed lease would replace the
c urrent lease agreement between the same parties that would terminate on August 31, 2006, with a new
lease agreement that would terminate on July 31, 2010.
17. SP2005013. Hollymead Swim Club (Sign #67). Request for sw im, golf, tennis or similar fac, to allow
membership to swimming pool from outside of Hollymead Planned U nit Development in ac cord w /Secs,, & 5.1.16 of the Zoning Ord which allow for swim, golf, tennis & similar facs. TM
46B2, Sec 2, P A contains 17 ac s. Znd Hollymead PUD. Loc at 2000 Hollymead D r in H ollymead
development. Riv anna Dist.
18. SP2004032. St. Nicholas Orthodox Church (Sign #34). Request for c hurch use to be established on a
4.45 acs in accord w/Sec of the Zoning Ord. TM 70, P 12A. Znd RA & EC. Loc on St Rt 250
(7581 R ockfis h Gap Turnpike), approx .5 mls W of intersec of St Rt 691 (Greenwood Rd) & R t 250. White
H all D ist.
19. SP2004053. Wildon Grove B aptist Church (Sign #33). Request for churc h to allow bld addition, in
accord w/Sec of the Zoning Ord whic h allows for church uses in the RA. TM 36, P 22, contains
approx 1 ac. Znd RA. Loc at 6820 Wildon Grove Rd (R t 645), which is approx 1.5 mls SW of intersec of R t
645 (Magnolia Rd) & Rt 608 (Happy Creek Rd), approx 2 mls S of the Albemarle/Orange County line.
R ivanna Dist.
20. SP2004055. Walgreens (Signs #52,63,96) Request to operate twolane, drivethru fac as sociated
w /pharmacy on approx 1.78 ac s, in accord w/Sec of the Zoning Ord. TM 32, P 37C . Znd HC &
EC . Loc at SE c orner of inters ec of Rt 29 (Seminole Trail) & R t 649 (Proffit R d). Rivanna Dist.
3:00 p.m. W ork Sessions:
21. Human Services .
22. Transportation Strategy.
23. 5:15 p.m. – Ivy Landfill – Cell 3 Evaluation.
5:30 p.m. – Public hearing:
24. ZMA 2004007. Belvedere (Signs #62,76&84). Request to rez one approx 206.682 acs from R4 to NMD
to allow up to 775 du, w/overall density of 3.74 du/ac, ranging from density of 1.6 du/ac in some areas to 9.4
du in others. TM 61 Ps 154, 157, 158, 160 (portion) & 161, TM 62 Ps 2A (portion) 2B (portion), 2C, 3, 5 &
6A, & TM 62A3 Pl 1. Loc on E s ide of Rio Rd (R t 631) immediately E of Southern R ailroad. (The Comp
Plan designates this property as Neighborhood Density in northern portion of property (36 du/ac), Urban
D ensity in middle & southern portions (634 du/ac) & Community Service adjac to railroad, in Neighborhood
2. Rio Dist. (continued from A ugust 10, 2005).
25. Discussion: Hurricane Katrina R elief Fund.
26. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
27. Adjourn to September 9, 2005, 9:00 a.m., Zehmer H all, Board Annual Strategic R etreat.
6.1 Approval of Minutes: September 1 and October 6, 2004; and April 6, April 18A and April 21, 2005.
6.2 Adopt Resolution requesting VDOT to designate Route 640 (Gilbert Station Road) from Route 784 to Route
1094 (Ashleigh Way) as Rural R ustic R oad.
6.3 Revision to Pers onnel Policies – P83 “Military Leave”.
6.4 Resolution to Es tablish Polic y for consideration of requests for Tax Exempt Status by Designation.
6.5 Requested 2005 Appropriations.
6.6 National Incident Management System (NIMS) Resolution.
6.7 Resolution to accept road(s) in Fontana Subdivision, Phase 1 and 2 into the Secondary System of
State Highways .
6.8 Resolution to accept Gold Mine Lane (State Route 1808) in The Quarries Subdivision as a R ural
Addition into the Secondary System of State Highways.
6.9 Comprehensive Plan Five Year W ork Plan.
6.10 Copy of letter dated August 17, 2005 from J ohn Shepherd, Manager of Zoning Administration, to Peter
Thomas, re: Official Determination of Development Rights and Parcels – Tax Map 41, Parcel 50
(property of C. W. McNeely, III) Section 10.3.1.
6.11 Copy of letter dated August 17, 2005 from J ohn Shepherd, Manager of Zoning Administration, to Brian S.
R ay, re: Official D etermination of Development Rights and Parcels – Tax Map 20, Parcel 34 (property
of Clara Lindsay Estate and K atherine V. Banks c/o Tyrone Lindsay) Section 10.3.1.
6.12 Copy of letter dated August 17, 2005 from J ohn Shepherd, Manager of Zoning Administration, to Brian S.
R ay, re: Official D etermination of Development Rights and Parcels – Tax Map 98, Parcels 12, 13 & 14
(property of Norwood H. Davis and Nicol Spain Butters D avis) Section 10.3.1.
6.13 Copy of letter dated August 18, 2005 from J ohn Shepherd, Manager of Zoning Administration, to Richard E.
C arter, re: Official D etermination of Development Rights and Parcels – Tax Map 105, Parcel 48
(property of Buck Island LLC) Section 10.3.1.
6.14 VDOT Monthly R eport for September, 2005.
6.15 2005 Second Quarter Building R eport as prepared by the Community Development Department.
6.16 Copy of draft Planning Commiss ion minutes for July 12 and July 19, 2005.
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