HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB202000075 Staff Report 2020-08-11ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #/Name
ARB-2020-75: Pantops Corner Bundle Sign
Review Type
Certificate of Appropriateness for a Sign; Advisory review for a Special Use Permit
Parcel Identification
On the south side of Rt. 20 across from Winding River Lane
Highway Commercial (HQ/Entrance Corridor (EC)
Pantops Way Self Storage LLC/Rebkee Partners Pantops LLC and Kimly-Horn (Ryan Perkins)
Magisterial District
To install a freestanding, off -site bundle sign measuring 42.6 square feet in size and 1 P 1 P' tall at the entrance to the
Pantops Comer development at the intersection of Rt. 20 and Pantops Comer Way for Wawa and future tenants. Bundle
signs require a Special Use Permit.
The sign is proposed for a location at the Route 20 entrance into the Pantops Comer development, which includes a Wawa
store and gas canopy, a Storage Sense building, and a hotel. (Figure 1
The sign will be readily visible from the EC street.
ARB Meeting Date
July 20, 2020
Staff Contact
Khris Taggart, Margaret Maliszewski
County Code (§18-4.15.7(b) and §18-34.5, Figure 2) allows bundle signs by Special Use Permit. A "bundle sign" is a freestanding, off -site sign that
identifies two or more establishments or sites that are not part of a planned development district and that share a common entrance or access road.
Bundle sign provisions were established to incentivize co -location. The proposed sign will serve the Pantops Corner Development, including the
Pantops Wawa and Storage Sense (previously Pantops Corner Storage), which received Certificates of Appropriateness in October 2019 and April 2020,
respectively. The proposed sign can accommodate an additional tenant panel.
Create a consistent and unified design approach along
The sign drawings indicate that tenant sign type and
the Entrance Corridors. The placement, size, illumination
color will be consistent. This will help establish a
and colors of signs can create unity along the corridor, or
unified appearance.
they can create a disjointed, visually competitive
environment. Consistent and unified sign design allows the
businesses located along the Corridor to have equal standing
in visibility. It also provides a pattern of sign placement that
makes the business locations and entrances more easily
recognizable to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
Monument signs are preferred to pole -mounted signs
The proposed sign is not pole -mounted. It is a
because they are often of a smaller scale and can be more
monument style sign, with a masonry -faced base on
fully integrated into the overall development. Pole signs
the ground. Above the base, the sign is divided into
may be considered for approval if existing site conditions
4 panels that advertise three establishments in the
rule out the ability to use a monument sign, and only when
Pantops Comer development. The basic design is
the pole is in proportion to the sign cabinet or panel.
like other freestanding signs that accommodate
multiple tenant panels. The inclusion of fuel price
display with multiple tenants is not typical in the
County, but the fuel price display provision is
separate from the bundle sign provision.
Materials: Materials used in both the sign and support
The primary sign material is EIFS in "Stark White".
Correct the illustration of
structures should complement the building and/or multiple
Simple aluminum trim pieces painted white are
the masonry on the sign
business center see page 14 being served by the sign.
used to separate tenant panels and to provide a cap
at the top of the sign. The sign drawing shows stone
base to reflect red brick
to match the Wawa
Materials used in both the sign and support structures
should be complementary. They should also support the
veneer for the sign base with a limestone cap, but a
aesthetics of the building and /or complex being served by
note on the drawing states that the base is to be
the sign, although a direct duplication is not necessary. It is
brick to match the Wawa building. With a brick
preferred that the base material match one of the primary
base, the proposed sign materials and colors will
building materials unless the design of the sign represents
match those approved for Wawa, although this sign
itself as a freestanding element complementing the building.
and the Wawa building will not likely be viewed
together. The materials and colors are expected to
complement the Wawa and storage buildings.
