HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-05B OARD OF SUPERVISORS
MAR CH 5, 2014
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of Silence.
4. Adoption of Final Agenda.
5. Brief Announc ements by Board Members.
6. Recognitions:
a. Proclamation recogniz ing TH E BIG R EAD 2014: True Grit, by Charles Portis.
7. From the Public: Matters Not Listed for Public Hearing on the Agenda.
8. Consent Agenda (on next sheet).
9:45 a.m. Discussion/Action Items:
9. Board of Superv isors Annual R etreat, Louise Wyatt, Organizational D evelopment Manager.
10. Courts Projec t U pdate, Bill Letteri, Assistant C ounty Executive, and Trevor H enry, Director of the Office of
Facilities Development.
11. Photosafe Program – Three Year Analysis, Steve Sellers, Chief of Police.
12. Report on the Health and Welfare of the Volunteer Fire and EMS System, Tom LaBelle, Divis ion Chief for
Volunteer Servic es.
13. 12:00 noon Clos ed Meeting.
14. Certify Closed Meeting.
15. 1:30 p.m. Boards and Commissions: Vacancies/Appointments.
16. ZTA201300007. Flood Haz ard Overlay District (FH OD). Ordinance to amend Secs. 1830.3, Flood
H azard Overlay D istrict – FH , and its subordinate sections, 1832.5.2, Contents of an initial site plan, 18
35.1, Fees, 1836.1, Violations, and add Sec . 1832.5.7, Flood hazard overlay district, of C hapter 18,
Zoning, of the Albemarle County Code. This ordinance would amend Sec 1830.3 by amending and
reorganizing c urrent Secs. 1830.3.01 through 1830.3.10 and adding new sec tions to establis h procedures,
s tandards and restrictions to develop in the FHOD , as follows: Secs.1830.3.1, Purpose and intent, 18
30.3.2, Flood Insurance Rate Map and Flood Insurance Study, 1830.3.3, Applic ability (added), 1830.3.4,
D isclaimer, 1830.3.5, Definitions , 1830.3.6, D esignation of floodplain administrator; powers and duties
(added), 1830.3.7, Administration; interpretation of Flood Insurance R ate Map, 1830.3.8, Administration;
interpretation of district boundaries (added), 1830.3.9, Administration; amendment to district boundaries, 18
30.3.10, Administration; Letters of Map Change; 1830.3.11, Permitted and prohibited uses and structures ,
1830.3.12, Prerequisites to dev elopment; required permits and c ertifications, 1830.3.13, Encroachment
s tandards; determining impact on base flood elevation, 1830.3.14, Encroachment standards ; fill in the
floodway fringe, 1830.3.15, Construction standards, 1830.3.16, N onconforming uses and structures, and
1830.3.17, Variances. This ordinance also w ould amend Sec. 1832.5.2 by requiring that an initial site plan
include USGS vertical datum, the boundaries of the flood hazard overlay district (FHOD), the base flood
elevation, and other related information; and add Sec. 1832.5.7 by requiring that the developer submit
topographic information show ing that the design is reasonably s afe from flooding and that the design will
minimize flood damage and reduce exposure to flood hazards; the additional information required by Secs.
1832.5.2 and 1832.5.7 would apply to any site plan having any portion within the FHOD. This ordinance
also would amend Sec. 35.1 to add a $150 fee to review a Letter of Map Change (LOMC) (topographic plan
only), a $300 fee to review an LOMC (topographic plan with floodplain model), and a $300 fee to review a
Floodplain Impac t Plan. The proposed fees are authorized by Virginia Code §§ 15.22241(9) and 15.2
2286(A)(6). This ordinance also would amend Sec. 36.1 to expressly provide that a use, structure or
improvement es tablished, conducted, operated or maintained without a required permit or c ertification is a
v iolation of Chapter 18, Glenn Brooks, County Engineer.
17. STA 201400002. Flood Hazard. An ordinanc e to amend Chapter 14, Subdiv ision of Land, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code by amending Sec . 14302, Contents of preliminary plat, and 14308, Flood plain and
topographic information. This ordinance would amend Sec. 14302 by requiring that a preliminary plat include
U SGS vertical datum, the boundaries of the flood hazard overlay district (FHOD ), the base flood elevation,
and other related information; and Sec. 14308 by requiring that the subdivider s ubmit topographic
information show ing that the design is reasonably safe from flooding and that the design will minimize flood
damage and reduce exposure to flood hazards ; the additional information required by these amendments
w ould apply to any subdivision having any portion within the FHOD , Glenn Brooks.
