HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-06B OARD OF SUPERVISORS
JUNE 6, 2012
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegianc e.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Adoption of Final Agenda.
5. Brief Announc ement s by B oard Members.
6. Rec ognitions:
a. 2012 Bus ines s A ppreciation Week.
7. From t he Public : Matt ers Not Lis ted f or Public Hearing on the Agenda.
8. Cons ent Agenda (on nex t page).
Action Item s:
9. Cons ideration of the County’s Pos ition on t he Rout e 29 West ern Bypass as c urrent ly propos ed.
10:00 a.m . Public Hearings:
10. SP201200005. Verizon Wi reless “I64 East” Tier III Personal Wirel ess Service Facili ty (Sign #2).
PROPOSED: Reques t f or ins tallation of a three new flus hmounted antennas . This is an amendment of SP
200031 #4a, whic h limits the s truct ure to what is s hown on t he approv ed plans. ZONING
CATEGORY/GE NERAL USA GE: RA, Rural Areas agricultural, fores tal, and fishery us es; resident ial
dens ity (0.5 unit /ac re in development lots ). SECTION: 10.2.2 (48) whic h allows f or Tier I II personal wireless
f acilit ies in the RA Zoning Dist rict . COMPRE HE NSIVE PLAN LAND USE/DE NSITY: Rural Areas in Rural
Area 3 pres erve and prot ect agric ultural, fores tal, open spac e, and natural, his toric and s c enic res ources /
dens ity (0.5 unit /ac re in development lots ). ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: YES. LOCATI ON: 123 Dry Bridge
Road. TAX MAP/PARCEL: 073000000031D0. MAGISTERI A L DI STRI CT: Samuel Miller.
11. SP201200006. Verizon Wi reless “Yancey Mil ls” Tier III Personal Wirel ess Servi ce Faci lity (Sign #3).
PROPOSED: Reques t f or ins tallation of a three new flus hmounted antennas . This is an amendment of SP
200027 #4a, whic h limits the s truct ure to what is s hown on t he approv ed plans. ZONING
CATEGORY/GE NERAL USA GE: RA, Rural Areas agricultural, fores tal, and fishery us es; resident ial
dens ity (0.5 unit /ac re in development lots ). SECTION: 10.2.2 (48) whic h allows f or Tier I II personal wireless
f acilit ies in the RA Zoning Dist rict . COMPRE HE NSIVE PLAN LAND USE/DE NSITY: Rural Areas in Rural
Area 3 pres erve and prot ect agric ultural, fores tal, open spac e, and natural, his toric and s c enic res ources /
dens ity (0.5 unit/ac re in dev elopment lot s ). ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: YES . LOCATION: 207 Patt ers on Mill
Lane. TAX MAP/PARCEL: 071000000037J 0. MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Samuel Miller.
12. SP201100027. Panorama Events. (Si gns #22,23,25&26). PROPOSED: S pec ial ev ents in exis ting barn.
ZONI NG CATEGORY/GENERAL USAGE: RA, Rural Areas agric ultural, fores tal, and fishery us es ;
resident ial dens ity (0.5 unit /ac re in dev elopment lot s ). SECTION:, whic h allows f or S pec ial ev ents
(ref erence 5.1.43) COMPREHENSI VE PLAN LAND USE/DENSI TY: Rural A reas in Rural A rea 1 Preserv e
and protec t agric ult ural, f orest al, open s pac e, and natural, his toric and sc enic resourc es/densit y (.5 unit /ac re
in dev elopment lots). ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: No. LOCATI ON: Reas Ford Lane (Route 661), approximately
0.5 miles s outh of its intersect ion with Reas Ford Road (Route 660). TAX MAP/PARCEL: 045000000
13. SP201200003. Congregati on Beth Israel Cemetery in Ivy (Sign #9). PROPOSED: Spec ial Us e Permit to
allow a cemetery on a rural area res idential propert y whic h allows a cemetery under Section 10.2.2 (32) of
t he Zoning Ordinanc e. ZONING: RA Rural Areas agricultural, fores tal, and fishery us es; resident ial dens ity
(0.5 unit/ac re in dev elopment lots). ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Y es. COMPREHENSI VE PLA N: Rural Areas
pres erv e and protec t agric ultural, forest all, open s pac e, and nat ural, his toric and s c enic res ourc es /density
(0.5 unit/ac re in dev elopment lots). LOCATION: 4460 I v y Road. TAX MAP /PARCEL: 058000000064NN.
