HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202000016 Preapplication Info 2020-08-18PREAPP202000064 Crozet Park TMP's 056A2-01-00-07200 and 056A2-01-00-072A0 August 3, 2020 Proposal • Amend SP1995-43 • Expansion of facility • Remove community center building • Expand pool • New recreation facility/community center -r STRUCTIT O A C0.1IMUwl9 RECREATI v FACXIIY, MCLUpNO EXEll AREA h COMMUNITY fill R00tI. (INCLUDES NE REMOVAL OF NE EXISRNO CDMAIUN/)"Y CENTER BUILG'NO AND POOL BA174i. Phii I - .N.200 a/- OSE (INC. 2l EXERCISE AREA k 1.620 MEERNO RGgtf) PNASE It (NR/RE) - B LANE IND" POOL (Ul S�f Planning • 18-5.1.16 Sec. 5.1.16-Swimmin& golf, tennis dubs. % B a Ed Each swimming golf or tennis dub shall be subject to the follovdng: a. The swimming pool, including the apron, filtering and pumping equipment, and any buildingu,'hall be at less, 75 feet from the nearest property line and at least 125 feet from any existing dwelling on an adjoining property, except thi where the lot upon which it is located abuts land in a commercial or industrial district, the pool may be constructed no less than 15 feet from the nearest property line of such land In a commercial or industrial district; b. When the lot on which any such pool is located abuts the rear or side line of, or sacross the street from, any residential district a substamial, sightly wall, fence, or shrubbery shall bat erected or planted, so as to screen effectively said pool from view from the nearest property in such residential district; c. (Repealed E-14 00) d. The board of supervisors may. for the protection of the health, safety, morals and general welfare ofthe community, require such additional conditions as it deems necessary. Including but not limited to provisions for additional fencing anchor planting or other landscaping additional setback from property lines, additional parking space, location and arrangement of lighting and other reasonable requirements; c. Provision for concessions for the serving of food, refreshments or entertainment for club members and guests may be permitted under special use permit mocedures. o Pool would be closer to property lines o Would need a special exception for 18-5.1.16(a); request an additional special exception if any of the other 18-5.1.16 provisions would not be met Existing SP1995-43 o May be some changes to conditions • E.g. Condition #3 on parking can likely be removed; that's a site plan requirement o Originally approved as Community Center, allowed by SP in RA zoning district Future SP o One SP to cover swim facilities and community centers; both have supplementary regulations in Section 5 o Consider impacts to adjacent and nearby properties; additional traffic, noise lighting, visual impacts o Zoned Rural but in the DA; consider mainly based on MP recommendations o Provide a parking study Crozet Master Plan in progress o Designated Parks/Green Space o Connection to Hill Top; Crozet Connector Trail o Continue greenways Parks/Rec • Privately -owned park • County does some maintenance • Look at greenway connections; e.g. east of existing tennis courts (cross internal travelway) Zoning • Special exception for 5.1.16(a) separate action • Only one SP application is needed • Consider adjacent building to north on TMP 56A2-04-A4 and see if want to incorporate; should add now • Provide parking study; account for peak events; look at Minor Amendment that has parking information and build off of that Transportation Planning • Checked trip generations; AADT comes up over 1,000 • Analysis of how roads may be impacted • There may be transportation concerns with nearby and adjacent neighborhoods • Permanent connection and more circulation if removed gated entrance • Make sure entrance/spacing works; may need easement • Realignment of trail connection • Need information on how many new trips adding to the roads • Improvements to bike/ped system; improve connectivity; how connects to other areas in Crozet • TIA is not required; provide trip count estimates Engineering • SWM Note, sheet 1: Which SDP (or WPO) identifies the existing pond as a SWM facility? Clarify which SDP and WPO are current for this site. • Engineering needs additional conceptual SWM design data, including: o Existing site impervious o Proposed site impervious o If existing bioretention is removed, calculations that account for its removal (which covers a portion of Ex. development), such that not only is runoff from proposed development controlled but design compensates for loss of Ex. SWM facility. o Estimate of land disturbance, Ac. /sq.ft. o Estimate of phosphorus load reduction requirement (VaRRM redevelopment spreadsheet / .xls). • GIS indicates pond is not an Ex. SWM facility, but rather an aquatic feature with stream buffer; proposal to rely on this existing pond appears problematic. DEQ requirements prohibit 'in -line'; may be acceptable since at the beginning of the line. VDOT • Both entrances would be commercial standard (unless gated, but agree should be a permanent connection) • Spacing requirements are less on local streets