HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-12-05B OARD OF SUPERVISORS
DECEMBER 5, 2012
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Adoption of Final Agenda.
5. Brief Announc ements by Board Members.
6. Recognitions:
a. Introduction of Deputy Police C hief, Ron Lantz.
b. Muscular D ystrophy Ass ociation’s Fill the Boot Driv e, Liz Nixon.
c . Monticello Artisans Trail First Year.
7. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
8. Consent Agenda (on next page).
9:45 a.m. Public Hearings:
9. SP201200026. Ntelos W ireless at CV829 Keene “Flatwood Land Trust” Tier III (Signs # 2&5).
PR OPOSED: Special use permit request for a personal wireless service facility including a 134foot steel
monopole with flushmount antennae consisting of three (3) panel antennas. The proposed ground equipment
w ill be located on a 40X40 foot leased compound area. A 6’ tall wooden priv acy fence is als o proposed to
s urround the base of the 40X40 compound. Acc ess to the site is proposed through an acces s road off
Sc ottsville Rd already approved under SP201126 for an AT&T Tower. LOC ATION: At the northwest side
of the intersection of Scottsville Road (Route 20), Esmont R oad (R oute 715), and Coles Rolling Road
(Route 712). TAX MAP/PAR CEL: 112000000030G0. MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Scottsv ille.
10. SP201200027. Verizon WirelessOld Lynchburg, Tier III (Sign #53). PROPOSED: Request for
modification of the existing Tier I installation to a Tier III Personal W ireless Service Facility to include (9)
panel antennas. ZONIN G CATEGOR Y/GENERAL USAGE: R15 R esidential 15 units/acre. LOCATION:
925 Sunset Avenue, Ext. TAX MAP/PARCEL: 076000000046C 0. MAGISTERIAL D ISTRICT: Scottsville.
11. 1103( ) – Agricultural and Forestal D istricts. Ordinance to amend Division 2, Districts, of Article II,
D istricts of Statewide Signific anc e, of Chapter 3, Agricultural and Forestal Districts, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code, to add lands to c ertain districts and to make c orrections to c ertain district ordinances to
identify all those tax map parcels w ithin the districts, as specified below:
a. AFD201200006. Carter’s Bridge AFD – Addition. The proposed ordinance would amend
Section 3210, Carter’s Bridge Agricultural and Fores tal District, to identify TMPs 11311G3, 114
67H1 and 11467I (part) as being in the district (these parcels were c reated from parc els already in
the dis tric t), and to add TMPs 11216J and 11216K to the district.
b. AFD201200007. Blue R un A FD – District R eview. The proposed ordinance would amend
Section 3208, Blue R un Agricultural and Forestal District, to continue the district for all parcels
identified in the ordinance, to set the next district review deadline date of December 5, 2022, and to
remov e any parcels for which a request for w ithdrawal is received before the Board ac ts on the
propos ed ordinance.
12. ZTA 201200006. Legislative R eview Process Improvements. Amend Sec s. 1.7, Official zoning map, 3.1,
D efinitions, 4.8.1, D eterminations concerning unspecified uses, 4.15.5, Signs authorized by special use
permit, 10.5.2, Where permitted by special us e permit, 20.1, Intent, where permitted, 20.2, Application,
30.1.2, Application, 30.5.5, Permitted uses by right and special permit, 31.1, Designation of z oning
administrator, authority, 34.4, Application for v ariances, 35.1, Fees; and repeal Secs. 1.9, Application for
land use permit; payment of delinquent taxes, 8.5.1, Applications and documents to be submitted, 8.5.2,
Preapplication c onferences, 8.5.3, R eview and recommendation by the planning commission, 8.5.4, Review
and action by the board of superv isors; effec t of approval, 8.6, Amendments to planned development
districts, 20A.3, Application requirements; required documents and information, 20A.4, Application plans,
31.6, Special use permits, 31.6.1, Reserved to board of supervis ors, 31.6.2, Application, 31.6.3, C onditions,
31.6.4, Revocation, 31.8, Special exceptions, and 33 (and its s ubsections), Amendments; and adding Secs.