14. ZTA201200005. Bed and Breakfast/Tourist Lodging. Amend Sec s . 3.1, Definitions , 4.12.6, Minimum
number of required parking s pac es for s c heduled uses , 5.1.17, Touris t lodging, and 10.2.1, By right, and add
Sec . 5.1.48, B ed and break fas t, to Chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle Count y Code. This ordinance would
amend the regulations pertaining to trans ient lodging by amending the definitions of “tourist lodging,”
“boarding hous e” and “hot el,” and adding definitions of “bed and breakf ast” and “t rans ient lodging” (3.1),
c larif y ing that the minimum off st reet park ing requirement s for trans ient lodging and hot els is bas ed on the
number of “gues t rooms ” rather than “units” and adding s uc h regulat ions for the bed and break fas t us e
(4.12.6), amending the s upplementary regulat ions for t ouris t lodging (5.1.17) and adding s upplementary
regulations for t he bed and breakf ast us e including, but not limited t o, requiring landowner or manager
residenc y , limiting the number bed and break fas t uses permit ted on a parc el, and est ablis hing minimum y ard
and park ing requirements and minimum approv al requirements (5.1.48), and replac ing “touris t lodging” with
t he “bed and break fas t” use c lass ification in the Rural Areas z oning dist rict (10.2.1).
15. Housing Choi ce Voucher Annual Plan and Admi ni strative Pl an. Rev isions related t o the Project bas ed
Voucher Program hav e been request ed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Dev elopment and a
c hapter has been added t o the Adminis trativ e Plan regarding proc edures for the us e of Project bas ed
Vouchers . A c hapter has also been added as required to c omply wit h regulat ions related to the Violence
Agains t Women Ac t.
11:00 a.m . Action Items
16. Line of Duty (LODA) – Res olution to Opt Out of State’s Line of Duty Fund and to s elec t Virginia
As s oc iation of Counties Group Self I nsurance Ins uranc e Ris k P ool (VACoRP ) t o prov ide the Count y ’s LODA
Cov erage for FY13.
17. Perf ormanc eBas ed Recognition Pool for General Gov ernment Employ ees.
18. Closed Meeting.
19. Cert ify Clos ed Meeting.
20. Boards and Commiss ions : Vac anc ies/Appoint ments .
1:30 p.m . Presentations:
21. FY12 General Fund Third Quarter Report and Revis ed FY12 Revenue Projec tions Report.
22. Update on Volunteer Recruit ment Efforts for Ivy Fire/Resc ue Station.
Action Item :
23. Priority Rev iew Proces s for Target Indus tries.
24. Potential Adjust ments to the FY 13FY 17 Capital Improv ements Plan (CIP).
25. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters Not Listed on the Agenda.
26. Adjourn to June 21, 2102, 6:00 p.m., Lane Auditorium.
8.1 Approval of Minutes : February 1, February 24(A), March 5(A), Marc h 13(A ), March 14(A), Marc h 14(N),
Marc h 12(A), April 1(A), and April 13(A), 2012.
8.2 FY 2012 Budget Amendment and Appropriations .
8.3 FY 13 Appropriat ion Resolut ion.
8.4 Es tablishment of Of fice of Fac ilities Dev elopment (OFD) I nternal Serv ice Fund.
8.5 Ac quis ition of Cons erv ation E asements (A CE ) Ranking Order for FY 201112 Applic ant Class .
8.6 Appointment of Howard G. Lagomars ino J r., as the Albemarle County Fire Mars hal.
8.7 Appointment of Elie J ones and Robert W. Gilmer as Ass ist ant Fire Marshals .
8.8 VRS Res olutions t o Certify E mployer Retirement Contribut ion; to Certify Member Contribution and
Corres ponding S alary I ncreas e and to Certify Concurrence wit h t he Sc hool Div ision’s Election.
8.9 Update to Cons tit utional Of ficers’ Budget.
8.10 Saf e Routes to Sc hool Trav el Plan for t he Greer Elementary and Jac k J ouet t Middle Sc hools.
8.10a Resoluti on i n Support of Proposal to Subsidize Pri vate I nternet Provider.
8.11 FY 2012 Third Quart er Cash and NonCash Proff er Report and Us e of Prof fer Funds .
8.12 County Grant Application Report.
8.13 2012 Firs t Quart er Building Report.
8.14 2012 Firs t Quart er Cert ificate of Oc c upanc y Report.
8.15 VDOT – Culpeper Dis tric t, Monthly Report f or A lbemarle County.
8.16 Capital Project Contingenc y .
8.17 BoardtoBoard, A Monthly Report f rom t he Albemarle County School Board.
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