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NOVEMBER 12, 2008
1. Call to Order.
2. Work Session: Five Year Financ ial Plan (continued from N ovember 5, 2008).
3. Recess.
4. Call to Order.
5. Pledge of Allegiance.
6. Moment of Silence.
7. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
8. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
9. Consent Agenda (on next sheet).
10. Abandonment of public rightofway. Consider abandonment of rightofway under Virginia C ode § 33.1
164 approximately 0.47 miles in length along the former alignment of State Route 618, also k now n as
J efferson Mill Lane. State maintenance of the segment of rightofway intended to be abandoned was
discontinued in 1971 when State R oute 618 was realigned and reconstructed and, thus, it is not in the state
maintained sy stem of secondary highw ays. The rightofway is located along a portion of the boundary
betw een Tax Map and Parcel Numbers 123000000017A0 and 123000000017B0 in the Scottsville
Magisterial Dis tric t. (R eschedule public hearing for December 3, 2008.)
11. ZTA 2005007. Storage yards. Amend Sec tions 3.1, Definitions, 24.2.1, By right, 24.2.2, By special use
permit, 25.2.1, By right, 25.2.2, By special use permit, 25A.2.1, By right, 25A.2.2, By spec ial use permit,
27.2.1, By right, 27.2.2, By special use permit, 28.2.1, By right, 28.2.2, By s pec ial use permit, of Chapter
18, Zoning, of the Albemarle County C ode. This ordinance would amend Sec. 3.1 by defining “storage
y ard,” “heavy equipment,” “heavy vehicles,” and “heavy equipment and heav y v ehicle parking and storage
y ard”; Sec. 24.2.1 by adding “s torage yards” as a by right use; Sec. 24.2.2 by deleting “contractor’s office
and equipment s torage yard” as a special use; Sec. 25.2.1 by clarifying the C 1, CO and HC uses permitted
by right in the PD SC district and excepting “s torage yards”; Sec . 25.2.2 by adding “storage y ards” as a
s pecial use; Sec. 25A.2.1 by c larifying the C1, C O and HC us es permitted by right in the PD MC district
and excepting “s torage yards”; Sec. 25A.2.2 by adding “storage yards” as a special use; Sec. 27.2.1 by
amending the “c ontractor’s office and equipment storage yard” use classification to “storage y ards”; Sec.
27.2.2 by adding “heavy equipment and heavy vehicle parking and storage yards” as a special use; Sec.
28.2.1 by amending the “contractor’s office and equipment s torage yard” use classification to “storage
y ards”; Sec. 28.2.2 by deleting “storage yards not elsewhere classified, excluding storage of nuclear
products, byproducts or wastes,” as a spec ial use. The introductory text of the sections cited above other
than Sec. 3.1 was also amended to standardize the text and to correct a typographical error.
12. STA2008001. Rural Areas 2lot street standard; single point of access. Amend Sections 14207, Rural
s ubdivisions, 14404, Lot location to allow acc ess from lot onto street or shared driveway, 14412,
Standards for private streets only, and 14434, C ompletion of onsite improv ements required prior to plat
approval, of Chapter 14, Subdivis ion of Land, of the Albemarle C ounty Code. This ordinanc e w ould amend
Sec. 14207 by making rural subdivisions subject to Sec. 14404; Sec. 14404 by requiring that the first
s ubdivision plat approved for a parcel after the effective date of this ordinance (the “parent parc el”) must
establish a single public or priv ate access from an existing public or private street outside of the parent
parcel to the lots w ithin the subdivision, and would require that the proposed s treet provide s uch access for
all future subdivis ions within the parent parcel, and would delete the requirement that all subsequent
divisions of the residue enter only onto such streets shown on the approved final plat and have no
immediate ac ces s onto any public street; Sec. 14412 by deleting the standard for residential private streets
s erving 2 lots and requiring s uch streets to meet the standard currently required for streets serving 3 to 5
lots; Sec. 14434 by deleting the exception for certain private streets from the requirement that all onsite
improvements be completed prior to approval of the final plat where surety in lieu of completion of the
improvements is not authorized.
