HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-07-11B OARD OF SUPERVISORS
JU LY 11, 2012
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Adoption of Final Agenda.
5. Brief Announc ements by Board Members.
6. Recognitions.
7. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
8. Consent Agenda (on next page).
9:30 a.m. Public Hearings:
9. SP201000046. New Hope Community Church (Signs #12&15). PROPOSED: 400seat church w ith
offices and class rooms. LOC ATION: Northwest side of intersec tion of Dickerson R oad (Route 606) and
D ickerson Lane (Route 763). TAX MAP/PAR CEL: 021000000012C 1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC T: White
H all.
10. SP201000057. Pine Knot Historical Center (Sign #57). PROPOSED: H istorical center at Pine Knot with
tours, related s pec ial events (up to 12 per year, not to exceed 200 persons), restroom facility, and museum
and educational building (not to exceed 1,700 square feet). LOCATION: 711 Coles Rolling Road (Route
712), approximately 0.6 miles east of the intersection with Glendower Road (R oute 713). TAX
MAP/PARCEL: 12200000001100. MAGISTER IAL DISTRICT: Scottsville.
11. SP201200004. C ommunity C hristian Academy (Signs #38&39). PROPOSED: Request a special use
permit for a private school in a church on 3.14 acres under Section 14.2.2(5) private school of zoning
ordinance. No dw ellings propos ed. LOCATION: 1410 Old Brook R oad in Neighborhood 2. TAX
12. 1203( ) – Agricultural and Forestal D istricts – Ordinance to amend Division 2, Districts , of Article II,
D istricts of Statewide Signific anc e, of Chapter 3, Agricultural and Forestal Districts, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code, to add lands to c ertain districts as specified below:
a. AFD 20124. Chalk Mountain AFD – Addition. The proposed ordinance would amend Section 3
211, C halk Mountain Agricultural and Forestal District, to add TMPs 9721B, 9721C and 9721D to
the dis tric t.
b. AFD 20122; 20123. Hardware AFD – Addition. The proposed ordinance would amend Section 3
214, H ardware Agric ultural and Forestal D istrict, to add TMPs 7251C and 883T to the district.
c . AFD 20121; 20125. Keswick AFD – A ddition. The proposed ordinance w ould amend Section 3
219, Keswick Agricultural and Forestal D istrict, to add TMPs 8169, 8172 and 8173 to the district.
13. The Square in C rozet: Consider granting pow er line easement to D ominion Power within County Parcel
14. FY 2012 Budget Amendment and Appropriations.
Action Item:
15. Budget/Finance Operational Improvements.
Public Hearing:
16. FY 2013 Budget Amendment and Appropriations.
10:30 a.m. A ction Items
17. ZTA201200002. Water and Sewer. Amend Secs. 3.1, Definitions, 4.1, Area and health regulations related
to utilities, 4.2, Critical slopes , 4.2.1, Building site required, 4.2.2, Building site area and dimensions, 4.2.3,
Location of structures and improv ements, 4.2.4, Location of s eptic systems, 4.7, Open space, 5.1.43,
Special events, 5.1.44, Farm w orker housing, and 10.5.2, Where permitted by special use permit; and repeal
Secs. 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.1.6 and 4.1.7 (all untitled), of Chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code. (D eferred from May 9, 2012)
18. STA 201200001. W ater & Sewer. Amend Secs . 14106, D efinitions, 14309, Soil evaluations , 14310,
H ealth director approval of individual private w ells and/or septic systems, 14415 C entral water supplies and
s ewerage sys tems, and 14416, Individual private wells and septic systems , of C hapter 14, Subdivision of
Land, of the Albemarle County C ode. (Deferred from May 9, 2012)
19. WPO200900074. Stonefield (fka A lbemarle Place), Request to extend deadline for installing permanent
v egetation.
20. SDP201200015. Ivy Fire Station at Kirtley Warehouse, Parking Grade W aiv er Request.
21. SDP201200025. Tier II PW SF: Verizon W ireless, Vest Property/Hardware R iver.
22. Economic Dev elopment Authority (EDA), Amendment to Rules and Procedures.
23. Open Burning of Household Waste and Refuse.
24. Closed Meeting.
25. Certify Closed Meeting.
26. Boards and C ommissions: Vacancies/Appointments.
1:30 p.m. Presentations:
27. VDOT Quarterly Report, Joel Denunzio.
28. Economic Vitality Action Plan Quarterly Update.
Action Item:
29. CharlottesvilleAlbemarle Convention and Visitor Bureau (CACVB) Strategic Marketing Plan.
Discussion Items:
30. Loc al responses to June 29, 2012 severe thunderstorm.
31. Consideration of joint meeting w ith Planning Commission, re: Amendments to C omprehensiv e Plan.
32. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
33. From the County Executive: Report on Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
34. Adjourn to July 25, 2012, 7:00 p.m., Lane Auditorium.
8.1 Approval of Minutes: February 1, March 7, March 12(A), March 14(A), April 4, April 11(A), April 11(N ), April
13(A), and May 10, 2012.
8.2 Solid Waste Options Evaluation.
8.3 Memoranda of Understanding between the County and the Sheriff, the Commonwealth’s Attorney, and the
C ircuit C ourt Clerk.
8.4 Resolution approving the issuanc e of revenue bonds in an amount not to exc eed $41,000,000 for
W estminsterCanterbury of the Blue Ridge.
8.5 Resolution approving the issuanc e of revenue bonds in an amount not to exc eed $6,000,000 for Kappa
Sigma Endow ment Fund.
8.6 Priority Review Process for Target Industries.
8.7 2011 Local Emergency Management Performance Grant Resolution.
8.8 Martha Jefferson Hospital Lease Agreement.
8.9 SDP201200023. Whitewood Road Day Care Center—Zoning Ordinance W aiver.
8.10 Cancel July 18, 2012 Board meeting.
8.11 Personal Wireless Service Facilities Update.
8.12 Albemarle County Environmental Stewardship Strategic Plan (AC ESSP) Report Update for the Local
C limate Action Planning Proces s (LCAPP).
8.13 BoardtoBoard, A monthly report from the Albemarle County Sc hool Board to the Albemarle C ounty Board
of Supervisors .
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