HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-28September 28, 2007 (Adjourned-Day Meeting)
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An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on
September 28, 2007, beginning at 9:00 a.m., Zehmer Hall Conference Center, 104 Midmont Lane,
Charlottesville, Virginia, for purposes of holding a Strategic Planning Retreat. The meeting was adjourned
from September 12, 2007.
PRESENT: Mr. Kenneth C. Boyd, Mr. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., Mr. Dennis S. Rooker, Mr. David
Slutzky, Ms. Sally H. Thomas and Mr. David C. W yant.
OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Robert W . Tucker, Jr., Assistant County Executive,
County Executive, Thomas Foley, Assistant County Executive, Bryan Elliott, County Attorney, Larry W .
Davis, Clerk, Ella W . Jordan, and Senior Deputy Clerk, Meagan Hoy.
Following is an agenda and synopsis of the retreat:
Mr. Boyd called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m., and welcomed everyone to the Board’s Annual
Meeting overview - what we hope to accomplish today
Mr. Mike Chandler, Retreat Facilitator, provided an overview of the Retreat agenda. He stated
that the purpose of this year’s retreat was to review the Strategic Plan’s first year’s progress, and to obtain
Board direction regarding three of the County’s strategic objectives:
1. Master Plan urban infrastructure implementation,
2) Transportation, and
3) Funding the Future.
Further, staff desired to obtain Board direction on an emerging strategic issue - meeting the
County’s public safety needs.
Annual Progress Report – The County’s Strategic Plan - Board Reaction to Report
Mr. Tucker presented the first Annual Progress Report for the County’s Strategic FY 07 – FY 10
Strategic Plan which included the progress on the “Key Performance Indicators” for each of the Plan’s
nine strategic objectives.
Board members made the following comments regarding the annual report:
Conservation Easements: Individual Board members recognized that the County has met 85
percent of its first year’s numeric objective. Questions were raised regarding the level of progress and the
County’s marketing program. Staff provided the Board with a brief update regarding the marketing
Rural Area Protection and Natural Resources: Board members had several comments. It was
noted that this is a citizen priority and questions were raised regarding the County’s progress
implementing the key Rural Area strategies. Individual members of the Board proposed additional
performance measures that could be included in the future to better understand the County’s progress in
this area. Suggestions for additional data included forest coverage and other potential bio-diversity
indicators. A concern was raised regarding the number of building permits in the rural areas over the
years, and the cost of housing in rural areas verses the County’s development areas. It was suggested
that the Board receive a strategy checklist of activities. Staff stated they will provide an update to the
Board with the Comprehensive Plan update.
Economic Vitality: Individual Board members suggested that staff should also consider several
key performance measures for Economic Vitality such as job growth, tax rates and revenue streams.
Education: Individual Board members mentioned they would like to have a more comprehensive
progress report regarding Education, perhaps from the School Board. Others raised questions regarding
the migration of graduates as well as the number of graduates who stay in this area. One Board member
also mentioned interest in hearing more regarding CATEC performance indicators.
Overall Comments: Individual Board members mentioned they would like to see more
performance indicators and more data. Suggestions for consideration include data on traffic, stormwater
infrastructure, the number of homeless, and the number of historic buildings.
Staff mentioned that the Annual Strategic Plan Report that they just received included the
“performance data” that staff members, who are working most closely with each objective, determine are
the measures that are “key.” In addition, staff mentioned each year the County’s Office of Management
and Budget completes a broad and comprehensive “Community Profile” that includes a wide variety of
September 28, 2007 (Adjourned-Day Meeting)
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County data. For several years, this additional data has been provided to the Board at their Strategic
Planning Retreat. As of September, the data in this year’s Profile was still being reviewed and verified. As
soon as the report is available, a copy of the County’s Community Profile will be provided to the Board and
will be uploaded to the County’s website.
Board Direction – Public Safety – A Core Service and Emerging Strategic Challenge
Police Services – Setting strategic agenda
Mr. Elliott provided information on the County’s Public Safety needs and sought Board direction
regarding how the County should meet emerging Public Safety strategic challenges.
