HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-06-30June 30, 2011 (Adjourned Meeting)
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An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, was held on
June 30, 2011, beginning at 9:00 a.m., at Robert H. and Clarice Smith Woodland Pavilion at Monticello,
for purposes of holding a Strategic Planning Session. The meeting was adjourned from June 8, 2011.
PRESENT: Mr. Kenneth C. Boyd, Mr. Lindsay G. Dorrier, Jr., Ms. Ann H. Mallek, Mr. Dennis S.
Rooker, Mr. Duane Snow and Mr. Rodney Thomas.
OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Thomas C. Foley, Deputy County Attorney, Greg
Kamptner, Assistant County Executive, Bryan Elliott, Assistant County Executive, Bill Letteri, Director of
Budget and Performance, Lori Allshouse, Assistant to the County Executive for Business and Community
Partnerships, Lee Catlin, Chief Operating Officer/Executive in Residence ICMA – International
City/County Management Association, Ron Carlee, Clerk, Ella Jordan, and Senior Deputy Clerk, Meagan
Additional members of the County’s Leadership Council and staff from the Office of Management
and Budget were also in attendance.
The following agenda was used for the meeting:
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Board Reflections on Past Accomplishments
3. Ron Carlee, ICMA – Insights and Perspectives
4. Board Discussion: Environmental Scan and Review of 2011 Citizen Survey Results
5. Break
6. Visioning Exercise
7. Discussion of County’s top strategic focus areas for next five years
8. Break
9. Continue Discussion and Finalize County’s top strategic focus areas
10. Retreat wrap-up/Next steps
11. Adjourn
The following minutes are a summary of the Board’s Strategic Planning Session.
Ms. Mallek called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. and immediately turned the meeting over to
Mr. Foley.
Mr. Foley thanked Monticello for allowing the County to use their facilities free of charge. He also
thanked the facilitator, Mr. Ron Carlee, for agreeing to facilitate a portion of the meeting.
Ms. Vicki Jones of Monticello welcomed the Board, and presented a brief video on tourism and
Mr. Foley reviewed the schedule for the day. He stated that this retreat kicks off the Board’s
process to develop the County’s FY 12/13 – FY 17/18 Strategic Plan. He stated that at the Retreat, the
Board will discuss the Board’s Vision for the County and collectively identify the Board’s top strategic
priorities as they move forward. He then asked Board members to share their feelings going into today’s
Mr. Tomas said that he was concerned with finances.
Mr. Rooker said that there are areas that the County excels in which sets them apart from other
counties. The Board needs to keep that in mind. He said that Albemarle has an intelligent citizenry and
the Board needs to look at ways to continue to engage them in the process. It is important that the Board
does not lose sight of what sets Albemarle apart from other localities.
Mr. Snow thanked staff for the hard work they have put in over the years. He would like the
Board to continue to do more with less, and he would also like to see additional citizen involvement. He
said that he also believes that education should be on the front burner.
Ms. Mallek reminded the Board that cutting costs may seem like an easy thing to do, but getting
back to normal is a more difficult process. The Board must lead with an optimistic attitude, and bring back
a positive outlook.
Mr. Boyd said he feels that during the difficult economic times, the County has continued to lead
in different ways, such as not laying off staff. He feels the Board needs to get back to basics, and that
Board responsibilities should be defined. He would also like to maintain a world class education system
while concentrating on necessary items.
Mr. Dorrier said that the Board reflects the desires of the community. The vision needs to include
a sentence about Economic Development. Also, jobs need to be created so that their children will want to
live and work in Albemarle County.
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As the first agenda item, Ms. Catlin lead the Board in a discussion of past accomplishments. She
provided lists that both the Board and Leadership Council developed.
Ms. Catlin asked for Board input on which items on the list were important to the quality of life i n
Albemarle County.
Ms. Mallek answered that natural resource protection is vital to the quality of life in Albemarle
Mr. Snow agreed that Rural Area protection needs to be maintained.
Mr. Dorrier said that Zoning and the neighborhood model have greatly improved the quality of life
in Albemarle County.
Mr. Rooker commented that the 4,000 acres of parkland add to the quality of life.
Next, Mr. Ron Carlee shared insights and perspectives with the Board. He talked about what was
going on outside of Albemarle County and in the rest of the world. He said that Albemarle County is the
envy of most local governments, but a threat to watch out for is complacency. He also stressed the
importance of thinking generationally. He said that his organization, ICMA, believes it is important to
provide leaders with the ability to achieve a vision that is right for their own communities.
Note: The Board took a brief recess at 10:26 a.m., and came back to order at 10:50 a.m.
Following the break, Ms. Allshouse gave an overview of the data and content from the
Community Profile. She also reviewed a summary of the 2011 Citizen Survey.
The Board had general discussion on the survey and asked questions.
Next, the Board participated in a Visioning Exercise, led by Mr. Carlee. He asked the Board
where they wanted to be in the year 2040.
Mr. Dorrier commented that jobs will be key for 2040.
Mr. Rooker said he wants to make sure that the existing vision set forth by the Board exists. He
also stressed the importance of an exceptional quality of life for all citizens.
Ms. Mallek said that natural resources and scenic beauty are the things that cannot be brought
back, so it is important to protect our scenery now before it is gone for future generations.
Mr. Snow said that the urban ring is changing dramatically.
Mr. Dorrier said it is important to promote self sufficient communities.
Ms. Mallek said that agriculture is important as well.
