HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP200500025 Legacy Document 2006-02-01 (2)COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
SP -2005-25: Jarman's Sportscycles
Outdoor Storage and Display
A special Use Permit is requested for the
outdoor storage/display of vehicles in the
Route 250 East Entrance Corridor.
Jimco I LLC
Margaret Maliszewski
December 13, 2005
January 11, 2006
The applicant proposes to construct a two-story 130' x 76' building to house Jarman's
Sportscycles in the Route 250 East Entrance Corridor. The design includes 12' -deep porches on
the north and west sides of the building for the outdoor display of motorcycles.
The intent of the special use permit requirement is based on potential impacts to the Entrance
Corridor. The ARB has reviewed this proposal for its impact on the Route 250 East Entrance
Corridor. The ARB had no objection to the request for the Special Use Permit and has
recommended conditions of approval.
By limiting the proposed vehicle display to the porches of the building, and by designing the
building to complement the adjacent structure to the west, the impacts of the vehicle display are
expected to be limited and the overall development is expected to be compatible with the district.
Illumination and retention of the existing woodland on site are issues of potential concern related
to the impacts of the proposed use on the EC and the existing character of the district.
Staff recommends approval of this Special Use Permit with conditions related to the location of
display, treatment of display, retention of woodland and existing frontage trees, lighting, signage
and fencing.
Margaret Maliszewski
December 13, 2005
January 11, 2006
SP -2005-25: Special Use Permit for outdoor storage and display of vehicles
Applicant's proposal:
The applicant proposes to construct a two-story 130' x 76' building to house Jarman's
Sportscycles in the Route 250 East Entrance Corridor. The design includes 12' -deep porches on
the north and west sides of the building for the outdoor display of motorcycles. The building
design is intended to complement the character of the Seminole Produce building on the adjacent
property to the west. (A preliminary site plan is included as Attachment A. The applicant's
illustration of the existing and proposed buildings as viewed from the EC is included as
Attachment B.)
Request for special use permit to allow outdoor display of vehicles in accordance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance which allows for outdoor sales, storage and/or display in the
EC Entrance Corridor Overlay Zoning District. The property contains approximately 2.219 acres
zoned EC Entrance Corridor and HC Highway Commercial. It is described as Tax Map 78,
Parcel 33B and is located in the Scottsville Magisterial District on the south side of Richmond
Road (US 250 East) approximately .14 miles west of its intersection with Sleepy Hollow Lane (a
private right-of-way). The Comprehensive Plan Land Use/Density for this property is designated
as Rural Areas — preserve and protect agricultural, forestall, open space, and natural, historic and
scenic resources/density (.5 unit/acre).
Character of the Area:
The site of the proposed development is located on the south side of Route 250 East,
approximately 800' east of the intersection of Route 250 East and South Lego Farm Road and
approximately 700' west of Sleepy Holly Lane. The site is the former location of the Habitat
Services Garden Center. The garden center has closed for business, but remnants of the
development remain, including several large trees along the Route 250 frontage. The eastern and
southern portions of the subject parcel are currently wooded. A portion of this area contains
slopes of 25% or greater. The Culpeper Branch of the Rivanna River is located to the south of
the property.
A contemporary style hotel (Comfort Inn) with a parking lot along the EC is located across
Route 250 to the north and west. Between the hotel and this site, also on the north side of Route
250, are residential properties. Further east on the north side of the road is a small business
establishment (pumps and well drilling) set close to the road. A commercial site, commonly
referred to as the Seminole Produce or Farmers Market building, is adjacent to the subject parcel
to the west. This existing building is similar in material, scale, form, and detailing to the
proposed Jarman's building. A large partly open, partly wooded parcel owned by the Thomas
Jefferson Memorial Foundation is located immediately adjacent to the subject parcel to the east.
The parcel maintains a strong rural character for the part of the corridor just east of the site, but
the mix of residential and commercial properties in the immediate vicinity of the subject parcel
characterize the area as transitional. Further west on Route 250, beyond the I-64 interchange, the
large Peter Jefferson Place and Westminster Canterbury developments transition into the
commercial shopping district of Pantops, a significant portion of which is devoted to automobile
dealerships with outdoor sales, storage and display lots.
By -right use of the Property:
Although a special use permit is required for the proposed areas of outdoor storage and display
on this site due to its location within the EC overlay district, this use is considered accessory to
motor vehicle sales. Motor vehicle sales is one of the high intensity commercial uses permitted
by right within the Highway Commercial (HC) zoning district. The focus of the Special Permit
review is on the impacts to the Entrance Corridor, not on the use itself.