18. ZTA201200012. Steep Slopes. An ordinanc e to amend Chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle C ounty Code
by establishing a steep slopes ov erlay district and regulations pertaining thereto. This ordinanc e w ould
amend Sec. 183.1, Definitions, by adding definitions of steep s lopes and tw o c lasses of steep slopes of
25% or greater – managed slopes and preserved slopes, and amending the definition of critical slopes;
adding Secs. 1837.1 through 1837.6 to establish the district, es tablish standards and procedures for
disturbing and preserving managed and pres erv ed slopes; amend Sec. 1835.1, Fees, to provide that no
fees are required for certain applic ations pertaining to steep s lopes; and amend Secs. 184.2.1, Building site
required, 184.2.3, Location of structures and improvements, 184.2.6, Exemptions, 184.7, Open space, 18, Contents of preapplic ation plan, 1832.5.2, Contents of an initial site plan, 1832.7.5.2, Location of
utilities above and below ground, and 1833.4, U niform proc edures for ownerinitiated zoning map
amendments and special use permits, to add references to managed or preserved slopes where critical
s lopes are already referenced, as appropriate, Bill Fritz, Chief of Special Projects.
19. ZMA201400001. Steep Slopes. An ordinanc e to amend the z oning map adopted under Sec. 181.7, Zoning
Map, contained in C hapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle County C ode by adding one or more maps
delineating the boundaries of the steep slopes overlay distric t and depicting managed and pres erved slopes
of 25% or greater therein. The general usage within the overlay district on managed slopes are those uses
allowed by right and by special us e permit in the base zoning dis trict, and the general usage on preserved
s lopes are residential, uses approved by county legislative ac tion, necessary utilities and fac ilities, trails and
accessory residential uses; the density within the overlay dis tric t is that allowed by the bas e z oning district.
The general usage and density range under the c omprehensiv e plan is unchanged, Bill Fritz .
20. STA 201400001. Steep Slopes. An ordinance to amend Chapter 14, Subdivision of Land, of the Albemarle
C ounty Code, by amending Secs. 14216, Contents of preapplic ation schematic plat, 14302, Contents of
preliminary plat, 14304, Reques t to disturb critical slopes, 14404, Lot location to allow ac ces s from lot onto
s treet or shared driveway, 14410, Standards for all streets and alleys, 14420, Location of utilities above
and underground, 14422, Sidewalks and planting strips, to add references to steep, managed or preserved
s lopes w here critical or steep slopes are already referenced, Bill Fritz.
21. ZTA201200010. Offsite Signs. An ordinance to amend Secs . 184.15.2, D efinitions, and 184.15.5, Signs
authorized by special use permit, and to add Sec. 184.15.5A, Signs authoriz ed by special us e permit; off
s ite signs, of Chapter 18, Zoning, of the Albemarle C ounty Code. This ordinance would amend Sec. 18
4.15.2, Definitions, by adding definitions of terms related to offsite signs, amend Sec. 184.15.15 to pertain
only to electric message signs and to move the regulation of offsite signs to new Sec. 184.15.5A, which
establishes three classes of offsite signs – bundle signs, direc tional signs, and signs in the public rightof
w ay – allowed by special use permit, and establishes eligibility c riteria, minimum standards , and exemptions
from the SP requirement, Amanda Burbage, Senior Planner.
22. BoardtoBoard, March, 2014 Monthly Communications Report from School Board, Ned Galloway, School
Board Chairman.
23. Update on Dominion Power projec ts, Susan King, External Affairs Representative, and Brandon Stites,
D irector of AMI and Energy C ons ervation.
24. Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) Update, Gary O’Connell, Executive Director.
25. Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) U pdate, Tom Frederick, Executive Director.
26. From the Board: Committee Reports and Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
27. From the County Executive: Report on Matters N ot Listed on the Agenda.
28. 4:00 p.m. Work Session: FY 2014/2015 Operating and Capital Budgets (continued from March 4,
Continued discussion of items on list.
Dis cus sion and Set tax rate for advertising.
Dis cus sion and Set Proposed Budget for Public Hearing.
29. Adjourn to Marc h 12, 2014, 4:00 p.m.
8.1 Approval of Minutes: September 4, October 2 and December 3, 2013; and J anuary 8 and J anuary 30, 2014.
8.2 Rivanna Solid W aste Authority (RSWA) Support Agreements.
8.3 ACE; Grant from Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for easement ac quisition.
8.4 Resolution to add roads in Liberty Hall Subdivis ion into the State Secondary System of Highw ays.
8.5 FY 2014 Budget Amendment and Appropriations.
8.6 Mainstream Housing Voucher Program.
8.7 March 2014 VDOT Charlottesville Residency Monthly Report for Albemarle County.
8.8 Copy of letter dated February 20, 2014 to Keith Lancaster, from Francis H. MacC all, Principal Planner, re:
(Property of W illiam A. Pruett, Jr.) – Rio Magisterial District.
8.9 Copy of letter dated February 21, 2014 to Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc., from Francis H . MacCall,
Principal Planner, re: LOD201300018 – OFFIC IAL D ETERMINA TION OF PA RCEL OF REC ORD &
D EVELOPMENT RIGHTS – Tax Map 129, Parcel 9 (Property of Liberty Corner Farm, LLC) – Samuel
Miller Magisterial District.
8.10 2013 Fourth Quarter Building Report, as prepared by the Community Development Department.
8.11 2013 Fourth Quarter Certificate of Occupanc y R eport, as prepared by the Community Development
D epartment.
8.12 County Grant Application Report.
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