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Albemarle County Board of Supervisors’
Strategic Plan Retreat Agenda
October 24, 2008 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Vir ginia Depar tme nt of For estry Building
Fontaine Re se ar c h Par k
D e sir ed Outc omes:
1. The Board disc usse s the County ’s progre ss, upc oming c halle nge s and opportunities, County trends, and
c itizen ex pec tations.
2. The Board has an inc rease d understanding of the Five Ye ar Financ ial O utlook and re source s ne e de d to
me e t County ’s priorities.
3. The Board prov ide s direc tion to staff re garding aligning the Strate gic Plan with the Five Year Financ ial
9:00 a.m. We lcome Ke n Boyd
9:05 a.m. Ove rvie w of Today’s Mee ting Bob Tuc ker
9:10 a.m. Quick Re vie w H ighlights from Work Se ssion Lori Allshouse
Boa rd D iscussion
Strategic Plan’s role in directing organizational efforts
Emerging Trends and Citizen’s Views
Areas of the strategic plan showing positive progress
Areas of the strategic plan facing significant challenges
10:15 Bre ak
10:30 a .m. Five Yea r Fina ncia l Outlook Tom Fole y
Resourc es ne e de d to mee t County’s prioritie s
Q and A
11:00 a .m. Board Discussion Le e
Ca tlin
Aligning Strategic Plan with Prioritie s
12:00 Lunc h
12:45 p.m. Board Discussion, Cont. Le e Catlin
Should the County alter its approac h re garding the County’s Strate gic Plan priorities?
Adjust timing?
Reallocate resources (within the existing budget)?
Increase resources?
Should the County consider adjustments in the CIP program?
2:45 p.m. Break
3:00 p.m. Board provides staff direction Lee Catlin
How to better align the Strategic Plan with the Five Year Plan.
3:50 p.m. Wrap U p; N e xt Steps Bob Tuc ker
4:00 p.m. Adjourn
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