Scale and Size: Signs located within the Entrance Corridor
Overall sign height is proposed at I F-I F. This
may not exceed the size, height and setback requirements as
includes a 1' 11-5/8"-tall base, four tenant panels,
outlined in Section 4.15 of the Albemarle County Zoning
each approximately 2' 1%" tall, and various trim
Ordinance unless the sign has received a variance).
and ca feces. 12' is the maximum allowed height
in this zoning district. The proposed sign area is
42.6 sf, which meets ordinance requirements. This
exceeds the 32 sf typically seen as the maximum for
freestanding signs because additional sign area is
allowed for fuel price display. The bundle sign
provision does not increase the allowed sign area or
The structure of a monument sign shall not overwhelm the
The sign base has a low profile and does not
sign. The structure and the sign that it supports must be in
visually overwhelm the sign that it supports.
proportion to each other.
Lettering and Typeface: Lettering should be in proportion
The drawings show signs for three tenant panels:
to the sign and the building for visual clarity and overall
Storage Sense, Wawa, and gas pricing. The letters
balance. Proportion of lettering includes font (size) and
do not appear over -scaled within the tenant panels;
typeface (style). The use of three typefaces or fewer is more
there is sufficient clear space above, below, and to
appropriate for signs in the Entrance Corridor. Additional
the sides of the letters. Similar space is provided
typefaces may be approved only if they contribute to a
around the gas price signs.
balanced, legible, unified sign design.
Storage Sense and Wawa use different typefaces. A
third typeface will be available for the third panel.
Color: Colors must be harmonious with each other. Colors
The overall sign uses red, green, white,
Indicate on the drawing
must not clash with other elements on the site, both when
grey/aluminum, and off-white (Stark White). This is
the specific colors of the
viewed in daylight and at night, whether the signs are
a total of 5 colors. Although this exceeds the
Storage Sense letters.
externally or internally lit. Overly intense color, such as but
guidelines maximum, the amount of green and
Show that the red
not limited to dayglo or fluorescent colors, are prohibited.
white is minimal, and the sign has an overall
matches the Wawa
coordinated appearance. A note on the drawing
The use of three colors or fewer is more appropriate for
states that the colors of the remaining tenant panel
signs in the Entrance Corridor. Black and white are counted
will be red and grey. The illustration shows that the
Provide on the drawings
as colors. Additional colors may be approved if they
colors are generally harmonious, and they are
Pantone equivalents for
contribute to a balanced and unified sign design.
compatible with the colors approved for the nearby
the red and green gas
price colors.
For raceway -mounted channel letters, raceways shall match
the wall color.
The shade of red proposed for the Wawa letters is
one that has been approved for other signs in the
ECs. The shade of red proposed for the Storage
Sense letters is not identified on the drawing. Using
the same shade as the Wawa letters would provide
better coordination. Pantone equivalents are not
provided for the red and green colors of the gas
pricing signs.
Trademarks, corporate logos and graphics: The ARB
A red lock graphic is incorporated into the Storage
may require that the color and scale of standard templates
Sense sign and a grey and aluminum goose graphic
for trademarks, service marks, corporate logos and graphics
is located above the Wawa letters. These graphics
be modified. When used, trademarks, service marks,
appear as integral parts of the signs.
corporate logos and/or graphics should be incorporated as
an integral part of the overall sign.
Establish simplicity and reserve as preferred
The proposed sign uses internal illumination, in a
Consider flush mounted
characteristics for sign design in these areas. This reflects
mix of face -lit channel letters (Wawa), halo lit
signs for all tenant
the historic character of the area and enhances the aesthetic
graphics (the goose) and LED gas pricing. Internal
qualities of the Corridor. To this end, the overall design of a
illumination of signs is common in the area. The
sign will be evaluated concurrently with that of the building
halo lighting of the graphic is appropriate.
on which it will be installed. The design of a building's
walls, window locations, parapets and other architectural
Although internal illumination is typical for channel
features will influence the Board's evaluation of appropriate
letters, that sign type is more typically used for wall
signage. Likewise, a freestanding sign is evaluated in the
signs. The channel letters will project forward from
context of the overall development in which it will be
the main sign surface. A note on the drawing states
placed. Because each site is composed of a variety of
that all tenant panels will use channel style lettering.
elements that work together to create a unique character and
The channel letters will produce a less streamlined
appearance, ARB review of each sign proposal is guided by
appearance than a cabinet or flush -mounted letters
these sign guidelines within the context of the specific site
would provide. A simpler overall appearance could
for which the proposal is made.
result from flush -mounted signs.