33.1, Purpose and intent, 33.2, Uniform requirements for the initiation of zoning text amendments and
z oning map amendments, 33.3, U niform proc edures for zoning text amendments and county initiated zoning
map amendments, 33.4, Uniform procedures for ownerinitiated zoning map amendments and special use
permits, 33.5, Uniform procedures for special ex ceptions, 33.6, Zoning text amendments and z oning map
amendments; relevant factors to be considered; effect of approv al, 33.7, Ow nerinitiated zoning map
amendments; authority to acc ept proffers, 33.8, Special use permits; relevant factors to be considered;
c onditions; revoc ation, 33.9, Special exceptions; relevant fac tors to be considered; conditions; of Chapter
18, Zoning, of the Albemarle County C ode.
13. Lease for Ivy Creek Natural Area. Pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.21800(B), to consider the approval of a
proposed Lease Agreement for the tenant house in the Ivy C reek N atural Area Park, located at 1780
Earlysville Road, Earlysville, VA 22936 (TMP 459). The property is jointly ow ned by the County of
Albemarle and the City of Charlottesville.
Informational Items:
14. 11:00 a.m. Fire/Rescue Overtime.
15. 11:20 a.m. Strategic Prevention Fund – State Incentive Grant (SPFSIG) Ov erview, Alexandra London
16. 11:35 a.m. Update on Safe Schools Grant Program Progress , Gretchen Ellis.
17. Action Item: 11:50 a.m. Charlottesville/Albemarle County InterCity Leaders hip Visit (Austin Trip).
18. Closed Meeting.
19. Certify Closed Meeting.
20. Boards and C ommissions: Vacancies/Appointments.
21. 1:45 p.m. Presentation: PVCC Annual Report, Frank Friedman.
22. 2:00 p.m. – Discussion: Proposed School Fund Balance Policy.
2:00 p.m. W ork Sessions:
23. ZTA20100004. Phase III – Industrial U ses.
24. Fiv e Year Financial Plan.
25. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
26. From the County Executive: Report on Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
27. Adjourn to December 12, 2012, 4:00 p.m.
8.1 Approval of Minutes: October 3 and October 10, 2012.
8.2 FY2013 Budget Amendment and Appropriations .
8.3 ZMA201000013. Hollymead Town Center (A2), Request to grant an additional extension of a request to
amend the proffers.
8.4 WPO201100066. Ragged Mountain Dam – R equest to extend deadline for installing permanent vegetation.
8.5 Turner Mountain Easement Supplement to D eed of Easement for 3080 Turner Mountain Road.
8.6 SDP201200053. Public Safety Training Facility (A lbemarle C ounty Firearms Range) (Phase I).
R equest for special exceptions to authorize parking areas and access aisles to have gravel rather than
paved surfaces (County Code §184.12.15(a)), to authorize parking areas and access aisles to be
c onstructed without curb and gutter (County Code §184.12.15(g)), to not require interior parking lot
landscaping (C ounty Code §, and to not require parking lot screening (County Code §18 at the proposed Albemarle County Firearms Range on Tax Map and Parcel Numbers 12100
000005700 and 1290000002A0. Located at the end of State R oute 704 (Fortune Lane), approximately 1.4
miles south of the intersection of State Routes 704 (Fortune Lane) and 714 (R iding Club Road) in the
Samuel Miller Magisterial Dis tric t.
8.7 Forest Lakes School Safety Improvements.
8.8 SDP201200054. Old Trail Block s 1 & 3C Preliminary Site Plan; SU B2012 – Variations from Old Trail
Village Code of Development (Variations #10 and #11).
8.9 SUB201200103. Old Trail Block 14 – Preliminary Subdivision PlanVariation from Old Trail Village Code of
D evelopment (Variation #12).
8.10 2010 State H omeland Security Program Grant; C itizen Preparedness (CFD A #97.073) Resolution.
8.11 FY 13 General Fund First Quarter Financial R eport and Revis ed FY 13 Revenue Projection Report.
8.12 Derecho (June 29, 2012) After Action Report.
8.13 County Grant Application Report.
8.14 BoardtoBoard, December 2012, A Monthly Report from the Albemarle County School Board to the
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors.
8.15 VDOT – Culpeper District, Monthly Report for Albemarle County , D ecember 2012.
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