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OCTOB ER 1, 2008
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Recognitions:
a. VACo Annual Achiev ement Award.
b. Energy Star Award.
5. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
6. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
7. Consent Agenda (on next sheet).
9:40 a.m. – Information/Presentation Items:
8. James U tterback , VD oT Culpeper District Administrator.
9. BoardtoBoard, Monthly Communications R eport from School Board, School Board C hairman.
10. a. AC SA Quarterly U pdate, Gary Fern.
1. Albemarle Place Meeting with Edens & Av ant on September 24, 2008.
2. N orth Fork Pump Station.
b. RW SA Quarterly Update, Tom Frederick .
10:20 a.m. Action Items:
11. 2009 Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission (TJPDC) Legislative Program
10:30 a.m. Public hearings:
12. PROJECT: SP2008018. Rosewood Village R ehab Services – Greenbrier. PR OPOSED: Allow non
residents of Ros ewood Village to use the Rosewood Village rehab facility. LOC ATION: 500 Greenbrier
D rive. N ortheast corner of Greenbrier Drive and W estfield R oad. TAX MAP/PARCEL: 61W /021.
13. PROJECT: SP2008019. Rosewood Village R ehab Services Hollymead Town Center. PROPOSED:
Allow nonresidents of Rosewood Village to us e the Rosew ood Village rehab facility. LOCATION: 2029
Lockwood Driv e. The property is located approximately 1,500 feet from U.S. Route 29 along Timberwood
Boulevard in the H ollymead Town Center. TAX MAP/PARCEL: 32/41K. MAGISTERIAL D ISTRIC T: Rio.
14. PROJECT: SP2008021. C oConstruct Home Occ B. (Sign #47). PROPOSED: Home Occupation,
C lass B to allow up to 2 employees associated with a internetbased home business. LOCATION : 1814
C lay Drive, Crozet, VA 22932, in the Waylands Grant subdiv ision, off of Jarman's Gap Road (RT 691),
approx. 700 ft from the intersec tion of Crozet Ave (Rt 810). TAX MAP/PARCEL: 55D49. MAGISTERIAL
D ISTRICT: W hite Hall.
15. To amend the Albemarle County Service A uthority jurisdictional areas for Robert and C arolyn
Michie to provide water serv ice to Tax Map 79, Parcels 17 and 17C located on the north side of R oute 250,
near the intersection of Route 250 and North Milton Road (Rt 72 9) and adjacent to the GOCO O il site. Znd RA .
R ivanna Dist.
16. To amend the Albemarle County Service A uthority jurisdictional areas for Kirtley Property/
U niversity of Virginia to prov ide water and s ewer service to Tax Map 59, Parcels 23B1. Property
located on north side of Rt 250 West, adjacent to the Northridge Building and the Volvo of
C harlottesville site. Znd C1, Commercial and R A. Samuel Miller D ist.
17. FY 2009 Budget A mendment.
18. Revalidation Ordinance Amendment. An ordinance to amend Chapter 15, Taxation, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code, by amending Section 15803, Same – Proces sing; C ontinuation of Assessments, etc.; Fees,
of Article VIII, Special Assess ments for Agric ultural, Horticultural, Forest or Open Space Real Estate. The
proposed amendment would require effective tax year 2010 that property owners in the Land Use Value Tax
Program verify every two years that participating properties c ontinue to meet Program requirements and
w ould establish a filing deadline and late filing fee.
19. Transient Occupancy Tax Ordinance Amendment. An ordinance to amend C hapter 15, Taxation, of the
Albemarle County Code, by amending Section 15901, Imposed; Amount of Tax , of Article IX, Transient
Occupancy Tax. The proposed amendment would conform the County’s trans ient occupancy tax to the
new State law that requires the County to designate and spend that portion of the revenue collected from
the transient oc cupancy tax rate over two percent solely for tourism and trav el, marketing of tourism or
initiatives that, as determined after consultation w ith the local tourism industry organizations, attract
travelers to the County and generate tourism revenues in the C ounty.
20. Closed Meeting.
21. Certify Closed Meeting.
22. Boards and Commissions:
a. Vacancies /Appointments.
2:00 p.m. – Transportation Matters
23. a. VDOT Monthly Report.
b. Transportation Matters not Listed on the Agenda.
c . Ashcroft Traffic Calming R esolution.
d. Primary Road Improvement Priorities .
24. 2:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Eastern Connector Alignment Study.
25. Voting Credentials for VACo Annual Busines s Meeting.
26. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
Recess and Reconvene in Room 241.
27. 4:00 p.m. – Joint Meeting with School Board,
a. Call to Order.
b. Discussion: Total C ompensation Report.
c . Matters not Listed on Agenda.
28. Adjourn to October 8, 2008, 3:00 p.m., Room 241.
7.1 Approval of Minutes: December 12, 2007; February 11, March 5, March 12, March 19, July 9, July 23,
August 5, September 3 and September 10, 2008.
7.2 Resolution to Fix Compensation for Albemarle County Servic e Authority Board Members.
7.3 Res olut ion Supporting National Byway AllAmerican R oad D esignation for R oute 20, Route 22 and R oute
7.4 Resolution Supporting Virginia By way Designation for Route 53, Route 729 (Milton Road) and portions of
R oute 20 and Route 250.
7.5 Resolution Supporting State Sc enic River designation for the South Fork of the Rivanna R iver and the
R ivanna River from the South Fork Rivanna River R eservoir Dam to the site of the former Woolen Mills
D am.
7.6 Resolution to accept the abandonment of Route 640 (Turkey Sag Road) in the State Secondary Road
Sy stem.
7.7 Resolution to Endorse Pedestrian Bridge Project in the City of Charlottesville.
7.8 FY 2008 Appropriations.
7.9 Destruction of FY 2003 Paid Personal Property Tax Receipts .
7.10 Set Dates related to development of FY 09/10 Budget Calendar.
7.11 2008 Statement of Assessed Values for Local Tax Purposes for Railroads and Interstate Pipeline
Transmission Companies as certified by the Department of Tax ation (on file in Clerk's office).
7.12 2008 Statements of Assessed Value for the Electric, Gas, Telec ommunications and Water C ompanies; and
Listing of Motor Vehicle Carrier C ompanies Subject to Annual Rolling Stock Tax Administered by the Public
Service Taxation Division for Albemarle County, as certified by the State C orporation Commis sion (on file
in Clerk's office).
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