Police Services: Mr. Elliott provided background materials, current policies goals, and
assumptions, as well as key data comparisons, including crime statistics, motor vehicle reports and
response times. Additionally, Mr. John Miller, Chief, Albemarle County Police Department, provided
updates on the County’s “beat system.” Mr. Elliott ended his presentation with the following question for
the Board’s consideration:
“Given existing strategic priorities and current budget constraints, what is the desired level for the
provision of Police service in the County?”
The Board agreed that the desired level of coverage continues to be 1.5 officers per 1,000
population, with the understanding that additional information regarding costs and timing will be discussed
more in the coming months. Discussion included comments regarding workload, and questions regarding
whether police officers can afford to live in the County and whether the department is having any
recruitment issues. Chief Miller stated that the Police Department has been successful in recruiting, is fully
staffed at 121, and have additional applicants on an eligibility list. It was requested that Chief Miller provide
a report regarding police officer retention be provided to the Board.
Fire/Rescue Services: Mr. Elliott provided background materials regarding the County’s
Fire/Rescue services, including service standards, current policies, assumptions and performance data.
He presented the following adjusted strategies for the Board’s discussion and direction:
1. Establish an alternative revenue source to partially fund the Fire Rescue System
- Begin billing for EMS transports in FY08/09
2. Maintain temporary stations at Pantops & Ivy for a longer period
- Defer hiring full number of personnel until after FY12/13
3. Defer new station construction until after FY12/13
4. Allow existing City contract to expire in 2010
5. Negotiate a mutual aid agreement with City
The Board agreed with the strategic directions that were presented and suggested staff pursue all
five Fire/Rescue strategies. Note: One Board member suggested staff look into the consideration of a
retirement plan for volunteers as a way to assist with volunteer recruitment and retention. Another Board
member noted that temporary stations could become permanent stations.
Board Direction - Clarifying Strategic Direction - Master Plan implementation
infrastructure); Meeting transportation needs
Mr. Foley requested Board direction and strategic clarification regarding Master Plan
implementation strategies regarding urban infrastructure, and ways to meet the County’s transportation
needs. Mr. Foley asked for the Board’s direction on the following two questions:
1) Does the Board support local funding of priority road projects unlikely to be funded
through State & Federal dollars?
2) Should major infrastructure projects be financed, and if so, what method of financing
should be utilized?
The Board concurred that they support local funding of priority road projects that are unlikely to be
funded by state and federal dollars.
The Board also concurred and agreed that major infrastructure projects be financed. Four
members were generally supportive of a Bond Referendum as the preferred financing method to pursue.
One member suggested that the Board needs additional information and clarity for all possible methods of
financing and that the County’s costs to prepare and educate the public regarding a Bond Referendum
and the issue of financing flexibility should be taken into consideration. Another Board member was open
to a Bond Referendum as the preferred financing method but only if all Board members are in agreement
that this would be the best financing method to pursue. All Board members agreed that they are also open
to consider alternative financing methods. One Board member stated the desire to view the allocation of
resources geographically across Master Plan areas, as well as by category in the upcoming CIP.
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Funding the Future: Balancing County priorities and growing demands; Development of
3-5 Year Financial Plan; Next steps in budgeting process
Mr. Foley made a presentation regarding the County’s upcoming Financial Planning/Budget
Process. He discussed what has changed in the budget process, the benefits of this change, and the
focus of the Five Year Plan Review. He then reviewed the upcoming budget schedule. Mr. Foley stated
there is a greater focus on performance, goals and indicators and that staff is completing a
comprehensive review of all current programs and services. He stated that staff will explore ways to
improve how programs or services are delivered, will continue to identify ways to become more efficient
and reduce or eliminate programs that may have low service benefits for dollar spent.
Meeting wrap up - summary of decisions/Board direction
Mr. Chandler wrapped up the meeting by restating a summary of decisions and direction provided
by the Board to staff.
Ms. Lori Allshouse, Manager of Strategic Planning and Performance, stated that she would be
updating the County’s current Strategic Plan to include more current data as well as the key performance
indicators identified by staff. She also suggested the Board consider including a public safety objective
into the County’s current Strategic Plan that reflects the information and direction obtained today regarding
the County’s public safety needs. She stated that she would bring this back to the Board for further
The Board requested that outcomes of the Retreat be submitted to them to include the next steps.
They mentioned a desire to see a better connection between priorities and resources.
At 4:20 p.m., the meeting was adjourned.
Approved by Board
Date: 12/03/2008
Initials: EW J