Staff has reviewed this proposal for conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and compliance
with Section (b) of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval of the special use
permit with conditions.
Planning and Zoning History:
ARB -2005-154: Jarman's Sportscycles Final ARB Review: under review.
SDP -2005-89: Jarman's Sportscycles Preliminary Site Plan: under review.
ARB -2005-109: Jarman's Sportscycles Preliminary ARB Review: ARB comments provided
ARB -2005-67: Jarman's Sportscycles Conceptual ARB Review: ARB comments provided
SDP -2002-127: Habitat Services Garden Center Site Plan Waiver: Garden center site plan waiver
approved 3/25/03. (Related ARB applications: ARB -2002-33, -100, and -129.)
SDP -2002-42: Stevens Family Wayside Stand: Wayside stand approved with conditions 4/9/02.
SDP -1990-71: Exxon (I-64/250) Preliminary Site Plan: Gas station/convenience store approved
with conditions October 9, 1990.
SDP -1990-51: Exxon (I-64/250) Preliminary Site Plan: Gas station/convenience store proposal
denied 7/24/90 due to safety, traffic and buffer concerns.
SUB -1989-203: Route 250/64 Land Trust Administrative Plat: Subdivision establishing current
boundaries of parcel 33B approved 1/24/90.
Comprehensive Plan:
Chapter 2 of the Comprehensive Plan, entitled Natural Resources and Cultural Assets,
establishes the goals for preserving scenic resources that are recognized as being essential to the
County's character, economic vitality and quality of life. The Entrance Corridor Overlay District
is intended to further the County's efforts toward attaining the Comprehensive Plan objective for
maintaining the visual integrity of all roadways. The Architectural Review Board addresses
potential adverse aesthetic impacts by applying the County's Entrance Corridor Design
Guidelines on their review of development proposals. The Architectural Review Board has
reviewed the subject request and the proposed site plan and building design for conformance
with the Design Guidelines. (See Attachment D for the ARB's full action on the proposal.) At its
meeting on October 3, 2005, the ARB voted 4:0 to forward the following recommendation to the
Planning Commission:
The ARB has no objection to the request for the Special Use Permit for the outdoor display
of vehicles based on drawings submitted August 22, 2005, with the following conditions:
1. The outdoor display of vehicles shall be limited to the covered porches of the building
only. Vehicles shall not be displayed elsewhere on the site, or between the northern
parcel boundary and the EC. Vehicles shall not be elevated anywhere on site.
2. The existing woodland on site shall be retained in its entirety.
3. The existing four Sycamore (or London Plane) trees (Platanus x acerifolia or Platanus
occidentalis) shall be preserved.
4. Site and building lighting shall be limited to the satisfaction of the ARB as illustrated in
an ARB approved lighting plan.
5. Site and building signage shall be limited to the satisfaction of the ARB as illustrated in
an ARB approved drawing.
6. The existing and proposed three board fencing shall align with one another and be
painted the same color.
Zoning Ordinance Review
Following is an analysis of how the request for outdoor sales and display complies with the
requirements of Section of the Zoning Ordinance:
The board of supervisors herby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits
permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued
upon a finding by the board of supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to
adjacent property, that the character of the district will not be changed thereby
Three primary features of the proposed development have relevance to the character of the
district: 1) the building design, 2) the treatment of the vehicle display, and 3) the wooded area on
Building Design: The subject parcel is located in the HC zoning district. The character of the
segment of the Entrance Corridor in which the subject parcel resides is transitional. The building
proposed to house the Jarman's business has been designed to complement the existing adjacent
building to the west. That design uses building forms and materials that draw on local
architectural traditions (vernacular barn or shed architecture) and results in a successful
transitional building. The use of this complementary design for the Jarman's building, and the
coordination of fencing and landscaping between the sites, positively supports the character of
the district.
Treatment of Vehicle Display: All of the existing vehicle display on the Route 250 East EC is
currently concentrated in an area situated further west on the corridor in the more heavily
developed commercial area of Pantops. Although the introduction of vehicle display on the
subject parcel expands that use to a new area of the corridor, the proposal is expected to
sufficiently reduce the impacts of that display on the EC. By physically limiting the display to
the porches of the building, the display will be more closely associated with the building itself
rather than the overall site. Also, the display will be of a smaller scale than the automobile
display established further west on the corridor and is expected, therefore, to have less impact.
