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DECEMBER 7, 2005
9:00 A.M., MEETING ROOM 241
1. Call t o Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. M om ent of Silence.
4. From t he Public: M at t ers Not List ed on the Agenda.
5. Recognit ions.
6. Consent Agenda (on next page).
7. 9:20 a.m. Transport ation Mat ters:
a. Work Session: Six Year Secondary Road Plan.
b. VDOT M ont hly Report for Novem ber, 2005.
c. Transport at ion Matters Not Listed on t he Agenda.
10:30 a.m. – Recess.
8. 10:40 a.m. Bright Stars Annual Report .
9. 10:50 a.m. – Com m ission on Children and Families Annual Report.
10. 11:00 a.m. – Personal Propert y Tax Relief Update.
11. 11:15 a.m. Policy on Submission of Mat erials f or Zoning Applicat ions (deferred from November 9, 2005).
12. 11:35 a.m. Transport at ion St rat egies (continued from November 9, 2005).
13. Closed Session.
14. Cert ify Closed Session.
15. Boards and Com m issions:
a. Vacancies/Appoint m ent s.
2:00 p.m. – Publi c Hearings:
16. To consider proposed ordinance t o amend County Code Chapt er 9, Mot or Vehicles and Traf f ic, Art icle
I V, County Vehicle Licenses, t o replace current annual vehicle decal with perm anent vehicle decal and
t o replace current annual vehicle license fee wit h annual vehicle license t ax of sam e am ount.
17. To consider proposed ordinance t o amend County Code Chapt er 15, Taxat ion, Art icle VII , Real Est ate
Exem pt ions for Certain Elderly and Disabled Persons.
18. To consider proposed ordinance t o am end Count y Code Chapt er 9, Mot or Vehicles and Traf fic, Article I,
I n General, Sect ion 9114, Rem oval and disposition of abandoned or unat tended vehicles, t o conform
t ime requirem ent s f or removal of such vehicles to stat e law.
19. To consider proposed ordinance t o amend County Code Chapt er 4, Animals and Fowl, Art icle I I, to
classif y permit t ing a dog to run at large as a Class 4 misdem eanor and to increase t he maxim um fine t o
20. SP2005011. Ri o East Commerci al Area (Si gns #45,49). Request for minor am endment to SUP t o allow
slightly larger vet erinary off ice & hospit al t han what was shown on t he "sket ch" plan t hat was part of t he
previously approved SP200358 in accord w/Sec 25A.2.2 of t he Zoning Ord which allows for uses by SUP in C
1, CO & HC district s, which vet erinary off ice & hospit al is one of t hose uses. TM 61 P 124A, contains approx
2.137 acs. Znd PDM C. Loc on Rio East Ct (privat e), approx .1 m ls f rom intersec of Rio East Ct & Rio Rd East
(Rt 631). Rio Dist .
21. SP2005021. American Spi ri t I nsti tute (Sign #75). Request to allow use of privat e school in accord w/Sec of t he Zoning Ord which allows privat e schools in CO. TM 61 P 27, cont ains approx 0.835 ac. Znd
EC. Loc at 2776 Hydraulic Road, near corner of Hydraulic Rd & Whit ewood across from Albemarle High
School. Jack Jouet t Dist .
22. ZMA2005012. Sandri dge (Signs #59,71). Request to rezone .68 acs f rom R2 t o R4 to allow creation of
add’l lot & const ruct ion of singlef am ily dwelling. The R4 district allows up t o 6 du/ac. Property loc at 5709
Wayland Dr. TM 56A1, Sec 2, Block A, P 3, bet ween Wayland Dr (Rt 1216) & St George Ave (Rt 1202),
approx 200 feet E of Crozet Ave (Rt 810). (Property in t he Com m unit y of Crozet as designat ed in t he Comp
Plan. The Crozet M aster Plan designates the propert y as Urban General (CT 4), which is intended t o support
t he cent er of downtown wit h variet y of resident ial t ypes & mixt ure of resident ial & commercial uses. M axim um
allowed residential density is 4.5 du/ac f or single f am ily detached, single family att ached & duplexes; up to 12
du/ac for t ownhouses & apartm ent s; & up to 18 du/ac in mixed use set ting. There is a concurrent subdivision
applicat ion [SUB200500274] f or this propert y.) White Hall Dist.
