HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-09-05B OARD OF SUPERVISORS
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Adoption of Final Agenda.
5. Brief Announc ements by Board Members.
6. Recognitions:
a. Proclamation recogniz ing September 2012 as Alzheimer’s Month in Albemarle County .
b. Proclamation recogniz ing September 2012 as National Preparedness Month in Albemarle County.
7. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
8. Consent Agenda (on next page).
9:30 a.m. Public Hearings:
9. SP201100011. Lewis Bridge over Doyle’s R iver (Signs #92&95). PROPOSAL: Bridge crossing for
driveway, fill for abutments, under sections,,, of zoning
ordinance. ZONING: FH Flood Hazard Overlay to provide safety and protection from flooding. RA Rural
Areas agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential dens ity (0.5 unit/ac re in development lots).
C OMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Areas – preserve and protec t agricultural, forestal, open s pace, and
natural, historic and scenic resources. Residential uses allowed at a density of 0.5 unit/acre in development
lots. LOCATION: East side of Brow ns Gap Turnpike (Rt. 810) approximately 0.22 miles south of Slam Gate
R oad (R t. 673). TAX MAP/PAR CEL: 027000000006B0. MAGISTERIAL D ISTRIC T: White Hall.
10. SP201200009. Southwood Boys & Girls Club Expansion (Signs #84&85). PROPOSA L: Request to
allow the expansion of the ex isting C ommunity C enter on approximately 1 acre. N o dwellings proposed.
ZON ING: R2 which allows res idential uses at a density of 2 units/acre. Section Community
C enter. ENTR ANCE CORRIDOR : Yes. COMPR EHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Density Residential –
residential (36 units/acre); supporting uses such as religious institutions, s chools, and other smallscale
nonresidential us es in Development Area N eighborhood 5. LOC ATION: Southwood Mobile Home Park. 387
H ickory Street. N ortheast corner of the inters ection of Hickory Street and Bitternut Lane. Hic kory Street
approximately 2,100 feet from the intersection of Old Lynchburg Road and H ickory Street. TAX
MAP/PARCEL: 090A10000001D 0. MAGISTERIAL D ISTRICT: Scottsville.
11. SP201200012. R egents School of C harlottesville (RSC) (Signs #81&82), PROPOSAL: Special Use
Permit for School of Special Ins truction. Utilize existing structure, no additional buildings proposed.
ZON ING CATEGORY/GENERAL USAGE: C O C ommercial Office – offices, supporting commercial and
s ervice; residential by special use permit (15 units/acre). SEC TION: Chapter 18 Section 23.2.2(6) of the
Albemarle County Code, which allow s for School of Special Ins truction. COMPR EHENSIVE PLAN LAND
U SE/DENSITY: Rural Area 1 Rural Areas – preserve and protect agricultural, forestal, open space, and
natural, historic and scenic resources/ density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots) ENTRAN CE
C ORR IDOR: Yes LOCATION: 3045 Ivy Road Charlottesville VA TAX MAP/PARC EL: 059000000
12. ZTA 201200009. Site Plan Process Improvements. Amend Secs. 3.1, Definitions, 32, Site Plans, 35.1,
Fees, and 35.2, C alculation of fees in special c ircumstances, of Chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code. This ordinance would add and delete definitions (3.1), repeal exis ting site plan regulations
(32.1 through and add new site plan regulations in Sec. 32 pertaining to general provisions (32.1
et seq.), applicability (32.2 et s eq.), administration (32.3 et seq.), procedures for submittal, review and action
on site plans (32.4 et seq.), the form and content of initial site plans (32.5 et seq.), the form and content of
final site plans (32.6 et seq.), minimum standards for improvements (32.7 et seq.), and the c ompletion of on
s ite improvements and providing surety (32.8 et seq.). This ordinance also would amend Sec . 35.1 to add a
$500 fee for preapplication plans but this fee would also be applied toward the initial site plan fee which
remains unchanged from the c urrent preliminary site plan fee, add a $240 fee for resubmitting a final site
plan within 15 day s after it has been disapproved for being incomplete, change references to fees from
“preliminary” site plans to “initial” site plans, and change crossreferences to rev ised section numbers to
w hich fees pertain. This ordinance also would amend Sec. 35.2 to change references from “preliminary” site
plans to “initial” s ite plans. The proposed fees are authorized by Virginia Code §§ 15.22241(9) and 15.2
10:30 a.m. R ecess
Action Items:
13. 10:40 a.m. Regional Legislative Program, David Blount.
14. 10:55 a.m. 2013 Legislative Priorities.
15. 11:10 a.m. Fi re Rescue FEMA SAFER Grant Award.
16. 11:30 p.m. – Albemarle County Service Authority Quarterly Update, Gary O’Connell, Exec utiv e D irector.
17. 11:45 p.m. – R ivanna Water and Sewer Authority Quarterly U pdate, Tom Frederick, Executive Director.
18. Closed Meeting.
19. Certify Closed Meeting.
20. Boards and C ommissions: Vacancies/Appointments.
Work Session:
21. 1:30 p.m. Wireless Policy/Regulations Update.
22. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
23. From the County Executive: Report on Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
24. Adjourn.
8.1 Approval of Minutes : J uly 11 and Augus t 1, 2012.
8.2 Set public hearing on Ordinanc e t o Amend the Open Burning provis ions in Chapter 6, Fire Protec tion, of
t he County Code.
8.3 2012 Agricultural Dis as ter Dec laration Res olution.
8.4 Resolution to acc ept road(s) in Ivy View Subdivis ion into t he Stat e Sec ondary Sy st em of Highway s .
8.5 Resolution to acc ept road(s) in Fray’s Grant Subdiv is ion into the State Sec ondary Sys tem of Highway s.
8.6 Resolution to acc ept road(s) in Montgomery Ridge Subdiv is ion into the Stat e Sec ondary S y st em of
Highway s .
8.7 Resolution to acc ept Pet er Jefferson Parkway Ex tended and Mart ha J efferson Driv e into t he Stat e
Sec ondary Sy st em of Highway s .
8.8 FY 2012 Budget Amendment and Appropriations .
8.9 FY 2013 Budget Amendment and Appropriations .
8.10 Res olution t o Es tablis h Polic y f or Cons titutional Off ic er Employ ees Regarding Compens at ion, Benefit s and
Personnel Polic ies .
8.11 The Cros sings at Fourth and Prest on Agreement between the County and V irginia Support iv e Hous ing to
prov ide interim f unding for nine hous ing units at The Cros s ings.
8.12 Housing Choic e Voucher Program Administ rat iv e Plan.
8.13 Res olution t o Support Restoration of St ate Funding For Aid to Loc alities .
8.14 Native Plant Databas e Inclus ion int o t he County ’s Des ign St andards Manual.
8.15 VDOT – Culpeper Dis tric t, Mont hly Report for Albemarle Count y .
8.16 BoardtoBoard, A monthly report from the A lbemarle County Sc hool Board t o t he Albemarle County Board
of Superv isors .
8.17 Count y Grant A pplic ation Report.
8.18 2012 Sec ond Quarter Building Report .
8.19 2012 Sec ond Quarter Certif ic at e of Oc cupancy Report .
8.20 Rev ised 2011 Year End Building Report.
8.21 Rev ised 2011 Year End Certific ate of Oc c upanc y Report.
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