The applicant proposes to illuminate the porch display areas and the level of illumination could
change the level of impact of the display on the EC. Excessively bright illumination in the porch
area could attract additional attention to the building, could make it much more visible from a
distance at night on the EC, and would be out of character with the immediate vicinity. The ARB
has recommended a condition related to lighting to ensure that proposed lighting levels will
maintain compatibility with the district.
Wooded Area: The eastern and southern portions of the subject parcel are currently wooded, and
the existing woodland extends beyond the immediate confines of the parcel. The woodland is of
high quality and it contributes substantially to the overall character of this portion of the Route
250 East EC, easing the transition from commercial to rural area. The retention of the woodland
on this site is important to providing visual continuity throughout the area and maintaining a
sense of the existing character of the corridor. Retention of the on-site woodland is a
recommended condition of the ARB. Staff has recommended an amendment to that condition to
facilitate the retention of the woodland.
and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance,
Staff has reviewed this proposal for compliance with the purpose and intent as set forth in
Section 1.4 of the Zoning Ordinance and finds no conflict that would arise from the approval of
the special use permit. According to section 30.6 of the Zoning Ordinance, the intent of the EC
Overlay District is, in part, to ensure a quality of development that is compatible with the
county's important scenic, architectural and cultural resources through the architectural control
of development. The ARB has applied the County's adopted guidelines for development within
the EC to the review of this request and had no objection, and has recommended conditions for
with the uses permitted by right in the district,
Although a special use permit is required for the proposed areas of outdoor storage and display
on this site, this request is for an accessory use to motor vehicle sales, which is already allowed
by right within the Highway Commercial (HC) zoning district. The sales and display use, as
accommodated on the porches in the proposed Jarman's building design, is compatible with
other existing uses in the district.
with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this ordinance,
There are no additional regulations provided in section 5.0 of this ordinance related to vehicle
storage or display.
and with public health, safety and general welfare.
The intent of the special use permit requirement for outdoor storage and display is based on the
need to mitigate the potential negative impact of this use on the aesthetics of the Entrance
Corridors and to mitigate the potential for development that is incompatible with the historic
resources of the County. This intent is directly related to the promotion of public health, safety
and welfare. The ARB has reviewed the proposal with this intent in mind. The ARB had no
objection to the proposed use and has recommended conditions of approval.
The proposed plan is under review by the Site Review Committee. That review addresses
compliance with the relevant development review regulations that are also set forth to protect the
public health, safety and general welfare. Therefore, a combination of proper site design and
implementation of the recommended conditions, along with the issuance of a Certificate of
Appropriateness by the ARB, would sufficiently address this objective.
The intent of the special use permit requirement is based on potential impacts of the use on the
Entrance Corridors. The ARB has reviewed this proposal for its impact on the Route 250 East
Entrance Corridor. The ARB had no objection to the request for the Special Use Permit and has
recommended conditions of approval related to location of display, retention of the existing
woodland and Sycamore trees along the EC frontage, limitations to building lighting and signs,
and location of fencing. Staff has additional concerns regarding the retention of the existing
woodland and frontage trees and has recommended amendments to the ARB's conditions of
approval to address these issues.
Staff has identified the following factors that are favorable to this request:
1. Motor vehicle sales is a by -right use in the Highway Commercial District and the proposed
use is accessory to that use;
2. The Architectural Review Board has reviewed the request for outdoor storage and display.
The ARB had no objection to the proposed use and has recommended conditions of approval.
Staff recommends approval of this special use permit, subject to the following conditions that
reference the "Jarman's Sportscycles Preliminary Site Development Plan" with revision date of
10/21/05 (two sheets) prepared by B. Aubrey Huffman and Associates, LLC.
1. The outdoor display of vehicles shall be limited to the covered porches of the building only.
Vehicles shall not be displayed elsewhere on the site, or between the northern parcel
boundary and the EC.
2. Vehicles shall not be elevated anywhere on site.
3. The existing woodland on site, as indicated by the "existing tree line," shall be retained in its
4. The existing four Sycamore (or London Plane) trees (Platanus x acerifolia or Platanus
occidentalis) located along the Route 250 East side of the property shall be preserved.
5. Tree preservation measures shall be included on the E&S plan and the grading plan
(submitted with the final site plan) to provide for conditions #3 and #4, above. The E&S plan
and grading plan shall include notes and details consistent with chapter 3.38 "Tree
Preservation and Protection" of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook
(current edition). Tree preservation measures shall be coordinated throughout the site plan set
and E&S drawings. In the event that any site plan or E&S drawings show inconsistent
information regarding tree protection, the drawing(s) showing the greatest tree protection
shall prevail.