23. ZMA2004011. Charlottesvil l e Power Equipment (Si gn #37). Request t o rezone approx 2.142 acs f rom C
1 (Commercial) to HC (Highway Commercial) to allow 12,000 square f eet of com mercial space in two buildings
wit h prof f ered plan. The proposal also includes request s f or special use permit s for f ill in the f loodplain & for
outdoor sales & display in an Ent rance Corridor (see SP200436 & SP200437 below). TM 78, Ps 4A1 & 4B, is
located in the Rivanna Magisterial Dist rict on t he nort hwest corner of intersec of Rt 20 & Rt 250 East behind
M cDonald's Restaurant. The Comprehensive Plan designates these lands as regional service in t he
Neighborhood Three (Pant ops) Development Area. General usage f or regional service is regionalscale retail &
service, wholesale, off ice, lodging & conf erence, em ployment cent er, & residential (6 34 unit s/acre). General
usage within t he C1 comm ercial zoning dist rict perm it s retail sales, service, public use & residential by special
use permit (15 units/acre). General usage wi thi n the HC zoni ng di strict permits commerci al & servi ce
uses & residenti al use by special use permi t (15 uni ts/acre).
24. SP2004036. Charlottesvill e Power Equipment (Si gn #37). Request to allow f ill in t he floodplain in accord
w/Sec of t he Zoning Ord which allows for f illing of land. See concurrent request s, ZM A0411 &
25. SP2004037. Charlottesvill e Power Equipment (Si gn #37). Request to allow outdoor sales & display
associat ed with perm it ted uses, which would be visible f rom an Entrance Corridor St reet in accord w/Sec of t he Zoning Ord. See concurrent request s, ZM A0411 & SP0436.
3:30 p.m. Work Sessions
26. CPA2005001. Land Use Pl an Transportation Update. Proposal t o am end t he Transport at ion Sect ion of
t he Com p Plan t o include, but not lim ited t o, ref erences & updat ed inf ormat ion based on adopt ed regional
t ransport at ion plans.
27. From t he Board: M att ers Not List ed on t he Agenda.
28. Adjourn.
6.1 Approval of M inut es: Novem ber 3 and Decem ber 1, 2004; June 1, August 3, August 10(N), Sept em ber 14(A)
and September 14N, 2005.
6.2. ZMA2004017. Wi ckham Pond (Si gn #64). (Defer t o Decem ber 14, 2005).
6.3 Request ed FY 2006 Appropriat ions.
6.4 Request to set public hearing t o amend t he Jurisdict ional Area Boundary of t he Albemarle Count y
Service Aut hority t o provide wat er and sewer service to Tax Map 55, Parcel 50 (Chit est er property)
located in the Crozet Community.
6.5 Draf t 2006 Thom as Jef ferson Planning District Com mission Legislative Program.
6.6 “Wat ch f or Child Playing” Sign Request f or Albert Court (Rout e 1491) locat ed in Cam ellia Garden
6.7 Resolut ion to accept road(s) in Springridge Subdivision into the Secondary Syst em of State Highways.
6.8 Resolut ion to accept road(s) in St onegat e, Phases B & C, Subdivision int o t he Secondary System of
Stat e Highways.
6.9 2005 Third Quart er Building Report as prepared by the Departm ent of Community Developm ent .
6.10 Copy of September 15, 2005 m inut es of t he Albem arle Count y Service Aut hority Board of Directors.
6.11 Copy of lett er dat ed November 4, 2005 f rom John Shepherd, M anager of Zoning Adm inistrat ion, to Paul and
Julia Given, re: Offi cial Determinati on of Devel opment Ri ghts and Parcels – Tax Map 97, Parcel 19
(property of Paul and Jul ia Gi ven) Section 10.3.1.
6.12 Copy of lett er dat ed November 3, 2005 f rom John Shepherd, M anager of Zoning Adm inistrat ion, to Alice Nye
Fitch, re: Offi ci al Determination of Devel opment Ri ghts and Parcels – Tax Map 20, Parcel s 3A and 3C7
(property of El eanor C. Godsey, Trustee) Section 10.3.1.
6.13 Copy of lett er dat ed November 4, 2005 f rom John Shepherd, M anager of Zoning Adm inistrat ion, to Brian S.
Ray, re: Offi ci al Determination of Devel opment Ri ghts and Parcels – Tax Map 86, Parcel 27 (property
of Boaz M ountai n LLC) Secti on 10.3.1.
6.14 Copy of First Quarter Report f or JAUNT services f or FY 2006.
6.15 Copy of Charlot t esvilleAlbemarle Convention and Visit ors Bureau ROI (Return on I nvest m ent ) Report Card.
6.16 Hum an Resources Annual Report.
6.17 Copy of applic ation (Case No. PUE200500090) of Appalac hian Power Company filed with t he Stat e
Corporat ion Com m ission t o revise it s fuel f act or pursuant t o §56249.6 of the Code of Virginia.
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