When illumination is required, the preferred solution is to
externally illuminate the sign — in other words, to shine a
The plan includes the standard note regarding limits
light on the sign. External illumination is preferred because
on LED gas pricing.
it allows consistency with the daytime image of the sign.
External lighting appears to the viewer as reflected light and
allows the focus of the sign to be the original overall shape,
color and complete design of the sign. Internal lighting
produces a fragmented, rather than unified, sign image at
night compared to external lighting and may project light
that is distracting to the viewer. Similarly, exposed light
sources that form the body of a sign (such as, but not limited
to, exposed or bare neon) are not appropriate for the
Entrance Corridors. They can produce glare and, generally,
do not achieve the subtle character and compatibility that is
the goal for the Entrance Corridors.
These solutions are intended to reduce glare, visual clutter
and distraction along the streetscape, to provide for
coordinated appearances along the Entrance Corridors, to
increase visual continuity, to achieve a balance of business
identification with order and continuity, and to limit
negative impacts along the County's Entrance Corridors.
i. External illumination is preferred for freestanding signs.
External illumination is also preferred for approved
graphics/logos; internal illumination may be considered for
approval on a case -by -case basis. The Board will evaluate
the specific design for size (adjusted in proportion to the
accompanying lettering), balance, complexity, and distance
from and relationship to the Entrance Corridor. These
factors will determine the extent of internal illumination that
can be approved.
Internal Illumination: Any internal illumination is
considered to contribute to visual clutter and will be limited.
iii. Internal illumination: Channel letters with translucent
The sign drawings indicate that the letter returns
faces shall be constructed such that no light spills outward
and the face of the logo are to be opaque.
from the top, bottom, sides or back. If back -lit (halo -lit), the
faces and returns of channel letters shall be opaque.
iv. Cabinet signs shall have a non -illuminated background,
There are conflicting notes on the plan regarding
Revise the sign drawings
or an opaque (zero light transmission) background. Cabinet
the illumination of the red and green gas price
to eliminate the note
signs shall be constructed such that no light spills outward
panels. One indicates that they are translucent and
stating, "translucent sign
from the top, bottom, sides or back. If outlines of letters are
will illuminate; the other indicates that they will be
panels regular, diesel
proposed, the width of the outline must be in proportion to
illuminate from behind."
the width of the letter. An outline width of 1/8" has been
found to be an appropriate dimension for signs in the
Entrance Corridors.
Landscaping: Use ground cover, shrubs and/or trees to
The sign is situated at a slight angle to the sidewalk
Revise the plan to show
integrate freestanding signs into the overall landscape
along Pantops Corner Way and is located within a
sign and landscape
development of the site. Refer to the Albemarle County
landscape bed of Liriope. Groups of three Gro-low
locations coordinated
Recommended Plants List, which is included in the
fragrant sumac are proposed in mulched beds at
with street tree planting
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Design
both ends of the sign.
on Pantops Comer Way.
Guidelines and is available on-line at www.albemarle.org.
The angled orientation of the sign relative to the
Consider the street trees,
sidewalk looks awkward in the plan but it may not
the sign, and the
have a big impact on drivers or pedestrians on Rt.
landscaping at the base
20. The approved landscape plan for this property
of the sign as a
shows a street tree that appears to conflict with the
coordinated whole for an
proposed sign/landscape locations. Coordinating the
appropriate, unified
tree location with the sign placement, and
appearance. Revise the
considering the street trees, the sign, and the
landscaping accordingly.
landscaping at the base of the sign as a coordinated
whole could establish an appropriate, unified
appearance for this particular site.
Summary of Recommendations:
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. The use of channel letters on a freestanding sign
2. Position of the sign and landscaping at the base of the sign
Regarding the request for the Special Use Permit for the bundle sign:
Staff recommends that the ARB forward the following recommendation to the Board of Zoning Appeals:
Because the sign elements derived from the bundle sign provision do not impose negative visual impacts on the sign design, the ARB has no
objection to the proposed bundle sign, with the modifications outlined in the staff report.