Mr. Boyd commented on the difficulty of established neighborhoods that have new growth and
development going on around them. He said the rural area needs to be conserved. He also said that
technology will be very different in the year 2040.
Mr. Thomas said that he is in agreement with the importance of preserving the natural beauty of
the rural areas.
Mr. Rooker said that rural protection is important to the citizens as well as the Board.
There was a consensus of the Board that protection of natural resources is a priority in the
County’s vision of the future.
Mr. Rooker commented that the second vision item for him is education. Mr. Thomas agreed,
and Mr. Dorrier said that as part of that statement, distance learning is also on the horizon.
Ms. Mallek commented on the importance of preserving small class sizes and promoting success
of all students by closing the achievement gap.
Mr. Rooker said that he envisions more and more use of technology in the classroom, but that
person to person contact is equally important.
Ms. Mallek pointed out that technology should be a tool to use in classroom, but is not the only
tool that should be used.
Mr. Snow agreed that an educated community is the best outcome for the County, and that
education is vital.
Mr. Boyd said that an evolving system will aid education.
Mr. Rooker mentioned his concern that the per pupil expenditure has decreased by 10 percent.
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The real challenge is funding education and getting the outcome they desire.
At this time, Mr. Carlee asked what would be next on the list.
Mr. Snow said that core services should be added to the vision, as well as the Economic Vitality
Action Plan.
Mr. Thomas said that CATEC could be a useful tool in economic vitality.
Mr. Boyd said that skilled labor is a necessity.
Mr. Rooker said the County should also assist UVA with their jobs created, and make sure quality
jobs stay in the area.
Ms. Mallek agreed that a variety of jobs is important in any community.
Mr. Carlee asked the Board to address the core services, such as public safety and public works.
Mr. Thomas said that government is a core service.
Mr. Rooker said that Parks and Recreation and Social Services have emerged as important core
services due to the poor economic circumstances.
Mr. Snow said that a core function is the aging population and how the County can help.
Mr. Boyd mentioned that there are core functions that do not have to be run by local government
but can be turned over to the private sector.
Mr. Carlee asked where citizen involvement fits in.
Mr. Rooker said that educated citizens are engaged citizens.
Mr. Carlee asked if direct engagement with the citizens is a core function.
Ms. Mallek said that it is a high priority and that the citizens in Albemarle County demand it.
Mr. Dorrier also pointed out that in the year 2040, infrastructure is a core service that must be
Mr. Boyd said all of these items are things the Board has addressed, and that they are not new
on the list.
Mr. Thomas mentioned transportation, such as alternative routes and the importance of transit in
the community.
Mr. Foley said that these are common themes the Board and staff have been working on, and
now the question is how to get them all done.
Note: At 12:26 p.m., the Board recessed for lunch. The Board recessed at 1:50 p.m.
Mr. Foley summarized the Visioning Exercise 2040.
Ms. Catlin went over the mission and values of the organization and asked for discussion on
whether these are what the Board feels still should be upheld. She also engaged the Board in a
discussion about opportunities and what the Board members see as areas needing focus:
Board members brainstormed and identified the following items during its discussion: funding for
open space preservation; enhanced communication with School Board; leveraging money opportunities;
managing debt; finding ways to fund the Capital Program; finding ways to meet requirements of TMDL by
working creatively with partners (City, UVA and nonprofits); engaging retirees/volunteers to assist staff
and identifying staff positions that can utilize volunteer staff; Revenue Sharing; partnerships; importance
of emergency preparedness plan for community to become more aware of communication issues;
emergency siren system in air; how to foster the creation of a culture of self -sufficiency; investing more in
community aesthetics; use of prisoner workforce; staff recognition program; strategic investments in
improvements; citizen initiated savings ideas; take look at proffer program; recognize aging population
and making it more viable; tourism; composite index; and Comprehensive Plan update.
The following is an overview and consensus of the results/outcomes that came out of the retreat:
Visioning Exercise facilitated by Mr. Carlee:
Results: staff will take information from discussion and craft a draft Vision Statement for
Board’s consideration.
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Discussion of County’s top strategic focus areas for next 5 Years:
Board confirmed the County’s current Mission Statement and the County Values :
To enhance the well-being and quality of life for all citizens through the provision of the highest
level of public service consistent with the prudent use of public funds.
Board Identified 8 top Strategic Focus Areas:
1) Schools – communications with the School Board, funding, increased enrollment,
class sizes, etc.
2) Funding Capital Needs – managing debt, strategic investments, proffers, etc.
3) Economic Vitality – tourism, community aesthetics, jobs, comp plan, etc.
4) Community Culture – promoting self-sufficiency, community engagement,
community capacity, promoting volunteerism, etc.
5) Resource Protection – TMDL, funding for open space, land use/comp plan, etc.
6) Staff Support, Appreciation
7) Public Safety
8) Customer Service/Citizen Focus
Results: Staff will work with these concepts and bring a report back to the Board in
October. Report will include a draft vision statement, recommended goal statements for
Strategic Plan, and an outline of the next steps.
Board feedback at end of Retreat – comments included:
the retreat was put together nicely
liked the good ideas that came forward
like it when staff primarily facilitate the retreat
encouraged by results – optimistic
appreciate staff’s efforts
especially like Item # 4 which is a new idea
felt like everyone was pulling together
With no further business, Ms. Mallek adjourned the meeting at 3:40 p.m.
Approved by Board
Date: 09/07/2011
Initials: EWJ