6. Site and building lighting shall be limited to the satisfaction of the ARB as illustrated in an
ARB approved lighting plan submitted with the final site plan.
7. Site and building signage shall be limited to the satisfaction of the ARB as illustrated in an
ARB approved drawing included with the applicant's final submittal for a Certificate of
8. The three board fence proposed along the Route 250 East side of the property shall align with
the fence on the adjacent property to the west. The color of the proposed three board fence
shall match the color of the fence on the adjacent property to the west.
A. Preliminary Site Plan
B. Illustration of proposed building for Jarman's Sportscycles
C. Vicinity/Tax Map
D. ARB Action
Attachment D
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4012
October 19, 2005
Charles Hendricks
The Gaines Group
PO Box 6255
Charlottesville, VA 22906
RE: ARB -2005-109 Jarman's Sportscycles — Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan;
Advisory review for a rezoning (Tax Map 78, Parcel 33B)
Dear Mr. Hendricks:
The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on October 3, 2005, completed a
Preliminary Review and an Advisory Review for a Special Use Permit for the above -noted project. The
Board took the following actions.
Regarding the Special Use Permit, the Board by a vote of 4:0, forwarded the following recommendation to the
Planning Commission:
The ARB has no objection to the request for the Special Use Permit for the outdoor display of vehicles
based on drawings submitted August 22, 2005, with the following conditions:
1. The outdoor display of vehicles shall be limited to the covered porches of the building only. Vehicles
shall not be displayed elsewhere on the site, or between the northern parcel boundary and the EC.
Vehicles shall not be elevated anywhere on site.
2. The existing woodland on site shall be retained in its entirety.
3. The existing four Sycamore (or London Plane) trees (Platanus x acerifolia or Platanus occidentalis)
shall be preserved.
4. Site and building lighting shall be limited to the satisfaction of the ARB as illustrated in an ARB
approved lighting plan.
5. Site and building signage shall be limited to the satisfaction of the ARB as illustrated in an ARB
approved drawing.
6. The existing and proposed three board fencing shall align with one another and be painted the same
Re ag rding the Preliminary Site Plan, the Board made the following comments and suggestions for the
benefit of the applicant's next submittal.
1. Provide actual color samples of the proposed paints. Indicate the materials and colors on the building
Attachment D
2. Provide additional plants at the Northeast corner of the building/site.
3. Indicate on the drawings that the existing and proposed board fencing sections shall align with one
another and indicate on the plans that they will be painted the same color. Indicate the color for the
fencing on the plans.
4. Retain the existing woodland in its entirety within the parcel boundaries. Include a Conservation Plan
Checklist with the next submittal. Indicate clearly on the drawings the extent of the tree preservation
area. Show tree protection along the entire edge of woodland between the proposed building site and
the woodland. Include a tree protection detail on the drawings. Place the following note on the E&S
Plan, Grading Plan, and Layout Plan: `Tree preservation must be in place before any site disturbance
begins and remain in place until all work on site is complete.'
5. Provide tree protection for the four Sycamore trees to remain in addition to the existing woodland.
6. Indicate the planting intended for the biofilter on the plant schedule included on the planting plan.
Coordinate the biofilter planting to blend with the existing and proposed plantings.
7. List the dwarf Burford Holly by height, not caliper, and provide them at a height to match the Holly
on the adjacent site.
8. Allow all trees and shrubs on site to reach mature height. Include the following note on the planting
plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature
height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to
support the overall health of the plant."
9. Provide complete information on any site and building lighting proposed, including manufacturer's
cut sheets with all options identified (fixtures, lamps proposed, fixture finish. etc.) and a photometric
plan of the site. All proposed fixtures 3000 lumens and above shall be full cut off by ordinance. Site
and building lighting shall be limited to the satisfaction of the ARB and illustrated in an ARB lighting
10. Site and building signage shall be limited to the satisfaction of the ARB and illustrated in the
approved drawings. Non -illuminated signage is preferred. Coordinate proposed site and building
signage with the existing signs on the farm market building.
You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application
forms, checklists and schedules are available on-line at www.albemarle.org(planning.
Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are required. Please include a memo outlining
how each comment has been addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made, identify
those changes in the memo also. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free
to call me.
Amy Arnold
Landscape Planner, Planning Division
Cc: Mike Harding, 1150 Richmond Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911
JIMCO II LLC, P O BOX 893, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Stephen Waller
Margaret Maliszewski