Regarding the sign design and the Certificate of Appropriateness:
Staff recommends approval of the proposal with the following conditions:
1. Correct the illustration of the masonry on the sign base to reflect red brick to match the Wawa building.
2. Indicate on the drawing the specific colors of the Storage Sense letters. Show that the red matches the Wawa letters.
3. Provide on the drawings Pantone equivalents for the red and green gas price colors.
4. Consider flush mounted signs for all tenant panels.
5. Revise the sign drawings to eliminate the note stating, "translucent sign panels regular, diesel illuminate from behind."
6. Revise the plan to show sign and landscape locations coordinated with street tree planting on Pantops Comer Way.
7. Consider the street trees, the sign, and the landscaping at the base of the sign as a coordinated whole for an appropriate, unified appearance.
Revise the landscaping accordingly.
A — Applicant's Sign Drawings
FIGURE 1: Buildings approved in the Pantops Comer development. (Note: the image of the storage building is not the final approved design but is
generally representative of approved colors and materials.)
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FIGURE 2: Sec. 4.15.7 - Signs authorized by special use permit; off -site directional signs, off -site bundle signs, signs in a public right-of-way, electric
message signs.
The following signs are authorized by a special use permit granted by the board of zoning appeals under section 34.5, provided that a sign permit
required by section 4.15.5 is also obtained for the sign, the sign complies with all applicable requirements of this section 4.15, and the following:
a. Off -site directional signs. A proposed off -site directional sign shall satisfy the following:
1. Eligibility. The owner shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the zoning administrator that it has exhausted all possible locations and sign types
for an on -site directional sign, and that no on -site directional sign face located at the site entrance would be visible from the street providing
direct access to the site entrance within 100 feet of the site entrance.
2. Authorized locations. The sign shall be located only in compliance with one of the following: (i) within one-half mile from the site entrance
along a street providing direct access to the site entrance; (ii) if the owner demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the zoning administrator for off -
site directional signs that are public signs or the board of zoning appeals for all other off -site directional signs, that it is unable to obtain
permission from an owner within one-half mile from the site entrance as provided in subdivision (i), then within one -quarter mile from the
turning decision onto a street providing direct access to the site entrance; or (iii) if the owner demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the zoning
administrator for off -site directional signs that are public signs or the board of zoning appeals for all other off -site directional signs, that it is
unable to obtain permission as provided under subdivisions (i) and (ii), then another authorized location.
b. Off -site bundle signs. A proposed off -site bundle sign shall satisfy the following:
1. Eligibility. The site whose owner is requesting the bundle sign must be located within an industrial, commercial, or residential district and share
a common entrance or access road with one or more other establishments or sites.
2. Authorized locations. The sign shall be located on a lot having frontage on the intersection of a street and an access road serving all
establishments or sites.
c. Signs in a public right-of-way. A proposed sign in a public right-of-way shall satisfy the following:
1. Eligibility. The sign: (i) shall be a either a subdivision sign or a sign at an entrance to a planned development authorized by sections 19, 20, 25,
25A, and 29; (ii) the subdivision or planned development shall abut the public right-of-way in which the sign will be located; (iii) the
regulations applicable to freestanding signs for the subdivision or planned development, except for setback regulations, shall apply unless the
Virginia Department of Transportation imposes more restrictive standards; and (iv) the applicant submits a written statement from the Virginia
Department of Transportation stating that it will permit the sign to be located in the public right-of-way.
2. Authorized locations. The sign shall be located only where the Virginia Department of Transportation authorizes it to be located.
d. Electric message signs. A proposed electric message sign shall comply with all applicable requirements of section 4.15 and Virginia Code §§ 332-
1216 and 33.2-1217 .
( Ord. 15-18011 , 12-9-15)
Sec. 4.15.11.a.7 - Additional sign area for establishments at which gasoline or diesel fuel is dispensed. Any establishment at which gasoline or diesel
fuel, or both, is dispensed shall be entitled to additional sign area to display fuel prices of up to 50 percent of the primary sign area to which it is
attached, or 16 square feet, whichever is less.