13. ZTA 2006001. Country Stores. Amend Sections 3.1, Definitions, 6.4, Nonc onforming lots, 10.2.1, By
right, 10.2.2, By special use permit, and 10.4, area and bulk regulations, and add Section 5.1.45, C ountry
s tore and nonc ountry store uses in historic c ountry store buildings, of Chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code. This ordinanc e w ould amend Section 3.1 by defining certain terms related to c ountry stores;
Section 6.4 by adding regulations pertaining to country stores on nonconforming lots; Section 10.2.1, by
adding C ountry s tores, Class A, as a by right use in the Rural Areas zoning district; Section 10.2.2, by
adding C ountry s tores, Class B (replacing “Country stores” as a special use), noncountry store uses in
historic country store buildings, and the sale of gasoline and other fuels in conjunction with a c ountry store,
C lass A or B, as uses allowed by special use permit; and Section 10.4, by adding an introductory
s tatement. This ordinance als o w ould add Section 5.1.45 to establish supplementary regulations for country
s tores, Class es A and B, and noncountry store uses in historic country store buildings.
14. CPA 200801. W ater Supply Planning Update. Amend the Natural Resourc es and Cultural Assets and
the Land Use sections of the Albemarle County Comprehens ive Plan to reflec t new studies and community
decisions regarding needed water supply for the Urban Servic e Area, new state requirements for County
w ide water supply planning, and C ounty initiativ es relating to drought respons e.
15. PROJECT: ZMA 200804. N GIC Expansion (Sign #77). PR OPOSA L: Amend general development plan
for ZMA 2007003. Approx 15 acres. CO, Commercial Offic e offices, supporting commerc ial and service
uses; and residential use by special use permit (15 units/ac re) to allow an additional 22,100 square feet of
basement storage area in Building #1 and an additional 44,200 square feet of basement storage area in
Building #2 in tw o 4story buildings of 89,400 s quare feet eac h. This propos al also includes two concurrent
s pecial use permits SP2008045, an amendment to SP2007031, to allow relocation on property of a 3
s tory 120 unit apartment building and SP200846, an amendment to SP2007032, to allow revision of
research and development uses in the proposed office buildings . PR OFFERS: Yes. LOCATION: East of R t
29 N orth, at the end of Boulders R d, adjacent north of the N GIC facility. TAX MAP/PARC EL: Portion of Tax
Map 33 Parcel 1D . MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC T: Rivanna.
16. PROJECT: SP200845. NGIC Expansion (Sign #77). (refer to ZMA 08004 NGIC Expansion revised).
PR OPOSED: Relocation on the property of 120 unit threestory apartment building at a gross density of 8.0
units per acre on an approximately 15acre site. LOC ATION : East of Rt 29 North, at the end of Boulders
R d, adjacent north of the NGIC facility. TAX MAP/PARCEL: Portion of Tax Map 33 Parcel 1D.
17. PROJECT: SP200846. NGIC Expansion (Sign #77). (refer to ZMA 08004 NGIC Expansion).
PR OPOSED: Rev ision to allow for research & development us es within propos ed CO Zoning D istrict Office
Buildings, 178,800 square feet of office spac e in tw o 4story buildings of 89,400 square feet each. ZMA
2008004 propos es to allow an additional 22,100 square feet of basement storage area in Building #1 and an
additional 44,200 square feet of basement storage area in Building #2. LOCATION: east of Rt 29 North, at
the end of Boulders Rd, adjac ent north of the NGIC facility. TAX MAP/PAR CEL: Portion of Tax Map 33
18. PROJECT: ZMA 200805. Old Trail Village Block 2 (Signs #1,2,22&47). PROPOSAL Amend C ode of
D evelopment to include rest home/assisted living use for approved ZMA200400024 (Old Trail NMD) which
allows residential (3 34 units /ac re) mixed w ith commercial, service and industrial uses. Approved number
of units for Old Trail is between 1600 and 2200. N o change to density is proposed. PROFFERS: Yes.
(Amendment to refer to revised Table 4 of the amended Code of Development). LOC ATION : N orth side of
R t 250 West, approximately 2,000+ feet west of the intersection of Miller Sc hool Rd and Rt 250. TAX
MAP/PARCEL: 55E1A1 (portion). MAGISTER IAL DISTRICT: White Hall.
19. From the Board: Matters Not Lis ted on the Agenda.
20. Adjourn.
9.1 Approval of Minutes: September 5, 2007; and March 10 and March 19, 2008.
9.2 Resolution to accept roads in Chestnut Ridge Subdivision into the State Secondary System of Highways .
9.3 Fiscal Year 2009 C ounty of Albemarle & State Health Department Local Government Agreement.
9.4 Proffer Compliance State C ash Proffer Surv ey & First Quarter Cash Proffer R eport.
9.5 2008 Third Quarter Building Report as prepared by the Department of Community Development.
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