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MA RCH 14, 2012
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Adoption of Final Agenda.
5. Brief Announc ements by Board Members.
6. Recognitions:
a. Proclamation recogniz ing the 18th Virginia Festival of the Book.
b. Kathryn Presson as Mos t Outstanding Fire Corps Volunteer.
7. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
8. Consent Agenda.
9. To solicit public input on the proposed Community D evelopment B lock Grant (CD BG) application to be
s ubmitted to the Virginia Department of Housing and C ommunity D evelopment for the propos ed Orchard
Ac res Housing Rehabilitation Project and the Scattered Site Rehabilitation Project. Residents of the project
area are encouraged to attend. The proposal will include rehabilitation of up to 40 houses in Orchard Acres
and the reconstruc tion of two units (one in Scotts ville and one in H eards).
10. ASCA 201201. C harlottesville Volvo. Request to amend the Albemarle County Service Authority
J urisdictional Area boundary to provide sewer service to Tax Map 59, Parcel 23B2. Property located on Ivy
R oad (U S 250 West), approximately .2 mile east of the intersection of Broomley R oad and Route 250.
Samuel Miller Magisterial Dis tric t.
11. PROJECT: SP201100022. Verizon Wireless/Southwest Mountain Tier III Personal W ireless Service
Facility (Sign #48). PR OPOSAL: R equest for installation of a second flushmounted antenna array
replacing recently removed w hip antennas in order to support the attachment of a new antenna array in a
s econd vertic al array below the company’s existing antennas . This is an amendment of SP 200345 #2C to
allow more than 5 antenna arrays. ZONING C ATEGORY/GEN ERAL USAGE: R A, Rural Areas
agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots) SECTION:
10.2.2 (48) whic h allows for Tier III personal wireless facilities in the RA Zoning District.
C OMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAN D U SE/DENSITY: Rural Areas in Rural Area 2 preserve and protect
agricultural, forestal, open spac e, and natural, his toric and sc enic resources/ density (0.5 unit/ acre in
development lots ). ENTRAN CE C ORR IDOR: NO LOCATION: 119 Lego DriveTAX MAP/PARCEL: 07800
12. PROJECT: SP201100026. N ew Cingular W ireless/AT&TC V429Tier III (Signs #24&100). PR OPOSAL:
Special use permit request for a personal wireles s service facility including a 119foot metal monopole with
flushmount antennae. Proposal includes requested waiver of section 5.1.40(d)(6) of the Zoning Ordinance
(to allow a pole height 30 feet above the referenc e tree, over the normal max imum of seven to ten feet).
ZON ING CATEGORY/GENERAL USAGE: R A, R ural Areas agricultural, forestal, and fis hery uses;
residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots) SECTION: 10.2.2 (48) w hich allows for Tier III
personal wireless facilities in the R A Zoning District COMPREHEN SIVE PLAN LAND USE/D ENSITY:
R ural Areas in Rural Area 4 Preserve and protect agricultural, forestal, open s pace, and natural, historic
and scenic resources/ density (.5 unit/acre in dev elopment lots) ENTRANCE C ORR IDOR: YES
LOC ATION: At the northwest side of the inters ection of Scotts ville Road (Route 20), Esmont R oad (Route
715), and Coles Rolling Road (Route 712). TAX MAP/PARCEL: 112000000030G0 MAGISTERIAL
D ISTRICT: Sc ottsville.
13. PROJECT: ZMA201100007. Albemarle Place/Stonefield Proffer Amendment. PROPOSA L: Request to
amend proffers on property z oned N MD which allows residential (3 – 34 units/acre) mixed with commercial,
s ervice and indus trial uses. N o new dwellings or change in res idential density proposed. ENTRAN CE
C ORR IDOR: Yes . PR OFFERS: Yes. COMPREHEN SIVE PLAN: Designated Urban Mixed Use (in
D estination Center) – retail, res idential, commercial, employ ment, office, institutional, and open space;
U rban Mixed Use (in areas around Centers) – commercial and retail uses that are not accommodated in
C enters; and Commercial Mixed Use – commercial, retail, employment uses, with supporting residential,
office, or institutional uses. LOC ATION: Northwest corner H ydraulic Road (R t. 743) and Seminole Trail (US
29) in N eighborhood 1. TAX MAP/PARCEL: 061W00300019A0, 061W 00300019B0, 061W00300
02300, 061W0030002400, 061W0030002500 (as of 02/22/12). MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC T: Jack Jouett.
14. ZTA201000005. Signs. Amend Secs. 4.15.1, Purpose and intent, 4.15.2, Definitions, 4.15.4, Signs
authorized by sign permit, 4.15.6, Signs exempt from the sign permit requirement, 4.15.7, Prohibited signs
and sign characteristics, 4.15.8, Regulations applicable in the MHD , RA, VR, R1 and R2 zoning districts ,
4.15.9, Regulations applicable in the R4 and R6 zoning districts, 4.15.11, Regulations applic able in the
PU D, DCD and NMD zoning districts, 4.15.12, Regulations applicable in the C1 and CO zoning districts,
4.15.13, Regulations applicable in the HC, PDSC and PDMC zoning distric ts, 4.15.14, R egulations
applicable in the H I, LI and PD IP zoning dis tric ts, 4.15.15, R egulations applicable in the entrance corridor
overlay distric t, 30.6.4, Certific ates of appropriateness, and 30.6.5, D evelopment exempt from requirement
to obtain certific ate of appropriateness, and add Sec. 4.15.4A, Signs authorized by temporary sign permit, of
C hapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle County C ode.
15. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
16. Adjourn to Marc h 28, 2012.
8.1 Approve Plan and Certifications of Compliance required to rec eive Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Funds .
8.2 Lew is and Clark Exploratory C enter Enhancement Grant Reimbursements.
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